Queen Hustlaz Part 2

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Queen Hustlaz Part 2 Page 11

by Falicia Love

  Detective Moore walked into her office after finishing up yet another press conference, and she sat down, exhausted, in her chair. She leaned back and threw her head backward. She closed her eyes and thought about the case before her, but before she could get too deep in thought, there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” she yelled.

  Officer Harris, Detective Rone’s old partner, walked in. “How are you doing, Detective Moore?” he asked.

  “I’m okay. And what can I do for you, Officer Harris?” she asked, immediately killing the small talk.

  He sat down across from her. “Well, I heard that you guys found Debra Fuller’s body and I have some information that may be valuable to you,” he replied.

  “Yes, we did. What information do you have?” she asked.

  “When I was working with Detective Rone, we had information leaked to us that Dana Crisp and Brittany Howell were involved in Debra Fuller’s kidnapping. However, when we followed up after a few days, we spoke with Ms. Fuller, and she informed us that she was okay.”

  “Is that right? I wonder why Detective Rone hasn’t come forward with that piece of information himself,” she said more to herself than to Officer Harris.

  “I thought you should know that they were previously investigated for kidnapping,” Officer Harris continued.

  “Thank you for that tidbit of information, and I will follow up on it immediately. Have a great day,” Lisa stated, dismissing him, as she started flipping through her paperwork.

  Officer Harris sat there for a moment, trying to figure out why Lisa Moore was being so rude to him. He had just given her a huge piece of information, and she brushed it and him off, as well as calling what he gave her a “tidbit”!

  Lisa looked up at him. “Is there anything else, Officer?”

  Harris smiled and shook his head. “Nothing else.” He stood up and walked out of her office. He then leaned up against the wall and shook with anger. I bet I won’t offer that bitch any more information.

  As he started walking down the hall, he bumped into Detective Rone. “How are you doing, old man?”

  “I’m good, young blood. It’s been a while. How you been doing?” Detective Rone asked.

  “I been good. Just trying to make it off of these few pennies I’m making now,” Officer Harris replied.

  “Well, you know you can come back over to the squad, become a detective again. We need you, and the pay is a li’l greater, but you already know that,” Rone suggested.

  “Yeah, but I think I’m good where I’m at. I don’t have the desire to deal with all the things you guys do. I’m actually thinking about a new career change altogether,” Harris explained.

  “Really? What are you going to do?” Rone asked.

  “I haven’t decided yet, but whatever I do, it’s got to bring in more money than this job. I think I already got something lined up, and if that doesn’t work, I’m hoping I hit the lottery!” Harris laughed.

  Rone looked at Harris and wondered what he was up to. His body movement and whole demeanor was odd. “So, what brings you over to this side?”

  “Oh, uh,” Harris stammered, “just thought I’d come pay my favorite people a visit. You know I miss y’all.”

  “Yeah. Well, I’ma go on down here and take care of a few things in my office. Take care, Harris, and I wish you luck on that lottery win,” Rone said as he reached out to shake Harris’s hand.

  “All right, old timer. See you around,” Harris replied, shaking Rone’s hand before walking off.

  Once Detective Rone was in his office, he stood in front of a picture on his wall. It was of him and Harris. He shook his head, again wondering what Harris was up to. Then he looked at the case files on his desk from the day before.

  “This is a never-ending job,” he whispered.

  * * *

  Back in her office, Lisa wrote down everything that Harris had just shared with her. She decided to contact Detective Rone and find out why he hadn’t come forward with the information himself. Something just didn’t sit right with her, and she was going to get to the bottom of it if it was the last thing she did.

  She looked over the coroner’s results and saw that the cause of death was undetermined. She had her work cut out for her, but she’d promised the Fuller family justice, and she aimed to keep her promise to them.

  She laughed aloud as she recalled the look on Harris’s face when she sent him on his way. “Crazy li’l shit think he did something,” she mumbled softly. She would’ve gotten that information without his meddling ass.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jeryca woke up Saturday morning with Farrah heavily on her mind. She owed Farrah so much in so many ways that not even Stephanie or Dana could imagine. Orlando had torn into her yet again the night before about money issues, but she had to send Shirley something to help with Travis. She was going to send her some money anonymously. She hadn’t spoken to her in a long time, but she had kept in touch through Pam, by having her drop by occasionally to see them. Pam would also babysit Travis every now and then to give Shirley a much-needed break. The last time Pam visited, she learned that Shirley was running low on money and had sold Farrah’s bracelet to pay for Travis’s counseling session. Jeryca wouldn’t sit idly by and see her struggle. Orlando could get mad all he wanted, but she was sending $20,000 by Priority Mail.

  As she lay back in the tub and closed her eyes, she started thinking back to when Greg was in her mother’s life. Although her mother had sent Greg packing after she’d caught him trying to rape Jeryca, she brought him back into their lives just a few months later. Sheila had told Jeryca that she needed Greg in a way she couldn’t understand, and he’d promised her that he was going to change.

  Jeryca remembered how uncomfortable she felt coming home after school or just being in his presence. He hadn’t said a word to her, but every now and then, she caught him watching her. One day after school, Jeryca had walked into her house thinking that she was there alone, but as she lay across her bed to do her homework, she heard a sound behind her. She turned around, and once again, Greg had intruded into her room. “Daddy’s home!” he’d growled, laughing. “This time we won’t be interrupted. You caused me a lot of grief the last time, and the way I see it, you owe me. And I’m here to collect.”

  Greg definitely had been drunk, because Jeryca could smell the wine on his breath, and his words were slurred. As he’d advanced upon her, she jumped up and started screaming. Greg ran up on her, covered her mouth with one hand, and held her arm with the other, forcing her backward until she felt her back hit the wall. “Uh-uh, don’t do that, Jeryca. See, you trying to put everybody in our business, and I won’t have that this time. Now, give daddy some of that sweet sugar!” he had whispered, as he began kissing her neck. Jeryca had squirmed and mumbled her protests, but Greg wasn’t paying her pleas any attention.

  Finally, for a split second, Jeryca’s struggles had set her free, only to have her hemmed up yet again as she raced toward the door. Her lamp fell from the nightstand and crashed to the floor, which caused a loud thudding sound to echo through the house. As they wrestled, they were unaware of a third person entering the room. Greg had slammed Jeryca on the bed, and he started writhing in pain no sooner than they landed.

  Standing over him was Farrah with the fallen lamp. She had hit Greg repeatedly across the head and back area until he collapsed on the floor. Jeryca had jumped up and run to Farrah, and the two girls left the apartment. A few minutes later they sat in the park, talking. Jeryca was shaken up, and Farrah was doing her best to console her friend. They were both very young at the time, but it was a memory that Jeryca would always cherish, because her friend had come to her rescue.

  Jeryca was suddenly jolted back to the present as Orlando stumbled into the house and then crashed through the bedroom door. Jeryca sat up, frightened, and quickly got out of the tub.

  When she got to him, she saw that he’d fallen. “Are you okay, baby?” she asked as she bent down to help him s
it up. She didn’t miss the odor of liquor on his breath.

  “I’m all right!” he slurred as he tried unsuccessfully to get up several times. He finally allowed Jeryca to help him up, and he leaned on her as she helped him to the bed. As he fell backward, he covered his head and looked at Jeryca. “You’re going to be the death of me!”

  Jeryca stood staring at him as his snoring filled the room. She didn’t know what to think about what he had just said.

  She called Pam after she took Orlando’s shoes off. Thinking about Farrah had her wondering how Travis was doing. Pam agreed to go over and check on them, as she always did.

  * * *

  Once Pam arrived at Shirley’s house, Travis ran and dived in her lap, almost toppling her over. Pam started laughing and playfully slammed him. Of everyone who visited him, Pam was the only one who roughhoused him. She didn’t baby him as the others did. She was great with him, and Shirley definitely noticed it. She loved the way Pam interacted with Travis, and although Pam was strict when he wanted to be babied, Travis respected her and loved her.

  Shirley had fixed dinner and asked Pam if she wanted to stay. At first, she declined, but after several “please stay’s” from Travis, she agreed.

  “Stop that whining, boy! I’ma stay, but you got to promise to show me how much of a big boy you can be when I get ready to leave.”

  “But—” he started, Pam instantly stopped him.

  “Nope! No whining, Travis. You a big boy and you got to act like a big boy. You understand?”

  “Yes,” he answered, with his head bowed.

  After they ate dinner, Pam read Travis his favorite book, The Three Little Pigs. He laid his head on her lap and rubbed her thumb. That one gesture pulled at Pam’s heart because it made her feel truly loved unconditionally.

  While Pam read to Travis, Shirley cleaned the kitchen. She felt at ease, knowing Pam was there.

  Pam sat for a few minutes more and then stood up. “Give me a hug, li’l man.”

  Travis started to protest, but Pam reminded him of the promise that he had made. Shirley walked her to the door and out onto the porch.

  “I talked to Jeryca, and she wanted me to let you guys know that she loves you all and will be sending you a package soon,” Pam said, as she started walking down the steps.

  “I really do appreciate both of you girls. If it weren’t for Jeryca sending me the money she does each month, I don’t know what we would do. She is a jewel. Next time you talk to her, tell her to call me soon. Okay?”

  “Okay, I will. Y’all have a blessed night,” Pam said, as she walked down the street.

  She approached the bus stop and heard a horn blowing loudly behind her. She turned as the car was pulling over. For a brief moment, Pam froze up, until she saw Stephanie getting out of the car.

  “Hey, sis, long time no see,” she said, walking toward her with her arms outstretched.

  Stephanie hugged her, but it wasn’t real, and Pam felt it. However, Pam had no idea that Jeryca had betrayed Stephanie and Dana. All she knew was that Jeryca moved to Miami with her rich boyfriend to make a better life for herself.

  “You talk to Jeryca lately?” Stephanie asked.

  “Yeah, I have. She is doing okay,” Pam said, remembering that Jeryca told her not to tell anyone where she was, not even Stephanie or Dana. She told her that Orlando didn’t want her to communicate with them anymore, because of their way of life. Pam didn’t think it was cool to diss her friends for a man, but she assumed that Jeryca knew what she was doing, and she wasn’t in any position to question her sister’s decision.

  “Oh, and where is she? Girl, we miss her like crazy,” Stephanie said, looking weirdly at Pam.

  Pam wasn’t feeling the vibe that Stephanie was putting out, and she decided that she should end the conversation immediately. “Girl, I don’t know exactly where she is, but I really have to go.”

  “Wait a minute. I can take you home if you like. Ain’t no need in waiting on the bus,” Stephanie said as she stepped in Pam’s way, blocking her from walking away.

  “Um, well, I have someone waiting for me at the bus depot, so I can’t take you up on your offer today,” Pam answered quickly.

  Stephanie took a step forward. “You sure? I mean, I can take you where you need to go. You’re family.”

  “No, I’m good, but thanks. Come by the house and see me sometime,” Pam said as she walked toward the bus, which had just pulled up.

  “All right then. Next time you talk to Jeryca, tell her I said hello and she should come on back home.”

  “I will tell her. Bye.”

  Stephanie watched Pam get on the bus and then she walked to her car. She sat there for a second before cranking it up and pulling off.

  * * *

  Jeryca was sitting on her bed, listening to Pam tell her about her visit with Travis and the weird encounter with Stephanie. Jeryca frowned after Pam explained how weird Stephanie had been acting. It never occurred to her that her baby sister would be caught up in the midst of all the drama she had left behind. She would fuck those hoes over in the worst way if they harmed one hair on Pam’s head.

  “Where is Mom at?” Jeryca asked.

  “In her room with Todd, as usual. He is still trying to get her to ask you for money. She said she would come up with it some other way, but he ain’t trying to hear it. He said he know you and your man got it, and he need a few thousand or he will be killed. He owes some kind of gambling debt, I guess,” Pam answered.

  “Go tell her to come to the phone, please,” Jeryca replied.

  Pam sighed. “She is going to cuss me out if I knock on her door, Jeryca.”

  “Just go do what I asked,” Jeryca ordered.

  “Okay, I’m going,” Pam said. She slowly walked out of her room to her mother’s door.

  Pam knocked on the door twice before it was jerked open by Todd. “Don’t you fucking hear us in here talking? You are the most disrespectful bitch I know!” he growled.

  Pam looked at her mother expecting her to stand up to him and cuss him out for calling her out her name, but she sat in her lounge chair in a daze. Pam shook her head. “Mom, telephone.”

  “Dammit, Sheila, will you please tell her to go back in her room? We are trying to have a conversation!” Todd yelled.

  “Pam, tell your mother to get her ass on the fucking phone now!” Jeryca was seething with anger after hearing the way Todd was talking to Pam.

  “Mother, Jeryca wants to speak with you now,” Pam said, trying once more to get her mom to the phone.

  “Tell her I will call her tomorrow. I am not in the mood to speak to her tonight,” Sheila mumbled.

  “Did you hear that, Jeryca? Do you see what I mean now?” Pam asked as she walked back into her room and closed her door quietly. Pam soon finished her call with Jeryca and went to bed.

  * * *

  Pam left for school feeling tired and disgusted. Todd had cussed her mother out for not talking to Jeryca, knowing that he needed money. After the two argued they fucked, and she had spent most of her night listening to her mom moaning and screaming, “Fuck me, Mr. Tibs,” into the wee hours of the morning. It was as if she forgot that she had an impressionable teenager sleeping in the next room. She knew that Jeryca was angry that her mother didn’t get on the phone or stand up for her when Todd called her a bitch. Jeryca swore that she was going to get her away from Brooklyn soon, but Pam had her doubts. She felt all alone, with no friends to talk to.

  Pam walked into her classroom and was immediately sent to the principal’s office. She sat on the bench and waited for him to call her in his office.

  “Pam Mebane, come on into my office, please,” the principal said as he opened the door. Pam walked in and was greeted by an officer.

  “Hi, Ms. Mebane. I’m Detective Rone, and I need to talk to you about your sister, Jeryca Mebane.”

  “I don’t know what I can do to help you. We haven’t heard from Jeryca in over a year. She and my mom fell out when
I was in the hospital, and she has been MIA since,” Pam replied, looking Detective Rone in the eyes, lying with every word she spoke.

  “Before she disappeared, did she mention travelling anywhere or mention having issues with Dana Crisp?” he asked.

  Pam sat back and frowned. “No, she didn’t, and why are you asking me about my sister harming Dana? They were friends, and she wouldn’t hurt any of them. Shouldn’t my mother be here, Detective Rone? I have nothing else to say.”

  “You are free to go at any time. We just need to find your sister now. If you hear anything, here is my card. I will contact your mother and set up a time to talk with you again,” Detective Rone said, as he handed the card to Pam. He walked out of the office.

  Pam walked to her class, wondering why he’d asked her about Jeryca harming Dana. She remembered how Stephanie was acting when she last saw her, and she knew something was stinking among her sister and her two friends.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chris had avoided Thad’s phone calls for a few days, and he finally decided it was time to call him back. “Hey, what’s going on, man?” he asked, once Thad answered the phone.

  “Well, damn, I thought I was going to have to send a search party out looking for you. What you been up to?” Thad asked suspiciously.

  Chris sat quietly for a minute before speaking. “Well, I’ve been seeing someone and been spending time with them since I have no job now.”

  “Shit, you know I been in my feelings with everything that’s been going on, and then to see and learn that you kicking it with Stephanie kind of made me feel some kind of way. Hell, you know I been thinking about Jeryca ass lately a little bit. They did bring some kind of excitement with them, didn’t they?” Thad asked.

  Chris laughed. “Yes, they did. I’ll see you soon, Thad. What you got going on today?”

  “Nothing at all. ’Bout to head into the city. You know, they having that Day in the Park at Brooklyn Bridge Park. Shit, I might meet my next thugette.” Thad laughed.


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