The Color Of Love: A BWWM Billionaire Alpha Male Romance

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The Color Of Love: A BWWM Billionaire Alpha Male Romance Page 8

by BWWM Club

  After inspecting several items that she really had no interest in, she finally got the courage to approach. Never having been a person to fear anything, Victoria became frustrated with her recent choices. She was losing control of herself.

  The woman at the counter didn’t seem interested in what she wanted and Victoria sighed at how much she worried recently. Back at home, she sat on the toilet in the small, cramped bathroom wondering if there could be a false positive. If two lines appeared she would act as though it was one. Pretending seemed to be a good way through this.

  Removing the cap from the acrylic contraption, Victoria willed herself to pee and hoped it was enough. Standing, she rested the stick on the top of its opened box and washed her hands waiting for the two minutes to elapse. Either it was taking longer than she thought, or she had done it wrong. Either way, when the knock came on the door she was agitated. The person had increased the intensity of their knock after she ignored it the first time.

  She forgot this was New York and not her quaint little district in Florida. Only when she opened the door did she remember. It was now officially too late.

  “Why the hell are you here Dawson Ledger? How did you know where to find me?”

  He never answered, he simply stepped into the small apartment, filling the cramped space with his tall frame. Victoria was tired of him, tired of the world wind she'd been caught up in and tired of the idea she may be pregnant. Exhaustion showed on her face.

  When Dawson decided to speak, his words were deliberate and slow. “Victoria, I am sorry that I have imposed my life on you. I never meant to boss you around or take over your business and by no means did I intend for you to be caught in Naomi’s ambush. I hope you can forgive me as I try to compromise. It won’t be easy by any means, but I know you are worth the effort. Will you please give me a chance?”

  His words were honest and heartfelt and his eyes sincere. She believed him. Yet again, she found herself on the brink of tears, standing there in leggings and a sports bra without makeup. His suit and tie were out of place but none of them noticed.

  His green eyes sparked with emotion as Dawson leaned down several inches to kiss the woman he had fallen for. It was like a welcome breath of air when she kissed him back. Victoria didn’t realize how much she had missed his arms around her or the smell of his cologne. She all but melted when he pulled her closer and slid his palm over her ample ass. He wanted her.

  Victoria had never slept with a man in her mother’s house, but she wasn’t at home and she wasn’t a kid. Slamming the door without looking back, Dawson lifted his woman off the floor and she automatically threw her legs around his waist. His kisses were feverishly hot and urgent while his hands roamed her back and thighs. He wanted to touch all of her. When Dawson deposited Victoria on the couch, she temporarily came out of the haze. “No,” she uttered, “come to my room.”

  Once again, her tall lover took over the room with his height, but that was not their concern. Dawson was interested in pinching her nipples which suddenly seemed harder and kissing her breasts that suddenly felt larger and softer. This time Victoria was determined to get her way in bed and didn’t entertain his kisses very long.

  He said he was sorry and willing to relinquish control. Time to test that theory out. Wriggling from under him, Victoria managed to escape his hold while he rolled over on the small bed to see what she was doing. Unassisted, she removed the remaining leggings, revealing she wore nothing underneath before undressing Dawson. He seemed uncomfortable with her doing something for him and it was apparent because of the redness on his face. Slowly and seductively, Victoria opened the fly of his pants and slid the sheaths covering his legs down each one.

  Tracing the line where the boxer briefs met the skin of his hips, she teased him while he breathed heavily, eyes focused only on her. Slipping her fingers between the elastic band and his skin, she gripped the fabric and slowly slipped down the garment. The last time they were together, she didn’t get to take in the sight of his cock or taste it and it was something she dreamed about. The shaft was thick and tiny veins trickled down the length to the base. The head of his dick stretched taunt at the sensation of being stroked with her thumb, she was entranced. Stroking the shaft that pleasured her only once before, Victoria anticipated savoring the flavor of his vanilla cock - pure decadence.

  Dawson opened and closed his mouth as he watched her holding his dick. They both felt when it pulsed. Taking the smooth, shiny head in hand, Victoria rubbed it against her outer cheek and across her lips, leaving a tiny wet trail where ever it passed. As she traced her mouth with his warm cock she opened her mouth just a bit, enough for him to stop breathing - the anticipation was too much.

  Finally Victoria stopped torturing him and allowed her rough wet tongue to slide along the shaft of his rigid dick before closing her mouth around the length entirely. Dawson hissed and cussed at how painfully erotic the entire situation was and Victoria delighted in pleasuring him. Her skin was a glowing bronze and he watched in amazement as their skin tones blended as she inhaled him into her mouth.

  Writhing and twisting, he tried to escape her vacuum like suction but she tightened it even more. Dawson felt like his dick was hard to the point of combustion and knowing this, she increased her speed. The magic of watching her brown lips devour his white cock was too carnal and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer - that wouldn’t do.

  Because he was stronger, bigger and overtaken by passion, Dawson took control. Wriggling away from her vacuum like lips, he hopped off the bed, composed himself for a second and prepared to fuck her till her mother came home. Lifting her in the same fashion as before, they ended up on her tiny window seat where he sat, pulling her onto his lap. It took a second to find the entrance to her wet, slick passage, but when he did, he wasted no time in sinking his cock deep into her pussy.

  Despite Victoria being on top, Dawson was fully in control of the depth of penetration. His strong hand lifted and lowered her again onto his throbbing cock causing deep cries of pleasure to come from his bronze queen. The flow of juices coming from the depths of her slit made for a smooth but intense ride. Victoria almost couldn’t take it, but knew she couldn’t do without it either. To live without having him in her life and bed now seemed unimaginable. Her pussy clenched, trying to keep him as deep inside her as possible.

  He was grunting now. Each time he became submerged in her wetness, it became louder and louder with her cries matching his volume and passion. The orgasm snuck up on him and without warning the cum left his balls and shot into her wet chasm surprising her. Still hard, he continued to stroke and pound her pussy for a few more minutes before she too erupted into a flurry of muscle tensing, skin crawling orgasmic rain.

  It took a while for both their trembling bodies to become still and relaxed and getting comfortable on her old single bed became a challenge. He watched her as she drifted off to sleep, like his perfect little angel and promised himself to do a better job of protecting her from now on. Dawson reminded himself that if he didn’t want anyone to harm her that he would have to do better in dealing with her feelings. She was sensitive and soft despite her tough exterior. Victoria was precious.

  Taking care not to disturb her slumber, Dawson crept off the bed in search of the bathroom which was not hard to find in the small cramped apartment. He would have to offer to move her mother to a nicer one.

  He didn’t see it at first, but as he watched the urine trickle into the toilet, his eyes confirmed that Victoria’s mother deserved better living conditions. Looking at the plastic flowers decorating the toilet tank and the feeble looking towel rack, his eyes drifted to the old Formica bathroom counter badly in need of repair and eventually his eyes picked up the small pink box and little stick laying there. His urine and his heart stopped almost instantly and it was a while before Dawson realized it started beating again.

  Forgetting to shake, he stretched out his hand and picked up the simple but ominous stick and counted the
lines in the little window. He counted them again and again, each time arriving at the number two. This definitely took things to another level. Walking back to the bedroom, he sat on the bed, all the while staring at the little instrument that would change his life.

  Shaking the mother of his child gently, Dawson called her name.

  “Victoria… Victoria… wake up baby… wake up.”

  She wasn’t easy to wake and because he now had sensitive information, he tried not to be overly rough with rousing her. Eventually, her beautiful brown eyes fluttered open and she focused on his face and smiled.

  “Did I fall asleep?” She asked and he smiled back and nodded before becoming serious again.

  “What is the matter Dawson? Is something wrong?”

  His gaze never left the stick and eventually she followed it to his lap where his head was bent and focused. Her face was now serious too.

  “My mother said I looked pregnant, but I had no idea. I was in the middle of taking the test when you came to the door. I am finding out now just like you are.”

  Victoria didn’t know how to read his pensive face. Was he happy? Was he sad? Did he want her to keep it? Would she have to face motherhood alone?

  Finally, after what seemed like a painstakingly long time, he placed the stick on her miniature bedside table and turned to face her.

  “I am honored that a woman like you would carry my child.”

  Tears had become familiar friends with Victoria recently and suddenly they were back again. Concerned, Dawson stroked her short hair and pulled her to his chest. This time he wouldn’t let her go.

  Chapter 9

  Marjorie came home around five pm to find a tall green eyed white man at her dining room table and her daughter nowhere to be found. For a split second, she considered screaming or hurling the cheap porcelain figurine of the Virgin Mary at his head. Dawson realized that he was in harm’s way and rushed to introduce himself.

  “Mrs. Jones… I know this is odd, but I am Dawson Ledger, Victoria’s…. umm… boyfriend. How are you?” He strode over to her and extended his hand. Marjorie eyed the statue.

  “Where is Victoria?”

  “She went with my chauffeur to get some peanut butter ice cream and said you would be home much later. I hope you can forgive my intrusion.”

  Marjorie was more direct than her daughter and wasted no time in asking, “And just what do you do that you have a chauffeur?”

  Feeling uncomfortable in the presence of Jones women was something he was to be accustomed to. Both mother and daughter could appear quite aggressive. Clearing his throat and adjusting the collar of his shirt, Dawson simply said, “I am the CEO of a company.”

  Disbelieving, Marjorie made a sound of annoyance in her throat and ambled to her kitchen where she deposited her bags and ignored Dawson who was still feeling quite out of place.

  Fifteen minutes of silence later, Dawson was presented with noodles cooked in fish stock and sprinkled with a light mix of vegetables. Surprised, he accepted the humble dish. This was a good family to be a part of. As he dug his fork into the steaming bowl, Victoria came through the door with her ice cream in hand, grinning. When she caught sight of her mother through the kitchen door and Dawson with his fork in mid air Victoria knew everything was going to be alright. Marjorie only offered food to the people she got a good vibe from.

  “Mom,” Victoria crooned. “I see you have met Dawson. I hope he’s been a good guy while I was out.”

  Marjorie’s walk suggested that she was agitated and when she asked her to follow her to the larger bedroom at the end of the small hallway, Victoria knew she was in for a scolding.

  Once the door was closed, Marjorie launched into her line of questioning.

  “Did you take the test?”

  “Yes mother.”

  “And what did it say?”

  “You were right… I am pregnant.”

  “And this white man you’ve brought to my house… he’s the father?”

  “Yes mom… he is”

  “Now you must forgive me for prying into your personal life, but I want to remind you of the hardship we as a people face daily. I don’t know this man and I cannot judge him, but if you are happy you have my blessing. Just don’t forget who you are and what your life goals are. Do you hear me child?”

  Nodding like a teenager narrowly escaping punishment, Victoria agreed to remain on track and focused. No one else could walk her path in life, her mother reminded her, and they would be the words she would live by.

  When the mother and daughter pair emerged from the bedroom Dawson expected the worse. He too was about to get a warning from his girlfriend’s mother. Most of the mothers he met were trying to push their skinny blonde daughters up the aisle of the largest church where he was expected to pay the bill. This conversation was unique.

  “Mr. Ledger… you are aware than my daughter is carrying your child?”

  Cocky Dawson would have said, ‘it’s none of your business.’ Humbled Dawson said, “Yes Ma'am, I am aware.”

  “And what are your intentions?”

  He was forcing humility now and his better judgment directed him to be sincere.

  “Well we plan to take it one day at a time but I assure you Mrs. Jones, I will support Victoria and our child in every way possible. I promise you I will take care of your daughter in every way possible.”

  “You said you were a CEO of a company… does this mean we won’t have to be running you down for child support?”

  Both Victoria and Dawson laughed at the question. The old woman however, was dead serious.

  Realizing that laughter was not the best response to the grandmother of their child, he answered in the most honest way possible. “Money is not an issue Ma'am. The child will have whatever it needs and wants. He or she will never lack. I give you my word.”

  Satisfied that he had answered the question sincerely, Mrs. Marjorie Jones nodded in his direction and added before retiring to her room, “I have a shotgun that hasn’t been used in a while. Don’t make me use you as target practice. Been a lot of loss and suffering in this family. I will not let you come and upset Victoria after she has worked so hard to accomplish so much.”

  Without excusing herself, Marjorie got up and disappeared down the hall, leaving the parents to be to breathe a sigh of relief. This had been an eventful evening.


  Because of Abby’s advice and words of reason on trying to place himself in Victoria’s shoes, he wanted to stay in the apartment with her, but her mother was a good Christian woman and would have none of it. If only she knew how many surfaces they blessed when she was not at home.

  When the couple decided it was time to get back to running their respective business, Marjorie gave Dawson a fruit cake which he hated but took anyway. In an act of acceptance she gave him a kiss on the cheek. He was now a part of the family.

  Back in Florida, Palette and DMC Theater live had survived without their boss’s presence and had been in the papers quite a few times. DMC’s most recent play had reached international acclimation and Palette had been called to cater for the white house. Things were looking up.

  As Murphy’s Law would have it, things didn’t stay calm for long and it was something Victoria expected. People began to call in sick as the presidential dinner came closer and one of the actresses from the play and her understudy got into a car accident. Still, the couple persisted to rise to the occasion.

  Victoria had been two months along before she told Abby about the baby and she giggled while literally jumping for joy. The next day when Victoria arrived in the kitchen, Abby presented her a cupcake decorated with a tiny chocolate colored stork carrying a small white baby. Only a friend would be able to get away with the message the cupcake communicated.

  While enjoying the roller coaster of feelings and emotions that seemed to naturally accompany any pregnancy, Victoria observed several things, but one in particular bugged her. Dawson was yet to tell his family a
bout the baby and Uncle Thomas was the only person from his family she had met. It agitated her immensely.

  A knock on the door of the large office Dawson insisted she occupy, interrupted her thoughts. Running her hands through her fast growing curls, she shook herself back to reality. “Come in,” she yelled and Dawson appeared, grinning as though he was bearing the most special news.

  “How are you Victoria? It’s been an hour since I checked in with you.”

  “I am just a bit sleepy but otherwise I am ok.”

  Walking around to her, he planted a kiss on her cheek and sat on the desk with his eyes sparkling. Victoria waited for him to spill the beans, knowing full well he wouldn’t tell her anything until he was good and ready. After a few seconds of staring and smiling at her, he stood up and announced, “It’s time for you to meet my family. It’s up to you if you want to announce the good news with me or if you would rather me do it myself.”

  “Which do you think is the better way to go Dawson? They are your family so you have to tell me.”

  “Well, I don’t think there are any more like Uncle Thomas but either way they are going to find out. I think it best we tell them together before the media picks it up and runs with it.”

  “I had started telling myself that you were planning to hide me and the baby away forever. It’s about time.” Victoria chided.

  Smiling at the woman he had fallen in love with, he announced, “Never Victoria. I am more than proud that you would allow me in your life and I want to show you off. Don’t let me hear you saying things like that again. It annoys me.”

  “Very well Dawson.”

  That ended their conversation and he plopped another kiss on her forehead before walking to the door. He was excited at the prospect of her meeting his family. Victoria on the other hand wasn’t too sure all would go well. She was usually a confident person, but recent events told her that all were not as accepting as a naive Dawson wanted her to believe. Only time would tell.


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