Irrevocable: A Sins of Ashville Abduction Dark Romance (Irrevocable Duet Book 1)

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Irrevocable: A Sins of Ashville Abduction Dark Romance (Irrevocable Duet Book 1) Page 9

by Skye Callahan

  I cried out and thrust my hips forward. His thumb circled my clit in delicate circles—a sharp contrast to Ross’ motions—and as the numbness from the vibrator wore off, his ministrations set off my arousal again.

  His touch abandoned me for a moment, then I heard his pants unzip. My helpless cry came out as a moan as his heated head pressed at my entrance. I wanted to scream. Arousal tore through my nerves, but frustrated anger thickened my blood. I grabbed the edges of the table as he pressed into me.

  So much for not being cleared by the doctor.

  His first thrust was long and slow, and I felt myself quiver around his large shaft. Why couldn’t he be furious? Pound into me? Fuel the hate? Why did he have to turn it into pleasure?

  The vibrations from the plug changed into a pulse, and I involuntarily pushed against him, taking him deeper and shaking in physical pleasure. I tried to pull back, anchor myself against the table, but that just drove the plug in deeper, and I cried out, grinding against him again.

  Squeezing my eyes closed, I felt the tears coming. I couldn’t control my body.

  He nudged my clit and the next thrust pushed me over the edge. I plummeted over the other side crying out and convulsing into the table as his thrusts became stronger and erratic until he emptied himself inside of me.

  The buzzing stopped and he slipped out the plug, dropping it in a plastic bag that Ross handed him, and placing it on the floor next to his chair. Then he pulled me into a seated position.

  Do not cry. Do not cry. I repeated over and over in my head. I saw lips moving around me, but the mantra in my head was all I could hear.

  My body no longer belonged to me.

  Every muscle in my body twitched as Kirk helped me into a seated position at his feet. Kirk moved his leg and the smooth material of his pants brushed against my arm. I wanted to jerk away when his fingers found my hair, but I told myself to be good for the show. I followed the pull of his hand and pressed my cheek against his thigh. On some level, I was thankful for the bit of support.

  The rest of the evening passed in a blur with people around us groping and having all forms of sex. Ross brought in a few new girls, but Kirk excused himself and by default, me.

  I could barely hold myself up by the time we reached the apartment.

  “I need a shower,” I said, still trying to hide my emotions.

  “I’ll fix you a sandwich since you couldn’t eat.”

  “I’m not hungry.” I started for the bathroom, but he lifted me to face him. The last thing I wanted to do was look at his face.

  “Silver,” he said calmly.

  “I hate you,” I forced through my clenched jaw.

  “I know.”

  I know? The fury burned out of my chest, singeing my throat, and I stormed away.

  “Would you have preferred that I let Ross continue?”

  Fists clenched, I spun back to face him, the five feet between us spurring my confidence. “You could have stopped him before it all got started,” I yelled.

  “He gets his way.” Kirk’s forehead was creased with anger, but he didn’t attempt to close in on me. “I have to pick my battles, too. He wouldn’t have stopped. And you were fighting him, pushing yourself farther away and into misery.”

  “I was fighting what I didn’t want. I could have suffered through until he was done. You humiliated me.”

  I grabbed a cushion from the couch and chucked it across the room, knocking a painting off the wall. The glass and frame shattered when it hit the floor. Kirk moved toward me and grabbed my arm, and I felt the sting of impact as my hand met his face. When I realized what I’d done, I jumped away and fell to my knees.

  “Oh, god,” I whispered.

  Kirk cocked his head, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Veins popped out along his wrists and neck and I waited for the impact to come.

  “Next time I’ll let Ross continue until he gets tired of you.” He grabbed my jaw and twisted my neck to face him. “He wouldn’t have stopped with some little game. It was either him or me.”

  “I thought my tests haven’t come back yet.”

  “Then we better hope you didn’t lie. Ross wouldn’t have taken that chance—and I knew the look on his face. If I had let him continue, he wouldn’t have left you alone. And he wouldn’t have given a shit whether or not you’re allergic to latex.”

  As I caught on to what he was saying, my chest shook making it hard to inhale. My stomach fell and twisted around. “Please.”

  Kirk released me, speaking slowly and enunciating every syllable, “Go take a shower, Silver.”

  I stared back, I wanted my body to move because I didn’t want to face the rest of his anger, but my body felt paralyzed and disconnected from my will.

  “You want to beg me for the impossible. I don’t need a pain-in-the-ass responsibility who won’t listen to anything.”

  My gaze fell to the floor. My stomach would have revolted if it had any contents to throw up. I dragged myself to my feet, walked past him to the bathroom, and turned on the hot water, letting it heat before stepping under its abrasive stream. I had fucked up the only person who had stepped up to protect me.

  I curled up in the back of the tub, letting the water beat down on my back, until the sound and feeling of the water was the only thing that existed.

  The shower went off, but I didn’t lift my head. Kirk pushed the shower curtain back and knelt beside the tub, draping a towel over my back.

  “I wasn’t done,” I said.

  “Quiet,” he warned in a whisper, “You’re skin is red, and you’ve been in here for over half an hour.”

  “I hate you.” The tears started falling, and I tried to rub them away.

  Kirk lifted me out of the tub, and to my surprise, he sat back and held me in the middle of the bathroom floor. I wanted to fight, to push him away, but even stronger was my desire to stay right where I was.


  I needed him. No matter what he did to me, or what he would make me do. “Please, don’t let them….” I trailed off. “I’ll listen. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  I straightened.

  “But,” he tucked me back against his chest and kissed my forehead, “I’ll keep you.”

  “So, you’re not going to beat the crap out of me for hitting you and attempting to trash your living room?”

  He groaned, shaking his head. “You really want to remind me of all of that?”

  “I hadn’t wagered that you’d forgotten already.”

  “Get dried off,” he said, dropping the subject and helping me to my feet, “there’s a sandwich waiting for you on the coffee table.”

  As I rubbed the towel over my body and squeezed the water out of my hair, he stripped off his now wet clothes. My heart pounded—I was exhausted, but when I tried to look away from him undressing, I just caught him again in the mirror.

  “Trying to avoid me?” he smirked.

  “Why do you have to notice everything?”

  “That’s why I‘m good at my job.”

  My insides were already at war. I wanted to scoff at him and his “job”. He was a fucking criminal. Rapist. My temporary solace faded and my chest collapsed, so I locked those thoughts away.

  “Come on,” he said, taking me by the waist and walking me to the living room. “Clean up the mess, then eat your sandwich and go to bed.”

  “Can I…?” I looked down at my naked body, but Kirk pinched the bridge of his nose and I decided against bringing up clothes.

  “There’s a broom and dustpan in the kitchen.”

  I dusted off the cushion and put it back on the couch next to Kirk. Then I walked past him to pick up the broom and dustpan to clean up all of the broken glass. I carefully stuffed everything except the painting into the trash can and sat down on the floor at his feet to eat the sandwich.

  Dangerous Game

  The smell and crackle of bacon filtered through the empty bedroom and pulled at
my stomach as I rolled over on my makeshift bed. Kirk had already unlocked my chain before I woke up, but I still debated whether or not to get up and face him. When I’d gone to bed, his anger seemed cool and contained. Now that he’d slept on it, it could either be worse—since he wouldn’t be exhausted—or better if he wasn’t the kind to hold grudges.

  Somehow I doubted he was big on forgiveness.

  But what did I know? He was brilliant at reading me, but he was the most confusing person I could imagine. If I could predict his reaction just once, I’d feel less anxious about every move I made.

  I rolled off the cushion, wrapped the blanket around myself, and walked out quietly to peek into the kitchen.

  Kirk glanced back at me then sat a plate down on the table. “You going to wear a blanket to eat in?”

  I shrugged even though he wasn’t looking at me.

  He turned back and glared. “Put the blanket away. There’s a robe for you on the back of the couch.”

  I scowled and did as I was told. I expected the robe to be something short and sexy that barely qualified as covering, but I got another shock when I picked it up and slipped it over my arms. It almost came to my knees and was made of a thick but soft terrycloth. I pulled it tight around myself then returned to the table to take my seat.

  “Thank you, Master.”

  A robe wasn’t what I had expected after last night’s outburst, but since I was certain he hadn’t left anytime while I was asleep, I assumed he must have ordered it before my minor attempt at trashing his living room.

  I sat and stared at my food until he also took his seat and began eating. For once, I was glad for the silence—and delighted that my mouth wasn’t currently running faster than my brain.

  After breakfast, Kirk took me to the living room. “I have a meeting in a few hours, but you’re stuck with me until then.” He handed me a bag and I pulled out an e-reader, a blank journal, and a book of crossword puzzles.

  “Is this your way of apologizing?”

  “I’m not sorry.” He sat down on the other end of the couch and flipped on the television to the news. “It’s my way of giving you something to do so you don’t trash the place. The e-reader doesn’t connect to Wi-Fi, so don’t get any ideas. I’ll upload a few to it, but after that, you earn the rest.”

  I could only imagine how I was expected to do that. “So, I have sex with you, and you buy me books?”

  “No, you keep your mouth shut and do as you’re told, and I buy you books,” he said dryly. He really was determined to shut me up. “You’ll be surprised how often that may not include sex.”

  He watched the TV screen for a few minutes, then slumped down and put his feet up on the coffee table. “There are a few bags of clothes behind the couch, too. Alley will take you down to the laundry room tomorrow, and you can beef with her about whatever you hate.”

  I stared at him for a minute, but he wasn’t even paying attention to me. Down to the laundry room? “Just the two of us? Like wandering around the building alone.”

  “Planning an escape?” He cocked an eyebrow but didn’t look away from the television.

  “I’m just surprised, and….” Gabe. He had to be around the building somewhere.

  “You’re allowed on floors seven through nine. Ten only if you have to go to the infirmary. You’re not allowed unsupervised on any of the floors guests can access. And you,” he pointed for emphasis, “aren’t allowed anywhere alone unless I say so. If you get into trouble tomorrow, Alley is taking half of the blame.”

  “Yes, Master.” I fiddled with the e-reader in my lap, then moved my new acquisitions to the coffee table and curled up on the edge of the couch, letting my mind find a distraction in the news, even though I half expected my name or picture to flash across the screen at any moment. I knew my boss must have noticed I was gone since I had already missed a day and a half. But I hadn’t talked to my family in over a week, and I couldn’t remember whether or not I had met my friends on Friday night like we had planned. My friends… Charlene and Becca were supposed to meet me at the restaurant at seven for dinner and drinks. If I had made it there…

  I shook my head and buried it into the couch. I didn’t even know if my friends were safe and I had no way to find out.

  Kirk tapped his phone, then tossed it on the end table and stood. “Any books you want me to download before I leave?”

  As if books made things better. I shrugged, keeping my eyes on the television. “Are we going back to the outlook tonight?”

  He towered over me, reaching toward the ceiling and stretching his back. “What does that have to do with my question?”

  “I don’t know what books I want. I was just wondering.”

  “No,” he pressed his lips together. “Taylor and Demetri left this morning.”

  “If I ask two more questions, will you rip my hair out?”

  He seethed for a moment then relaxed. “Not unless you give me a reason.”

  “Can I pick out the books tonight, and do I get a pen or pencil?” I held up the crossword book.

  He frowned at me, apparently not convinced that I wouldn’t use a writing utensil to off myself or dig through the wall, even though I couldn’t imagine it’d be an effective tool for either. Even if I was desperate.

  He grabbed a pen from the desk and tossed it to me over the back of the couch. “Try not to make any mistakes.”

  I had a feeling that was meant as a double entendre, but I chose to ignore it. “How long will you be gone?”

  “That’s an extra question.” He slid his phone into his pocket and clipped keys to his belt. “Only a couple of hours at most.”

  Kirk led me to the bedroom, and I headed for my own bed, but he grabbed me by the waist and pushed me toward his bed.

  “I don’t want to stay on your bed. There’s a chain right over there.”

  “The bed is softer.”

  “Thanks for caring—it smells like you—” I didn’t mean for the last bit to be my audible argument. I still hadn’t gotten over everything he’d done to me, I wasn’t sure if his smell made me feel aroused, safe, afraid, or angry. It did for damn sure make me frustrated and I didn’t feel like laying in it even if it was for a couple of hours.

  “When,” He jerked me around and brought me up to his face, “will you learn to stop being stubborn?”

  “I—” I didn’t have an answer. Being stubborn made me feel like I was fighting to protect some part of myself and my sanity.

  He jerked the book and pen out of my hand and tossed them onto the bed, along with the bottle of water he’d grabbed for me. “On the bed.”

  He pushed me to the bed, so I rolled over to the other side, landed on my feet and grabbed my blanket.

  “Silver,” he growled and started around the bed post.

  I figured I shouldn’t press it any farther, so I threw my blanket on his bed and jumped on top of it. He grabbed my wrist and hooked it to the chain.

  “Ass in the air. I’ll be right back.”

  Fuck. My stomach dropped. But at least I had thoroughly earned this one. And I suspected that meant it was going to hurt. I rolled over, sitting back on my heels and then laying my head down on the bed, leaving my ass stuck up in the air.

  I knew pushing him any harder would only result in things I really wanted to avoid.

  I heard footsteps, the only warning I got before a lubed finger pierced my ass. I grunted then pushed the feelings down, keeping them silently hidden below my gut.

  He pumped into me a couple of times, before he inserted another finger. I fought to keep the moan silent, but fingers found my clit and rubbed.

  I dug my hands into the blanket. “Why do you have to make me—” I whispered.

  “It’ll hurt less.”

  “It’s humiliating.”

  “Humiliating implies that you care what anyone watching thinks about your reaction. Have you paid attention to anything happening in the outlook? Your body’s reactions don’t make you stand ou
t, unless you fight it.”

  And not standing out was a good thing, I reasoned. I gritted my teeth but let him continue. As if I had a choice anyway.

  Another set of fingers slipped inside my pussy as his thumb continued rubbing circles around my clit while his other fingers pounded into my ass.

  I felt his phone shake and he pulled away from me long enough to check it. I didn’t know whether to be relieved or frustrated. He’d put me in this damn mess, pushed me closer. Made me wet. And now it was all gone as he stepped across the room to answer his phone.

  “Yeah, two minutes.”

  “Your reprieve,” he said, pulling me to my knees by my hair. “Kiss me. Make me believe it, and you get the night off.”

  I ran my teeth over my lower lip. I wasn’t sure I made my last boyfriend believe it when we kissed and now I had to impress this man. I closed my eyes and sealed my lips to his. The heat from his body radiated into mine as I teased his mouth open with my tongue.

  I expected—wanted—him to taste fowl. A hint of cigarettes—even though I’d never smelled it on him or seen him leave to smoke. Morning breath from a man who hadn’t brushed. I hoped for some vile, reprehensible taste to fill my mouth and remind me why I was fighting him.

  But, I got none of that. What I got was resolve-twistingly fresh. Our tongues battled for superiority as his hand fell to my breast—gently coaxing my nipple until it stood erect.

  He broke away first, breathless. Lust relaxed the features of his face as he backed away. “I guess that’ll do.”

  From the lump visible in his pants as he walked away, it did more than that. I collapsed to the bed and squeezed my legs together. My clit was swollen, and my pussy wet for the taking.

  What the hell was this man doing to me?

  And how the hell was I going to make it stop?

  I lay on my stomach across Kirk’s bed, working on my fourth puzzle of the afternoon when the front door slammed. Kirk had already been gone for over three hours, and the ruckus he made only confirmed that something was up.

  He walked into the bedroom and jerked his shirt over his head. “Ross has summoned us to the Outlook.”


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