Nailing Studs: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance

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Nailing Studs: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance Page 14

by Virna DePaul

  “Hey, where’s my tongue? How come Logan and Taylor got some?” Dom groaned.

  I went back to him and ran my tongue across his ear, down his lobe, ending with a bite of his lobe. The soft hairs on his arm stood straight up and his cock bulged through his jeans.

  “My bad,” I laughed. “Fair is fair.”

  I put an extra swing to my hips, feeling like a seductress with all the universe’s power over three hot men who all worked for me. Did my bidding. Sweat and toiled for me.

  I basked in their attention that gave me never-before felt feelings of myself as a hot-as-fuck warrior woman. Who knew I had her inside of me? It made me sad to think I hadn’t discovered her earlier.

  I’d turned a corner.

  I enjoyed my attraction to them and the energy that pulsed between us all when we were together. Ironically, at the same time, I finally stopped obsessing about it and what was going to happen between us. Even when Dom had joked about not getting enough tongue, I hadn’t felt an ounce of worry or guilt. I’d loved the fact that I was keeping them on their toes.

  When they left for the day, I followed routine and started to bake. I dug around in Tabitha’s old cookbooks and found a recipe for chocolate cake, one that contained rum and almonds. After making sure I could get the pilot light on the oven lit, I mixed up the batter, stuck the pan in the oven, then wandered around the house, gazing at some of the repairs the guys had already gotten done. In under a week, they’d made the downstairs walls look smooth again, fixing all the holes, painting, and adding wainscoting. The sun room shone extra bright with the new glass panels.

  I’d noticed that as the work progressed and the house started to feel more and more like the house I remembered as a child, I felt more and more attached to it. Every fresh coat of paint or mended crown molding or replaced glass panel triggered a happy memory of tea parties, with me tottering about in Tabitha’s high heels or seated in a circle with my stuffed animals, or running barefoot in the long halls playing hide and seek, where I always picked the same spot in her closet among her eclectic collection of feathered boas. Tabitha always knew I was there and yet she never failed to make me feel like I was the sneakiest of hiders, despite my plenty loud enough giggles.

  Not only was I feeling more and more of a connection with the old house, I was feeling more and more of a connection with Tabitha. I felt her presence around me, and I knew she would have been proud of me for taking risks, for living boldly, for finding happiness.

  My favorite room of all was the sun room. Since it’d been my favorite room to spend time in with Tabitha, seeing it so bright and cheery brought tears to my eyes. All I had to do now was buy some new sitting room furniture and bookshelves, and I’d put all my books there and make it my special spot. I felt so grateful to the guys for putting extra special effort into this one particular space.

  The only thing that slightly dampened my spirits was I couldn’t seem to find the coffee table that used to sit in the middle of the room. I remembered Tabitha giving me a pen to use to scratch my initials into it. I remembered telling her that was definitely not allowed. And I remembered her whispering that she would never tell a soul. Tabitha lived with no fear. None.

  That coffee table had become a sort of symbol for my new life and I wanted to find it, but I’d searched the attic and the garage and nothing. Like so many other pieces of furniture from the house that I once remembered, it was gone.

  But now the house looked so much more like the way I remembered it from my childhood—there was still plenty of work left, but the sparkle and shimmer I recalled was finding its way back into the house. Only now I had the added memories of Dom, Taylor, and Logan hanging around, men who focused their attention on me so intensely they made me feel like I was the only woman in the world.

  The timer dinged and I returned to the kitchen and pulled out the cake. While it cooled, I whipped up some chocolate and rum ganache. Once the cake’s temperature lowered, I spread the ganache over the top and breathed in the chocolate-y goodness before pouring myself a glass of pinot grigio. Dinner could wait.

  I heard a knock on the door and startled, nearly spilling my wine. Maybe it was Dominic, finally ready to give us our private time together now that the house was at a good break point. But when I opened the door, I found myself faced with all three of them: Taylor, Dom, and Logan.

  “Oh,” I gasped. Dom reached out and caught my glass of wine before I dropped it. “You’re here. All of you.”

  Because it was after hours, they were showered, clean, and dressed to go out, each of them showing off their own unique style. As much as I loved them in jeans and no shirts, I loved them dressed and sexy just the same. One might call these outfits their I-want-to-look-as-hot-as-hell-to-increase-my-chances-of-getting-fucked-tonight outfits.

  Well, the clothes were working.

  A tidal wave of naughty fantasies flooded my mind. Looking at them instantly turned me into girl mush, and I felt shy and nervous again, but in the best of ways. The weak-knees way. And I knew. Knew what was going to happen tonight. I was so relieved and excited I almost couldn’t contain myself.

  Shit, I thought, slightly embarrassed when I realized I was wearing nothing but a worn T-shirt and no bra and a pair of old boxers I’d stolen from an old boyfriend. I hadn’t put on an apron while baking so I had smears of chocolate across my T-shirt. My legs were bare and I was distinctly and utterly aware of how few clothes there were between them and me.

  “You’ve been baking again,” Taylor murmured, as if that explained anything. Like the smell of my baked goods had lured them back like I was some Betty Crocker Pied Piper.

  “Um yeah. Trying to, at least. I think this oven is on its last leg. Do you…do you want to come in and have a taste?” I bit my lip. Though I hadn’t meant it in a sexual way, now I didn’t care what they thought. I’d been wanting that taste for a week now.

  “Don’t offer unless you’re willing to let us,” Dominic said with that dark gaze of his.

  “I don’t make offers I don’t back up,” I tossed casually over my shoulder, waggling my fingers for them to follow me into the foyer. It was game time, though I wish I’d known they were coming so I could’ve gone upstairs to get ready. “You guys make yourselves at home while I go shower. Help yourself to the cake. I’ll be right back.”

  Running upstairs, I made quick work of showering, but took extra time shaving, slathering on body lotion afterward to seal in the moisture on my skin. If this was going to happen, I wanted to be on my A Game just like they were for me. After blow-drying my hair and changing into a sweet summer sundress, I headed back downstairs. But not before I slipped off the panties I’d donned after the shower.

  I had plans that panties would only get in the way of.

  “Hey, the baking goddess returns,” Logan said, smiling. He looked good enough to eat.

  “Did you guys have any cake?”

  “We did,” Taylor said. “We sampled it without you. Hope that was okay.”

  “You know damn well that’s why I made it,” I said, though it wasn’t completely true. But I didn’t mind them thinking I’d done it all for them.

  “We weren’t really here for cake anyway,” Dom said, stepping up to me and taking my hands. “We wanted to show you that we were serious about fixing up the house. That’s why we busted our asses off this week, even though there were other things we would’ve rather been doing.”

  “Things?” I asked coyly.

  Taylor added, “We hope you weren’t feeling neglected.”

  “Me? Neglected?” I scoffed. “Hell no. I’ve had a great week getting things done and watching you guys work.”

  “And doing what you’ve been doing upstairs in your room.”

  “Well, of course.” I smiled. “You can’t blame a girl. I mean, look at you all. So no, I haven’t been feeling neglected. I’ve enjoyed having you around and seeing what you’ve been doing.” Their attention on me, so caring in each man’s unique way, touched
a soft spot in my heart, and the earlier flirtation faded into the background. I took a hitching breath and added, “It’s also been nice to get back to regular life. Ever since Tabitha died, and I lost my job, I’ve felt…unmoored. Does that make sense?”

  “I know all about it,” Dom replied. I knew he was referring to his recent breakup with that Ada woman, and I was happy I’d been able to provide him with some distraction from that, at least.

  “I’m sure it didn’t help to have strangers around you all the time,” Logan, said, “offering you stuff and making your life overwhelming.”

  “I’ll take overwhelmed over having those offers reneged any day,” I said quickly, suddenly wondering if that was what this was about. Had they changed their minds?

  “Oh, nothing’s being reneged,” Dom said quickly. “We don’t want take-backs. In fact, we’ve sensed how comfortable you’ve grown with us, and, to put it bluntly, we’ve all gone crazy with how much we want you. We know you’ve only been with Taylor, and usually, people work their way to two before they get to three, but what if—”

  “I want to do it,” I blurted out. “Let’s do it. Here. Now. All four of us.” Dom’s eyes widened. For a moment, I wondered if I’d heard something else. They were talking about sex, weren’t they? All my old insecurities started coming back and I stuttered, “I mean… Of course, if that’s not what you meant…I…” My voice grew small and quiet and I added, “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t ever apologize,” Dom said quietly. “Don’t you dare feel embarrassed or take back what you said.”

  “Yeah, that’s the truest thing you’ve ever said to us, Kayla. Without an ounce of guilt or second thought,” Taylor added. “In fact, I want to hear it again.”

  I felt something give inside me. Maybe it was those last remaining inches of inhibition, or maybe just relief that I hadn’t made a fool of myself, or knowing that something extraordinary and momentous was about to happen in my life, but…

  I pushed away the old Kayla. “I want to do it,” I said again, more slowly, looking at all of them. All their faces and gazes. Making sure they knew how I felt. “Here. Now. All four of us.”

  Dom came up to me, as my body shook from my core. He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I loved the feel of his warm body so close to me. I looked over at Taylor and Logan, but before I could take in their expressions or reactions to this, Dom leaned in and kissed me.

  It was the kind of kiss that knocked your breath square from your lungs, his tongue sliding into my mouth as he tugged me hard against his body. I forgot the other two were in the room for a moment as I pressed my body against Dom’s. When I pulled away from him, his hand strayed down to my ass and he let it linger there.

  “I know you do,” he whispered. “You’re ready.”

  My breath came faster as I realized this was finally happening. I almost couldn’t believe it. But there was no way in hell I was going to stop it now.

  “Upstairs,” I said in a husky voice filled with need. “In my bedroom. Now.” I began walking off, feeling like the Queen of this house, when Dom scooped me up in his arms and carried me upstairs.

  The others followed closely behind. When we reached my room, Dom placed me on the bed, the three of them quickly surrounding me and sliding down on to the covers around me. Thank god Tabitha had splurged on a California king-sized bed. The weight of them on the bed felt surreal. Three, solid tall men. A wall of muscle and intention. I bit my lip as I looked at them all, one at a time.

  To my surprise, Logan had this darkness to the way he was looking at me. As the slick businessman, there was kink to him, and I knew I’d be in trouble with that one. Taylor had a playfulness to him, and Dominic, as usual, wore an intense intimidation I was already addicted to.

  Dom kissed me again as Taylor slid between my legs, and I found myself too focused on their activities to let my overheated brain overthink this any longer. My goal would be to let go…to feel…to allow my body to enjoy the sensations.

  Taylor pushed my legs apart while Dominic caught my head in his hands, moaning softly as though he’d been thinking about doing this to me since the very first moment he’d laid eyes on me. Logan ran his hand down my arm, linking his fingers with mine in a soft, surprisingly sweet gesture that belied everything I’d foretold about him. Taylor hooked his fingers around the straps of my sundress and inched the fabric down my body, exposing my bare breasts, my stomach, my aching pussy. He tugged the dress off and the cool air hit my skin, making me ache for the heat of a man’s body covering mine.

  My pulse raced as I felt his hot breath on the inside of my thighs, moving up and up and up until…

  “The cookies are done, Dom,” he said, eliciting a much-needed giggle from my throat.

  “So done,” Dom agreed.

  “And shaved. The cookies are shaved, too. With a little landing strip leading the way.” Taylor ran his thumb lightly over my core as I let out a deep, long groan against Dominic’s mouth. Finally, I felt Taylor’s tongue connect with my clit for the first time. I hadn’t realized just how desperate I’d been for some kind of relief until that moment, but I felt my body sink into the bed and my brain clear for the first time since I’d arrived in this place.

  Logan’s hand moved from my arm to my belly, stroking his fingers across my thin swath of pubic hair, the one Taylor had called a “landing strip,” as Taylor slowly licked up and down, back and forth across my clit. They all seemed to know precisely what they were doing, as though they had rehearsed this a thousand times. I’d never realized it before, but the feel of all of their hands moving over me soothed and aroused me at the same time, a moving blanket of warmth and reassurance and arousal.

  Taylor sealed his lips around my clit just as Logan shifted alongside me to draw one of my nipples into his mouth. Dominic was still kissing me, but when he saw what Logan was doing, he leaned down to mouth my other breast. His teeth dragged along my pebbled nipple, sending spasms of exquisite pleasure shooting through my breast, down to my core.

  The sensation of all three of their mouths on me simultaneously was almost more than I could bear. Better than anything I’d ever imagined in those wild fantasies I’d been having over the last couple of weeks. Taylor sucked lightly on my clit, the pressure in my core pairing with the deviously effective attention of the other two that pushed me closer to the edge.

  Looking down and seeing these three handsome men treating me to a myriad sensations made me come unexpectedly. My orgasm bloomed out from between my legs, my clit pulsing under Taylor’s patient tongue, and he slid his hands beneath my ass and drew me hungrily onto his mouth as I helplessly shuddered beneath him. Eventually, I had to rock my hips away as the feeling grew too much, my pussy too sensitive even as it wanted more.

  “Mmm...” Taylor lifted his head slowly, his gaze falling on mine as a smile spread across his face. “You taste so good, Kayla. I could do that all day.”

  “You’re not the only one.” Dominic shifted down my body, kissing it and letting his fingers graze the outside of my thigh, then brushing through the trimmed length of my pubic hair. He gently tugged on it, the pressure releasing something in me. I turned to Logan who’d offered me his mouth and kissed him. Logan teased my nipple with his fingers.

  I was still panting to catch my breath after what had just happened, and this was only the start of it. I felt an intense warmth fill me up, excitement and nerves all wrapped up in one, as Dominic pulled my leg back to get a better view of what Taylor had already seen, tasted, and satisfied. As Taylor held my other leg to spread me open, Dominic slipped a finger inside of me, watching with some expression I couldn’t read as my lips parted at the pleasure of it. Taylor planted a couple of soft kisses on the inside of my thigh, watching as Dominic penetrated me with his finger.

  I couldn’t get over this, how happy they seemed to watch the others with me. They seemed at peace that we were all together, moving as a unit, like this was what they’d been waiting for all
this time.

  “You’re so wet,” Logan breathed in my ear, kissing down my neck slowly and lazily. “I can’t wait to fuck you…”

  I groaned with pleasure and didn’t care how I sounded. These men were making me feel deliciously good. Dom’s fingers spreading me open triggered my body to quake, a reminder that I wanted all three of them inside me. Not all in my pussy—I didn’t think that was possible—but all over me, fucking my core, my mouth, and who knew what else. I bit my lip at the thought, the anticipation prickling my skin.

  Then I said what I was truly feeling. “Dom, I want you first. Please.”

  His eyes lit up, like he couldn’t believe I had picked him. After all the quiet exchanges we’d had over the past couple of weeks, I just wanted to feel Dom inside me, penetrating me, taking me for his own.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, teasingly. “I aim to please.” Hunger gleamed in his eyes, his expression holding the promise that he’d fuck me good and hard and relentlessly.

  And that’s what I needed right then.

  They shifted positions. Dom grabbed me and flipped me over, grabbing my hips and pulling me up to all fours, running his hand over my bare backside and squeezing hard on my butt cheek.

  “Damn, your ass is perfect,” he murmured, landing a soft spank on my right cheek that made me jump, then giggle.

  I’d never had sex with Grant this way because I’d been confident he’d make some snide comment about my ass and the extra weight I was carrying. With my men here, my weight wasn’t “extra”—it was me. Delicious, sexy me. I knew I looked good to Dom. I wiggled my fanny, delighted when he smacked it again.

  Beside me, Logan had slipped out his cock from his pants and was now stroking it. Like Taylor he was on the big side, with thick veins that roped around his shaft.

  “Anybody got a…” Dom asked, and Taylor quickly handed a condom to him out of the pocket of his jeans. I heard the unzipping of Dom’s pants, then the rip of foil, and knew my pussy was almost dripping. God, this was hot, but I wanted more.


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