Mark Of Change (Firemoon Book 1)

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Mark Of Change (Firemoon Book 1) Page 9

by Sky Wilde

  All of a sudden, a hand yanks me hard from the seat and I topple over through the window and hit the ground with a loud ‘thud'. Grey is hanging across the window, half in half out. I get up and rush over to him. Only to be stopped by a hand on my waist and a cloth on my mouth. I open my magic perspective. To only find my heart going frantic and skipping in fear.

  No... Alpha's goons...

  Panic pushes its way towards me and I let my instincts take control. I use everything I have. I push that bugger with my magic... but nothing happens.

  I charge and use my magic neutralizer only to find that I can’t do that too...

  No, no... This can’t be happening.

  The cloth around my face is blocking my airway and some kind of a drug is seeping its way into my system. My body is getting numb and only loud laughter fills my ears. I try one more time to use my magic.

  But I fail.

  I moan my mate’s name, “Grey...” out one last time before the darkness catches me and drags me back into the deep of my mind.

  I have utterly lost...

  I am finally caught.

  I will lose everything...

  Including my soul.

  Nightmare Came Real


  Cold... Damn, it is too cold.

  “Grey... Turn off the A.C. please.” I whine to my mate. Why does he have the A.C. on the full?

  A loud laughter fills the room, breaking me from my thoughts. And it is not my mate. I open my eyes and look around, to find that I am in a dimly lit room. I yank my hand only to find them shackled. Most probably... yes, my feet are shackled too.

  Ugh... What is that smell...?

  “Good morning, my wife.” A hard voice billows and echoes throughout the room.

  Wife? No...No... This is bad.

  “Mickelson.” I whisper in a greeting. Showing fear will get me nowhere now. Suddenly a hard hand flies across the space and hits me on the cheek. I fall onto the cold concrete floor.

  “Sluts like you don’t get the privilege of saying my name. You messed up your chance at being one of my girls. Still, I will have you. As a slave.” He plops one foot onto my stomach and pushes me back.

  I feel tears stinging at the back of my eyes. He’s finally caught me... I have put him through one hell of a pursuit for one whole year. Now what will he do to me...? How cruel will his revenge be? I can’t help but sob a little.

  “Mickelson... Please, let me go... I am not useful for you anymore.” My words are my only weapon here.

  He cackles hard. His laugh has a maniac touch to it and it sends a shiver through me. “My dear slave, your body will never be useless to me. You lost your virginity, and so what? I will produce so many worthy heirs for me with your body and pass you on to the next highest bidder. Progeny and Money. Along with pleasure. What more can I ask from you?”

  I give into the tears and slump my head back onto the hard floor. “Touch me like that and I will kill you...” My voice is raspy from lack of water, but I don’t give a damn about water now. I will get this over with. I will unleash my final weapon and kill us both before he ever gets to do that with me.

  I wish that my mate lives happily ever after. I know it is going to hurt him a lot... but before Mickelson can touch me like that, I will use my weapon. I try to start my magic neutralizer, but the effort goes in vain. Did he drain my magic reserve dry?

  I look over to my magic reserve... to find it totally empty and not reloading, at all. There will always be a trickle flow of magic from the surroundings into my body, but now there is nothing. Somehow he has managed to make sure that there are no Luna particles in this room. My last hope is gone...

  “December. You should never have crossed me. By the way, this room has zero particles in it. You will just starve without magic, and finally. You. Will. Lose. Your Magic Reserve. Then, you will be my perfect child-bearing slut. Until then, have a go-through over what your place here is, and accept it sooner rather than later.” I feel him shift and I cower inside, but on the outside I lay perfectly composed.

  Last thing I want to be is a weakling cowering beneath this egomaniacal power-thirsty Alpha. I would rather go to hell than cower before him.

  “I will never give in...”I mutter, mostly to myself. But he laughs again and leans in, so that his face is mere inches from mine.

  “It is going to be so fun to break you.” And he crushes my lips with his.

  I whimper and turn my face away from him. Instead of forcing me to kiss him, he forces my head to the side and bites my shoulder so hard that I cry out the pain. He moves from there and rips off the shoulder strap before biting the skin above my right breast leaving a bite mark.

  “I am going... to... destroy you...” I get the words out and he, finally, stands up.

  He presses my face into the cold floor with a booted foot and I whimper from the pain. He keeps it up for some more moments and I feel my cheek throbbing hard. “One day, you will be begging for me to do more. You will be crying out the word ‘master’ in a haze of pain and pleasure. And till that, I will enjoy breaking you.”

  I turn my body away so that my back is to his standing form and take in cold gulps of precious air. Damn him. He can torture me all he wants, but I will never break. I look for my mate bond to find it flailing lightly. I wrap my mind in a protective cocoon of it and fall unconscious. Mickelson can try anything and everything from physical to psychological torture, but till I have my mate and his bond, I will never give in.

  One day, Grey will come in and rescue me. And we will, together put Mickelson to rest. Eternally.


  “GREY...” HER VOICE was the last thing I knew. Somebody is taking my mate away from me. Something in me snapped at that realization. When her breath hitched with my name and she fell unconscious, something which had been caged inside me had been released.

  I can see the magic veins going in and out of the supernaturals around me, even though I couldn’t even open my eyes, most probably because it is swollen.

  But... my mate... she is in trouble.

  With every knitting of my torn off muscles and joining of broken bones, fresh pain and anger courses through me. I try to get up and protect my mate, but in vain.

  When my mate’s magic leaves my sight, I lose it.

  Everything after that goes by in a blur of red.




  “I will get you back!” My voice isn’t the same. The line echoes off from the forest around. And, something else replaces my normal body with the absence of my December.

  One moment, my vision pulses red, and the next it changes into a mixture of colours, vibrant colours like purple, and yellow, orange, blue and more things.

  All I could do is to sit back and watch my other two sides take control. And I let them.

  What can a puny normal man do? Write a tax loop to save her?


  My hunter side and my shifter side alternate between themselves with respect to their surroundings. One moment, I run as a four-legged lion, roaring out my rage, the next moment, I sprint two-legged, throwing magic daggers at the threats— like supernaturals approaching me.

  We follow our mate bond to December. And with each passing second, it stretches immensely. “Hold on December. I am coming.” I mutter, as I get control of my body and jump off into the river. I am the best swimmer of us three, so at least I can contribute something...

  “December...” My word.

  “I will save you...” My Shifter’s.

  “I will kill anyone, to save you...” My Hunter's.

  All three of us are one, for our mate. And when I see the person who hurt my December, they shall be damn ready to...



  THE WORST PART OF MY imprisonment is this anxiety... Constantly being on the edge, jumping startled at even the little sound... I hate myself. I hate how this overbearing asshole Alpha is getting unde
r my skin.

  It might have been more than a week or just a day, but I am already on the verge of breaking. If I was the old December, I would have broken a long time ago... but now, my mate is coming. I can feel my mate bond getting thicker with each passing minute. And I am pretty sure he is in a five mile radius of my location.

  Somewhere along the line of this imprisonment, Mickelson came and tore the front half of my dress off. Pretty much leaving me with only undergarments and a ripped half dress. He has also marked my skin with more bites...

  I am not ashamed of my state of dress or of my humiliation. Yes, I am ashamed that I am weak, that I am can’t stand up to him... but being weak and being broken are two different things.

  Most probably, many people would have been broken by now... but I am not someone, I am December Stone. The mate of a rare hunter-shifter hybrid. I must be stronger than this...

  “Grey...” I whisper the name into nothingness. I am ready for him to come and take me away from this hell. I am ready to put Mickelson out of his miserable existence. I want my soulmate by my side...

  The worst of Mickelson’s doing is starving me of Luna magic. Seems he did this room to arrest magic particles inside, but found out that keeping them out is a better use for this room. Using this as a prison instead of storage.

  I can feel my magic storage shrinking and slipping away from my mind. If I don’t get magic in some days, I might lose it totally... Surely I would be able to draw magic from surroundings, but without my reserve, the surroundings will only overload me and most probably kill me. Like a dam opened into a small bottle.

  Taking the mate bond with my mind, I wrap it around myself and return to what I do best. Sleep and wait.

  Once I get out of here, I will make Mickelson scream for mercy... I will make him cry out his apology. He will face a slow death for what he is doing to me, and what he did to other women like me.

  I promise Revenge to myself and to all the girls who has endured this kind of a torture from him. He will reap what he has sowed and I will be the one to hand the sickle to him and I will be the one to put him in the grave.

  My mate will help me. I fall unconscious.


  IN THE PRESENT, MY body isn’t getting exhausted like before. That is a good sign for me. It has been eight days of walking, running, and exhausting physical activities with less rests other than eating, drinking and bathroom breaks. When I tried to reason with my sides about getting a bus or a train, they flipped me off. “We don’t have time!” The shifter had yelled at me.

  Funny that they don’t know that a bus is faster and far less exhausting than this constant running on four paws.

  At least I can focus on the surroundings and my mate bond at ease.

  The Hunter is, well, a little overbearing while constantly on silent look-out. In these eight days, the hunter took control only when supernaturals approached me, either staying in lion form or sometimes human form, to completely destroy them if they are a threat, or disabling them if they are not.

  The sign of less exhaustion means I am nearing my mate’s position. I can feel her power thrumming through my body, giving me a newly built dose of rage and guilt, constantly becoming a source of power.

  ‘December... Hold on for some more hours... Before the sunrises, you will be safely cradled in my arms. I promise.’

  In a day, I will be beside my mate and comforting her. Before the end of this day I will be-head the supernatural sorcerer, who is hurting my mate, and put his head at her feet...

  The Shifter runs as he is in control now.

  Being in my Lion form and lunging through gaps in the trees is the most freeing feeling I have ever felt. ‘If only December was here to share this with me...’ My heart aches for her. I want to hold her again. I want to carry her on my back as my queen riding a lion through the forests.

  All of my happiness has been shattered by some wicked supernatural.

  ‘When we find him, he would be thinking that hell is better than my punishment.’ The hunter billows, breaking the silence of hurt.

  Both my Shifter and I agree with his plan. We will torture that unlucky bastard, and when December has been satisfied with his punishment, we will put him to deep slumber from which he can never rise.

  Angel and Demon Unleashed.


  FOOTSTEPS ECHOES FROM behind the closed door. My heart is beating at a faster pace matching the echoes. I can now feel that my mate is almost within a hundred yards of me. A thought of him already being outside this building gives me hope and calms my heart.

  “Grey...” I try to whisper into his mind, but it is closed off.

  Anger, guilt and rage are roiling from his mind into mine in huge doses. How hurt must my mate be...? I feel tears falling down from my eyes. I can’t stop them now; being almost broken is making me an emotional mess.

  The footsteps stop in front of the door and there is a ‘click’ sound of locks opening.

  He has been coming in frequently to torture me and to tempt me into bonding with him as a delta to him. He always laughs that ‘it is going to be so fun to break me’ and he added that he won’t, and I quote, ‘give me the pain I crave' till I break. He has given me some food and water, and I tried to ignore it, because he wanted me to eat like a dog on all fours, while acting like a dog.

  With my hands and feet shackled, that is the only way to eat too.

  When I refused his order on that day, he tore the rest of my dress off, leaving me naked, and punished me. Hard.

  Bite Mark’s adorn all of my intimate places now.

  But, I will never give up. After the few initial days, I had to take the food and water. Not for my survival, but for my mate. I would die now, rather than serve him, if not for my mate Grey. So, always after he left the room, I will scurry to it and eat it as fast as I can.

  The breaks I have to take... is in the corner. An open unhygienic toilet sits there. The chains are long enough for me to reach it, but not enough to use it to my full. That asshole Alpha is making each and everything tough...

  Everything is bringing me to the temptation of breaking completely and embracing my slavery.

  Funny he doesn’t know that I have a soulmate. I will never break. But... he has already made my reserve one-tenth of my original size which was already very smaller than other sorcerous. If I totally lose it, I think I may go mad. If I lose it, my body will destroy itself slowly, painfully, over the years.

  Not a quick death. But a torturous, real slow, life on hell.

  Someone has entered the room, but without my magic perspective and with this dimly lighted room, I can’t see who it is. But the footsteps are far lighter than Mickelson’s.

  “Well, well, my Alpha’s new catch. After spending days of my life planning and focusing on you I have finally got my well-deserved rest and power.” A womanly voice echoes through the room.

  She comes awfully close to my face as her breath runs hot over my cheek and still, I refuse to cower beneath her. I wait for the emotional punishment this new captor is going to dish out, but it never comes. Instead, a sharp edge stings its way in a slow, not very deep, cut and very slowly the knife travels a little towards the centre of my throat.

  I cry out the pain, and it slows down, but never stops. I grit my teeth and whimper each second. She is going to slit my throat.

  Why would she want to kill me?

  “Why...” I rasp out in between my whimpers of pain.

  “You poor thing... I have witnessed everything which happened to you. The torture. The nightmares. The pursuits. Everything. And I am here to put you out of the misery.” She stops the pain and I take in gulps of air.

  “No... Please don’t...” I hate how I have to beg for my life. But, I have a mate to go back to.

  “December. You still harbour hope. Can’t you see that Mike will always succeed? He will painfully destroy you. At least I will make it quick. Hope is weak... Give up now and I will save you from slavery,
from years of torture. Give. Up.” She resumes the pain. And I feel that the knife has gone dangerously close to my wind pipe. The rest of the cut is not deep enough to kill me, but if she slits my wind pipe...

  “No... I... have... a soulmate.” I rasp out the truth. If I lie and she kills me, I will lose my mate. I would rather try to win this girl over than fight her.

  The pain stops and she pulls out the knife. I whimper and slouch down to the cold hard floor. “Ohmygod. It is true.”

  What... No......

  Has Mickelson outmanoeuvred me...? Is she just a part of an elaborate ruse to get the truth...?

  “Mike is going to be so happy with this find.” She giggles and makes her way out of the room.

  No, no, I have put my mate at risk. What if Mickelson finds out who he is...? My mate... what will happen to him when Mickelson brings the whole Alpha council on him, just because he has a soulmate...?

  A soulmate who has failed to protect him by keeping the bond a secret from her enemies. An utter failure and a lame excuse of a soulmate.

  “Why would you do this to me, December?” My mind imagines Grey’s accusations and I give into the sobs whacking my whole body and curl up into fetal position. I have failed my mate...

  Suddenly, a pain hits my whole body. I whimper from the assault of pain all over my body. It feels like my skin is being peeled off from me. Realization dawns on me and I look over to my reserve to find that it is awfully close to being destroyed.

  “Grey... I love you... with all my soul...” I rasp out before a fresh wave of pain assaults me.

  I scream out the agony passing through me.

  And in a blink, it escalates tenfold. Truth hits me... my reserve... gone.

  Tears flow free from my eyes. My back arches from the pain and I scream my soul out. Shudders and shivers wreak havoc across my bones and I grit my teeth.

  Why... why does this happen to me... I am just a normal girl... I should never have chosen to defy my mother... Fate should never have chosen for me... I am just a lowlife halfie... Why...


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