Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance

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Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance Page 41

by Rye Hart

  “Of course not,” she whispered breathlessly, her heart beating out of her chest.

  She stepped away from him and started toward the door that led out to the warehouse, a grin spread from ear to ear. Bella. He’d called her beautiful. She couldn’t remember the last time some in her life called her beautiful. All those weird kids on the dating sites had called her ‘smoking’ and ‘hot’, but that didn’t have the same effect as beautiful.

  Her cheeks heated up again, but she laughed and covered them with her hands, making her way to the main doors of the deceptively rundown ware house.

  Maybe things weren’t so bad after all.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Marie approached the heavy, metal doors but before she could even raise her hand to knock, they parted slowly and she was allowed to wander inside. The building looked similar to the way she’d left it last, though she could now see various animals sitting in the laps of beautiful women, their eyes far more intelligent than any animal she’d seen before.

  She was surprised when her eyes met the gaze of a large, powerful tiger. The impressive animal was curled up on one of the many cushions and she was almost shocked when she heard the loud, rumbling purr coming from its throat. She stopped short, just staring at the animal. It blinked lazily at her and then yawned, laying its massive head in the lap of a woman who gazed at it fondly.

  “Don’t worry about him, dear.”

  Marie jumped at the voice behind her, turning around quickly, a hand over her chest. Madame Osei chuckled and Marie sighed, relieved that it was only her. Even though Madame Osei assured her that she was safe while she was here, Marie couldn’t help but be nervous. What they were doing was illegal and as someone who’d avoided trouble with the law at all cost, Marie was still concerned with getting caught, even though she wasn’t technically doing anything wrong by being in the building.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you, dear,” Madame said softly, taking Marie’s hand and patting it in a motherly way.

  Marie smiled and cleared her throat. “I’m a very jumpy person. It’s going to happen from time to time, but it’s okay,” she assured.

  Madame Osei chuckled and led Marie to one of piles of pillows and blankets that were scattered around, pulling her down to sit on them. “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, it’s been a bit of a rough day and it felt like this was a good time to visit,” she explained.

  “I understand completely.”

  Marie nodded and cleared her throat, not sure what to say next. Luckily Madame Osei was ready. “Have you looked at our little catalogue?” she asked with an impish grin.

  Marie blushed and shook her head. “I kind of wanted to choose someone on a gut feeling. It felt strange to flip through a book and judge them based on appearance.”

  “You’re a purest,” Madame said with a laugh, standing. Her silk skirt pooled to the floor and for a moment Marie thought she might trip on it, but Madame Osei moved like water. “Follow me.”

  Marie followed quickly, glancing back over her shoulder at all the exotic animals. “Is it safe to have all those animals running around?” She knew she should have been more alarmed than she was, but it was hard to be anything but calm and relaxed in this place. Maybe it was the incense.

  Madame Osei chuckled and nodded. “Yes. They’re all wonderful. Most of them are rescues.”

  “From like, he circus?”

  “No, darling. People have a bad habit of biting off more than they can chew. They take these poor creatures from their homes and then when they grow bored of them, they toss them aside.”

  “Well, that’s kind of you to rescue them.” There were more practical questions that Marie wanted to ask. She wanted to ask about wild animal licenses and whether or not they were trained, but practical questions escaped her in this place.

  Mystique had an air of fantasy to it, and just like her dreams. It seemed unwise to ask practical questions in a place like this. The entire point of it was to lose yourself in the fantasy and Marie was more than willing to do that. So instead of pressing on with her questions, she just followed Madame Osei, trusting her completely.

  “Where are we going?” Marie asked.

  “We’re going to the room that is quickly going to become one of your favorites,” Madame answered with a grin.

  The answer was vague, but Marie didn’t mind. She liked the feeling of nervous excitement that was bubbling in her belly. The hallway seemed impossibly long and as they passed one of the doors, Marie glanced into one of the rooms and she swore she saw a younger man laid out on a bed, a long tail curled around him and dog like ears twitching on top of his head. Marie blinked and when she did the ears and tail disappeared, making her wonder if she was crazy. Maybe all of the sights and smells were starting to make her head fuzzy.

  Marie followed Madame Osei until they reached the end of the hall where a large set of heavy curtains separated the room from the hall. The dark skinned woman reached out and smiled softly as she slowly pulled the curtains back, revealing a room that seemed far too large for the warehouse.

  Marie’s eyes widened as she took in what was happening. There were men all in various stages of undress. Somewhere completely naked, some wore suits, and others wore kilts. They were all beautiful in their own right and there were young men, older men, and some who seemed ageless, somehow.

  Marie’s jaw fell slack and she swallowed thickly. “This is incredible.”

  Madame Osei chuckled. “Most of my clients like this room.” She said, snapping her fingers in the air.

  All of the men perked up at the snap and when they rushed forward she noticed that there were also quite a few women with full breasts, soft skin, and round hips. Everyone in the room was absolutely beautiful and as Marie stood there, taking them in, she felt a sudden wave of inadequacy come over her. All of these people were so unbelievably gorgeous. Did she really belong here?

  “Welcome to what most of my clients like to call the buffet.”

  Marie would have laughed if she wasn’t so distracted by all of the beautiful bodies in front of her. She’d never seen so many perfect people in one place and it was all a little hard to take in at once.

  “When you come here, you’re welcome to come back here with or without me. You can get to know everyone and pick your escort or escorts,” Madame explained.

  Marie blushed at the thought but said nothing, her eyes still wandering the long line of gorgeous people that were displayed in front of her. They were all grinning at her and some were even posing, clearly trying to get her attention.

  “Do you see anything that interests you?” Madame Osei asked.

  Just as Marie was about to move on down the line, her eyes landed on a familiar face. The man had eyes the color of honey and a bright smile. His long blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail and while he hadn’t been wearing a suit the first time they met, she knew who it was. Her eyes widened a little and she said his name in a breathy voice she hadn’t expected from herself.


  Chapter Sixteen

  Madame Osei cocked her brow and looked between them. “You two have met?”

  Toby just grinned playfully at Madame Osei. “Of course not.”

  Marie just stared at him, her eyes wide. “You were in my dreams.”

  “That would be impossible,” Toby said with a simple smile.

  Madame Osei was giving him a look that was chastising but entertained at the same time. Meanwhile, Marie was just staring at Toby.

  “But I saw you,” Marie said, at a loss for words.

  Toby hummed and shook his head. “I think you just got lucky when you guessed my name.”

  Madame Osei just shook her head and before Marie could argue she clapped her hands together and spoke, stopping Marie’s line of question.

  “You seem drawn to Toby. Maybe you two have quite the connection,” she suggested with a grin. “Perhaps you should start with him for your first date?”

t seemed like a good suggestion, though Marie couldn’t shake the feeling that she was missing something. Toby was right. It was impossible for him to have been in her dreams, but if that was the case how did she recognize him so quickly and how did she know his name? Her mind was desperate for an answer and so she just decided that she must have seen him the first time she came in and just didn’t remember it. She’d seen a lot of things on that first visit and she’d been so nervous that she wouldn’t have been surprised if she couldn’t remember seeing certain things.

  Maybe Toby had been curled up with one of the woman, stroking their hair and whispering soft nothings in their ear. Maybe she saw him and heard the woman whisper his name sensually. Maybe Marie wanted that experience and so her brain logged it away and brought it back to the forefront during the incredibly vivid dream she’d had a few nights before. That was a logical explanation that she could handle and so she left it at that.

  “I think you’re right,” Marie finally said after a long moment.

  Madame Osei smiled. “Have you made your choice then?”

  Marie nodded and Toby stepped forward, taking Marie’s hand and pressing it to his soft, full lips. God they felt just like they had in her dream. Madame Osei nodded and looked between them.

  “Have fun, you two, and don’t forget our rules,” Madame Osei said softly, waggling her finger.

  “Of course,” Marie whispered, her eyes wide as she took in the tall man.

  He was wearing a casual suit rather than a golden ring and silk. He wore no tie and the first few buttons of his undershirt were undone, revealing his strong chest and the intricate tattoos she’d seen in her dream.

  Toby offered his arm to her and everyone else in the room groaned, clearly disappointed at having not been picked. It was a bit of a rush to hear everyone so disappointed at not getting to go with her. Marie grinned and stared up at Toby, getting lost in his golden eyes.

  “Where are we going to go?” Marie asked breathlessly.

  “Where ever your heart desires, beautiful.”

  She chewed her lip and looked up at him. “I haven’t been on a date in a long time. What do you suggest?”

  “I think I have an idea,” he said with a grin as she took his arm.

  Marie had no idea what this man had planned, she could only hope that it would end with them between the sheets.

  Chapter Seventeen

  They didn’t waste much time. Toby didn’t seem interested in staying in the warehouse and Marie couldn’t really blame him. If this was his job, he probably enjoyed being able to get out and enjoy a night on the town every now and then.

  As they left the warehouse, arm in arm, Marie glanced into the bakery, surprised to see Marco standing at the window, looking a bit jealous. Why in the world would Marco be jealous? The obvious answer made her cheeks flush and she ignored it, turning to look up at Toby instead.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “It’s a surprise,” Toby said, leading her past her own car and to a black sports car that looked like it cost a small fortune.

  He opened the door and she slipped inside, pulling the skirt of her dress down nervously. Toby noticed it as he got into the driver’s seat. He cocked a brow as he started the engine and reached over, pulling the skirt back up just a little to reveal her smooth, pale thighs.

  “Perfect,” he said with a smile.

  She blushed again and cleared her throat. “My ex-husband didn’t like it when I showed a lot of skin,” she explained. “I’ve had this dress for years but I’ve never worn it and that’s probably the reason.”

  “What a shame,” Toby said softly. “No one should try to tame beauty,” he explained. “Rather, the beauty should find someone who can handle her as she is.”

  The words conveyed a simple meaning, but they sounded so profound coming from this golden Adonis. Marie blushed and smiled. “I’ll have to remember that.”

  “You should. You deserve more than a man who would simply cover you up and hide you from the world.

  He took off down the street and Marie decided that she’d had enough of talking about her ex-husband and so she changed the subject.

  “How long have you been working for Madame Osei?”

  “A very long time.”

  The answer was vague, but she was willing to accept it. She didn’t want to ruin their date with pressing questions. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it,” he said easily.

  “What do you like most about it?”

  “I get to make people feel beautiful,” he said with a smile, turning to look at Marie.

  Marie was shocked by the amount of honesty in his voice. Maybe this wasn’t just about sex. Maybe it really was about healing and making women feel like they were worth something. She’d spent so long with Robert telling her that she wouldn’t amount to anything. He’d called her stupid and ugly for so long that she honestly started to believe it. Maybe this was a way for her to finally heal and become the person she’d always wanted to be.

  “Are you alright?” Toby asked, glancing over at her.

  Marie smiled softly and nodded, taking a breath and wiping a happy tear from her eye.

  “I’m just fine, thank you,” she whispered, voice shaking just a little.

  He nodded, and reached out, putting an arm around you. “I don’t know what people have been telling you your whole life, but you’re a beautiful woman. I don’t know much about you yet, but I can tell that you’re a lot stronger than people probably give you credit for.”

  She smiled and leaned into him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  He just chuckled. “Any time you need a compliment just come to me.”

  They drove a while longer until they came to the shore of a local lake. There were people and stalls set up around the water’s edge and a small dance floor had been set up.

  “Have you ever been to the Full Moon Picking Party?” he asked with a grin.

  “I don’t think I have,” she said looking around.

  He got out of the car and helped her out, taking her hand and leading her to the shore. People were laughing and running around, dancing excitedly. Toby pulled her along and brought her to a stand where they were selling cornbread, barbeque, and other comfort foods.

  “Oh God this looks good,” she groaned.

  They ordered their food and went to a nearby picnic table, settling in to eat. As they did, they talked and laughed, telling each other stories and drinking home brewed moonshine. Marie was loosening up, her mind swimming from the sweet booze. She was laughing a little too loudly, though Toby seemed looser too.

  “So I have to admit that I was surprised you didn’t say your favorite part of your job was the sex,” she said, waving her hand idly.

  “It’s a perk, but not the best part,” he said.

  “I think I’m just used to a certain type of guy,” she said, licking her lips.

  “Well, you’re hanging out with the wrong people then,” he pointed out, grinning brightly.

  He glanced over his shoulder a moment and reached his hand out, humming softly. “Let’s dance?”

  Marie looked up as a Bluegrass band came onto the stage, men with fiddles and a woman in a cute sundress and wild red hair that seemed appropriate for the occasion.

  “I don’t really know how to dance,” Marie admitted, standing slowly and taking Toby’s hand.

  He led her to the dance floor and grinned. “You don’t have to know how to dance,” he said simply. “Just follow me, alright?”

  She nodded almost nervously, her heart pounding as he pulled her close to her chest and hummed. “Ready?” he asked.

  She wasn’t really sure, but nodded anyway, gasping as they started to spin and twirl in wild circles. Soon enough she was laughing and moving with him, enjoying the way it felt to have his body pressed up against hers. Was this what all these dates were going to be like? Were these men going to make her feel alive and wanted?

  The moonlight danced on h
is skin and as she stared up at him, she couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity. They’d only been together for a few hours but she already felt like she knew him like an old friend. She felt so safe and comfortable with him and she loved it. She wanted to feel like this forever.

  As the festival started to wind down, Marie was feeling more and more eager to get out of there. Sure the date had been short, but did that really matter? The entire point of her going to Mystique was to rediscover her sexuality. Shouldn’t she be taking advantage of that?

  The final song ended and Toby slowed them to a stop, smiling down at her. He reached down and cupped her cheek gently, gazing into her eyes.

  “You look so beautiful tonight.”

  She swallowed thickly and stared up at him. “I want to go back to Mystique.”

  He hesitated and ran his thumb across her cheek. “Did you not enjoy our time together?”

  “No that’s not it. This has been amazing, but I want more.”

  His eyes widened in understanding and a slow smirk came to his face. “You’re an eager one, aren’t you?”

  She blushed deeply and started to pull away. “That’s too forward, isn’t it?”

  “Not at all. I’ve wanted you from the second I saw you. You’re here to explore the more erotic side of things, aren’t you?”

  She nodded and looked up at him, wide-eyed. “I feel like I’ve been caged for so long,” she whispered.

  He held her possessively close and smirked softly. “Then let me be the one to set you free.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The words trickled down her spine and made her shudder. She felt a bit guilty about not being interested in the date. Maybe she would want romance eventually, but tonight she just wanted someone to make her quiver.

  They made their way back to Mystique and Marie was silently thankful that Toby hadn’t drank as much as her. He drove them back to the warehouse and skittered through the lobby. Marie didn’t even register any of the exotic animals this time. She was focused on one thing and one thing only.


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