Fallen Redemption (The Trihune Series Book 1)

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Fallen Redemption (The Trihune Series Book 1) Page 30

by Austin, RB

  “Did you not come here to speak with me?”

  “Yes, I did come here to summon you.”

  Elias squeezed him on the shoulder and Cade rose, setting his feet on the cold marble.

  “Let’s move to the altar before you say what’s on your mind. Your feet can warm.”

  Cade wasn’t surprised Elias knew the ground was bothering him. From the quick connection on his shoulder he learned why Cade was there. But he’d want Cade to speak the words out loud. “One can find wisdom in hearing his own voice,” his sire had said many times.

  Elias sat next to Cade on the carpeted steps, folding his hands and resting them over his brown-robed lap.

  “Talk to me, my son.”

  “You didn’t erase Emma’s memories.”

  He smiled. “No, I didn’t.”


  Elias regarded him.

  After a long moment of silence Cade realized he wasn’t going to get an answer. “She told me what you said to her.” At Elias’s raised eyebrow, he continued. “If she sought any Behnshma or if she mentioned us to any Follower you’d erase her memories.”

  “That is what I said although not as plainly as you’ve put it.”

  “I don’t want you to erase her memories.”

  “Indeed?” Another eyebrow lift. “Has she sought you or any other Behnshma since she returned back to her life?”

  Cade paused. “No.”

  “Has she been talking to the town of vampire-like creatures or bodies disappearing into dust?”


  “Then she hasn’t broken our deal and can keep her memories.”

  Cade studied him but received no hint of what his sire was thinking. “Emma’s in the HQ.”

  “Yes. She’s having a much needed rest.”

  “If she’s willing I want her to stay. Permanently.”

  Silence engulfed the chamber. Cade didn’t fill it this time. His sire cocked his head, studying Cade like he was under a microscope. Elias held out a hand.

  Without hesitation Cade placed his palm into Elias’s. Elias’s presence in his head was immediate, his memories suddenly on fast-rewind. Holding Emma in bed, telling her he’d fight Elias in order for her keep her memories—Cade winced at that one—Emma chained to the wall, cutting the head from her abductor, the abductor calling to the winged-man—Elias jolted when the abductor cried for Sonneillon—using his power to read the minds of Followers.

  Next the past few days shot through his head in reverse order. Sneaking into Emma’s house to watch her sleep, the interaction when she believed he was a hallucination, the mind sweep of her friend Sean to forget his feelings for Emma, holding Gabriel by the throat because he dared to sit next to Emma. Every memory and thought he possessed of Emma flowed into Elias.

  The exchange left him physically and emotionally weak. He didn’t know how much time passed. Minutes? Hours? Elias was quiet and Cade lifted his head. It felt like it weighed five hundred pounds.

  Elias gaze’s traveled over his face. “You’ll feed.”

  “No, sire. That is not why I came here. I haven’t cleansed properly. I’ll wait until the ceremony.”

  “It was not a recommendation, Caderyn.”

  Cade bowed his head in deference and didn’t lift it until Elias was in front of him, neck bared. Cade’s gaze, without any prodding, zeroed in on his sire’s vein. His fangs slammed out of his gums. He stretched a few inches and sunk them into Elias’s neck drawing deep. Closing his eyes, he was unable to contain the groan as power seeped back into him. Cade hadn’t fully comprehended how weak he’d been. When he’d taken enough to last him until the ceremony, he began to retract.

  Elias stopped him with a gentle hand on the back of his head. “I give my blood to you, my son, in complete and total love and trust.”

  Cade drank until Elias removed his hand from his head. Retracting his fangs from Elias’s neck, he watched the skin knit back together. He didn’t lift his head. “Thank you, sire, for the gift of your blood and for your love and trust.” His voice broke over the last three words, knowing if it came down to it he’d have to give up Elias’s love if it meant losing Emma.

  Elias lifted Cade’s head with a finger to his chin. “My son. Do you not consider that I want you to be happy? To me you’re my son in every shape of the word and I want the best for you.”

  Cade nodded. “Of course.”

  Elias smiled. “You say the words, but you don’t truly believe them. If you did you’d not be full of fear and remorse as if you’ve already betrayed me. The love you know and receive with Emma is a gift. Love is the ultimate gift the Creator gives us. Why would I seek to destroy that which has been given to my beloved son? When he’s happy I am as well.”

  Cade’s heart pounded in his ears. He stared at Elias. His sire couldn’t really mean what it sounded like.

  Elias clasped his hands onto Cade’s shoulders. “She’s your bahshrett my son.”

  “My what?”

  “Your bahshrett. The one the Creator has placed on this earth for you. When you two are together you can embrace and taste the love, the same love, He above has for His children. Only with one another can you find complete happiness. It’s why your power didn’t work with her. Emma’s your equal as you’re hers. It wasn’t until you drank her blood that those emotions were recognized and what lay dormant was unleashed. Such as the possessiveness you felt when killing the UF, as you called him, and the demonstration with Gabriel. The Behnshma in you recognized Emma for who she truly was. You can no more live and breathe without her as she can without you.”

  Cade sat still for a moment, absorbing. “Did you recognize who she was? Is that why you didn’t erase her memories?”

  “I had a suspicion after reviewing her memories and when I saw you through her eyes. But the deciding factor was the love she felt for you. I could no more destroy it than I could destroy you.” Elias’s gaze shifted to the tunnel. “No other questions right now. She’s awake and looking for you.”

  Cade jolted upright. Elias’s low chuckle stopped him from booking down the tunnel. Abashed, Cade knelt, the cold floor no longer discernible. “Thank you, Elias, for the wonderful gift you’ve given of your blood and your blessing.”

  Elias stood and placed a hand on Cade’s shoulder. “It is but my pleasure to give you all I have. Rise, Caderyn. Go to your bahshrett. We will meet in three days’ time with the rest of your Sept. I’ve some things to explain to you all.”

  Cade rose, his eyebrows furrowed at the ominous tone, but Elias had disappeared, no longer in the chamber at all. After extinguishing the candles, he started down the tunnel. His brisk walk broke into a jog as his desire to be with Emma intensified along with his worry she was frightened.

  Stepping on to grass an altogether different desire overtook his body. He stilled. He’d forgotten the effects of feeding from Elias. Cade couldn’t go to her like this. She needed time to heal from her injuries. No matter how badly his body burned for her, and only her, Cade wouldn’t force his urges upon her.

  The need to share what he’d learned from Elias was too immense to ignore, though. She didn’t have to worry, didn’t have to leave.

  Cade would take care of it himself. It’d last for a little while. Give him enough time to explain things to her, alleviate her worries. He’d give an excuse to leave. Maybe have Martha keep her company. Cade wouldn’t find another nheqeba. There’d never be anyone but Emma. Now and always. He’d find another way to dispel his needs. Cade tore across the property.

  When Emma woke a soft light from the bathroom illuminated half of Cade’s bedroom. She smiled. He’d left it on so she wouldn’t be frightened. Her smile dimmed. This would be the last time she woke in this room. The last time his scent would surround her. Emma pressed a hand to her stoma
ch. Would a knife to her gut hurt as much?

  “Cade?” She walked to the bathroom. It was empty as was his closet. Disappointed, she pulled on one of his black T-shirts. It reached mid-thigh. Good enough.

  Emma ran into Jeeves halfway down the stairs. His face lit with delight when he spotted her.

  “Miss! I’m glad you’re well. Martha and I were upset to learn what happened.”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Jeeves.”

  “Is there something you need? I’d be pleased to get it for you.”

  “I’m looking for Cade.”

  “The adohn Cade is meeting with adohn Elias right now.”

  “Oh.” Her breath left in a whoosh. Dread consumed her. It bubbled in her throat, surged into her stomach then plummeted all the way to her toes.

  “Miss? Are you all right? Do you need to lie down?” Jeeves took her by the arm, gently urging her down the stairs.

  Emma resisted, forced a smile. “No. No. I’m fine. Have you seen my clothes?”

  “Your clothes. Yes,” he beamed. “I can bring those to adohn Cade’s room.”

  Fear bubbled in her throat. It was time to go. Now. Her stomach turned. “If you tell me where they are I can go get them.”

  Jeeves’ brow pulled in. “I’d be happy to bring them to you.”

  “I’d rather not walk around without any panties on.” Emma cringed inside but knew her words would produce the desired result.

  The butler blushed, gaze falling to the floor. “Of course. Forgive me for not bringing them to you as soon as they were ready. I’d assumed you and adohn Cade would be together.” His cheeks burned even hotter.

  Emma’s fingers gripped the banister. Pain shot up her arm. It pushed back the tears flooding her eyes. She’d hoped to be with him one more time, but if he was talking to Elias she didn’t have much time. There wouldn’t even be time to say goodbye.

  “Your clothes are in the laundry room.”

  “Where’s that?”

  Jeeves glanced at her bare legs. “Through the kitchen and down the hallway,” he answered quickly. “It’s the first door on the left.”

  “Thank you, Jeeves.” Impulsively, she threw her arms around him. “For everything.”

  He patted her awkwardly on the back.

  Emma found the laundry room. Her clothes were neatly folded on top of a long white table across from the wash machine and dryer. She changed, opting to put Cade’s shirt back on. It was a memory of him she’d take with her. Leaving her other shirt on the dryer, she headed back to Cade’s room. Time to find her shoes then leave.

  She faltered on the steps. To not see him one last time. No. It was for the best. It meant she could keep her memories.


  She’d reached the top step when Gabe called her name. Panic surged at another delay but she couldn’t stop herself from heading in his direction. Once in front of him, she threw her arms around his neck. He could’ve been the brother she always wanted. Tears welled, but she blinked them away before stepping back. “Thank you for coming to my rescue.”

  Gabe smiled. It converted his boyish looks into devastation with dimples. He couldn’t get her heart pumping like one glance from Cade could, though.

  “Of course I would. What are you doing up? I figured the boss wouldn’t let you escape until you’re one hundred percent healed.”

  Emma stiffened. Don’t breakdown. Do not breakdown.

  “Hey.” Gabe took one of her hands and lifted it. “You’re bleeding.”

  One of the scrapes on her right wrist seeped blood. The movement of changing clothes must have torn open the delicate skin. Emma searched Gabe’s face. His eyes were only filled with concern. No fangs present.

  “Where’s Cade? I’d tend to this, but you know how he was the last time we were together.” Gabe gave a rueful smile.

  “Oh, um, Cade’s with Elias.” Her voice broke over the last word.


  His gentle tone was no match for her tears and they spilled down her cheeks.

  “It’ll be okay. I’ll help you. We’ll get it taken care of it in no time. I’m perfectly healed now so if Cade gets all crazy I’m good to go.” His voice was light and Emma knew what he wanted.

  Giving him a feeble smile, she stepped back. “I’ll go to Cade’s room and take care of it.”

  “I can help.”

  “No, no. I don’t want you to get in trouble. I’ll be fine. Promise.” Emma spun and ran down the hallway.

  She had only a few minutes before Gabe found Cade or Martha to check on her. In the room she grabbed the old bandage from the bathroom sink and wrapped it the best she could over the wound, pressing her fingers down over the tape. Shoes found, she pulled them on. No time for reflection. She’d cry later.

  Emma flung open Cade’s room, glancing over her shoulder for one last mental image and ran straight into a solid chest. Two strong hands reached out to steady her.

  Chapter 28

  “Cade,” Emma breathed. She steeled herself then peered over his shoulder. He was alone.

  Cade walked into the room, forcing her to walk backward. He closed the door behind him, gaze sweeping over her attire. His expression was indecipherable.

  “Were you going somewhere?”

  Emma dropped her gaze, knowing if she didn’t she wouldn’t be able to stay strong. Her fingers fiddled with the tape on her wrist. “You were with Elias,” she began then shrugged the rest of the explanation.

  “Who told you?” His tone wasn’t accusatory, merely curious.


  Cade chuckled. She jerked her head up. How could he find humor at a time like this?

  “Of course. Jeeves knows everything that goes in at the HQ. I don’t know how he does it.” Her nervous fingers drew his gaze. “Are your wrists bothering you? Is that the same bandage from before?” The corners of his lips pulled down. “You need a clean one.” He took her hand and led her to the bathroom. Emma grounded her feet and he stopped when he felt her resistance.

  “I need to go.”

  His eyes softened and he stepped toward her. “No you don’t.”


  “Isn’t going to erase your memories.”

  Her breath hitched in her throat. “What?”

  “He’s not going to erase your memories. Now or ever.”

  Emma felt dizzy. “But how? I don’t understand.”

  Cade led her to the bathroom. He took her wrapped wrist and began to unwind the bandage. “Elias will never take your memories unless you do or say anything to expose us.”

  “I’d never,” she started.

  “I know.” Cade picked up the tube of antiseptic and rubbed it on her wrist. She barely felt his fingers on her skin.

  “I don’t understand why he changed his mind. I wasn’t supposed to see you again.”

  Cade opened one of the drawers and removed the gauze. He cut a piece long enough to wrap her wrist. “Among other things, it’s because of my love for you.”

  A big, goofy smile broke over her face. Emma would never tire of hearing those words from him. “I love you,” she said softly gazing into his eyes that contained the perfect amount of green. “I dreamed of saying those words to you. I didn’t think I’d see you again.” She reached for him, wanting nothing more than to be in his arms right now.

  Cade stepped back.

  Emma tilted her head.

  “Let me wrap your wrist,” he said gently as if to soften his rebuke.

  Trepidation swirled in her stomach, but she held out her arm. Something was wrong. Emma replayed his last words about his conversation with Elias in her head. Her heart skipped a beat. “Cade, what other things?”

  He wrapped the white gauze
over her wrist twice before breaking off two new strips of tape. Then repeated the entire routine with the second wrist. When finished, he gathered the soiled bandages and threw them in the trash. Twisting the cap back on the antiseptic, he placed it in a drawer with the extra gauze and tape.

  Emma assessed his blank face as he worked. Her heart raced. “Cade, you said among other things. What other things?” She reached for him again but he moved to lean on the shower door, arms folded across his chest.

  He shrugged. “That was the major one. This is a great thing.”

  “I know.” Emma stood, moved toward him. “But you’re not telling me everything.”

  “Let’s go sit on the bed. Are you hungry? I’ll ask Jeeves to bring you a tray.”

  She grabbed his arm before he could escape. He jumped, stilled. “Cade, you’re scaring me.”

  Cade’s face softened but he didn’t reach for her. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to. Please don’t worry. You can stay here as long as you’d like and when you’re ready I’ll take you home with your memories intact.”

  “Is that what this is about?”

  His brows furrowed.

  “Are you afraid I want to leave you?”

  An emotion she couldn’t name speared across his face and his words came slowly. “My hope is you’ll want to stay here with me but I know you have your own life in town. A house, friends, an art showing.”

  “You know about the showing?”

  “I do. I’m extremely proud of you.” He smiled, paused, added, “I know you said you love me, but it doesn’t mean you want to be with me long term.”


  “I don’t know what kind of life I can offer you. This never happened before. A nheqeba who’s not an ebhed or a member of the Trihune has never been allowed to know of us. But you don’t have to stay here in order to keep your memories. It’s not like that at all.”

  “Cade.” She put her hand on his arm. He stiffened. “I want any type of relationship you can offer me.”


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