Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance

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Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance Page 29

by Rye Hart

  Chloe nodded and pulled out a light weigh .32 caliber handgun, glancing down the sight. “Yeah. He’s been running around all week with his friends so I told him it was my turn to get out of the house,” she said with a grin.

  I chuckled and pulled out a high powered rifle from the bed of the truck and glanced over at her. “You sure you want to start with the .32?”

  Chloe had always been rather scared of the guns and I’d only recently been able to convince her to go to the range. She understood nothing about caliber or power and I knew it was going to get her in trouble.

  She looked down at the gun, as if she didn’t understand why she might want to reconsider her choice. I watched her and knew exactly what was going through her mind. She was thinking that the gun looked small and harmless compared to the .22 rifle I’d tried to give her.

  She smiled at me and shook her head like I knew she would. “Thanks! I think I’ll stick with this!” she sang, going over to one of the booths. We put our ear protection on and she looked over at me as I started to set up the stand for my gun. I was working on accuracy today.

  “Hey, Kisha?”

  I glanced over at her and took my ear plugs out. “What’s up?”

  “Have you been okay lately?”

  Oh Christ. She wanted to talk about feelings. I picked up my gun and started fiddling with it in order to busy myself. “Yeah. Why do you ask?”

  “I don’t know…I just thought I’d check on you. You’ve been more reclusive lately and when you come to visit you always look sad when you hold Mari.”

  She was right about that. I’d been doing my best to mask that sadness, but apparently it wasn’t enough. I closed my eyes a little and sighed. Holding Mariana made me realize just how badly I wanted the things Chloe and Damien had. I wanted a family and I wanted unconditional love. Was that too much to ask? But those feelings seemed so trivial and so far out of reach.

  “I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately. I guess I look sad when I’m thinking,” I murmured, setting the gun back on the stand.

  Chloe set her gun down and walked around to my booth, throwing her arms around me and squeezing me rather hard. I was a little surprised by the sudden show of affection but I wrapped my arms around her in return and sighed.

  “I’m okay, Chloe. Really, just thinking a lot,” I assured, patting her back.

  “As long as you’re sure,” she said softly.

  I nodded and she went back over to her booth, picking the gun up. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I liked Chloe, but I still had very little patience.

  “Safety is on,” I murmured.

  “Oh! Right! Thank you!” She clicked the safety off and held the gun back up, aiming for one of the targets.

  She fired the gun and yelped when it jerked her hand, the kickback surprising her. She missed her target completely and I poked my head around the side of the booth. “Are you sure you don’t want to use the .22?”

  “But the .22 is bigger.”

  “Bigger gun but it has less kick,” I said.

  She looked confused and I sighed. “Just wait here, okay?” I said, going back to the truck. I got the right gun and took the .32 from her. “Try this.”

  She frowned but leaned over onto the little wooden stand, steadying her weapon and taking a deep breath. I could tell that she was preparing herself for whatever kick she thought the gun would have. She fired and actually hit the target. It wasn’t a good shot, but at least it was a hit. She pulled back and looked at the gun for a moment, her eyes wide.

  “I did it,” she whispered. Suddenly she grinned brightly and pointed at the target “Look! I did it!”

  I couldn’t help but crack a smile. “Very good, Chloe. Now try and get closer to the center.”

  She did as I told her and I watched with a certain amount of pride. Chloe’s training had fallen to me and I took great pride in knowing that she was improving. I watched her carefully, helping her improve her shots one by one, but even as I helped her, I couldn’t get her words out of my head. Maybe I was depressed.

  Chapter Three

  We stayed at the shooting range until the sun started to set. When the darkness made it impossible to see, we started packing up our things so we could head back. Chloe closed the bed of the truck and looked over at me.

  “We’ve been gone about five hours?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Just about.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “I wonder how much sugar Damien’s given Mari.”

  I smiled a little and laughed. I knew my brother had one hell of a sweet tooth and it seemed he was trying to instill that same vice into his child.

  “If he’s loaded her full of sugar, you should let him deal with it and come to my place for a glass of wine,” I suggested.

  She grinned and nudged me a little. “That sounds fabulous,” she hummed. “I might just take you up on that offer.”

  As much as I liked to pretend I was a loner, there was something comforting about having another person around, and it was even more comforting when that person seemed to genuinely want to spend time with you. Chloe was my friend and she was a good friend. I could only hope that our friendship wouldn’t go the same way mine and Ryan’s had.

  We got into the truck and I started down the dirt road that would eventually take us to back to the little gated community we lived in. I hesitated to call it a compound because that just sounded cultish and this was far from a cult. We were family. I always held to that and I would happily challenge anyone who said otherwise.

  The radio was playing some old country song I’d heard in my childhood. I managed to hum along with the tune but I couldn’t remember the words. As we drove along, the car gave a sudden, violent shudder and I cursed under my breath. I brought it to a stop and slid out to look at the wheel. Apparently we’d hit glass or a nail and the tire had given out on us.

  I groaned and kicked the deflated rubber, walking back over to the cab to get my cell phone. We were only a few miles from the house, and as I started back towards the door I saw lights coming down the road. A lot of them. A strange sense of foreboding began to bubble in my stomach and I frowned, and reached for my phone. As my fingers brushed the phone the first of the gun shots rang out.

  I cursed and hopped in the car, slamming on the gas even though one of my wheels was out of commission. That didn’t matter now. My heart was slamming in my chest and adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I didn’t know who these guys were but I was going to take them out. I wasn’t going to let anything happen to Chloe.

  “WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Chloe screamed, ducking down as one of the bullets hit the back window of the truck and shattered the glass.

  “I don’t know!” I snapped, grabbing her and forcing her down so that she was out of the way.

  Another shot rang out, ricocheting off the truck. Chloe screamed again and sobbed but I just held her down, my heart and my mind racing. The sound of gun shots were echoing around us, unrelenting and terrifying. I knew she was scared and I really couldn’t blame her. I held her down and sped up as fast as I could. I was listening closely for the sound of the engines, my eyes narrowed and focused on what was in front of me. I bit down on the inside of my cheek when I realized the sound was bikes. The sound of individual motors revving wasn’t a sound I would mistake for anything; I’d grown up around it and I knew exactly what it sounded like.

  My truck was lurching violently, trying to move forward on its three good wheels. The rim of the busted wheel was digging into the dirt now and it was slowing us down. I started to panic a little, knowing we wouldn’t make it far on three wheels. Even though my panic was building, I knew I had to keep moving forward.

  I was just a mile or so from the complex something emerged from the distance. I instinctively knew this was the Cavalry. They weren’t shooting at us and I recognized the truck. It was Ryan’s. As he approached and pulled up next to us he threw the door open, using it to block the bullets.

  “Get in!�
�� he shouted.

  I didn’t hesitate. I grabbed Chloe and dragged her behind me, pulling us both into the truck. Once we settled in I cursed and kicked the door closed, climbing over into the passenger seat, gun in hand. Ryan grabbed me and tried to pull me out of the passenger side window.

  “What are you doing?” he yelled at me.

  “Let me go! You think those fuckers are just going to stop? They’re coming for the compound!” I snapped as I lifted the gun, holding it steady.

  The lights were just a flicker in the distance now, but as they got closer and closer to the truck I bided my time. I knew the exact spot I needed to hit. When they were close enough I aimed at the engine and pulled the trigger. In one massive explosion, the truck lit up the night sky, taking out at least the first wave of bikers that were following us.

  I settled back into the truck and sighed, wiping my brow. My hand was shaking but I was trying to stay calm. Ryan glanced over at me, his gaze hard and angry.

  “They weren’t coming for the compound, idiot,” he spat.

  I shot a glare right back at him, not really appreciating the insult. “What were they after then?”


  Chapter Four

  I stared at Ryan for a long moment, my arms wrapped around Chloe who was sobbing uncontrollably. She clung to me, shaking her head back and forth as she whimpered, the tears pouring down her cheeks.

  “What do you mean they were after me? How could you possibly know that?”

  He slammed on the breaks and stared at me. “We did recon. How do you think I knew to come get you?” he snapped.

  I just glared at him as the truck came to a stop in the parking lot of the bar the gang owned. It acted as a meeting place and hangout for the people who lived in our community. Apparently, there was a meeting going on. I was pissed at Ryan, despite the fact that he’d probably just saved me, but that didn’t mean he suddenly got to treat me like a child.

  He led us into the bar, throwing the door open. I followed him inside, my arms still wrapped around Chloe. She was shaking and crying as she held onto me, stumbling through the doors. Chloe hadn’t really had to deal with anything like this since her kidnapping and that was years ago. I didn’t really blame her for being shaken up.

  Damien was sitting on the edge of one the pool tables while the gang started to mill around, mumbling under their breaths about whatever was going on. I felt a bit out of the loop and I didn’t like it. Damien hopped off the table and walked over to me and Chloe. He wrapped his arms around Chloe first, holding her for a moment.

  She shook in his arms, holding him tight. She refused to let him go and didn’t release him until he gently put her hands to her side and led her to the pool table, sitting her on the edge and kissing her nose. One she was settled on the edge of the pool table, he walked over to me and pulled me close, holding me tight and kissing my forehead.

  “Sis, is everything okay?”

  I wrapped my arms around him and nodded slowly, looking up at him when we parted from our embrace. “I don’t know what happened. We were at the shooting range and everything was fine,” I whispered, my voice cracking just a little.

  “I know. May was listening to the CB and she caught some chatter on the line. It was Uroboros talking about you.”

  Uroboros was one of our rival gangs and one of the biggest in the area. They were the bad guys. They were the drug dealers and the criminals. We got involved with them when we caught them selling drugs in our area. We didn’t let that shit happen so we went after them. I was a part of that mission and I was the one who took out their leader.

  That’s how you took a gang down after all. Killing the leader was like cutting off their head. Without him they couldn’t function – at least that’s what happened most of the time. Since I’d taken out their leader, it only made sense that they were after me. I frowned a little and nodded, sighing.

  “That makes sense, I guess,” I murmured.

  “They have a new leader and they’re organizing. It’s clear they aren’t interested in taking you hostage. They want you dead.”

  I frowned deeply and crossed my arms over my chest. “Well they’re going to have to try harder than that,” I murmured.

  Damien frowned and gripped my shoulders. “Don’t take this lightly, Kisha. These guys mean business.”

  “So do I,” I said simply. “I’m not going to freak out because some bikers came up with a half-baked plan to kill me. It’s clear they’re unorganized,” I pointed out.

  “They’re getting more and more organized by the day. You know how important you are to this gang. You know how important you are to me,” he said firmly. “I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you. Do you understand me?” he asked firmly.

  I sighed and brushed his hands to the side. “Yeah, yeah. I know.”

  “You aren’t taking this seriously,” he admonished.

  “I am! Jesus! What do you want me to say?” I snapped, pulling away from him. “Do you want me to break down in tears and sob? What do you want?”

  “I want to know that you understand how much danger you’re in!” he growled back, slamming his hand on the pool table.

  Chloe jumped and I could tell all the yelling was upsetting her. I turned Damien and took a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down a little. Things were getting heated and I knew I needed to bring us back to reality.

  “Alright. Okay. I get it, Damien,” I said softly, reaching up and touching his arm. “I’m taking the threat seriously. I promise I am. I’m running on adrenaline, alright? I just got shot at.”

  That seemed to calm him and he nodded, running a hand through his hair. “Okay.”

  I stood up straight and smirked a little. “We aren’t going to let these bastards get away with it though, right?”

  He looked over at me and frowned. “No. We aren’t. We’re going after them.”

  “I’ll load up my stuff then,” I said.

  “No. You aren’t coming with us this time.”

  I looked up at him, my eyes wide. “What?” I asked, hardly believing what I was hearing.

  “You can’t be a part of this. It’s too dangerous.”

  “What are you talking about?! I always go on raids with you guys!” I said, starting to panic. The idea that my brother might take the gang head long into a battle with dangerous men without me, made my heart stutter. I couldn’t let them risk their lives while I was back at home.

  “You aren’t going this time. You’re going away from here. It’s too risky for you to be here. They know where you are and they’re going to come for you.”

  “And you think I’d be safer somewhere else?! You can’t send me away! Who is going to watch my back?” I knew how to take care of myself, but I had to remind him that I would be left alone so that he could change his mind about me staying behind.

  Damien looked at me seriously. “Ryan.”

  Chapter Five

  “What?” Ryan and I screamed the sentiment at the same time.

  Damien nodded. “You’re absolutely right. It would be dangerous for me to send you away without any kind of protection, so I’m sending Ryan with you. He’s going to keep an eye on you and keep you safe.”

  “I don’t need him!” I spat, glaring at the handsome man across the room.

  “Really? Seems to me that you would have been road kill if I hadn’t come along and saved your ass,” he retorted.

  The comment made my blood boil and I had the sudden urge to run across the room and clock him as hard as I could in the jaw. Damien blocked my view of him and looked down at me. “This isn’t negotiable, Kisha. You’re going to Gatlinburg with Ryan.”

  My stomach turned at the idea. Gatlinburg was beautiful. It was full of people and of things to do. I’d been there a few times when I was younger and I remembered it being rather romantic. I didn’t want to go on a romantic cabin get away with Ryan. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to hold myself together.

  “Can you imagine ho
w upset our father would be to hear you arguing with me like this?” Damien whispered.

  That made my blood run cold. I looked at him for a moment, my eyes glassy. The words felt like a betrayal, but I knew he was right. They cut deep and I had to swallow against the tears that burned behind my eyes. I missed Dad, but Damien was right. Dad always said that you didn’t argue with the leader. Damien took on the responsibility of everyone’s safety when he accepted this role. That responsibility came with respect.

  “I’m going to walk you home so you can pack. You and Ryan are going to leave on one of the trailers so no one can see you, do you understand?”

  I nodded slowly. “I don’t need you to walk with me,” I whispered. “Just let me be alone for a few minutes.

  He set his jaw and it was clear he didn’t like the idea, but I didn’t really care. He wasn’t going to give me this and I wasn’t going to fight him for it even though I deserved this. My entire life was being snatched away from me all of a sudden.

  Chloe looked up at me, her hands had finally stopped shaking and she actually looked calm. “Can I come with you?” she asked softly.

  I sighed but nodded. “I guess.”

  She nodded and slid off the pool table, kissing Damien’s cheek. Damien led us out of the bar and down the sidewalk, taking us to the small house I lived in. I had lived with Damien until Chloe came into the picture, but when they got together, I felt like I was imposing. They were young newlyweds and I’m sure they wanted to do things I didn’t want to see.

  I told Damien I wanted to move out and he helped me move my things in the small one-bedroom cabin on the edge of the community. It butted up right to the woods, which I loved. I could spend my mornings on the back porch, reading and listening to the bird’s sing. I treasured those times more than anything.

  I went up to my bedroom, leaving Damien at the door. Chloe settled on my bed as I grabbed a suitcase and started to pack the basic necessities. I didn’t want to pack much because I didn’t plan on being on this little trip for long. I was sure that Damien would lead a charge right into their hide out and take them out in a blaze of glory. I had to believe it, or I’d go nuts.


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