Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance

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Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance Page 14

by Rye Hart

  We ordered food and ate, drank a little too much wine while talking business, and Violet managed to hold her own very well. At times, it was hard to remember she had only been with my company for a couple of weeks, and that she was technically only my assistant. She had such an incredible mind and working knowledge of what we were doing, that I was blown away. I had to give the girl some credit, she was assertive and confident. I could also tell that she impressed both Steve and Paula, which was something in and of itself.

  The wine was flowing, as per usual during our business dinners, and I noticed Violet's eyes were a little glassy and her skin was a little flushed, more than likely from the alcohol. Her rosy pink cheeks only added to her cuteness though, and yes, the wine made it hard not to stare at her at times. She smiled back at me, catching me staring several times, and looked away shyly.

  “So, Violet,” Paula asked after one too many glasses of wine, “How long have you been working for Sebastian?”

  “Only a couple weeks,” she said. “But I've known him forever.”

  Paula raised an eyebrow and looked at me, as if asking maybe we were a little closer than just employer/employee. Which was why I shook my head and interjected

  “Violet's dad and I were best friends,” I said. “Since college. I've watched her grow up.”

  That took Paula by surprise, and she nearly choked on her wine. “Oh, I'm sorry. I suppose I just assumed – ”

  “I know what you assumed, Paula,” I said, stopping her with a gentle smile. “But it's nothing like that.”

  “Oh no,” Violet said, eyes wide as if she just now realized what Paula was getting at. “Not like that at all. Nothing like that. No. No way.”

  She was blushing profusely now, and I could say that I blamed her. It made things a little awkward to know that people simply assumed that we were an item, which was probably my fault. I knew that my gaze lingered on Violet a bit too long at times, thanks to the alcohol and how beautiful she looked. But still, I knew it probably sent the wrong signal to anybody paying attention and probably even hinted that there was more than just a professional relationship between us.

  Steve could sense the tension and stepped in, trying to fill that awkward void of silence. “So, what's your father do, Violet?”

  Oh shit.

  “Uhh well,” she said, her voice soft.

  “Her father passed away a couple months back,” I said.

  I gave her a gentle smile and tried to save her from having to tell her story yet again. I knew she'd had to tell it so many times already, and it never got easier for her. It was something I could understand entirely. She gave me a small, grateful smile as a thank you.

  “Oh, wow, we're just digging ourselves deeper and deeper here with this conversation,” he said, scratching his head. “I'm sorry for your loss, Violet.”

  “Thank you,” she said, holding her head up high, even though I knew it had to be hard for her. Hell, it was still hard for me.

  “And with that,” Steve said, looking over at Paula, “I think we should call it a night. Before we get into any more trouble with our boss. Don't you think, Paula?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” she said and gave me an apologetic look. “Plus, I have an early morning meeting with a realtor tomorrow to discuss a new piece of land coming on the market, so if you don't mind, I think I'm going to head back and get some sleep.”

  We said our goodbyes to them, leaving just Violet and myself at the table. Well, us and half a bottle of red wine.

  “We shouldn't let this go to waste,” I said, pouring another glass. “And thankfully, I'm the boss, so we can start a bit later tomorrow.”

  Violet smiled at me, and I poured the last of the bottle into her glass too. It was a beautiful evening in paradise and her company was fantastic. But still, I had to admit, it was awkward being there with her. Sitting in a fancy restaurant, just the two of us, surrounded by the sounds of the ocean, the moon shining down on us, a beautiful wine, a fireplace, it was all very romantic. And it was exactly why I had originally picked the place back when Jessica was still coming with me. By the time everything had gone down with her and I'd arranged for Violet to come along, I hadn't even really given the restaurant a second thought.

  “I'm sorry things got awkward,” she said. “I didn't mean for – ”

  “Don't be sorry, it's my fault. Really,” I said, holding up my hand to stop her from apologizing.

  She bit her lip and stared down at her hands, a look of despondency crossing her face. It was like a dark cloud drifting over the face of a full moon and it dimmed that beautiful light for a moment. But then she looked back up at me and that darkness had passed .

  “No, I think it's my fault. Really,” she let out an awkward little laugh, as she looked back up at me. “The wine is really going to my head, I'm afraid.”

  “Me too,” I said looking at the liquid in my glass, “but I'd hate for it to go to waste.”

  At the same time, I could feel the alcohol taking effect on me as well and I didn't want to say or do something stupid. I could tell Violet wasn't going to have any more as she sipped from her water glass instead.

  “But sometimes, a real man knows when to call it a night,” I said with a wink. “Ready to head back to the resort?”

  She nodded and reached for her purse, and when she did, she leaned forward ever so slightly and my breath caught in my throat as I was presented with a wonderful view of her cleavage. No, I shouldn't have looked, but it happened so fast and she caught me staring down her dress, making me feel like the world's dirtiest old man. I stood up, trying to pretend like it didn't happen, like I hadn't actually been caught ogling her, and managed to knock over the full glass of wine I'd just poured all over Violet. “Oh God,” I said, feeling like a jerk. I reached for a napkin and before I could think about my actions, I was dabbing the wine off her dress and my hand brushed her breast. “Oh God, I'm a mess tonight. You're seeing me at my worst, I'm afraid. I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to tell you how humiliating this is.”

  “It's okay, Sebastian,” she said, laughing. “That's more action then I've had with a guy in months.”

  She stopped laughing then, and her face turned red as if she just realized what she'd just said. “What do you say we head out?” I asked, clearing my throat. “I'll pay to have dress to be cleaned, of course. I am sorry about that, Violet.”

  “Don't ever be sorry, Sebastian,” she said. “And yes, let's head back so I can change into something more comfortable. And a little drier.”

  I could already feel the erection pressing against my zipper and I prayed to God Violet couldn't see it. This entire evening had given me a terrible case of blue balls, but there was no way I could do anything about that. Not with Violet. Not ever.

  That was a line I told myself a hundred times I couldn't cross. Wouldn't cross.


  Sebastian was so cute and awkward, it was hard not to stare intently at him as he fumbled about. He was trying his best not to give me the wrong idea about his intentions, but it was too late. My crush for him had never died, I'd just managed to hide it well. And now that I was tipsy, and he was obviously gawking at me, I felt like maybe there was a chance to move forward on that crush.

  Sure, it was a bad idea. I knew that. But the wine and the flirting and the touching, and yes, even the erection he was trying so desperately to hide, made me think very bad thoughts about my boss. Thoughts I'd been nursing for a long, long time.

  And if we happened to fall into bed together, would that be such a bad thing? I didn't know. The only thing I knew for sure was that it would make me a very happy girl.

  The limo ride back to the resort was awkward, with more apologizing from Sebastian and more of me trying not to stare at the very obvious bulge in his pants. He was endowed, I could see that, and this wasn't the first time he'd been turned on in my presence.

  I thought back to that moment on the plane. Maybe he'd wanted it as much as I did,
but didn't know if he should make a move. Or maybe he felt it was wrong. Hell, maybe it was, but in that moment, it felt so incredibly right. In that moment, I wanted it more than anything I'd ever wanted in my life.

  “Sebastian,” I said, laughing at him trying to discretely adjust his erection so I couldn't see how turned on he was, “You don't have to hide that from me.”

  I pointed at his crotch and of course, he turned bright red and started stammering. “It's not what you think – ”

  I cut him off. Raising an eyebrow, I asked, “Oh yeah? So, if you're not turned on by me, what is it? The sea air maybe?”

  His mouth and his eyes were opened wide in surprise as he gaped at me, unable to find the words. It was as if he couldn't believe I had just said that. Hell, I couldn't believe I had just said that either. It slipped out, but I wasn't about to take it back. The wine was making me feel a little more courageous than I normally was.

  “We're both adults here, Sebastian,” I said with a grin. “We can talk about sex. I'm not that little girl you seem to think I am anymore. And considering the bulge in your pants, I think you realize that too. So stop apologizing and trying to hide it, because I'm not buying it.”

  “Violet, you know we can't.”

  “Can't what? Have sex?” I shrugged. “Sure. I mean, we could if we wanted to. We're both consenting adults and there's nothing actually stopping us from doing it. But I know what you mean. Because I'm your best friend's daughter, I'm kind of off-limits. I get it.”

  “Wow, when did you learn to talk like this?”

  The look of shock on his face was priceless, but in his eyes, I could see a yearning. He wanted me as much as I wanted him, I could tell. Just as I could tell that he was having a fierce battle inside of himself about it.

  “You'd be surprised at everything I've learned to do,” I said, winking at him. “The wine just makes it easier for me to speak my mind, which is something I may regret in the morning.”

  “No, don't. I mean, no need to regret it,” he said quickly. “I'm just surprised, that's all.”

  “Surprised in a good way?” I asked hopefully.

  He chuckled and glanced out the window. “Yeah, I guess so,” he said.

  “You guess so?”

  But the limo had stopped and the driver opened the door, giving Sebastian the perfect opportunity to escape. I followed behind him quickly, and as we walked out toward our bungalows. Not content to just let this drop, knowing I might never have a better opportunity to fulfill a girlhood fantasy, I grabbed on to his arm, forcing him to turn and look at me.

  “Listen, Sebastian,” I said, licking my lips and imagining what it would be like for his to be pressed against mine. “I'm sorry I said all that. Please don't let things get weird between us. I really don't want any weird tension because I spoke my mind after having too much – ”

  But before I could say another word, he pulled me close to him and I no longer had to wonder what his lips would feel like pressed against mine, because he was kissing me. His hands were entangled in my hair, holding my face to his, pressing his body hard against mine. And he pressed past my lips with his tongue, I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven.

  The moonlight was cascading down over us, the waves were crashing around us and I was making out with the man I'd loved for as long as I could remember. Could life get any better than that?

  Sebastian pulled back quickly, a look of absolute panic on his face as he started to backpedal. But I didn't let him. I pulled him back to me and kissed him again, silencing his apologies and he didn't stop me.

  All the years I'd spent looking at him, fantasizing about him, yearning to kiss him, to touch him, to know what he looked like underneath his tailored suits; I couldn't believe that I was about to find out. Running my hands down his chest, I stroked the bulge in his pants, making him jump back in surprise.

  “Violet,” he said, stroking my cheek. “Oh Violet...”

  “Yes, Sebastian?” I said, giving him my best bedroom eyes.

  “You're so beautiful.”

  My heart raced. I needed to be with this man. Desperately. And for the first time ever, it seemed like he wanted to be with me too. I took his hand in mine, and together we walked toward my bungalow in silence, both of us basking in the romance of where we were, consumed by our thoughts of what the night had in store for us.

  As soon as we were inside though, it was a different story. Sebastian barely gave me a chance to shut the door when he was kissing me again, pushing me toward the bedroom as I worked at removing his shirt. My hands fumbled at the buttons, but once I removed them, his shirt fell to the floor with a swoosh. His pants were next, but when I reached for them, he stopped me, staring at me intently.

  “No, Violet,” he said.

  “But I thought – ”

  I was suddenly very confused and uncertain, fearing that he was putting a stop to things before they got out of hand. But instead of stopping anything, Sebastian pulled my dress off over my head, throwing it to the floor before lifting me up and carrying me over to the bed, where he laid me down, gently.

  I was still so confused, but not for long. In that moment, I realized that Sebastian was a giver, not a taker, and as he fell down to his knees and slid my panties aside, every nerve in my body was on fire. Feeling his warm breath on my most intimate parts drove me crazy, and when he lowered his mouth and started teasing my clit with the tip of his tongue, I thought I might explode from the intense feelings rampaging through my body.

  “Sebastian,” I moaned. “Oh God, yes.”

  Sebastian was amazing with his mouth, working his tongue over all the right places, licking and sucking and teasing my opening, as he went to town. My hands were in his hair, pulling him closer to me without me even realizing it, because it all felt so incredible and amazing.

  As Sebastian fucked me with his tongue, I felt my body come alive. For the first time with a man, I knew what it felt like to be the center of attention, for someone to not be all about them, to take my pleasure into account. No, Sebastian was making sure I enjoyed this as much, if not more, than he did, and from the way he was pulling my body closer to him, I could tell he was enjoying every second of it.

  My body shuddered as he ate me out, bringing me to orgasm within a matter of minutes. I thrust upward toward his face, crying out as pleasure took hold of me. Every muscle in my body spasmed as my toes curled and I just repeated over and over, “Sebastian, Oh God, Sebastian.”

  It was everything I'd always dreamed it to be and more. Never had I imagined it would actually happen, but there in Bali, my fantasies were becoming a reality.

  As soon as my climax subsided, Sebastian looked up at me. There was a hint of fear in his eyes, like “Oh God, what have I done?” but I wasn't about to let that fear take root. I pulled him so he was on top of me, and kissed him passionately, not allowing him to have second thoughts about this. We'd already gone too far to turn back now, and I needed him inside of me.

  “Please, Sebastian,” I begged, wriggling underneath him as I stroked his cheek and stared into his eyes. “We're both adults here. I want it. Do you want it?”

  “God yes,” he said, his brow furrowed as he stared down at me. “More than anything I've wanted in my entire life.”

  “Then fuck me, Sebastian,” I said, reaching for the zipper on his pants.

  This time he didn't stop me. In fact, he helped me remove his pants, sliding them down his legs so they fell to the ground in an instant. And there he was in full glory, naked and on top of me. My hand gripped his cock, and I stared at him wide-eyed. I'd had an idea that he was well-endowed thanks to seeing the bulge in his pants, but holding it in my hand, it became real. I stroked him as he clenched his jaw, his head falling forward as a groan escaped his lips.

  “Violet,” he moaned.

  Placing the tip of his cock against my opening, I lifted my hips so the tip of him barely slid past my lips. Sebastian did the rest, sliding inside of my wetness with one, l
ong thrust as we both groaned in pleasure.

  “Oh God,” I cried out, eyes wide, as he stretched me open.

  Sebastian stared down at me, an expression of pure bliss on his face as he realized that he was sheathed inside of me. Both of us just sat still a moment, getting used to the sensation of our bodies being united as one. Slowly, Sebastian started rocking back and forth, and I met his rhythm, lifting my hips up to meet each thrust.

  Sebastian pinned me down, holding onto my hands as he stared into my eyes and fucked me. Dotting kisses along my neck and collarbone, then back to my lips as he moved in and out of me with such precision and skill that it made my eyes roll into the back of my head. My legs were wrapped around him now, holding on for dear life, as spasms of pleasure ripped through my body, causing me to cry out. Sebastian knew I was close and buried himself deeper inside of me.

  “Yes, yes, come for me,” he muttered through clenched teeth.

  I felt my pussy tighten around his cock, which caused him to shudder and moan above me. The spasms continued and I felt a warmth building low in my body and it wasn't long before I couldn't control myself anymore. With my toes curling and my body arching upward, I held on for dear life as I was rocked by an orgasm so intense, I was literally seeing stars.

  Sebastian tried to keep himself from exploding inside of me, I watched as he fought for control, but with my tight pussy spasming around his cock, it was too much and he lost that control.

  “Oh God,” he cried out, a shocked look on his face as he buried himself to the hilt in me. “I'm – ”

  He didn't have to finish the sentence, I could see it on his face. Together, we rode out our orgasms, and just the idea of him filling me with his seed caused me to climax again. Our bodies were shaking and shuddering against each other, just reveling in the pleasure of coming together, until finally, the last wave subsided and Sebastian collapsed on top of me.


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