The Power Trip

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The Power Trip Page 39

by Jackie Collins

  ‘As if you don’t know,’ Sergei snarled. ‘I want you out of my house. NOW.’

  ‘It’s the middle of the night, Sergei,’ Ina said. ‘If you really mean it, I’ll leave tomorrow and go back to Acapulco until you calm down.’

  ‘You’ll go back nowhere,’ Sergei assured her. ‘It’s over. And consider yourself lucky that I’m letting you walk away.’

  ‘But Sergei—’

  ‘Five minutes, Ina,’ he threatened. ‘And if you’re not gone by then, I promise you – I’ll break every bone in your body.’

  Chapter Ninety-Six

  If Flynn knew anything at all, it was that he couldn’t let the bastard get away with kidnapping the young stewardess and Captain Dickson. God knows what he’d do to them. The pirate had gunned down his own man, which meant he was capable of anything.

  ‘You okay?’ he asked, briskly turning to Taye.

  ‘Not a scratch,’ Taye retorted.

  ‘Then we gotta go after them,’ Flynn said with an air of urgency. ‘We need to get control of their other boat, take it over.’

  ‘How’re we—’

  Before Taye could even think of finishing his sentence, Flynn was on the move, crossing over to the far side of the yacht, motioning Taye to be quiet.

  Galad, the pirate in charge of the second speedboat, was not as laid back as Jabrill. Over the last hour he’d heard sporadic gunshots and was on alert.

  Flynn, not about to waste time, surprised the pirate with a crack shot to the man’s right arm, causing Galad to drop his gun and yelp with pain. Moving swiftly, Flynn swooped down to the boat, rendering Galad unconscious with a fast and accurate blow to the head, then quickly tipping him into the back of the boat.

  Climbing down the ladder after him, Taye was shocked. It seemed Flynn had moves nobody suspected. Bloody hell! Could it be that he was a Navy SEAL in another life? Taye wouldn’t be surprised.

  ‘You coming?’ Flynn shouted.

  ‘Yeah,’ Taye said, still somewhat shell-shocked. ‘Wouldn’t miss it.’

  Flynn tossed him the pirate’s gun, and started the engine as Taye leaped in.

  The chase was on.

  * * *

  Cashoo’s mind was running riot. Hogtied, he was angry and frustrated. How had he allowed this to happen? Hani and Daleel too. What were they all thinking?

  For one second he’d lost focus, staring at a naked girl as if he’d never seen breasts before. Then a civilian had jumped him, several of the crew had rushed the others, and now the situation was reversed. Hani, Daleel and he were prisoners.

  Cruz wouldn’t be happy, nor would Amiin. Any moment Cashoo expected them to come in, guns blazing, all set to free them.

  He was confident this would happen, and soon. Cruz wasn’t one to put up with any delays.

  * * *

  Crouching down next to Renee, Guy was pretty certain that she’d been raped by a pirate, perhaps more than one. Poor girl, she was certainly in a sorry state.

  ‘Tell me what happened to you, dear,’ he asked sympathetically, as one of the Polish maids brought her over a mug of hot tea and squatted down beside her.

  ‘She’s been carrying on about a man with a gun,’ Jeromy said, clutching his shoulder, making sure everyone realized he was badly injured. ‘Apparently this man shot Senator Patterson.’

  Beginning to feel more lucid, Renee felt her head clearing and knew that she’d better get her story across before the repugnant man who’d murdered Hammond came looking for her.

  ‘The Senator and me – we were in my cabin,’ she said, taking small sips of tea, her hands shaking and the hot liquid spilling over the rim of the mug.

  Guy frowned. ‘What was Senator Patterson doing in your cabin?’ he asked.

  Renee lowered her head, too ashamed to tell the truth.

  ‘I . . . I don’t remember,’ she stammered. ‘He . . . he might’ve been running from the monster with the gun.’

  ‘Oh, you must mean the monster who raped you and shot the Senator?’ Jeromy said with a sarcastic edge, beginning to think that her story sounded somewhat far-fetched, and wishing that Guy would pay more attention to him. After all, he was the one who’d been shot and almost killed; he should be the centre of attention.

  ‘That’s right,’ Renee mumbled.

  ‘You should know that the yacht’s been taken over by pirates,’ Guy told her matter-of-factly. ‘The man who attacked you must be one of them. It’s important that you tell us where you last saw him.’

  ‘I told you,’ Renee said, shivering uncontrollably. ‘He’s sleeping in my cabin. And the Senator is dead – he’s lying on the floor.’

  Then before they could get any more out of her, she burst into hysterical sobs.

  * * *

  Flynn drove the fast speedboat as if he’d been doing it all his life.

  And he probably has, Taye thought. Here is a dude who can apparently do anything he sets his mind to.

  They were not that far behind the other boat, and gaining fast.

  ‘Tie up the asshole,’ Flynn ordered, using one hand to toss Taye a section of sturdy rope.

  Taye presumed by asshole he meant the still-unconscious pirate. He did as Flynn requested, using his best slipknot technique, although he bet that Flynn had a better method.

  At least Flynn hadn’t killed the man, that was a relief.

  ‘How we gonna stop ’em?’ Taye yelled over the sound of the engine.

  ‘We’ll worry about that when we get closer,’ Flynn responded.

  ‘Do you have a plan?’

  ‘People who make plans end up getting fucked,’ Flynn shouted. ‘You gotta play it by instinct.’

  Taye could hardly believe that this was the same laid-back guy he’d spent days with on the yacht. Who knew that Flynn Hudson was some kind of super-hero?

  Dawn was breaking, and they could clearly make out the boat in front of them. The sea was calm, although the other boat was causing a swell, so their boat was bouncing over the waves, spray hitting them in the face.

  Flynn began covering the gap fast.

  Taye was mindful of the fact that the wild man in the boat ahead of them was carrying an Uzi.

  Would the pirate use it?

  Bloody right he would.

  Jeez! If Taye got himself shot, Ashley would never forgive him.

  * * *

  ‘It’s too quiet,’ Lori ventured, like Ashley beginning to feel trapped in the confined space. ‘How long before we can get out of here?’

  ‘Not until Aleksandr tells us we can,’ Bianca said, just as apprehensive as the others. She was worried about what was going on outside their safe room. She was also furious that the stewardess had robbed Aleksandr’s safe. If she was not mistaken, she could’ve sworn she’d seen the girl open a small box, then take out the ring nestled inside – and she couldn’t help wondering if it was an engagement ring.

  Could it be that Aleksandr had been planning to propose?

  The thought was an exciting one.

  Ashley had stopped complaining. She was slumped on the bench, muttering to herself.

  Xuan was chanting some kind of mantra, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

  Sierra was thinking that this situation was almost like a signal from God, telling her that if they all survived, she should leave Hammond.

  And she would. No more excuses.

  * * *

  ‘Shitheads,’ Cruz snarled, as he realized the chase boat was catching up with them. ‘Faster!’ he screamed at Jabrill. ‘Make this thing go faster!’

  Mercedes translated to Jabrill, who wasn’t happy.

  Captain Dickson was hunched in the back of the boat, praying to God that he would get out of this alive and be reunited with his wife of twenty years.

  What did they want with him? He was useless to them.

  As if reading his mind, Cruz came up with the same thought. The Captain was useless to them, so why keep him around?

  * * *

  Flynn had his eyes fi
xed on the boat ahead. He figured that if he was able to pass it, maybe he could cut them off, force their engine to stall and rescue the hostages.

  He wasn’t taking into account the man with the Uzi, and the driver of the boat who was no doubt also armed. All he could think about was persuading the pirates to relinquish their two hostages – the girl and the Captain. Then as far as he was concerned, the pirates could go on their merry way.

  It wasn’t going to be easy – nothing ever was.

  Then he thought, What if he offered an exchange? His trussed-up pirate for their two prisoners?

  Seemed like a fair enough deal if he could get the fucker with the Uzi to listen.

  He was thinking all of this as he powered the boat forward, intent on catching up. Then, to his utter surprise, someone on the boat in front of him hurled what appeared to be a body overboard.

  Hurriedly, Flynn swerved, immediately cutting the throttle and coming to a shuddering halt.

  ‘Watch what you’re doing, mate!’ Taye yelled, as he was thrown violently off-balance. ‘What the fuck!’

  Chapter Ninety-Seven

  ‘I want you to bring me one of the prisoners,’ Aleksandr ordered Guy. He was now settled in the mess-hall, his leg elevated.

  ‘There’s three of them, sir, and they don’t speak English,’ Guy advised. ‘We gather from the looks of them that they might be Somalians.’

  ‘Then don’t bother,’ Aleksandr said, shaking his head. ‘Are they well secured?’ he added. ‘No chance of escape?’

  ‘Absolutely no chance, Mr Kasianenko.’ Guy cleared his throat. ‘The problem is that we don’t know how many others there might be.’

  ‘The Coast Guard is on its way,’ Aleksandr said, surveying the room. ‘Everyone has to stay in one place until they get here. Is that understood?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ Guy said, then after hesitating a moment he added, ‘May I ask – where are the ladies?’

  ‘Safe,’ Aleksandr replied. ‘However, I regret to tell you that my bodyguard, Kyril, is no longer with us.’

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ Guy said, wanting more details, but afraid to ask.

  ‘So am I,’ Aleksandr said gravely. ‘He was a very loyal and fine employee.’

  ‘To fill you in, sir, we have one stewardess still missing,’ Guy said. ‘And Renee – the other stewardess,’ he lowered his voice. ‘I fear she’s been raped. She’s also saying something about Senator Patterson having been shot, but this has not been confirmed.’

  ‘Jesus Christ!’ Aleksandr thundered. ‘This is abominable.’

  ‘I know, sir, it’s a terrible situation.’

  ‘Those bastards will pay for this,’ Aleksandr said, his face dark with fury. ‘You have my word.’

  * * *

  Cliff found himself to be quite invigorated. Not that he embraced violence, but the fact that he and the young Australian with him were prepared to defend the yacht and search out invaders . . . well, it was damn energizing. After all, this wasn’t a movie set; he wasn’t surrounded by gofers willing to accommodate his every need. This was the real thing. Not the reel thing.

  For once Cliff was in charge of his own destiny. No longer The Sexiest Man Alive, a title he would like to see buried once and for all. He was living free, doing what he thought was the right thing, without a bevy of advisers telling him not to do something because the press might misconstrue his actions.

  Bullshit to that.

  ‘Middle deck’s all clear,’ Den announced. ‘We should go down one.’

  ‘I’m right behind you,’ Cliff said, holding his gun in front of him, and feeling more of a man than he had in a long time.

  * * *

  ‘I’m so sorry this had to happen to you,’ Luca said, commiserating with Jeromy – who was quick to tell him that he’d almost died.

  ‘My shoulder is extremely painful,’ Jeromy muttered, wincing to make sure Luca realized the full extent of his suffering.

  ‘You’re being very brave,’ Luca said.

  ‘It was a ghastly experience,’ Jeromy sniffed. ‘Not to mention quite humiliating.’ A meaningful pause. ‘Can you imagine, being dragged down here and thrown in with the crew? How degrading is that?’

  ‘At least we’re all safe now,’ Luca said, attempting to be the supportive significant other.

  ‘Are we?’ Jeromy said curtly. ‘That girl over there says there is a man with a gun asleep in her cabin. She claims he shot Hammond.’

  Luca glanced over at Renee. ‘Well, that doesn’t make sense,’ he said. ‘She’s most likely hallucinating after all she’s been through.’

  ‘Where is Hammond?’ Jeromy questioned. ‘Has anyone seen him?’

  It occurred to Luca that nobody had seen Hammond.

  ‘This story of a man asleep in her cabin,’ he ventured. ‘Did someone go check it out?’

  Jeromy started to shrug, then flinched with pain instead. ‘Nobody wants to,’ he said shortly.

  ‘Maybe I should,’ Luca suggested.

  ‘No!’ Jeromy admonished. ‘Leave it to one of the men.’

  ‘The men, Jeromy?’ Luca said, giving him an incredulous look. ‘What does that make me?’

  ‘You know what I mean,’ Jeromy said, hurriedly backing off. ‘It’s not your place. You’re too—’

  ‘Too what?’ Luca interrupted, finally realizing what Jeromy really thought of him.

  ‘Forget it,’ Jeromy said, switching to a long, deep moan. ‘My shoulder is so damn painful. What if I’m left with a disfiguring scar? Do you think I can sue Aleksandr?’

  Luca shook his head in disgust. He knew now more than ever that if they survived this ordeal, then it was definitely time for him to move on.

  * * *

  Thank God it was light out, for if it had been dark there would’ve been no way of finding a body in the sea.

  Is that what they were looking for? Flynn wondered. A dead body? Had the pirate shot whoever it was he’d tossed overboard?

  ‘Can you see anything?’ he yelled at Taye.

  Taye’s eyes scoured the sea until finally he spotted arms waving above the swell. ‘I’m going in,’ he shouted. ‘There’s someone out there.’

  ‘You a good swimmer?’ Flynn asked, grabbing a life preserver and tossing it overboard.

  ‘Better than most,’ Taye boasted, stripping off his pants and T-shirt, then making a clean dive over the side of the boat.

  The current was surprisingly strong, but it didn’t stop Taye. He swam boldly towards the flailing arms and grabbed the victim in a rescue hold.

  ‘Thank God!’ Captain Dickson gasped, as Taye managed to get them both back to the boat, where Flynn helped haul them aboard.

  The other speedboat was now way off in the distance. Flynn decided they had to go after it anyway to save the girl.

  ‘What girl?’ Captain Dickson managed, spluttering and coughing up seawater.

  ‘The stewardess,’ Flynn said. ‘We can’t let them take her.’

  ‘Don’t bother,’ Captain Dickson said, filled with relief that his prayers had been answered. ‘She’s one of them.’

  * * *

  Horse tranquillizers affect humans in various ways, depending on how much they have ingested. Basra had taken enough to knock out any normal person for many hours; however, there was nothing normal about Basra.

  The main drug in horse tranquillizers – Ketamine – was a powerful mind-changer. After having wolfed down several of the brownies Mercedes had laced with the stuff, Basra awoke with a lethal headache and a strong urge to puke.

  His mind was a blank slate. He didn’t know where he was or what he was supposed to be doing.

  He sat up, swung his feet to the ground and encountered the blood-soaked body of a naked man.

  After coughing up a wad of phlegm, he spat it on the man.

  Next he picked up his AK assault rifle, slung it over his shoulder, and set off to discover where he was.

  Basra was in a killing daze.

  Chapter Nin

  With Captain Dickson safely aboard, and the news that the stewardess, Mercedes, had turned out to be connected to the pirates, Flynn turned the speedboat around and headed back to The Bianca.

  Galad was still trussed up and immobile in the back of the boat, although he’d recovered consciousness and was glaring at his captors with deep loathing. They all ignored him while Captain Dickson filled them in on everything he knew – which wasn’t much. Just that the Mexican man was obviously running the operation and had no compunction about leaving his men behind, or even about shooting them.

  Flynn tried to discover more about the girl. The Captain had no further information on her, other than that Guy, his entertainment director, had hired her against his wishes.

  Flynn flashed back to the day he’d caught Mercedes coming out of his room. He should’ve been suspicious then, but she’d had a perfectly feasible excuse about checking out the mini-bar, and at the time his mind had been concentrating on Sierra.

  So, Mercedes had been the pirates’ inside connection. Then who exactly was the Mexican man running the show? As an investigative journalist and a guest on the yacht, Flynn had to find out. For his own peace of mind he needed to know.

  The big question was – who had targeted Aleksandr Kasianenko, and why?

  Meanwhile, there were things to tidy up on the yacht. How many pirates were still on the loose? Maybe three or even four?

  With their leader having taken flight, perhaps they’d surrendered. Flynn sincerely hoped so; he’d had enough action for one day. Besides, he was anxious to see how Sierra was doing.

  ‘We gotta be careful,’ he warned Taye and the Captain as their speedboat approached The Bianca. ‘If anyone comes at you, like I told you before – shoot for the knee-caps.’

  The Captain groaned.

  Taye, however, was totally into it.

  * * *

  Random thoughts crossed Cliff’s mind as he and Den swept each deck, guns drawn.

  How many times had he enacted a similar scene in a movie? Although in a movie every step was choreographed, every move worked out by a professional stuntman. There was plenty of fake blood when needed. Guns that shot blanks. Actors who made it all look too real.


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