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Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance

Page 53

by Rye Hart

  The bells on the door chimed as I walked in and Sarah was busy bent over behind the counter serving some old timer an eyeful of cleavage with his order. I cleared my throat and the old man looked away as if waking from a trance.

  “I’ll be with you in a moment, sir.” The tag on her shirt confirmed that she was indeed Sarah and my cock even stood up a little to say hello.

  “No rush.” We exchanged smiles and she rang up the old man, who wished us both good day and hurried out.

  The place was decked out in pink and black and the front counter was filled with trays of the prettiest pastries I’d ever seen. Atop the counter were several different pies under glass domes and there was a large section of cookies and cakes. Tani would love it. I made a mental note to bring her by sometime.

  “What can I get for you?” She leaned against the counter and I took a moment to slide my gaze downward. She was wearing a pink, fitted top and tight, black jeans that matched the rest of her theme. Across her front her shirt read: Sarah’s Sweet Shoppe, the sweetest spot in town.

  I couldn’t help but wonder what Sarah’s sweet spot was like and with any luck she’d let me find out. “I’ll have a slice of apple pie.”

  She smiled up at me with her big brown eyes sparkling. “I was wondering who would be the first to try my pie.” As I let that comment sink in, she pulled off the dome and took the pie to another counter. “For here or to go?”

  I glanced over to the empty tables and decided to stick around a minute while she was alone. “Here’s fine. I actually wanted to come introduce myself. I’m Hunter Miller. I own the shop next door.” I nodded toward my place as she slid the pie onto a plate and grabbed a fork.

  “Oh…hi Hunter. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Sarah Tillerman. Would you like a free cup of coffee? It’s my opening week special.” I nodded and she grabbed a cup and served me. After I paid and settled into one of the dainty chairs at her little round tables, she came around and glanced out the front window.

  I took a bite of the pie and made a sound of approval. “This is some good pie.” I was really impressed.

  “Thank you. It’s my grandmother’s recipe. She won awards for it at the South Texas State Fair years ago, back when they still had competitions for baking.”

  “I bet she’s proud of you.”

  “She’s gone now, but I like to think so. You own the motorcycle shop? I met one of your employees earlier. He said his name was Monk?” She gave me a sideward look as if she weren’t so sure about the name.

  “Yeah, he’s my only employee right now and we stay pretty busy. I’m sure you’ll get an overflow of hungry bikers popping in pretty often.” I thought again about my expansion project and tried not to sound so bitter.

  A noise rang out from the kitchen and she hurried around the counter. The buzzer kept going off and finally it stopped but I heard her curse and the sound of metal crashing to the floor. It was loud enough to make me worry and I hurried around her counter and to the back.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but my oven’s falling apart.” Her brows were furrowed and she held what appeared to be the handle to the oven door in her hand.


  End of Sneak Peak. Would you like to know how this continues?

  Click Here: Rock Hard Fake Groom

  The HOT owner of the bakery next door is serving her special cream pie - and I want a taste.

  They say a mechanic with a bad past can't be a good Dad. It's pure bullsh*t, because I'd do anything for my baby girl.

  Now, my ex took me to court - and she was granted full custody.

  Judge says she'll reconsider her decision, but I've got to find a wife ASAP.

  Good thing the gorgeous new owner of the bakery next to my bike shop has been checking me out.

  And how can I not notice her rack as she bends over the counter - asking me if I'd like a slice of her pie?

  I see what she's thinking behind her pretty blue eyes - and it gets me hard.

  She's dealing with financial troubles of her own.

  Maybe we can help each other out.

  Maybe we can be friends with benefits.

  She can heat things up in the kitchen- let's see if I can bring the heat to her bedroom.

  Only problem is she's sworn off bad boys & I've sworn off marriage. Looks like I'll have to fake this marriage thing - I just hope she'll join me for the ride.

  Rock Hard Fake Groom

  CUFF ME Daddy: Sneak Peak

  CUFF ME Daddy:A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance


  If one more asshole decides to pinch my ass today, I’m going to go slap the stupid right out of him!

  I caught a glance of myself in the mirror behind the bar while I tallied up for the night. My long, dark hair was disheveled and falling from its clip, my cheeks were stained with patchy blush that had worn from the day’s heat, and my mascara was a smudgy mess. At least my boobs had pulled their weight and earned me my usual hefty tips. Sadly, the men at the bar didn’t always know how to keep their hands to themselves and tonight was going to be one of those nights when I’d have to seriously hold back from grabbing the Glock .28 I had hidden behind the bar.

  I’d cut my full-time school schedule short to help out, and there were plenty of days like today when I’d regretted it. My dream was to earn my degree as a social worker and make my way out of the rough side Chicago, but for now, Lu needed me more. Those goals had to be put to the side. For now, my only ambitions involved not being groped by older men, and avoiding vomit on me at any given point of the night.

  Talk about an over-achiever, right?

  All I knew was that I hated the job most when there wasn’t any muscle around to keep an eye on things. It should have been my brother Scott’s job, as he was the manager of the place, but as usual, he was off doing God-knows-what with his new thug friends. He’d left me and my grandmother hanging once again, and she was sitting out on the floor talking to two assholes that refused to leave until their beers were finished.

  If anyone could speed them up without getting their hackles up, it was my grandmother: Luna Jones; Lu to the regulars. She’d opened the bar thirty-five years ago despite being a single mom to my own mother. She had a way about her and could charm the devil with a matchstick when she wanted to. She’d also tell a joke or two, and you can bet she’d out-cuss any truck driver or sailor, all while looking like Betty White’s sweeter sister. At least until she opened her mouth.

  My brother was a different story. Scott never really wanted to deal with the bar, but since he was the oldest boy and the apple of Lu’s eye, she wanted him to look like a big shot, which would be fine if he didn’t leave me to do all his work. Truth was, Lu was still in charge around the place, and anyone that didn’t think so was a fool.

  Lu had raised us both to be strong and independent and she’d always been a strong role model for me by teaching me strong work ethics and responsibility, but it was harder for Scott. He never had the strong male role model of a father to look up to, which I believe was the reason he got mixed up with the wrong crowd.

  Penny, our oldest and most dependable waitress, walked up beside me patting her jet black hair which she’d done up with so much hairspray that there was no denying she’d been around in the eighties. “I wish they’d leave. I’d hoped Lu would have run them out by now.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t lose hope quite so fast. Lu has a way with people that can’t be measured.” I met her eyes in the mirror, and we both glanced behind us to the reflection of the men across the room with Lu. They were both laughing it up, and from the looks of it, their beers were almost empty.

  I brushed my hair off my shoulders and fanned my neck. “It’s hot as fish grease in here tonight. I wish Scott would just stay around long enough to fix the damned AC.”

  “You ain't lying. We had a few complaints, but I think they just wanted free beer.” She took off her apron and grabbed a bottle of water from the co
oler. “I still can’t believe Otis quit. He’s been here damned near ten years.”

  “The old fart did his time for sure, and I can’t really blame him for leaving. Atleast he said he has the perfect replacement, so instead of running an ad I’m going to see if the guy works out. He’s coming in tomorrow to meet me and Lu, but he sounded okay over the phone.”

  Penny gave me a nudge. “Might be nice if he’s something to look at too. We could use a hot man around here for a change.”

  “Come on, you mean to tell me Otis didn’t do it for you?” I couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction. She’d scrunched up her face and let out a howling sound.

  “No thanks, girl. That man is a hot mess in too many ways.”

  When he was first hired on, she had a crush on him that lasted about a week. Otis was a little out there, and whatever she’d learned about him, she’d kept to herself. I glanced back at the men who were finally getting to their feet. Lu was standing a good arm’s length away as she herded them out the door like cattle.

  “Thank God,” Penny mumbled as she grabbed the bar mop and bussed the table. She had it done and was on her way back to the bar before Lu left the front door.

  Lu watched the men leave and then came to hover over my shoulder. “I set enough cash aside to get this damned AC fixed. I can’t tell if it’s summer or if I’m having a hot flash.” She reached into the pile of money and grabbed out four crisp hundreds. “This should cover it. And sweetie, be here at nine in the morning. We’re interviewing that man, and if he works out, I want you to give him the test to see if he knows his way around his drinks. Otis is going to be hard to replace, but at least he didn’t leave us hanging without any options.”

  “We’ll see. With any luck, this one can mix a drink and bounce too. We could use a little muscle around here again. God knows Scott’s useless. He’s not even here to know what’s happening. And, please don’t make excuses for him, Lu. You know it better than I do that he’s got something fishy going on.”

  Lu glanced around at Penny who was going through her handbag looking for her nightly smoke. She’s had the same ritual every night for as long as I’d known her and sure enough, she pulled it out, placed it between her lips, and fired it up. She turned and waved as she headed out. Lu watched her until she got in her car.

  When it was just the two of us, Lu came back to the bar. “You don’t have to let God and everybody know that Scott’s up to something. The last thing we need is talk like that, especially if he really is.” Her brow creased with worry and she bit her thumbnail, which she had a habit of doing when she was nervous.

  “I’m just saying, it’s getting so bad that he’s never here anymore and when he does show up he’s got those thugs with him. They aren’t his type of friends. Then to make things worse, they stay here all hours of the night.” I shook my head. “They’re up to something. It’s eating at Scott too, I can tell. I know him better than anyone, even you.”

  “Let’s just focus on what we can control.” It was what she always said when it came to Scott. I could see the worry on her face was just as deep as mine, however. We were losing my brother, and while I knew the thought of it was more than she could stomach, ignoring that there was a problem wasn’t going to make it any better.

  Scott had never been in trouble before, but he was impressionable and easily led, especially if something he cared about was on the line. I had a feeling those men were using him, and not just because they weren’t his normal type of friends. I could tell that he was terrified of them, that the stress of having them around was eating him alive. And every time I’d ask him about them, he’d give me the same answer. ‘They’re just friends, don’t worry about it and stay out of it’. The fear in his eyes when he’d said it was a warning and so far I had taken heed.

  I’d also done a little digging around myself. I’d seen a few things, heard them too, and though I felt as though they were using the bar for something, I hadn’t figured out what. I knew as much to guess that it was either drugs or dirty money; probably both. All I knew was that they’d wait for the bar to clear out and then pull around back. Whatever they were loading and unloading had to be illegal or else it wouldn’t be a big damned secret.

  I’d learned to play dumb, even when it came to Scott, but I feared that the longer it went on, the closer I got to losing my brother.

  Lu placed her hand on my arm. “Stop worrying, Starla. It won’t do either of us any good, and we’ve got enough on our plate. I’m hoping we don’t have to train this new guy for long, and if he shows up looking like one of Otis’ drunken fishing buddies, then he’s out. I’ll run the damned bar myself before I’d let that happen.”

  I wondered if Lu’s concerns were warranted, and cringed at the thought of running the bar without the proper help. Only time could tell what tomorrow’s interview had in store. I just hoped this guy knew how to work under pressure.


  “I’ve always wanted to get handcuffed by a hot cop”, said Serenity as I led her down the hotel lobby toward our room.

  Room number sixty-nine.

  How fitting.

  “Hey, are you sure you couldn’t fix that ticket for me?” she asked.

  Her big blue eyes, loaded with heavy eye shadow were full of concern, but not for the reason they should be. She was more concerned about the ticket she’d gotten days earlier than what I was about to do.

  My shift wouldn’t start until later in the afternoon and I texted her yesterday about meeting up for a few hours; we both knew what that really meant.

  “Sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. You should have listened to me and gotten the damned headlight fixed.” I’d pulled her over for the light last week, and in the process of exchanging information, she’d slipped me her number. I decided to be kind, and let her go with a warning, but I guess I wasn’t letting her off so easily. She was a sexy blonde in her mid-thirties, with a nice rack and she seemed to know how to charm her way out of a ticket. Trouble was, she had a hard time obeying orders.

  Maybe after a good hard fucking, she’d learn her lesson.

  We got to the room moments later and as soon as I opened the door, she rubbed her long slender fingers against my pants, right over my cock. “Are you sure?”

  I stepped away and closed the door behind us. “Maybe you should show me how badly you want to get out of this one.”

  She stepped to the middle of the room, looking around to take it all in. It wasn’t much, nothing glamorous, but it was clean and the bed was sturdy.

  Without a word she walked up and wrapped her arms around my neck, her fingers finding their way into my hair, her mouth landing on mine in a deep sultry kiss. Her tongue mingled against mine, licking long strokes, sucking, pulling at my lips. She tasted like mint gum and as I slipped my hand down to rub her mound, a soft purr sounded from the back of her throat.

  “That was a hot kiss. But how about you show me what else that mouth can do?” I wasn’t interested in romance and if she thought she was about to land a cop for a boyfriend she was sorely mistaken. Hell, I wasn’t even out to break her heart, all I had an interest in was between her legs and the back of her throat.

  A wicked smile spread across her lips, but before she could drop to her knees, I grabbed her arm and brought her back upright. “Stand over there and strip for me first.” I watched as she walked no more than two steps away and slowly and seductively removed her clothes. It was clear from what I saw that she was experienced in the art of making a man hard.

  Finally the last article of clothing hit the floor and she stood there completely naked, her tiny, rosy nipples tight from the chilly air. I could have been a gentleman and offered her the warmth of the bed, but I would warm her up soon enough. She drew her arms in around her and then ran her hands along her body, cupping and lifting her perky breasts which were the size of plump grape fruits, then down around her waist and to her hips.

  I removed my shirt and shoes, but she�
�d have to work for the rest. I reached out my hand and she took it, allowing me to pull her closer. I tugged down and she took the hint. I didn’t want another kiss, she’d shown me that talent and now it was time to show me more.

  As she fell to her knees, her eyes stared up at me, wide and wild. She rubbed her hands up my thighs and let her thumbs brush against my sac which was heavy with her reward as she made her way to my zipper.

  As she tugged down my pants, letting them fall to my knees, I stepped out of them leaving me completely naked with nothing but my cock between us. Her eyes lit with surprise as it hovered in her face and she took it in her hand, holding it gently before she rubbed it against her cheek. She kissed my shaft as if she were making love to it, but I wasn’t going to get off on her cock worship. I placed my hand on the top of her head and she finally took her cue.

  She gave it another glance like she wasn’t sure what to do with it, but then she lifted her eyes to mine as she parted her lips and closed them around my broad tip. My eyes burned down on her and the only sign of approval I gave was a soft sound from my throat as she closed her lips tight around my rim and sucked it hard.

  She pulled her mouth off and then licked down my shaft, her tongue tickling along the bulging veins, her lips kissing and teasing. I took over, taking my length into my hand and holding her head still. Her eyes widened as I pushed it between her lips. “Take it like a good girl.”

  Her eyes went wide as I pushed my cock further into her mouth than she’d tried and she took it well enough. I let her get good and comfortable, and I could tell when her confidence had built enough to take more. I touched her cheek, holding her still for a moment as I pushed farther in, and she lurched as the girth became too much. Her eyes widened and she pulled away, but I shook my head. “Relax and breathe through your nose.” I wasn’t sure how many cocks she’d had in her mouth, but she wasn’t a pro as much as she wanted to be.

  She did as she was told, and once she calmed and began working her mouth on me, I pushed back. I kept pushing her limits until she was taking it without gagging and staring up at me with watery eyes from her spasms. I let her work my head, knowing a nice taste of pre cum was about to hit her tongue.


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