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The Vertigo Years

Page 60

by Philipp Blom

  Degas, Hilaire


  Delacroix, Eugène

  Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranken

  Der Floh

  Der Hausfreund als Erzieher und Fürer zu Familienglück und Menschenveredelung

  Der Reigen

  Der Rosenkavalier

  der Zauberberg

  Derain, André

  Deroulène, Paul

  detective stories

  Deutsch, Ludwig

  Deutsche Rundschau

  Deutsche Zeitung


  di Lammermoor, Lucia

  Diaghilev, Sergei

  Dickens, Charles

  Dictionary of Men of the Time

  Die Bombe

  Die Brücke

  Die Fackel

  Die Fledermaus

  Die Frau im Sozialismus

  Die protestantische Ethik und der ‘Geist’ des Kapitalismus

  Die sexuelle Krise

  Die Traumdeutung

  Die träumenden Knaben

  Die Tüchtigkeit unserer Rasse und der Schutz der Schwachen

  Die Waffen nieder!

  Die Zukunft

  Diederichs, Eugen

  Diefenbach, Wilhelm

  Dietrich, Marlene

  Dietrich the Pressured/ Pressurer, Margrave



  Disraeli, Benjamin

  Dominik, Hans

  Dönhoff, Counts von

  Doré, Gustave

  Dornach, Goetheanum

  Dostoyevsky, Fedor

  Doumic, René


  Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

  Dragomilov, Gen

  Dreadnought, HMS

  Dream Play

  Dreaming Boys

  dreams, analysis of

  Dreyfus, Capt Alfred

  Drummond, ‘General’ Flora

  Drumont, Edouard

  Duchamp, Marcel


  Dufayel, Georges

  Dumas, Alexandre

  Duncan, Isadora

  Dunlop, Dr John

  Durand, Marguerite


  Durkheim, Emile

  Duse, Elenora

  Düsseldorf University

  Dvořák, Antonin

  Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash

  Dynamism of the Automobile, The

  Eakins, Thomas

  Eastman, George

  Edinburgh, HMS

  Edison, Thomas Alvar

  education, alternative

  Education of Henry Adams, The

  Edward VII, King


  Einstein, Albert

  Elderslie, SS

  Elective Affinities of the German Blood


  electric chair, first use

  electricity, use of


  Elgar, Sir Edward

  Elgar, Lady

  Eliot, Charles W.

  Eliot, T. S.

  Elizabeth, Empress

  Ellis, Havelock

  Eminent Victorians

  English Channel, first flight across

  Epsom Derby

  Epstein, Jacob

  Ernst, Jakob

  Ernst II, Duke of Saxony-Altenburg

  essais sur les données immédiates de le conscience

  Esterházy dynasty


  Eugenics Education Society

  Eugenics Records Office

  Eulenburg, Prince Philipp zu

  evolution, theory of


  Eye for an Eye, An

  Eysoldt, Gertrud

  Falk, Robert

  Falla, Manuel de

  fashion, women’s

  Fauré, Gabriel

  Fauvist painters

  Fawcett, Millicent Garret


  Fedorovna, Alexandra

  female emancipation

  in Austria-Hungary

  backlash against

  in England

  in France

  in Germany

  hunger strikes

  in Russia

  Ferrer, Francisco

  Figes, Orlando

  film, advances in

  film stars

  Filosophova, Anna

  Finnish Life Guard Regiment

  Firebird, The

  First Men in the Moon, The

  Fisher, Adm John Arbuthnot ‘Jackie’

  Flaubert, Gustave

  Flax Field, The

  Fleiss, Wilhelm

  Floge, Emilie

  Flohr, C.

  Fokine, Michel

  Fontane, Theodor


  Ford, Henry; Ford Model T

  Forel, Auguste

  Forster, E. M.

  Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth

  Fragmentary Character of Life, The

  France: Church in

  decline of

  education in

  feminism in


  military tradition

  neurasthenia in

  violent crime in

  France, Anatole

  Franke, Karl

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke

  Franz Josef I, Emperor

  Fraser, Helen

  Frazer, Sir James George

  Fred Ott’s Sneeze

  Frederick II, Emperor

  Frederick the Great, King

  French colonialism

  French navy

  Frenssen, Gustaf

  Freud, Prof Sigmund

  Fried, Alfred Hermann

  Friedrich the Bitten, Margrave

  Fritsch, Theodor

  Fronz, Dr Emil

  Fry, Sir Edward

  Fry, Roger


  Fürstenberg, Carl

  Fürstenberg, Princess


  Future of War, The


  Futurist Manifesto

  Galileo Galilei

  Gall, Franz Josef

  Galli-Curci, Amelita

  Galopin, Arnould

  Galton, Francis

  Gambetta, Léon

  Gapon, Father Georgi Apollonovich

  Garnier, Octave

  Gaudí, Antonio

  Gauguin, Paul

  Gaulle, President Charles de

  Gaumont, Léon

  Gaupp, Robert

  Gawthorpe, Mary


  Geheeb, Paul

  genetic inheritance

  Gentleman from San Francisco, A

  Georg Moritz of Saxony-Altenburg

  George, Stefan

  George V, King

  George the Bearded, Margrave

  German colonialism

  German Flottenverein (Fleet Association)

  German Interparliamentary Union

  German naval policy

  German navy

  German Peace Society

  German South West Africa

  Germanicization of Christianity, The

  Germany: feminism in


  shops (Kolonialwarenläden)



  idea of speed in

  industrial cities

  industrial magnates

  industrialisation of

  life in

  middle classes


  military tradition


  non-noble titles

  rise of


  Social Democrats

  Wandervogel movement

  Gernsback, Hugo

  Gerstl, Richard

  Geschlecht und Charakter

  Gide, André

  Gie, Robert

  Gippius, Zinaida

  Girdner, John

  Gladstone, Herbert

  Gloeden, Wilhelm von

  Goddard, Henry

  Goethe, Johan Wol
fgang von

  Gogh, Vincent van

  Golden Bough, The

  Goncharova, Natalia Sergeeva

  Gonnard, René

  Gordon, Gen Charles George

  Gore, Charles

  Gorky, Maksim

  Gottleib, Robert

  Goudstikker, Sophie

  Gould, Anna

  Grande-Chartreuse monastery

  Grant, Duncan

  Gräser, Gusto

  Grayson, Victor

  Great Eastern

  Greffulhe, Comte

  Grey, Sir Edward

  Gropius, Walter

  Gruber, Max von

  Guinness, Lord

  Günter Victor, Prince

  Habsburg empire

  see also Austria-Hungary

  Haeckel, Ernst

  Hagenback, Carl

  Hague, The




  Hamburg America Line

  Hanover, Fagus works

  Hanseatic league

  Harden, Maximilian

  Hardie, Keir

  Hardy, Thomas

  Harrach dynasty

  Harris, Alice Seely

  Harris, Rev John


  Hartford, John

  Haugmard, Louis

  Hauptmann, Gerhart

  health of the poor

  Hearst, Randolph

  Heart of Darkness

  Hebrides, Outer

  Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm

  Hein, Heinrich

  Heinrich of Prussia, Prince

  Hélie, Marie-Hamélie

  Hellenic Religion of the Suffering God, The

  Hereditary Genius

  Herero people

  Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen

  Herzl, Theodor

  Hesse, Hermann

  Heydebrandt und der Lasa, Ernst von

  Heymann, Lida Gustava

  Highcliffe Castle

  Hirsch, Baron

  Hirschfeld, Magnus

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hitler Youth

  Hobson, J. A.

  Hodler, Ferdinand

  Hoffmann, E. T. A.

  Hoffmannsthal, Hugo von

  Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Prince Chlodwig zu


  Hölderlin, Friedrich

  holidays, seaside


  ‘Holmes, Sherlock’

  Holstein, Friedrich von

  Home Office

  homosexuality scandals

  Höppeler, Hugo

  Horsley, Daid

  Hugo, Victor

  Huldschinsky, Oscar

  Hülsen-Haeseler, Gen Dietrich


  Humboldt, Alexander von



  grain exports


  Idéologie d’hier: Dieu, la morale, la patrie

  Il Pagliacci

  Importance of Being Earnest, The


  industrial magnates

  influencing machine

  Ingres, Jean Auguste


  Intermediate Sex, The

  International Congress of Eugenics, First (1912)

  International Peace Conference (1899)

  Interpretation of Dreams

  Invasion of 1910, The

  IQ tests

  Isis Unveiled

  Island of Doctor Moreau, The

  Italy: quest for speed


  Ivanov, Vyacheslav

  Iveagh, Lord

  Ivoi, Paul d’

  Jáchymov (Joachimsthal)

  Jacob, Alexandre Marius

  James, Henry

  James, William

  Jameson Raid (1895)

  Janáček, Leoš

  see also Russo-Japanese War

  Japanese navy

  Jarry, Alfred

  Jaurès, Jean


  Je sais tout

  Jerome, Jenny


  German, successful



  Jodl, Friedrich

  John, Augustus

  Jordan, David Starr

  Josefine Mutzenbacher

  ‘Josefine St.’

  Journal de Roubaix

  Joyce, James


  Jugendstil design

  Jujol i Gibert, Josep Maria

  Jungle, The

  Junkers, East Prussian

  Jurassic Park

  Kafka, Franz

  Kainz, Joseph

  Kallikak Family, The: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble Mindedness

  Kallikak, Debora

  Kamenskii, Vasily

  Kandinsky, Wassily

  Kant, Immanuel

  Kellogg, John Harvey


  Kemmler, William

  Kenney, Annie

  Keppel, Alice

  Kerr, Alfred

  Kessler, Count Harry

  Key, Ellen

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Khartoum, siege of (1885)

  Kiel regatta

  Kiev University

  Kindereln-Wächter, Alfred von

  Kingsley, Mary

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kishinev, Bessarabia

  Kitchener, Lord

  Klee, Paul

  Kleigels, Gen

  Klimt, Gustav


  Kodály, Zoltán

  Kohn, Hans

  Kokoschka, Oskar

  Kollwitz, Käthe

  Kölnische Zeitung

  Komi people

  Kommerrell, Max

  Konchalovsky, Piotr

  Konophyanikova, Zina


  Korczak, Janusz

  Kosiakov, Vladimir and Georgii

  Kovalevskii, Pavel

  Kowalsky, Col Henry I.


  Kraus, Karl

  Krishnamurti, Jiddu

  Kritik der Weiblichkeit

  Kropotkin, Prince Petr Aleksandrovich

  Kruger, A.

  Kruger, President

  Krupp, Alfred

  Krupp, Friedrich Alfred

  Krupp, Friedrich Wilhelm

  Krupp, Fritz

  Krupp plants

  Kubin, Alfred

  Kunstformen der Natur

  Kuropatkin, Gen Alexei

  L’Après-midi d’un faune

  l’Armée nouvelle


  L’éducation féministe des filles

  L’émancipation sexuelle de la femme


  L’Ile aux trente cercueils


  L’Uomo delinquente

  L’Uomo di genio in rapporto alla psichiatria

  La Bohème

  La Course au radium

  La Fanciulla del West

  La France d’outre-mer

  La France juive

  La Fronde

  la Locomotion à travers le temps, les moeurs et l’espace

  La 628 E-8

  Labour Party, Independent

  Lac Leman

  Lagarde, Paul de

  Lagerlöf, Selma

  Lake Baikal

  Lake Geneva (Lac Leman)

  Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste

  Lamprecht, Karl

  Land Ironclads, The

  Langbehn, Julius

  Langevin, Paul

  Langtry, Lily

  language, ability of

  Larionov, Mikhail Fyodorovich

  Lartigue, Jacques Henri

  Latham, Hubert

  Laurent, Emile

  Lawrence of Arabia

  Le Corbusier

  Le culte de moi

  Le Droit à l’avortment

  Le femme en lutte pour ses droits

  Le Figaro

  Le Matin

  Le Queux, William

  Le surmâle
r />   Leadbeater, Charles Webster

  Leblanc, Maurice

  Leeds Art Club

  Legends of the Baalshem

  Léger, Fernand

  Leighton, Frederic

  Leighton, Frederic Lord


  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich

  Lenton, Lillian

  Leopold II of the Belgians, King

  Lépine, Louis

  Les Demoiselles d’Avignon

  Leutnant Gustl

  Lever, William

  Leverhulme, Lord

  Liberal Party

  Liberec (Reichenberg)

  Liddington, Jill


  Liebenfels, Dr Johann Lancz de

  Liebermann, Max

  Liechtenstein dynasty

  Lietz, Hermann

  light, speed of

  Lilienthal, Otto

  Linder, Max

  Linné, Carl von

  Lipton, Sir Thomas

  Lisanewich, Matilda

  List, Guido von

  Liszt, Franz

  literature, English

  Liverpool, Royal Liver Building

  living, designs for see also New Life

  Livingstone, David

  Lobkowitz dynasty

  locomotives, electric

  Lombroso, Cesare

  London: Albert Hall

  Colonial Office

  department stores

  Downing Street

  House of Commons

  Houses of Parliament

  Hyde Park

  Imperial College

  Lancaster House

  Oxford Street

  Pall Mall gentlemen’s clubs

  Pentonville Prison

  post-Impressionist exhibition (1910)


  Tower of

  University College

  as world’s financial centre

  London, Jack

  Longest Journey, The

  Loos, Adolf

  ‘House without Eyebrows’

  Lorrain, Jean

  Los Angeles

  Lost World, The

  Loti, Pierre

  Loubert, President Emile

  Loyal Subject, The

  Ludwig Viktor, Archduke

  Lumière brothers


  ‘Lupin, Arsène’

  Lutyens, Edwin

  Luzhemovsky, Gen

  Lvov, Prince G. E.

  Macaulay, Lord

  Mach, Ernst

  Macke, August

  Mackintosh, Charles Rennie

  MacMahon, Marshal

  Macmillan’s Magazine

  Mäda Primavesi

  Madame Butterfly



  Maeterlinck, Maurice

  Mafeking, siege of (1899-1900)

  Magasin Dufayel

  Magic Mountain, The

  Mahler, Alma

  Mahler, Gustav

  mail-order companies

  Maire of Saxony-Altenburg

  Maistre, Joseph de

  male virility

  Malevich, Kasimir Severinovich

  Man with Violin

  Man Without Qualities


  Free Trade Hall

  Manchester Guardian

  Manet, Edouard

  Mann, Heinrich

  Mann, Thomas

  Mannaberg, Dr Julius

  Marat, Jean-Paul


  Marc, Franz

  Marconi, Guglielmo

  Marie Christine, Archduchess


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