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Rayne Page 11

by Blake Severson

  You have activated Smoke Bomb. Enemy visibility reduced by 35%. Enemy accuracy reduced by 35%.

  Within moments the smoke-filled the entrance. He heard the footsteps of the remaining lizardmen approaching. They knew something was wrong because of the speed they were running. They rounded the bend and ran into the smoke. Rayne made out the hazy outlines of some of them as they passed by.

  As soon as the last of the six made it past, he took off after them. Since they were moving full speed, there wasn’t much he could do in the way of stealth, so he activated his Air Magic to boost his speed. The distance melted away as he closed on the lizardman in the rear. When he was within striking range, he dove forward in a heavy thrust with both weapons. The speed he was traveling helped ensure that both daggers punched through and into the lower back of the lizardman. He quickly ripped the blades out of each side of the creature as he raced for the next.

  You have dealt 200 damage to Lizardman (1) (Level 12) with Dual Strike (Critical Hit) (Mortal Blow) (Ripping Damage).

  Unfortunately for Rayne, when he had attacked the first lizardman, it yelled in a harsh hiss. As he continued toward the other five, they all turned to face him, and he came to a halt. They eyed him with curious gazes, but to Rayne’s dismay, two of them were carrying what appeared to be iron shortswords.

  These things were dangerous enough with just their claws and teeth. Now he would have to face two of them that had blades. Two of the clawed variety charged him. Rayne had to burn his mana and augment himself with Air Magic to stay ahead of their attacks. Most of his time was spent dodging and parrying attacks.

  On one swing from the lizardman on his left, he caught their claws in his swordbreaker grooves and twisted them violently. He heard the crunch of bones as the creature hissed and hopped backward. When this one moved out of range for attacks, he quickly went on the offensive against the other. Speed was his ally in this fight, so he kept constant pressure on the enemy with fast slashes and quick thrusts. His stiletto dagger scored two good thrusts to the side while he had a handful of good cuts with his swordbreaker. The second of the thrusts from the stiletto dagger dropped the creature to the ground as it slipped between the scales and removed it from the fight.

  You have inflicted 40 damage to Lizardman (2) (Level 12) with Parry (Broken Bones).

  You have dealt 200 damage to Lizardman (3) (Level 12) with Iron Stiletto Dagger (Critical Hit) (x2).

  You have dealt 40 damage to Lizardman (3) (Level 12) with Iron Swordbreaker (Glancing Blow) (x4).

  Lizardman (3) (Level 12) has died.

  As soon as this one fell, he took a quick look around and froze in shock. To his misfortune, the others had used his distraction during the fight to surround him. With four of them remaining, he was covered to each side of him and in front and behind him. The one with the broken claws was on one of his sides, and the two with weapons were in front and behind him.

  Rayne heard the one behind him hiss out something, and they all charged at him. Rayne did his best to keep moving and avoiding their attacks, but he was unsuccessful. He was pouring on as much speed as possible with his Air Magic but, with four of them, he still couldn’t outpace them. The one thing he ensured was to avoid the attacks from the iron swords, but he was hit constantly with scratches from claws. His speed was high enough to let him shift as he was hit to avoid some of the damage, but it was adding up quick.

  Lizardman (2) (Level 12) has dealt 30 damage to you with Swipe (Glancing Blow) (x3).

  Lizardman (4) (Level 12) has dealt 30 damage to you with Swipe (Glancing Blow) (x3).

  Lizardman Soldier (1) (Level 14) has dealt 20 damage to you with Iron Shortsword (Glancing Blow).

  This constant speed was wearing on him as he continued to dodge, and parry blows from each side as he continually spun to face the attacks. That lasted until his speed failed, and he was moving at a normal pace again. A quick look showed at his stats showed him his mana had depleted and his Air Magic speed bonuses would no longer work.

  HP: 170/250

  Mana: 0/120

  Stamina 200/250

  Before he could react, they hit him with one of the sword blades on the shoulder. The metal plates inside the armor helped absorb some of the damage, but the blade still bit into flesh.

  Lizardman Soldier (2) (Level 14) has dealt 46 damage to you with Iron Shortsword (Armor negated 24 damage).

  He turned to face the attacker and felt claws punch through his right thigh.

  Lizardman (4) (Level 12) has dealt 40 damage to you with Slice (Critical Hit).

  His health was dwindling fast, and this was quickly turning into a dire situation. His next thought was to charge the lizardman with the broken hand and hope to force his way out of this circle, but that would leave him completely exposed on three sides temporarily. The choice was quickly being taken out of his hands as another set of claws punched through his left shoulder.

  Lizardman (2) (Level 12) has dealt 50 damage to you with Slice (Critical Hit).

  His vision was flashing red as he realized he only had 34 HP left. He was on the verge of giving up and dying when he heard a voice.

  Call upon me!

  Rayne had completely forgotten about his new bond. He reached inside to the power and activated Shadow Form. Shadows exploded from him and knocked the attackers back a few steps but didn’t do them any noticeable harm. Shadows flowed from the legs of his breeches to shroud his feet while another set of shadows flowed from the end of his sleeves to wrap around his hands. His weapons felt lighter, and it felt like someone was holding his hands with theirs to assist his attacks. Finally, he saw a mist of shadows rise from the neck of his duster and fill his hood with writhing shadows. Unknown to him, the outside of those shadows displayed the location of his eyes and mouth as blue, jagged lightning bolt embossed on the smoke. The lightning bolts flexed on the shadow as Rayne grinned at his new power, and the outward symbols mirrored his own grin in a much more frightening visage.

  You have activated Shadow Form. Your movement and attack speed has been increased by 40%. Enemies find it 50% more difficult to target you accurately.

  The lizardman in front of him stared with shock in his eyes. It was the one with the broken claw, and it turned to flee from him. In a flash, his body reacted, and it felt like he was burning Air Magic at massive strengths with how fast he was moving. The pace of the fight shifted drastically as he quickly reached this enemy and stabbed it in the back multiple times in rapid succession before his attention turned to the next one.

  You have dealt 140 damage to Lizardman (2) with Dual Strike (Critical Hit) (x2).

  You have dealt 100 damage to Lizardman (2) with Iron Stiletto Dagger (x2)

  Lizardman (2) (Level 12) has died.

  Rayne spotted the other enemy that had no weapons and charged for this one. This creature didn’t flee, but it also didn’t make any difference. Rayne’s slashes and stabs dismantled this enemy in no time, and it too lay on the ground.

  You have dealt 240 damage to Lizardman (4) with Dual Strike (Critical Hit) (x4).

  Lizardman (4) has died.

  A quick turn brought him face to face with one of the lizardmen soldiers. This one was charging for him. It gave him joy to see an opponent who was not afraid of a fight. A quick duck under the initial swing and Rayne ripped a gouge all the way across its ribs as he passed by. Rounding toward the enemy, he dashed forward and punched the stiletto dagger into the back of its head at the base of the skull. The creature crumpled to the ground at once.

  You have dealt 80 damage to Lizardman Soldier (1) (Level 14) with Iron Swordbreaker (Critical Hit) (Ripping Damage).

  You have dealt 180 damage to Lizardman Soldier (1) (Level 14) with Iron Stiletto Dagger (Brain Rupture).

  Lizardman Soldier (1) (Level 14) has died.

  The final one looked wearily at him now, but it still rushed him. The creature took a high overhand swing, and instead of trying to dodge it, Rayne casually lifted his swordbreaker and caught th
e blade. A quick jerk to the side bent the blade and ripped it from the lizardman’s hand. His stiletto dagger followed and punched into the creature’s heart as Rayne watched it die with his shadowy gaze.

  You have dealt 260 damage to Lizardman Soldier (2) (Level 14) with Iron Stiletto Dagger (Heart Strike).

  Lizardman Soldier (2) (Level 14) has died.

  Rayne looked around in wonder at the amount of damage he had caused in so little time. This new shadow form was absolutely amazing. The speed it granted him was so much more than he was normally capable of harnessing. His thoughts were drifting to all the things he could accomplish when the ability wore off, and it hit hard him with a debuff. Dropping to a knee, he examined what was causing his pain.

  You have been inflicted with Soul Weakness. Your health and mana regen rates have been decreased by 40% for the next hour.

  There was the drawback. Rayne thought to himself. Even the best abilities had a weakness, and this one seemed to be tied to its short length and bad debuff that accompanied it. Rayne was struggling to walk with the puncture wound in his thigh now that the ability had ended. When he was in Shadow Form, he couldn’t even feel the injuries he had sustained.

  Rayne made his way back to the small town and searched through it. There were a few chunks of metal that Rayne found throughout the huts that appeared to be copper. He even found an interesting ring that would help him greatly in the future.

  Ring of Darksight

  Durability: 65/65

  Rarity: Uncommon

  Quality: Good

  Weight: 0.3 kg

  Slot: Finger

  Traits: A ring that grants the Darksight ability when worn. This allows the user to see in the dark as if it were daylight.

  Rayne quickly slipped the ring on as he was exploring the cave. He didn’t see a need to activate it now, with the cavern being well lit. The best find was a cart that was obviously stolen from some humans somewhere based on the style and construction. Rayne took this cart with him back to the entrance of the cavern. He had to maneuver it gently to avoid the tripwire in the cavern but got it across the wire.

  All the stolen grain and seeds were loaded onto the cart, and Rayne worked through his pain to push it out of the cave and into the open field beyond. He picked up a large stick and brought it back into the cave with him. His curiosity had gotten the better of him, and he set off the trap in the cave. He stayed far away from the wire and launched the stick at it. His aim was true, and the stick fell on the wire and pulled it tight. There was a rumbling sound, and stone started falling from the ceiling above the tripwire. The cavern quickly filled with stones and was impassable.

  Rayne’s earlier assumption was definitely incorrect. The lizards must not mind having to tunnel back to the surface if someone had tried to assault the place. He picked the cart up back at the entrance and headed for Jeff’s. The trip took some time with his injuries, and he had to stop and rest a few times. A quick drink of water was usually enough to sustain him when he stopped, and after allowing his breathing to be steady, he would continue.

  It was nearing morning when Rayne approached the farm. He allowed the effect of the ring to fade with the light rising. He had activated it while in the dark cave and through the open fields. A figure made its way from the house as he approached. The man approached, and Rayne smiled at Jeff as he made it the last bit onto the farm. Jeff greeted him with a large smile as he saw what he had, and then his face morphed to one of concern. Jeff started to say something to Rayne, but the words weren’t heard as Rayne collapsed to the ground, exhausted and injured. The darkness felt good.

  Chapter 9

  A New Business

  Rayne woke with a start as images of shadows and lizardmen assault him. To his relief, he was lying in a bed in a farmhouse. A quick glance around showed him it was Jeff and Marge’s house. He couldn’t truly remember making his way back here, but he did remember flashes of the journey.

  Looking toward the door, he spotted Marge as she was entering the building. She saw that he was awake, and her smile grew. She made her way to his bed to check on him.

  “Feeling better?” Marge asked him.

  “Much better now. I can honestly say I don’t remember exactly how I got here,” he said sheepishly.

  She laughed at his response. “I would believe it. Jeff said you looked like walking death when you showed up here. After we got you in the house and I examined your wounds, I can see why. You took quite the beating.”

  Rayne quickly patted at some of his wounds and felt fresh bandages on them.

  “Thanks for patching me up. The last group of those lizardmen almost had me. I barely escaped death on that fight. I can say that they shouldn’t bother you anymore, though,” Rayne told her.

  She smiled at his response. “We thank you for that. The food you brought back was more precious than anything. We were both at a loss for what to do until you showed up. We would not have had enough to survive, and once those creatures had made off with everything in the barn, there was no guarantee they wouldn’t turn their attention to the house.”

  Rayne nodded in agreement. “How is Libby?” he asked in concern.

  “She is doing well. Her fever is completely gone, and she is on the mend. She should be back to normal within two days.” Marge told him kindly.

  Rayne let out a sigh at the news and smiled at the motherly woman, “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you, Rayne. We will survive because of you. It was only fair that we return the favor. I suggest both of you stay here with us for a while until your sister has time to recover fully. With your injuries, you will need a little time to heal, as well. Yours will heal much quicker since they were not because of illness but no sense in rushing off.” Marge told him.

  “We will stay for two days at least. I think Libby would be happy to see the farm life for a day or two once she is back on her feet.”

  Rayne turned and slowly rose out of bed. Health because of damage or physical issues would typically heal on its own in a fairly quick manner. Illnesses were an entirely different beast. Once his debuff had ended, his body had automatically started healing itself, and with the addition of Marge’s bandages, most of his wounds were probably completely closed by now. He wasn’t about to pull them off to check yet, though.

  He took a big breath of air as soon as he stepped out of the front door. The crisp air felt good as it entered his lungs, and he looked around at the landscape. The rolling green fields were peaceful and brought him comfort. He had been born and raised in a city for all of his life he remembered, but he still enjoyed the countryside here.

  There was no doubt he would continue his journey to Seora, though. He liked the scenic views of the countryside but had no intention of becoming a farmer and living off the land. The idea of a short vacation here with Jeff and Marge sounded wonderful, though.

  Rayne saw Jeff working in the barn and headed to the man. Jeff was unloading the cart Rayne had brought back with him and stacking the bags back in their original place in the barn. Rayne walked in and grabbed a bag to assist him. When Jeff saw Rayne, he smiled at him.

  “Whoa, Jeff. You better calm down with that smile. You are freaking me out a bit. Didn’t know your face could even make that motion.” Rayne said with a grin of his own. Jeff wore a perpetual frown almost the entire time Rayne had known him

  Jeff laughed heartily at the response and continued his work. “Thank you, Rayne.”

  Rayne just nodded and set to work, helping the man. There was no further need for them to speak and they worked in amicable silence until the cart was unloaded. Jeff decided he liked the cart, so he kept it closed up in the barn as they headed back to the house. It was already nearing evening time, so they made their way in for dinner.

  Marge had whipped up some fresh-baked bread and even had a soup on. Rayne protested them going through such trouble to make the food, but Marge was having none of it and shushed him. She dubbed it their celebration soup in honor of Rayne
, and they had a great evening as they visited and ate. Libby came to the table and ate with them which pleased Rayne even more.

  He had been beside himself with fear for her when she had come down ill, and he had felt helpless. Now that she was back on her feet and recovering, Rayne felt much better and smiled a little easier during the evening meal. Shortly after dinner, Jeff approached him.

  “Did you ever complete that quest I gave you?” Jeff asked with a knowing grin.

  Rayne hit himself in the forehead with his palm as he realized his stupidity.

  “I didn’t think you did otherwise you wouldn’t have been out for the day. I figured you were too delirious with pain and weakness to do it when you arrived, and you passed out before you could. Had you been able to stay conscious long enough you probably would have leveled from the experience and been fully healed.” Jeff said.

  “Yeah, I don’t even remember my trip back last night. I should have done that as soon as I woke up this morning, and I would be as good as new.” Rayne popped open the quest box and hit Yes on the confirmation screen, asking if he wanted to turn in the quest.

  You have gained 7,500 total experience for completing the quest, Clearing the Scales.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 16. You now have 5 available skill points. That shadow form is scary.

  Level sixteen was nothing to be ashamed of, especially not for his age. A quick glance at his skill sheet astounded him. He rarely ever watched notifications for his skills, so he hadn’t realized how far he had come.

  Name: Rayne

  Level: 16

  Age: 15

  Race: Human

  HP: 250/250

  MP: 120/120

  Stamina: 250/250

  Strength: 15

  Agility: 26

  Intellect: 5


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