The Power Trip

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The Power Trip Page 14

by Jackie Collins

  Naturally they wanted the star, who didn’t? Only tonight they’d have to make do with him.

  Fortunately for them, he was far better at participating in games than Luca.

  * * *

  Nobody played a more beguiling man of the people than Senator Hammond Patterson. He had it down to a fine art. Smile at everyone, pose with their children, pick up babies, wave when it was appropriate, always appear amicable and approachable. He came across as idealistic and full of hope, when in point of fact he was rife with ambition and harboured a deceptive personality.

  As Hammond’s closest personal aide, Eddie March had yet to discover the real man who lurked beneath the façade of decency and truth. All he saw was an upstanding man who always spoke up for what he believed in. A future candidate for the Presidency of America. A compassionate man with high standards.

  Eddie also saw the very beautiful, classy and serene wife of the Senator, Sierra Hammond. Every time he was in her presence she took his breath away. He had a schoolboy crush and there was nothing he could do about it except worship from afar.

  Eddie March was catnip to women: an attractive, single male, working next to an esteemed Senator. At thirty-four he had his own boyish charm, only his was genuine.

  Eddie elected to accompany Hammond and Sierra to the airport on the pretext that he had a few things to tie up before the Senator’s short vacation.

  He sat opposite Hammond in the limousine discussing final decisions on several matters pending.

  Sierra curled into her seat and gazed blankly out the window.

  Eddie couldn’t help sending a few furtive glances her way. She was so damn beautiful with her porcelain skin and exquisite cheekbones. How the hell had Hammond gotten so lucky?

  There was a mini-press conference outside the airport – not planned, but Hammond handled it with his usual style. Everyone was anxious to know when and if he was planning to run – rumours abounded.

  Hammond gave them the well-thought-out noncommittal answers, for he had no intention of revealing his strategy to announce his candidacy. When the time came he’d decided that he would make his announcement on Jay Leno’s The Tonight Show, just like several other important politicians before him.

  After all, he was a man of the people – what could be more fitting?

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  It was Sergei’s way to do things fast. Fast and thorough, with an obsessive attention to detail. Possessing a steel-trap mind, a lack of conscience and a knack for picking the right business partners, when he required something to be done, he expected instant gratification or there would be consequences.

  So when Sergei discovered that Aleksandr Kasianenko was the man responsible for his brother’s murder, he immediately had his people find out everything he needed to know about his fellow Russian. Sergei had numerous contacts, and since information was a currency he dealt in every day, it didn’t take long. Way back in the early nineties, after the fall of the Soviet Union, Sergei was reminded that Boris and Aleksandr Kasianenko had been involved in some kind of business dispute over shares in an oil company, to which Boris had claimed he was entitled. Sergei had no memory of how the issue was resolved, but he did recall that Boris had always held a grudge, and after brooding about it for years, he’d made plans to kidnap one of Kasianenko’s daughters and hold her for ransom. ‘That motherfucking pizda still owes me money,’ Boris had raged. ‘It’s been years now, and I have waited long enough. It is time to claim what’s mine.’

  Boris’s plan had never materialized because of his untimely death.

  Finally Sergei understood why. Aleksandr Kasianenko must’ve heard about the kidnapping plot, and taken steps to prevent it from happening. Aleksandr Kasianenko had murdered Boris, taken his life as if it meant nothing. And he would pay for that.

  When Sergei heard about Aleksandr’s new yacht and his upcoming trip, it was like a gift laid out in all its glory for him to salivate over and relish.

  He could almost taste the ultimate revenge.

  Could anything be more perfect?

  Aleksandr Kasianenko.

  One rich lucky motherfucker.

  Not so lucky any more.

  Sergei would see to that.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  When Bianca caught sight of her name emblazoned across the side of the gleaming white super-yacht, she forgot all about her fight with her lover. She turned to Aleksandr and hugged him tightly. ‘You didn’t!’ she squealed.

  ‘Yes, my dear, I did,’ he said, finally breaking a smile, for their flight to Cabo had been most uncomfortable. Bianca had spent the majority of the time locked in the bedroom, which was an embarrassment considering they had guests. At times she could be a wilful woman and it infuriated him.

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ she demanded, green eyes gleaming with delight.

  ‘I decided to surprise you,’ Aleksandr said. ‘I know how you love surprises.’

  ‘Now I feel so selfish for not helping you with our guests,’ Bianca said, pouting. ‘I’m such a bad, bad girl.’

  ‘It’s all right, my dear,’ he assured her. ‘Our guests slept.’

  ‘And you?’

  ‘I fell asleep for a minute or two,’ he replied. ‘Not as comfortably as if I’d been in my own bedroom, but it was acceptable.’

  ‘Why didn’t you come in and join me?’ Bianca asked, experiencing waves of guilt. ‘I wouldn’t’ve kicked you out.’

  ‘I was under the impression that you were in no mood to be disturbed.’

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said, truly meaning it.

  ‘Good enough,’ he replied, relieved to put their argument to rest. Fighting with Bianca was not his favourite pastime.

  ‘I’m also sorry for flashing my cooch,’ Bianca added with an embarrassed giggle. ‘You know it wasn’t intentional. I wouldn’t do that.’

  ‘I’m sure it wasn’t.’

  ‘Damn cell-phone cameras,’ she grumbled. ‘They should be banned!’

  ‘I expect my wife will eventually get over it,’ Aleksandr said, quite certain that Bianca’s indiscretion would cost him dearly.

  ‘You think?’ she asked hopefully.

  ‘I know,’ Aleksandr said, taking her arm. ‘Come, my dear. Let us go board The Bianca. The magnificent lady awaits our presence.’

  * * *

  Away from London, their large house, the demanding twins, her interfering mother and her design obligations – which as far as Taye could tell consisted of nothing more than picking out fancy fabrics for rich clients – Ashley was like a different person. She’d suddenly turned all giggly and girlish, groping him on the plane – even suggesting they might do it in the toilet. His wife was actually happy and randy! Exactly like the girl he’d married six years ago, the girl who couldn’t get enough, the fun-loving Ashley he’d knocked up in the back of his Roller one drunken night after a party.

  Ah yes, he remembered that night well. Ashley in a Stella McCartney dress and no knickers, high heels and bare legs. He’d actually gone down on her in the back of the car before jamming it into her sweet wetness.

  It was the night they’d conceived Aimee and Wolf. What a night!

  ‘Oh,’ Ashley said, fanning herself as they got off the plane. ‘This place is bloody hot.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Taye agreed, ‘an’ it’ll get even hotter tonight when I’m givin’ you exactly what you want.’

  ‘You mean what you want,’ she giggled.

  They had not done it on the plane due to the fact that Ashley had complained that the toilet was too disgusting. ‘There’s three inches of pee on the floor,’ she’d moaned in disgust. ‘Why can’t men ever aim straight?’

  ‘I can,’ Taye had retorted with a lavicious grin.

  ‘Oh, I know that,’ she’d replied.

  And he’d known without a doubt that tonight he was definitely getting lucky.

  * * *

  Watching Xuan grill Aleksandr was quite entertaining. It wasn’t until Xuan had star
ted her inquisition that Flynn had come to hear of the charitable deeds the rich Russian was capable of: the man was full of surprises. Now he was aware that Aleksandr had a charitable side, there were many things Flynn thought he might discuss with him. For instance, would Aleksandr be prepared to sponsor the building of a school in Ethiopia for orphans who’d lost their parents in the ongoing war? It was a project that had been on Flynn’s mind for a while, but raising the money was almost impossible. He was in weekly contact with people who were prepared to build and organize everything, but lack of funds was the big hold-up. One school. Surely that wasn’t too much for Aleksandr to manage?

  Flynn decided that before the trip was over, it was his duty to ask.

  Aleksandr was obviously intrigued by Xuan; they hadn’t stopped talking on the flight. Finally – after landing – Bianca had emerged from the bedroom, and she and Aleksandr had left the plane together, followed by Aleksandr’s ever-present bodyguard, Kyril.

  ‘I wish to take Bianca to the yacht first,’ Aleksandr told Flynn. ‘A car will come for you and Xuan shortly.’

  So Flynn was left with Xuan, who couldn’t wait to inform him that Aleksandr Kasianenko was a far more interesting man than he’d led her to believe.

  ‘I didn’t lead you to believe anything,’ Flynn objected.

  ‘Yes, you did,’ Xuan insisted. ‘You told me he was an obscenely rich oligarch with no conscience.’

  ‘Bullshit,’ Flynn said, laughing. ‘I never said that.’

  ‘Well, that’s the impression I got.’

  ‘Then you should listen more carefully.’

  ‘Anyway,’ Xuan said, smoothing back her long hair. ‘I find him to be an extremely knowledgeable man.’

  Flynn raised a sceptical eyebrow. ‘You do?’

  ‘Yes, I do. Although I cannot imagine what he sees in that rude spoiled creature he’s with.’

  Flynn felt argumentative. ‘What makes you think Bianca’s spoiled?’

  ‘Did you see the way she behaved?’ Xuan said. ‘Sulking like a teenager. I can’t stand that kind of woman. They imagine their beauty excuses them from everything.’

  ‘I think we caught them mid-argument,’ Flynn noted.

  ‘Perhaps. But in my opinion, a man like Aleksandr deserves better.’

  Flynn broke into a smile. ‘I do believe my little Xuan has a crush,’ he teased.

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous!’ she snapped.

  ‘These things happen,’ he said lightly. ‘Even to you.’

  ‘My goodness, Flynn, having sex with someone you like has taken away your better sense of judgment.’

  ‘And so she turns the tables,’ Flynn said.

  ‘And so he starts speaking in clichés,’ Xuan shot back.

  ‘I have to say that you and Aleksandr would make an interesting couple,’ Flynn observed.

  ‘Oh, please,’ Xuan said, dismissing his comments with a shake of her head. ‘The man is taken, in case you hadn’t noticed.’

  So she did like him. Flynn was amused at the thought of Xuan and Aleksandr together. It would be the mis-match of the century. The Russian oligarch and the militant Asian girl. What a fun combination that could turn out to be.

  * * *

  Guy, the entertainment director from the yacht, personally met Cliff Baxter and his girlfriend at the airport. A gay, personable Australian, Guy was used to dealing with celebrities, and it was his wish to make the couple feel as comfortable as possible from the get-go.

  ‘The name’s Guy,’ he said, offering Cliff a firm handshake. ‘It’s a pleasure to welcome you, Mr Baxter.’

  ‘It’s a pleasure to be welcomed,’ Cliff responded, his famous movie-star smile thrilling every woman who hovered within ten feet of him.

  ‘I’m Lori,’ Lori said, asserting herself.

  ‘Welcome, ma’am,’ Guy said, reaching for her carry-on bag. ‘Allow me to help you with that.’

  ‘Certainly,’ Lori said, trying to decide if he was gay or not. He was certainly nice-looking, tall and muscular with bleached white hair worn in a spiky cut, crinkly pale blue eyes, and a deep suntan.

  ‘Follow me,’ Guy said, attempting not to stare at Cliff Baxter, who was just as handsome in person as he was on the screen. ‘Your luggage will be taken care of. I have a car waiting. And Mr Kasianenko wanted me to tell you that he is delighted you are here.’

  * * *

  The Luttmans supplied a white Bentley to take Luca and Jeromy to join the Kasianenko yacht. After his nighttime sexual adventures with the Luttmans, Jeromy was quite hung-over. He hadn’t drank that much – was there such a thing as a sexual hangover? Yes. And Jeromy was proof that it existed.

  Between the two of them and their sexual perversions, the Luttmans had worn him out. Jeromy had always been partial to a walk on the wild side, but the Luttmans were something else. He almost blushed at the memories.

  Luca was his usual handsome, cheerful, blond-god self. Jeromy wondered what Luca would say if he ever found out about the sexual shenanigans that had taken place the previous evening. Luca would probably be shocked. He might be gay, but in Jeromy’s world he was an innocent gay with very limited experience. You suck my cock, I’ll suck yours. Plus a certain amount of mild penetration on special occasions.

  It was no wonder that Jeromy had to venture elsewhere to get real satisfaction.

  ‘I can’t wait to relax and get away from everything,’ Luca said now. ‘How about you?’

  ‘I must say that being on the Kasianenko yacht sounds like the perfect getaway,’ Jeromy agreed, adjusting his dark glasses so they hid what surely must be hideous bags under his eyes. He longed to pat haemorrhoid cream around his eyes before falling into a deep and most welcome sleep.

  Alas, that would have to wait until later, because right now he had the role of attentive boyfriend to play, and nobody played it better than Jeromy Milton-Gold.

  * * *

  ‘We’re here.’ Hammond nudged his wife awake as the plane landed. ‘Try to look a little less miserable and for crissake put on a smile,’ he said, his tone a sharp command. ‘Do not forget these people are all future contributors to my campaign, so attempt to sparkle.’

  Did Hammond just instruct her to sparkle? Was that what he expected?


  Or what?

  Or he’d regale her with his threats again. Threats against her family. Threats he assured her on an almost daily basis he could definitely arrange to have carried out.

  Sierra plastered on a fixed smile and prepared herself for the inevitable.

  The Senator’s wife.

  A good wife.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  After exploring the luxurious yacht and falling in love with every aspect of it, especially the opulent master suite, Bianca settled on the main deck with Aleksandr by her side, and a glass of champagne in her hand, ready to greet their guests.

  ‘This is paradise,’ she commented, taking in her surroundings and realizing how lucky she was to have found a man like Aleksandr. Not only was he a fantastic lover, but he was so very good to her and rich rich rich! Not that his money mattered, she had plenty of her own. However, it made a welcome change to be with a man who did not expect her to pick up the bill.

  ‘It certainly is,’ Aleksandr agreed. ‘And there will be more surprises to come.’

  ‘I can’t wait,’ she said, clinging to his arm. ‘Tell me everything.’

  ‘Be patient, my love,’ he said, lifting his glass to clink it with hers.

  ‘I’ll try.’

  ‘Try hard.’

  ‘You shouldn’t keep me waiting,’ Bianca said with a captivating smile.

  ‘Ah, but that’s exactly what I should do,’ Aleksandr responded. He knew how to keep Bianca interested.

  Ashley and Taye were the first guests to arrive. Bianca was pleased. She and Ashley were sometime friends, and she couldn’t wait to show the glamorous yacht off. She gave Taye a quick kiss on the cheek and hoped that he’d forgotten about their one nig
ht of lust many years ago.

  Apparently he had, for he never said a word, not that he would in front of his wife.

  ‘This is amazing!’ Ashley squealed, taking in her surroundings. ‘Your name is on the boat and everything! How fantastic is that?’

  ‘My gift to my lady,’ Aleksandr said with an enigmatic smile. ‘Bianca deserves only the best.’

  Some gift, Ashley thought as she quickly checked Aleksandr out. She found him to be a somewhat imposing man with his close-cropped dark hair, grey at the temples, and heavy-set features. He was attractive in a very manly way. A bit frightening really, like the mysterious villain in a Hollywood action movie.

  ‘This is so exciting!’ Ashley said, continuing to enthuse as she and Bianca sipped champagne.

  ‘I know,’ Bianca agreed, smoothing down her Azzedine Alaia tighter-than-tight dress. ‘The whole yacht thing was all Aleksandr’s idea, and I’m here to tell you that I’m loving every single minute!’

  ‘Who wouldn’t?’ Ashley said, experiencing a sharp stab of envy.

  ‘I know,’ Bianca agreed. ‘It’s quite overwhelming.’

  ‘Can I ask who else is coming?’ Ashley asked, plucking a smoked salmon canapé from a passing stewardess.

  Before Bianca could reveal who the other guests were, Luca and Jeromy were escorted aboard.

  Spotting her old friend Luca, Bianca flung herself at him with screams of excitement. ‘Look at you,’ she yelled. ‘Big fuckin’ star! And don’t we love it!’

  Luca was as delighted to see her as she was to see him. He’d known Bianca long before he was famous, and she’d always been a loyal friend to him, especially when he’d come out. He embraced her energy and spirit, and he considered her to be very special, even though they never got to spend as much time together as they would like.

  ‘You look outrageous,’ he said, taking a step back to admire her. ‘Could your dress be any tighter?’

  ‘You know what they say,’ Bianca responded with a cheeky wink. ‘If you got it, put it on show!’

  ‘I’m all over that!’ Luca said, grinning.

  Ashley sauntered over to Jeromy. ‘Bet you never expected to see me here,’ she said with a distinct note of triumph.


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