The New York Times Book of World War II, 1939-1945

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The New York Times Book of World War II, 1939-1945 Page 164

by The New York Times

  Billard, Frank, 434

  Birkenau camp, 443

  Bismarck (ship) sunk, 151, 167, 168–169

  Bitche, Germany, captured, 509

  Black Shirts, Italy, 5, 6, 7

  Blackout switch, 227

  Blackouts, 235

  in Texas, 242–243

  Blitz, London, 115, 128, 129, 133, 135

  Blitzkrieg, North Africa, 152

  Bloch, C.C., 221

  Blond hair needed for airplane instruments, 250

  Blum, Leon, 11, 12

  Bologna, Italy, battle of, 522–523

  map, 522

  Bombay riots, 275, 276

  Bomber plane production, 257–258

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, 113, 117

  Bong, Richard Ira “Ace of Aces”, 420

  Bor, General, 474

  Bougainville, 391

  Bracker, Milton, 511

  Bradley, Omar, 431, 450–451, 461, 463, 493

  Braun, Eva, death, 511

  Brenner Pass Axis meeting, 134

  Brest-Litovsk, captured by Soviets, 431

  Bretton Woods conference, 447

  British Auxiliary Territorial Transport Service, 80

  British Broadcasting Corporation, 104

  British Department of Overseas Trade, 158

  British Empire aid to Britain, 136

  British Expeditionary Force in France, 64, 254

  evacuated from Dunkirk, 104, 105

  British Far Eastern Fleet, 227

  British First Airborne Division wiped out, 471

  British Navy, 62–63

  Brittany, battles in, 453, 455

  Brock, Ray, 151

  Brooke-Popham, Robert, 204

  Brouchitsc, Walter von, 97

  Brown, Edgar G., 222

  Buchenwald camp, visited by Congress & press, 524

  Bulgaria, 161

  surrender to Soviet Union, 453

  Bulge, Battle of the, 473, 485–487, 488, 489–491, 493, 494–495

  map, 486, 490

  Buna, New Guinea, 299–301

  Burma, battles in, 245

  Burma-China road, 134

  Byrnes, James F., 566, 574


  Cadogan, Alexander, 462

  Caen, battles for, 431, 435, 455

  Cairo Conference, 383, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395

  Callender, Harold, 359

  Canada, at war, 42

  Nazi’s arrested in, 43

  sending supplies, 136

  Canton, China, 78

  Cargo liners, abandoned, 206

  sinking of, 206

  Casablanca Conference, 285, 308, 309, 310–313

  Cassino, battle at, 411, 417

  Castellano, Giuseppe, 371

  Caucasus, 269, 270

  Celebes, captured, 245

  Cemetery salvage, 295

  Chamberlain, Neville, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 33, 36, 40, 44, 61, 62, 78, 85, 86–87, 142

  announcement of war, 31, 40

  death, 141–142

  resignation, 93–94

  Chancellery, Berlin, 530, 557

  Channel Ports, battles, 101–102, 103

  Chavez, Dennis, 450

  Chelm, Poland, Jews in, 77

  Chennault, Claire L., 300, 301

  Cherbourg, captured by Allies, 431

  Chiang, Kai-shek, 3, 53–54, 83, 134, 247, 383, 393, 394, 395, 563, 579

  Children, with working mothers, 270–271

  China, 3, 8, 53, 67, 78–79, 83, 126, 267, 271–273, 300–301, 431

  censorship, 422, 475

  Chiupa soldier, 272

  Communists, 365–366, 389, 470, 539, 556, 563, 579, 583, 593

  Civil War in, 563

  Japanese prison camps in, 387–389

  Nationalists, 3, 365–366, 556, 579, 593

  soldiers, 272

  Chiupa, China, 271

  Chou, En-Lai, 365, 470, 556

  Christian, King of Denmark, 88

  Churchill, Winston, 17, 61, 62, 80, 85, 86, 89, 94, 115, 116, 118, 134, 139, 142, 196, 197, 220, 231, 236, 249, 255, 267, 279–280, 286–287, 383, 399, 471, 517–518, 519

  at Potsdam conference, 542, 543

  Atlantic Charter, 193, 196–198

  becomes Prime Minister, 94

  biography, 94

  criticism of, 249, 254, 255

  “Man of the Year”, 151

  meetings with Roosevelt, 263, 308, 309, 310, 311–313, 391–393, 394, 395, 400, 401, 402

  on D-Day, 436

  on Communist Iron Curtain, 563, 572–573

  ousted as Prime Minister, 539, 543–544

  quotes, 232

  speeches, 106, 110, 232

  supports Soviet Union, 175, 169–180

  warns of invasion, 129

  Ciano, Galeazzo, 134

  Citizens Committee to Keep America Out of War, 121, 181

  Civil defense measures, 235

  Civil liberties in war, 236

  Civilization, survival of, 49, 69, 121, 548

  Clark Field, Manilla, 225–226

  Clark, Mark, 432

  Clemenceau, Premier, 4

  Coblenz, Germany fighting, 509

  Code breaking, 315

  Cold War, 539, 563

  Cologne, Germany, bombing by British, 120, 260

  Colombo, Ceylon, attacked, 249, 251

  map, 251

  Comanche code service, 148

  Committee for Economic Development, 553

  Communism, in Asia, 583

  worldwide, 563

  Compiègne, 111, 112

  Concentration camps liberated, 514–515, 523–524

  Congress of the Academy for German Law, 144

  Cooper, Kent 90

  Coordinator of Defense Information, 185

  Copenhagen, Denmark, Gestapo in, 387

  Coral Sea battle, 249, 253–254, 262

  Corregidor, battle of, 249, 252, 256

  Corsica, 291–292

  Coughlin, Charles E., 24

  Courageous (ship) sunk, 63

  Coventry, bombing, 133, 143

  Cathedral, 143

  Cracow, battle for, 497, 498

  Craigie, Robert Leslie, 218

  Crete, German invasion, 151, 172–173

  Cripps, Stafford, 177

  Currency stabilization proposal, 327–328 447–448

  Cvetkovitch, Dragisha, 158

  Czechoslovakia, Prague invasion by Germany, 3, 18–19

  Sudeten land transfer to Germany, 3, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

  map, 19

  Communist coup, 563, 579, 582


  Dachau camp, 511

  liberated, 528, 529

  Dai, Bao, 592

  Daladier, Edouard, 21, 27, 36, 42, 61

  resignation, 81–82

  Daniell, Raymond, 133, 285, 411

  “Britain is Defiant” speech, 115

  Danzig, Poland, 3, 23–24, 25, 32, 34–36

  Darlan, François, 285

  Darnton, Barney, 235

  Darwin, Australia, bombed, 246

  Daylight Saving bill, 239

  D-Day, 434, 435, 436, 437

  censorship about, 438–439

  preparations for, 437–438

  De Gaulle, Charles, 119, 285, 304, 305, 347–348, 359, 534, 539

  Fourth Republic advocated, 554

  Free French government, 138–139, 285, 347–348, 405, 406, 407

  on D-Day, 437

  in liberated Paris, 462, 465

  wins election, 570–571

  De Haar, Captain, 371

  Declaration of Independence, 328

  Demobilization in Great Britain, 553

  Denazification of Germany, 564–565

  Denmark, invasion by Germany, 85, 88

  Jews flee to Sweden, 387

  neutrality of, 79

  Dentz, Henri Fernand, 167

  Dessau, Germany, 26

  Detroit, conversion of auto factories, 237, 238, 257–258

  Dewey, Thomas E., 90, 480

  Dick, Royer, 371

  Diepe, France, 267, 276–277

  Diptheria immunizations in London, 513

  Dnieper River, battle of, 389

  with German Troop ferry, 198

  Dogs used by U.S. Marines, 391

  Dönitz, Karl, 315, 316

  Donovan, William J. 185

  Doughboys, 4

  Draft (Selective service), 144

  Dresden, Germany, bombed by RAF, 503

  Dumbarton Oaks Peace Conference, 453, 462, 463, 506, 544–545

  agreement on world setup, 471, 475

  Dunkerque. See Dunkirk.

  Dunkirk, 85

  evacuation from, 103, 104, 105, 115

  Duranty, Walter, 175, 177

  Dutch East Indies, 123

  attacked, 235

  unrest in, 565


  Early, Stephen, 239

  East Africa, invasion by British, 151

  East African Campaign, 155–156, 159

  map, 159

  East Germany, 563

  Eastern Front, 175–191, 193, 198, 201–207, 258–259, 264, 274, 278–279, 286–287, 295–296, 305–306, 335, 349–350, 350–351, 359, 389, 448–449, 493, 495–496, 497–498, 519, 520, 524–534

  joins with Western Front, 526, 527, 528

  map, 448

  Moscow map, 207

  Stalin Line map, 186, 195

  Eden, Anthony, 126

  Egypt, war in, 124, 130, 147, 148, 152, 263

  Ehrenburg, Ilya, 359, 379

  Einstein, Albert, 13

  Eisenhower jacket designed, 505

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 271, 304, 335, 338, 345, 346, 371, 407, 411, 453, 473, 483–484, 493, 501, 523, 524, 525, 531, 564–565

  at Cairo Conference, 395

  moves headquarters to Normandy, 458

  moves SHAEF headquarters to Paris, 473, 474

  named chief of US European forces, 265

  to lead invasion of Europe, 407–409, 412, 413, 414, 422, 423, 424, 435, 464

  receives German surrender, 511, 534

  El Alamein, battle of, 268, 285, 288, 289

  truck convoy, 288

  Elizabeth, Queen of Great Britain, 127

  England. See Great Britain.

  Entente Cordiale, 116

  Epidemics in Europe, 513–514

  Essex (aircraft carrier) launched, 273

  Estonia, invasion by Soviet Union, 58

  Ethiopia, battles in, 159, 184

  invasion by Italy, 3, 14, 15, 155

  trade with, 14

  Europe, fifteen outstanding events of war, 125

  Allied invasion of, 383, 403–404, 411, 412–413, 422–423, 434, 435, 436, 437, 483–484

  epidemics in, 513

  map, 120, 125

  Soviet “zone of influence”, 567–568

  unity, 577, 582–583, 594

  wartime life, 138–139, 438–439. See also D-Day

  European Recovery Program. See Marshall Plan.

  Evacuation of children in Great Britain, 32, 33, 34–35


  Falaise Gap, 453, 460–461

  Federal Price Administrator, 237

  Feisal II, King of Iraq, 171

  Finland, 177–178

  invasion by Soviet Union, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 76–77, 81

  map, 81

  ski troops, 67

  First Ukrainian Army Group, 493, 511

  Flame throwers, 362

  Flanders, 104

  Flank attack, 97

  Florence, Italy, battles, for, 455–456

  Foch, Marshal, 4

  Footwear, straw, in Germany, 199

  Ford Willow Run plant, 257, 258

  Ford, Edsel, 257

  Foreign correspondents, 64, 90, 153–154, 434, 474, 521–523

  Forster, Albert, 34, 36

  France, 2

  diplomatic relations with Britain severed, 116

  bombings of Northern France by Allies, 411, 425

  Fourth Republic, 554

  invasion by Allies, 411, 413, 431, 436–437, 442, 453, 458, 458–461, 463

  invasion by Germany, 85, 101–103, 104, 107–108, 109, 111–112, 115

  Italo-French armistice, 111, 112

  Premier change, 81–82

  reaction to Hitler’s election, 12

  map of Allied invasion, 459

  mobilization, 27–28, 36–37

  peace overtures by Germany, 59–61

  totally in German control, 291–292

  underground movement, 461

  Franco, Francisco, 3, 24, 25, 31, 41, 60, 131

  Frank, Hans, 67, 144

  French Committee of National Liberation, 359, 367–368

  French First Army, 498

  French forces in Great Britain, 119

  French Underground, 119


  Gallup, George, 65, 106, 129

  Galway, General Viscount, 43

  Gamelin, Marie Gustave, 37, 102

  Gandhi, Mohandas K., 53, 67, 68, 115, 116, 140, 247, 267, 315, 320

  arrested, 275, 276

  fast, 320, 325

  “Quit India” campaign, 263

  killed, 580–581

  release, 425–426

  self-rule demands, 454, 539

  Gas masks to British populace, 16, 17

  General Electric expansion, 1

  George IV, King of Great Britain, 127

  George, Lloyd, 4, 94

  Georgetown University, personality poll, 80

  German Army, on Champs-Elysées, 109

  tactics, 97–98

  Germany, 2–4, 124

  airplane losses, 127

  airplane warfare, 162–163

  arms equality, 8–9

  blockade by Great Britain, 80–81

  bombed by Britain, 120, 283

  cigarette use in, 79

  currency devaluation, 7–8

  fighting to end, 46

  industrial mobilization, 45

  invasion by Allies, 464–467, 468–469, 500–501, 501–502, 519, 520

  map, 120, 500

  Nazi riots in, 23

  oil industry bombed, 434

  partners with Soviet Union, 59

  peace overtures to Allies, 59, 62

  postwar rebuilding, 555, 556, 559

  postwar status, 470, 576–577

  preparations for war, 38

  rationing in, 38

  Roosevelt death cheered, 519

  soldiers surrender, 525

  Soviet Union invasion, 170, 175–191, 194–196, 198, 201–207, 211–214, 258–259, 264, 274, 278–279, 286–287, 295–296

  surrender, 511, 529–530, 533, 534, 536

  Tri-Partite Pact, 115

  troops, 50

  weapons, 366

  Werewolf underground propaganda, 525. See also Atlantic theater of war; Eastern Front; Western front; individual battles.

  Gerolstein prisoner of war camp, 515

  Gestapo, 259, 525

  Gibralter, 215

  Gilbert Islands, battle of, 383

  heavy losses by U.S. at, 396, 397–398

  Giraud, Henri, 285, 304–305, 345, 347–348, 359

  Gleiwitz, Germany, 26, 28

  Glenville Flying School, Chicago, 138

  Glider bombs, 399

  Goebbels, Joseph, 154, 366, 511

  death, 530

  Goering, Hermann Wilhelm, 12, 46, 165, 311, 312, 575

  resignation, 526

  trial, 568–569, 574

  suicide death, 575, 576

  Gomel, Soviet Union, fighting at, 198

  Graf Spee (ship) sunk, 67, 74, 75

  Graziani, Rodolfo, 133, 147, 155–156

  Great Britain, 2–3, 16–17, 124

  aid to Low Countries, 92–93

  airplane losses, 127

  appeasement policy, 18–19, 21

  Blitz, 115, 128, 133, 135, 151

  blockade of Germany, 80–81

  censorship in, 152

  clothing donations to so
ldiers, 238

  Communism purge, 584–585

  demobilization in, 553

  “Destroyers-for-Bases” deal, 115

  evacuation of children and invalids from cities, 32, 33, 34, 35, 47, 48

  finances, 155

  firefighters, 128

  freezes Japanese assets, 187

  materials from Empire, 136

  freedom of expression, 78

  gas masks to populace, 16–17

  in Egypt, 124, 147, 148, 155

  in Iran, 199

  in Libya, 147, 155

  in Norway, 91

  in Singapore, 204

  invasion by Germany, 102–103, 129, 130

  morale high, 127

  mourns Roosevelt, 517, 518

  offensive strategy, 312–313

  peace overtures by Germany, 59, 62, 118

  rationing, 75

  shipping convoys, 53

  V-1 bombings, 441

  war-time life, 47–48, 138–139

  women working in, 80. See also Atlantic theater of war; Western front; individual battles.

  Great Depression, 2, 7, 67

  Greece, aid to, 578

  British in, 151

  defeat, 151, 161

  German invasion, 151, 161

  Italy attacking, 133, 139, 140, 141, 144–145, 151

  recaptured, 479–480

  civil war in, 563, 568, 581, 587, 593

  Greenland, 125

  Grew, Joseph C., 218

  Gromyko, Andrei A., 462

  Groves, Leslie, 539

  Guadalcanal, battle of, 267, 282–283, 285, 301–302, 306, 457

  Guam, 219, 220

  recapture of, 431, 450, 451

  Guerrilla warfare by Russians, 189–190


  Haiphong, Indo-China, Japan right to land, 126

  Halsey, William F., 468–469, 477, 496

  Hamburg, Germany, bombing, 335, 355, 356

  Hammelburg prisoner of war camp, 515

  Hanfstaengl, E.F., 7

  Hangchow falls to Communists, 593

  Harlem riots 1943, 343

  Harriman, W. Averell, 205

  Harris, Arthur, 411, 420, 421

  Havana conference (1940), 117

  Hawaii, Japan attacks, 218–222

  Heavy water, 315, 326–327

  Henderson, Leon, 237

  Hertz, J.H., 324

  Hess, Rudolf, 164–165, 390

  map of flight, 165

  sanity, 166

  trial, 568–569

  Heydrich, Reinhard, 249

  death, 259, 263

  Hillman, Stanley, 235, 242

  Himmler, Heinrich, 297, 535

  Hindenburg, Paul von, 9, 10

  Hirohito, Emperor, 12, 209, 513, 551

  Hiroshima, atomic bombing, 539, 544, 545, 571

  Hitler Youth Organization, 137

  Hitler, Adolf, 2–3, 7, 9, 10, 18–23, 27–29, 31–37, 40–41, 42, 44, 48, 55–56, 59, 60–62, 67, 76, 80, 85, 94, 95, 107, 109, 110, 111, 113, 124–125, 129, 130, 131, 139, 144, 161, 165, 177, 184, 193, 230, 243, 249, 254, 255, 286–287, 311, 312, 349–350, 355, 389, 400, 463, 511, 519, 526, 568–569

  appointed Chancellor, 3, 10, 11, 12

  assassination attempt, 431, 445, 446, 455


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