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Hold Me

Page 2

by Talia Ellison

  “It’s okay,” he says, placing his hand on my cheek. “Look at me.”

  I do what he asks and take a deep breath. He’s not Mark. He’s not going to hurt me. I know it. I’m sure of it. Then why the hell do I feel like I could jump out of my skin? I must be the worst client Caleb’s ever had.

  He sits back on his heels, positioning himself between my legs. I’m too afraid to look down my body to see what he’s doing. My mouth forms a little O as he rubs the tip of him against my opening. I expect him to try to push himself in, but he doesn’t. Instead, he slowly slides himself up and down, barely entering me.

  His teasing movements set my blood on fire, stirring a need so intense that I lift my hips off the bed.

  “Please,” I whisper. Smirking at me, he pushes himself a bit inside me, but pulls back almost immediately. I let out a frustrated groan, flailing my hands. The back of my right hand collides with something soft that flies off the nightstand before I can see what it is. I don’t care. I just want Caleb inside of me. I want him to stop torturing me like this.

  “What was that, princess? Do you want me to stop?” Caleb’s voice is thick with desire.

  I vigorously shake my head. Talking seems like such a waste of time and air.

  “Good to know,” he says.

  I hold my breath, bracing myself for the pain, but he only rubs himself against my clit, hard enough that the throbbing between my legs threatens to throw me over the edge.

  Caleb intently watches me, and I focus on his eyes, the tension seeping out of my body. Then he slides himself inside. A twinge of pain comes and fades in an instant, chased away by all-consuming pleasure. The sensation of having him inside me is strange and unfamiliar, but it sends tingles of delight all over me.

  I would’ve whooped in delight, but Caleb starts to move, slowly and carefully, and I cry out. Arching my back, I reach for his shoulder and pull him toward me.

  “Faster,” I say as he leans over me.

  “Yes, princess.” His breath catches in his throat, but he does exactly what I asked him to. I meet him thrust for thrust, the sweet pressure building and building. He buries his head into my hair and nips on my earlobe. I can’t take it anymore. Digging my fingers into the soft skin of his back, I feel my body spasm and I clench my muscles around Caleb’s thick length.

  His body tenses above mine and we both cry out. I cling to him until we’re both spent and sated. Caleb rolls off me and sprawls on his back, his chest heaving. I stare at the ceiling and a choked laugh escapes my lips. Mark was wrong. There’s nothing wrong with me. I can’t believe a part of me was stupid enough to trust anything that came out of his mouth.

  I feel Caleb’s eyes on me, so I turn my head to face him. He immediately averts his gaze, but I catch a glimpse of longing and sadness on his face.

  “Caleb,” I say as he sits up.

  “Yes, princess?” He looks at me, the corners of his lips quirking up.

  “Thank you.”

  He gives me a brief nod, his lips still spread into a smile, but his shoulders are tense. “Anytime. Is there anything else I can do for you?” He gets to his feet.

  “I guess not.” I sit up, drawing my legs to my chest. Now what? My clothes are all over the floor and I’m not as comfortable as Caleb to walk around naked. Granted, he’s seen every inch of me already, but somehow this is different. Now that the last bits of pleasure have seeped out of me, I feel sore. I’m not sure if I can even walk.

  Caleb picks up my panties, twisting them around his finger. How did they end up all the way across the room? Instead of handing them over, he looks at me. “How about you go shower and I’ll take care of this mess?”

  “Right. Shower.” Clutching a sheet around myself, I stretch my legs and swing them off the bed. The room tilts around me and black spots fill my vision. Yeah, getting up so fast wasn’t one of my best decisions.

  As I make my way to the bathroom, I glance above my shoulder at Caleb. He’s picking up my clothes and putting them on the bed, not even taking a peek at me. I’m disappointed and I don’t even know why. Maybe because I’m ogling him so hard that I nearly run into the door. Shit. Okay, it’s better that he didn’t see me doing that.

  Before I close the door behind me, I take another look. Caleb’s back is turned to me and I bite my lip to stop myself from making a sound. He’s so damn perfect. I wonder if he has a girlfriend, but I’m not sure any girl would be willing to share him with anyone else. At least I wouldn’t.

  “What took you so long?” My best and only real friend scoffs at me as I finally arrive to our usual meeting place; a small cafe bar at the outskirts of town, far away from prying eyes and noise.

  “Sorry, Kat, but I had to do something first.” I flop into the black chair and exaggeratedly check the time on my phone. “It’s only 10 p.m.”

  Katherine tosses her long, curly black hair over her shoulder, her eyes narrowing at me. “What did you do? There’s some strange glint in your eyes... like you’re happy. Really happy.” She sits back, crossing her long legs, and continues to observe me. If anyone else looked at me like that, it would be unnerving, but this is Katherine. Her green eyes seem darker than usual as she bites down on her bright red lower lip.

  “I proved Mark wrong,” I say a little bit too fast and too flustered, and Katherine’s eyes widen.

  “No fucking way! You didn’t!” She laughs, her face bright with delight.

  I nod just as the waitress brings me my usual order; a large coffee and a soda. Katherine and I have been here so many times that we should probably find a new place, but I like our secluded corner way too much to let go.

  “Thank you.” I offer the waitress a big smile. Katherine’s shoulders are tense and I know she’s barely containing herself from asking a million questions.

  “How?” It’s the only word that comes out of Katherine’s mouth after the waitress leaves.

  “Umm, you know how,” I tease her, fully aware that’s not what she means. “I’m no longer a virgin, which means Mark’s an idiot.”

  “Oh, come on.” She rolls her eyes. “We both knew from the first day that he was a jerk. I mean, I knew. You were busy being swept off your feet by his charming green eyes.” She dismissively waves her hand. “But enough about that asshole. Tell me, who’s the lucky guy? I can’t believe you never told me anything about him.”

  I pick up my cup of coffee and bring it to my lips. “You won’t like what I’m about to tell you.”

  “And that would be?” Her dark eyebrows shoot upward. “You know there’s not much that can shock me. Wait, when did this happen? We talked, like, five hours ago.” She frowns.

  “Two hours ago. I umm...” I grimace. It’s not as if I do something morally questionable every day. “I paid some guy...”

  She stares at me for a long while, her mouth opening and closing. Finally, she narrows her eyes at me. “Oh, for the love of god, Lilith! What were you thinking? You could have picked up any guy at the bar! For free! You didn’t have to pay some... ” She bites down on her lip, her gaze troubled. “I hope you used protection.”

  “Relax. Of course we used protection. We both got tested for STDs, and besides, Alessandra recommended him to me. Do you think picking up a random guy at the bar is somehow better?” I cross my arms in front of me. Katherine is the one who suggested I should pick up some unknown guy for a night or two.

  “Alessandra?” Katherine gives me an incredulous look. “How does she even know the guy?”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  She fidgets in her chair, her fingers clenching. “You planned this, didn’t you? And you didn’t tell me.”

  I look away. “I knew you’d try to talk me out of it.”

  “Damn straight I’d try to talk you out of it. You’re gorgeous. Your blue eyes would seduce any guy...” She pauses, her eyes darting down. “Or your boobs would in case it’s too dark to see your eyes.” Her lips spread into a grin, which twists into a grimace a second later. “Al
l you had to do was pick your target and get him into your bed. It’s simple.”

  “Yeah, simple for you.” I chew on my lip. “I’d have never dared to do that without knowing for sure that Mark was wrong.”

  “Well, you do have bad taste in guys. All your exes were handsome jerks.” She sighs heavily. “I just hope you won’t regret your decision.”

  “I don’t think I made the wrong choice. The guy was hot and he knew what he was doing. And it was pretty awesome for my first time.” I feel a smile creeping up my face. “He’s expensive, but he’s... different from Mark. Confident, patient, gentle...”

  “Whatever you say.” A frown line creases her forehead. “But it still feels weird to me. I guess I want the guy to be interested in me too, you know? Not that he sleeps with me only because I paid him.”

  “I know.” I meet her eyes. “But Mark’s words were ringing in my head all the time and I thought I would go insane. I mean, why torture myself with it? I know it sounds silly and stupid, but I couldn’t just convince myself everything would be fine.” I straighten my shoulders, lifting my chin up. I’m not sorry for what I’ve done and I’m sure I never will be. “This is probably the most selfish thing I’ve ever done, but I needed someone who would do exactly what I wanted him to. Someone who would put me above his own desires and who wouldn’t hurt me. Sure, I could’ve waited for someone special to come, but by then, who knows how freaked out about the whole thing I’d be?”

  Katherine’s eyes soften. “All right. If you’re happy, then I’m happy.” Her lips spread into a wide smile. “But if someone finds out... they’re so going to judge you.”

  “I don’t care. My life, my way.”

  “Good point.” She licks her lips, tapping her fingers against the table, and I frown.

  “What?” I raise a questioning eyebrow at her.

  “Nothing.” All emotion vanishes from her face as if she just turned off a switch. “So... will you tell me more about this mysterious hot guy? Wait, that doesn’t even sound right. Why doesn’t he have a better job?”

  “Alessandra told me he did it for the money. Apparently, he earns more than he would by just doing modeling or something.” I shrug. “I don’t really know anything about him. He has his reasons.”

  Katherine traces a finger over the edge of her glass. “Huh. So there isn’t anything else you noticed about him?”

  “Umm, he has a tattoo low on his hip, but I don’t know what it means.”

  Katherine flinches, shifting in her seat, her face slightly pale. But then she tilts her head. “A weird tattoo? Great. How do you find them, Lil? I swear you couldn’t choose a normal guy even if you tried to.” The corners of her lips quirk up, but her eyes are wide, her chest quickly rising and falling.

  “Normal is overrated.” I eye her carefully. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Katherine straightens, or pretends to straighten, her dark red dress, exposing more of her long legs. Her eyes dart toward the guy at the bar, her smile seductive. The guy smiles back and tips his glass in her direction. He’s not really her type. She prefers dark-haired guys, but there’s obviously something about this blond man that intrigues her.

  “Sorry. Did you say something?” Katherine turns to me as if nothing happened, her green eyes calm. I assume she no longer wants to talk about Caleb, but I’m not sure why. She’s acting strange about the whole thing. Maybe she’s met him before or he reminds her of someone she used to know.

  “Nope.” I glance at the guy, whose shoulders are slumped, probably because Katherine is no longer paying any attention to him. “I thought you were going to forget all about me and join the guy at the bar.”

  “Nah. I don’t even like him.” She picks up her black purse, digging around for something. “Besides, I have a date later tonight.” After checking her phone, she slides it back into the purse, which she sets back on the table. “But you didn’t tell me the most important thing about your guy. Does he have a pretty cock?”

  I choke on my soda and start coughing, tears pooling in the corners of my eyes. “Katherine!” I hiss when I’m able to talk again, hoping no one heard her.

  “What?” She innocently bats her eyelashes. “It’s a simple question. You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, unfortunately I do.” I give her a chilling look. When we were teenagers, Katherine sent me a porn video in an email, but she didn’t warn me what kind of a video she was sending me, so yeah, I opened the video at the worst possible moment, at a family gathering. My cheeks still burn when I remember the flabbergasted look on everyone’s faces as they stared at the computer screen. I quickly explained it was some kind of a pop-up ad that I didn’t know how to block, but I’m not sure anyone believed me.

  “Don’t tell me you’re still mad about that video.” Katherine’s eyes widen in disbelief. “The guy was so hot and you know how hard it is to find porn with a hot guy in it. His cock was huge and just pretty.”

  “You know most guys would be insulted if you called their cock pretty, right?”

  “I know. I actually got rid of one guy by saying his cock was so pretty I wanted to dress it up.”

  “Whatever.” I shake my head. “I’m not telling you anything.”

  “So it is pretty.” Her smile fades as she looks toward the door. I follow her look and freeze. My heart jumps into my throat, my breath hitching in my chest. No, it can’t be, but apparently it can. It’s just my luck, I guess.

  Mark strolls in, looking devastatingly handsome in his black shirt and dark blue jeans. His short dark hair is carefully combed, his green eyes glinting with amusement. A tall blonde trails after him, giggling at something he told her. My stomach does a sickening flip and I want to disappear. Maybe he won’t see... Too late.

  Mark’s lip curls in disgust as his eyes meet mine. I’m compelled to look away, but I don’t. I won’t let him win our staring contest. Katherine calls my name, but I’m too busy glaring daggers at Mark to concentrate on anything else.

  My heart beats so loudly in my chest that I think I’m going to be dizzy. The blonde has gone silent, frowning at Mark and me. He turns his head and whispers something into her ear. She nods and goes toward the bar, turning her back to us. With quick, confident steps, Mark crosses the distance between us.

  “Haven’t seen you in a while.” He flashes a big smile at Katherine, who gives him her deadliest glare. Even while Mark and I were dating, Katherine couldn’t stand him.

  “What do you want?” I have no intention of having a pleasant conversation with my ex, especially not tonight.

  Mark defensively raises his hands up. “You don’t need to be rude. I just wanted to make sure you’re all right and not drowning in a pool of tears. I’m glad you’re doing better.” He’s gloating because I’m sitting here with Katherine and not with a boyfriend. I can tell by the glee in his eyes. That son of a bitch. He knows I love this cafe bar, and he came here to show off his new girlfriend. How is it possible that I can hate someone I loved more than anything so much? How could I have been so blind not to see the real Mark?

  “She’s doing much better without you,” Katherine says. “Who’s your newest victim?”

  Mark’s face darkens. “Charming as ever, aren’t you, Kat?” he snarls. “Amelia and I are in love, but I guess a slut like you could never understand that.”

  I get to my feet a little bit too fast and Mark actually steps back. “You know nothing about love, you heartless son of a bitch. And if you talk to my friend like that ever again, you’re going to regret it.”

  “Whoa, calm down, babe.” Surprise fills his eyes. I’m not the girl he used to know. I’m not going to beg him to give Katherine a chance.

  “Don’t waste your breath on that worthless asshole,” Katherine says matter-of-factly. “He can’t even insult me properly.”

  I meet Mark’s eyes, my blood racing. “You should go.”

  “As you wish. I didn’t want to upset you.” The smug smile returns
to his face. “See you at your father’s party.”

  I gape at him, but he only turns on his heel and walks away. Did my father really invite him to his business party or is Mark only trying to unnerve me? Shit. Rubbing my hand over my face, I sit back in my chair.

  I worry at my lip as I eye Mark, who has gone to the bar and has his arm wrapped around his new girlfriend. When he pushes another shot glass in front of her, I look away, but then I’m reminded of my last date with Mark.

  Mark slides the glass toward me. “One more, babe.”

  I shake my head. My thoughts are fuzzy, my vision slightly blurry, and the room is tilting around me. “No.”

  A frown line creases his brow. “Oh, come on. You’ve only had... what? Two or three? One more can’t hurt.”

  “I’m not... I’m not feeling well.” I place my hand on the bar to support myself. It’s been more than three, I’m sure of it. “Take me home.”

  “Home?” Incredulity is written all over his face. “First you don’t want another drink and now you want to go home. Really? We’ve come here to have fun. Why are you ruining this night for me? You know how stressful this week has been for me.”

  I push down the wave of nausea. “Please. I can’t...”

  “Fine.” There’s a tic in his jaw and he grabs me by the arm. “You’ve got what you wanted. This night officially sucks thanks to you. I hope you’re happy.”

  “Did you tell your parents you broke up with Mark?” Katherine breaks the silence, arching an eyebrow.

  “Yeah.” I groan. “Maybe a thousand times, but my mom won’t listen. She thinks Mark and I are perfect for each other, and that we’ll get over our rough patch.”

  Katherine stares at me. “What’s your mom smoking? I want some of that. What on earth makes Mark and you a perfect match?”

  “Well, he’s incredibly rich, and that’s what matters most to her. And... our dads are working together. I think they’re planning to invest in another chain of hotels somewhere abroad. Maybe they’ve finally reached an agreement.” I should’ve asked my mom why my dad is hosting the party.


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