Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance

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Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance Page 38

by Rye Hart

  “It’s a special kind of club that offers escort services,” Rachel said with a conspiratorial smile.

  Marie set the card down and looked at her friend as if she were insane. “You’re trying to send me to a brothel?” she hissed.

  Rachel rolled her eyes, “It’s a good place, okay? I’m not saying go in head first, I’m just saying you should check it out,” she said, picking the card up again and thrusting it toward Marie.

  While she acted totally appalled, the idea wasn’t the worst one that had ever been presented to her. She looked took the card and tucked it away in her purse, not wanting to argue with her friend anymore.

  She couldn’t help glancing at her purse, and more specifically, the pocket that held the strange business card. It seemed weird that there was no phone number. A brothel seemed like a place you would need to make appointments.

  Her curiosity about the place played through her head the entire time they ate lunch. She was having a hard time focusing on her friend and Rachel seemed to notice. She also understood why Marie was having such a hard time. For a lot of people, the idea of paying for sex was taboo and Marie hadn’t really had a progressive childhood.

  After a long silence, Rachel reached across the table and put her hand on Marie’s wrist, smiling. “Just go visit and see what it’s about. You’ll get a little eye candy out of the deal,” she said with a wink.

  Marie rolled her eyes but smiled and nodded, “Alright, I’ll go see what it’s all about.”

  Chapter Five

  Marie didn’t know if she was actually going to go to the club. It seemed a little strange to her and when she went home to do some research, she wasn’t surprised to find out that they didn’t have a website. It would have been a poor decision for them, she supposed. If you owned a brothel, you probably didn’t want to advertise it.

  Rachel had said she’d been going there for years and Marie couldn’t help but wonder how it had stayed under the radar for so long. Nashville was a big city, of course, but it was still in the Bible belt and people around here took sex and things of that nature almost as seriously as her small town had.

  She had tossed her purse on the counter and it fell over, the contents spilling out. Marie hardly noticed. Her mind was running wild with the idea of visiting a brothel. It seemed so risqué and maybe even a little exciting. She wouldn’t have ever admitted that to anyone but she knew that she was excited by the prospect of visiting a place where she could pay for anonymous sex with attractive men.

  It seemed like a better deal than paying for all these dating sites when all she really wanted was a hookup. Mystique seemed like her best option. At least if she went to this ‘club’ she’d actually get results for the money she was spending.

  She sighed and put her hand to her temple, rubbing slow circles as she settled on her couch. Marie was a very high stress person and she knew that most of that was due to all of her responsibility and a lack of an outlet. She had no way to relieve the stress that had been building up in her system.

  Marie sighed and pushed herself off the couch and did a quick sweep of the house to make sure she was alone. She didn’t know where Richard was but he wasn’t here. She never knew where he was anymore.

  When she was sure she was alone she wandered into her bedroom and locked the door, just to be safe. Marie kneeled beside her bed and slowly pulled out a small box. She took the lid off and pulled out the only good sexual partner she’d ever had. A slim purple vibrator. The first one she’d received had died years ago and she’d had to replace them every so often.

  This one was by far her favorite because she could take it into the bath. She wandered into her favorite room of the house and flipped on the lights. She ran a hot bath and went through the room, lighting the candles that she kept strewn about. This was her sanctuary. She waited until the tub was full, put on some calming music and settled in the water.

  She leaned her head against the tile wall and closed her eyes, relaxing as the warm water loosened all the knots in her body. She sighed and turned her head to the side, a blush coming over her cheeks as she let her mind wander. What did her perfect man look like? He was definitely tall. Tall men had always been her thing. He’d be muscular, but not so much so that he looked like a meat head. She preferred men with a runner’s body. Slim and firm with toned legs.

  Marie shivered at the mental image she was creating and bit her lip as her hand ran over her breasts. She let out a soft moan when her finger found the nub of her nipple. She whimpered and pinched it just a little, her mouth falling open as she gasped.

  His hair would be long and dark, pulled back into a ponytail. He would have young, bright eyes and a charming smile that spoke to his good nature. He would be strong and firm with her, but never hurt her. Maybe he’d pull her hair a little.

  She gasped and arched her back as her hand wandered further south. She gripped her vibrator in one hand, chewing on her lip as she dropped it between her legs and turned it on, resting it against her most intimate areas.

  A familiar fire began to burn inside of her as she rocked her hips. She loved this feeling and Marie knew she’d love it even more if a man was providing the pleasure. She spread her legs wider for her imagined lover, her free hand still resting on her ample breasts.

  She was so close to the edge of orgasm when she heard a moan that wasn’t her own. Her head snapped up and she turned to look at the bathroom door. There was someone else here. She frowned and stood up, drying off before slipping a robe over her shoulders. After she tucked her little friend away she wandered out to the living room and gasped.

  Richard and one of his girlfriends were on the couch in varied stages of undress. They were giggling at nothing and reaching blindly for each other and were clearly out of their minds. She should have been used to seeing her son high but it never got any easier.


  He looked up at her blinking as if to clear his vision. “Hey, ma!” he called, waving as his girlfriend started to get dressed.

  Richard was never at a loss when it came to women. He had shoulder length blonde hair that was more often greasy than not. He had his father’s eyes and his mother’s delicate face. He made women weak in the knees and Marie couldn’t really blame them. He was a beautiful man.

  But right now he was a damn nightmare. “Get dressed!” she snapped, throwing his shirt at him.

  He seemed shocked by her reaction but rolled his eyes and started to dress himself. His girlfriend appeared to have some decency and was already clothed and standing near the edge of the couch. Her eyes were glassy and the smile on her face wasn’t directed at anything in particular. Marie recognized the faraway look of an addict.

  Once he was dressed he threw his arm around the girl and made a noise at Marie that she supposed was annoyance. He wandered toward the door and stumbled out into the chilly autumn air with the girl in tow.

  Marie was left feeling furious and at her wits end. She couldn’t keep doing this. She went to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine for herself when she spotted the tipped over bag. The first thing that she saw was the little black card.

  She paused and picked it up, flipping it over in her hands a few times. She had always done everything for her family. Maybe it was about time she did something for herself. This could be the answer to her prayers.

  Chapter Six

  Marie hadn’t made the decision to go to Mystique overnight. She had considered it for a long time and considered the implications of what she was about to do. At the end of the day, what she was considering was illegal as hell and no matter how she tried to spin it, she was breaking the law.

  She had stared at the little slate card for hours, considering her options. This seemed like the only one at the moment, if she was being quite honest. All of her attempts to find the type of man she wanted had ended in utter failure. That was the exact reason she finally decided to go.

  After she punched the address into her GPS, she backed out of the drive
way and started toward the downtown area. She still couldn’t fathom how the owner of this brothel got away with hiding it in plain sight. Downtown was more than busy and it seemed like it would be hard to hide an escort service from the cops. Wouldn’t someone blab eventually?

  She had a lot of questions about Mystique but since they didn’t have a phone, she couldn’t call and ask. She’d have to find out herself. Her conversations with Rachel hadn’t really given her any answers either. Any time she asked about the club, Rachel told her she couldn’t answer any of the questions and instructed her to take the card with her. It was her key through the door, apparently.

  A place like that would have to have a pretty secure security system, she decided. Just letting anyone in would be a dumb move on their part. A place like Mystique would have to be secretive and mysterious like the name implied.

  Marie was surprised when the GPS led her to a small cafe. It had wrought iron tables and chairs outside with colorful umbrellas shading customers from the sun. There were several well cared for plants scattered about. A few birds fluttered around the tables and took off again. It was such a serene sight.

  This couldn’t be it. She’d expected some dark, shady building disguised as a massage parlor or something. This was absolutely beautiful. She looked up at the sign that hung above the door and was almost shocked that it read ‘Mystique’ in the same plain letters that had been embossed into the card that she’d tucked away in her back pocket.

  She parked around back and locked her car, looking around to see if this was some sort of trick. Marie took a breath and went around to the front door, pausing to take in the intricate, primal artwork that decorated the outer frame. It was stunning.

  When she pushed the door open a little bell rang, signaling her arrival. She was met immediately by a man in a flannel shirt and baker’s apron. The shirt was unbuttoned a bit and revealed his strong hairless chest.

  She nearly ran into him, jumping when he appeared before her. “Welcome!” he sang, his eyes bright.

  Marie’s head shot up, taking in this beautiful specimen of a man. He had olive skin and dark features. He looked Italian or Greek and had a bit of an accent. His black hair was trimmed short on the sides and the long hair up top was slicked back out of his face.

  He had wrinkles around his eyes and lips and was clearly in his thirties. His full lips and long lashes, however, distracted from any imperfections that were noticeable on his face. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, revealing his strong hands and forearms that were dusted in a light powder that was most likely flour. He seemed to have been working on baked goods behind the counter before she’d arrived.

  The inside of the shop was rich in color. The walls were a lovely burnt orange and purple, with yellow and gold accents mixed in. In the back of the cafe there was a little reading nook that had a huge couch strewn with various silk pillows. The cafe was still empty since morning rush hadn’t hit yet.

  There were tables with books on them and no unnatural light. The huge windows in the front were enough to illuminate the small shop. There were lamps around the cafe but none had been lit yet. The morning sun radiated into the cafe and Marie’s eyes were drawn to the dessert case. Her eyes landed on some homemade caramels and she licked her lips without thinking.

  The man who had surprised her before, grinned and went to the case, motioning for her to follow. She did so without even thinking, settling on one of the stools. She could read the man’s name tag now. It said ‘Marco’.

  Marco offered her one of the caramels she’d been eyeing and smiled a kind smile, “You’ll enjoy this,” he whispered, his voice rough and more erotic than it should have been.

  She took the candy and placed it in her mouth, almost moaning at the way it melted on her tongue. Marie brought a hand to her lips and was about to thank Marco when she heard a woman’s voice behind her. The voice had a distinct African accent that was thick, melodious and filled the cafe.

  “Are you giving away my candies again, Marco?”

  Chapter Seven

  Marie spun around, her eyes wide. She gasped and shook her head, not wanting to get the beautiful man in trouble. “No, no! He wasn’t giving anything away! He was just letting me sample some before I bought them!” she explained, pulling her wallet out.

  When she did, the slate business card hit the floor with a soft ‘thunk’. Marie frowned and slipped off the stool, bending to pick it up. When she stood upright again, the dark skinned woman was right in front of her. It startled her and she jumped back.

  Now that the woman was close, she could make out her beautiful features. She had a delicate nose, thick lips and big, almond shaped brown eyes ringed in thick winged liner that gave her a cat-like appearance. Her skin was dark but almost had a golden hue to it, like she’d dusted gold powder all over her body before she left her house.

  Her sensual lips were painted a brilliant red and her face was decorated with what looked like traditional African designs. She was utterly beautiful. Her face wasn’t her only saving grace, either. She had ample breasts that were covered by a twisted red linen fabric that acted like a bikini of sorts. Her skirt was floor length and tied around her waist with care. It was a mix of the same colors that the shop had been painted in. She was stunning.

  The dark skinned woman’s eyes traveled to the slate card and she smiled, taking it from Marie. She started to argue but the woman held it up, speaking in that same thick accent that was so pleasing to Marie’s ears.

  “Who sent you here, love?” she asked, waving the card around.

  “Oh, just a friend,” she said softly, not sure she should tell them about Rachel.

  “Oh come, love. Don’t jerk my leg. I don’t have time for that, I have cakes in the oven. We only give these cards out to clients. They’re used to refer people to us,” she explained.

  Well, that seemed likely enough. Marie cleared her throat and ran a hand through her hair. This woman made her nervous, though she couldn’t place why exactly.

  “Her name is Rachel.”

  The woman’s face lit up “Ah, Rachel Patterson?” she asked excitedly, “Oh, she is one of our best clients. Such a lovely lady,” she mused, adjusting the beautiful, colored wrap on her head that hid her hair.

  She looked at Marie and put a hand on her slim hip, her bare stomach flat and as golden as the rest of her. “I’m guessing she didn’t send you here for candies?” she asked, cocking a brow, a mischievous smile on her face.

  Marie cleared her throat and shook her head slowly, “No. She sent me here for your other services,” she whispered, glancing around as if someone were watching.

  The woman looked around the room as well. “Who are you looking for?”

  “No one. I suppose I’m just nervous,” Marie admitted, wringing her hands.

  The woman smiled and offered her hand, “No need to be nervous, love. My name is Madame Osei,” she said, finally offering her name.

  Marie took the woman’s hand and shook it, glancing down to see if any of the gold dust had come off onto her own hand. Unfortunately, it had not.

  “I’m Marie Stevens.”

  “And why did Rachel send you to me?” she asked simply, crossing her arms over her chest, looking Marie up and down as if she were assessing her.

  Marie swallowed thickly, surprised at how intimidated this young woman made her feel, “Well, my love life has been lacking.”

  “For how long?”

  “Thirty-nine years,” Marie said wryly.

  Madame Osei ‘s eyes widened and she made a face, “Oh, I see. A bad marriage? Does your husband know that you have come for these services?”

  “I’m divorced,” she said quickly.

  To Marie’s surprise, Madame Osei smiled and nodded her head, “Good for you. This life is far too short for bad sex.”

  Marie couldn’t help but laugh, nodding in agreement, “Well, that’s why I’m here, I suppose,” she said, looking around the room.

  Madame O
sei nodded and glanced at the door she had come through, “You understand the nature of this business?” she asked, watching Marie with a stern gaze.

  Marie was impressed at how quickly this woman’s moods seemed to change. She nodded.

  “Then you understand that there are rules that will be followed. I have to keep my employees and my own welfare protected,” she explained.

  “Of course,” Marie said quickly.

  Marie understood that there was a lot of risk that went into a business like this. No one was going to take that much of a leap without having safeguards in place. Marie couldn’t imagine what those might be, but she was sure that they were thorough.

  Madame Osei nodded and stepped forward, putting a finger to Marie’s forehead, “If you break my trust, there will be a curse upon you, do you understand?”

  The threat made Marie shiver even though she wasn’t very religious. Madame Osei seemed to believe in it and that was all it took to make Marie nervous. She nodded in response to the threat and her eyes darted to Marco as Madame Osei addressed him.

  “I’m going to the back, Marco. Do you think you can handle things up here?”

  “Of course, Ma’am.”

  Madame Osei grinned at Marie and took a step back, “Follow me,” she said, her voice flowing back into the same sing-song tone she’d used before.

  Chapter Eight

  Marie was hesitant to follow Madame Osei but did so anyway. They walked through the back of the shop that led out to a separate building. She’d hardly noticed the abandoned looking warehouse next to the cafe.

  This was what she’d expected when Rachel had first handed the card over to her; a shady warehouse where she was probably going to be murdered. She was seconds away from turning and bolting when the heavy monstrosity of a door seemed to open on its own.

  Marie looked inside and was instantly impressed. The inside was nothing like the outside. Two handsome men were standing near the door, opening and closing it as needed.


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