All Night Long

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All Night Long Page 5

by Madelynne Ellis

  He shook his head. ‘Xane banned them from the bus.’

  ‘Oh.’ She teased her fingers through the strands of his dyed black hair. ‘That doesn’t seem very fair. How come?’

  ‘They sucked too much,’ he said, trying to maintain po-faced, but failing.

  Ginny cracked a smile too. ‘Is that even possible?’ She glanced knowingly down towards his fly, and then followed up the hot look by rubbing the heel of her hand against the hummock there. ‘Want me to?’

  Actually, no, he didn’t want her to. A blowjob was such a fan-girl standard. It was the first thing they always suggested, and then inevitably they gave up in disgust when he didn’t come in thirty seconds from their incompetent slurping. Actually he struggled to come in even thirty minutes when someone went down on him, unless they happened to be spectacularly gifted. Very few people had proved that talented. Two, maybe, ever.


  He quietened her with a kiss. Well, not precisely quietened her, since she remained vocally appreciative.

  Ash wasn’t big-headed enough to think his guitar playing was anything legendary. He could hold his own, but he’d never be listed up there with the greats. But he did know how to kiss. He knew how to make a woman whimper, and how to make her keen. How to make her melt and how to drive her so wild she forgot her inhibitions, didn’t care about their surroundings or anything else beyond the taste of his mouth and his hands on her skin.

  When he was with a woman, concentrating all his efforts on her pleasure, then everything else in the world faded into insignificance. He could tune out all the woes in the world and focus entirely on the here and now. It turned him on too, knowing all those little mewls of contentment were his doing.

  He didn’t ask permission to undress her, just as she didn’t ask permission before claiming his T-shirt or dragging his leathers down to his knees. When her hot little hands took hold of his cock, he rocked eagerly so that he slid though the ring she’d made with her fingers, but even the stray sweep of her thumb over the tip wasn’t enough to ease the longing and madness. He’d been hard now for what felt like hours. He hadn’t come when she had, while Spook and Rock Giant were watching. He never could properly let go when there was an audience. In the back of his mind there was always that sense that he had to stay compos mentis enough to make the performance work.

  This was different though. It was just the two of them. If he came, only Ginny would see how damned uncool he looked, assuming she didn’t have her own eyes shut at the time, like damn near every woman did when they were having their mind blown.

  Lord, she was so wet and ready for him. He licked her dew from his fingertips, got high on the taste of her. He ought to have brought that tin of golden syrup with him, so that he had an excuse to lick her all over.

  ‘I want you,’ she whispered. ‘Take me.’

  Yeah, there was one teeny problem with that. In his quest to get her alone for a moment, he’d left the party gear in the shopping trolley along with the syrup, which meant he wasn’t going to be sinking himself anywhere nice for a while yet. Still, it wasn’t as if he’d never been caught without before. ‘Turn around.’


  He realised what she was thinking as he twisted her round and bent her forward, so that she could clutch the sink for support. ‘I was never serious about that,’ he soothed, as he pressed his palms against her outer thighs. ‘Squeeze your legs together. God, you look so prim with everything clenched tight like that. If I wasn’t already at attention, that’d totally do it for me.’

  ‘Can you be prim while wearing fishnets?’ she enquired.

  ‘Let’s not talk about the fishnets.’ Seriously, they were almost enough to make him come on the spot on their own, without the glorious view of her arse topping things off. ‘You don’t mind if I cosy up around here, do you?’

  ‘Sugar, you can cosy up to me any way you like.’

  Ash locked their bodies together tight, and slid his cock between her bared thighs.

  ‘Oh, God,’ she groaned, heat flooding her cheeks. ‘That’s so unfair. I had no idea you were so cruel.’

  ‘Believe me, this is killing me just as much.’ They were standing before the mirror, so he could see every flicker of need in her face. He could see the hunger in his own, though he tried not to look. Better that he kept his focus on the juncture between their bodies. ‘Does this help?’ He nipped her earlobe as he cupped his hand over her sex.

  Her response was an incoherent murmur, which he interpreted as an affirmative. This was good. So good, but just not quite enough. His body craved, just a little more heat, a fraction more friction.

  His eyes were so full of dreadful hunger he had to turn his head away from the mirror. Ash rested his cheek against her shoulder while his desperation found an outlet in the none too subtle rub of his fingers over her clit.

  He’d make her come. Give her the pleasure he longed to claim for himself. Back and forth his nimble fingers swept, coaxing her in a way that tore delirious sobs of pleasure from her throat. When she finally let go, Ash clung to her, his hips moving frantically, in the misplaced hope that somehow he’d miraculously come right along with her.

  It didn’t happen. Instead of ecstasy washing through him, a crushing sense of failure, wound up in a vortex of frustration, sent him backing away from her.

  Ginny turned the moment he let go. She looked at him, then down at her thighs. When she failed to find any evidence of his climax there, her attention turned briefly to the floor, perhaps seeking an opalescent puddle. Only there was no mess to find, because he was still miles from the finishing line, with a hard-on to end all hard-ons. The only surprise was how fast she reached that conclusion, which gave him no time to escape or fake a climax.

  ‘Ash?’ Her brow furrowed. ‘Come here. What are you doing over there?’

  No. He needed distance, not closeness, at this juncture. This was the point when, on a normal night, he reached for another distraction, and another, until it did happen. There wasn’t another girl around at present though, only Ginny.

  She closed in on him, took hold of him by the shoulders and backed him up against the cold tiles. ‘Don’t you run away from me. You haven’t come,’ she insisted. Like he needed the fact spelling out. ‘You didn’t earlier either. You need to.’

  ‘It’s fine,’ he said, vocal cords working on autopilot. But it wasn’t fine. His insides were trying to crawl out of his skin.

  Ginny ran a hand across his brow, then down one side of his face. ‘Shush, steady. It’s OK. Let me.’

  He shook his head. He’d been in this position too many times before. Stuck in this neverland of agony, unable to come and too damn proud to jerk off while she was watching.

  Ginny forced him to meet her gaze. She held him there, trapped, refusing to let him turn away. ‘I can make it good, Ash.’

  ‘It won’t work.’ He knew it wouldn’t work. When did it ever work? He only ever came when he was inside a woman, and even then it took a good long time. ‘Trust me on this.’

  She shook her head. ‘No can do. I’m going to go down on you. Are you OK with that?’

  He wasn’t quite sure what she intended to do if he said no.

  God, he needed to fuck so badly.

  Dammit! Oral never worked out for him. Against his better judgement, he let her slip out of his grasp and sink downwards to encompass him with her mouth. Ash clenched his fists, bracing himself for another round of frustration. Only … Holy mother … the heat of her mouth was so welcoming and sweet, for a moment he actually believed she might make this work. She might actually work a miracle.

  Nah, it’d never happen.

  But … oh, boy … His toes curled. She sure knew how to use her tongue.

  Ash uncurled his fists and threaded his fingers through her hair. Contrary to what he was used to, Ginny wasn’t tentative or teasing. She didn’t attempt to hold him back when his hips bucked, or make ridiculous noises. She let him dictate the rhythm. Oh
, and she sucked him so good that he swore he was about to melt into a puddle of goo.

  When she dug her fingertips deep into his arse, he figured that was it. His time was up. He tried to disengage, but her nails only bit deeper. Interestingly, the pain gave the pleasure a sharper edge.

  It took a while, but it eventually sunk in that she wasn’t trying to slow him down – the normal response he got to his thrusting – she was actually encouraging him to take what he needed, even if he did risk making her gag in the process.

  Not that she did.

  He didn’t know where or how she’d learned to breathe through her ears, but it was a damned fantastic talent, and allowed him to fuck her mouth exactly like he needed to.

  Fucking sublime.

  Only two people ever had given him anything approaching this amount of pleasure. He didn’t like to dwell on either experience, since both had left him slightly unhinged.

  ‘Oh, God. It’s coming,’ he blurted, shocked by how rapidly the event horizon sped towards him. A stream of fire poured out of him, jet upon jet of sublime bliss, until he was so wrung out by the experience that he could barely support his own weight, and had to cling to Ginny in order to stay upright. If that wasn’t fantastic enough, she actually held him there. She didn’t shove him away and rush to spit out his mess, but instead held him gently in her mouth until he was totally spent and the vigour had completely drained from his shaft. Even then, she waited until he made the first move before releasing him.

  Ash helped her to stand. He must have looked shell-shocked, because there was definitely a hint of concern in her expression. She wiped her lips clean with the back of her hand. ‘OK,’ she asked.

  She’d swallowed. Wow!

  ‘You didn’t need to …’

  She raised her brows. ‘Of course I needed to.’

  ‘Yeah, well …’


  ‘It was fucking glorious.’

  His praise immediately returned a smile to her face.

  Ash smacked an extremely sloppy kiss across her lips. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘No problem.’ She curled her fist and gave him a playful jab. ‘Give and take, right? That’s what it’s all about. By my reckoning, I still owe you.’

  He shook his head. ‘We don’t need to keep a tally.’

  ‘No, we don’t,’ she agreed, giving her jaw a stretch. ‘But I don’t want you making things all lopsided. Fair’s fair. Be straight with me, Ash. Tell me what you need. I’m thinking it’s not a series of quickies.’

  ‘I’ve no objection to quickies.’

  ‘Let me guess. As long as they happen one after another, you get there eventually.’

  Shit! She was making him blush. He didn’t want to discuss this stuff. Women didn’t normally want to discuss it either. They were just happy he could go all night and make them come ad infinitum. And since he only fucked fans, they didn’t generally object to him having several of them at once. Mostly they were just happy to have his attention.

  ‘Let’s head to the hotel. And then you can fuck me as long and hard as you like,’ she said.

  ‘Promise?’ He accepted her hand to hold, and followed her out of the WC. ‘I won’t actually hold you to it,’ he said, as they reclaimed the trolley. Short bursts and an orgasm were what women wanted. He knew; he’d slept with enough of them.

  Ginny flicked her gaze skywards. ‘All night,’ she reminded him. ‘That’s what you promised me. I’ll consider it fulfilled if I can’t walk straight tomorrow and I ache real good all over.’

  Chapter Five

  Ginny didn’t think she’d ever had quite so much fun as walking across the hotel foyer with three rock stars in tow and watching people’s heads swivel and their jaws drop in response. There was no mistaking who she was with, given the piercings, tattoos and crazy metal-head hair. Even if you weren’t a rock fan, you would have to have been a slug not to notice the Black Halo publicity material plastered everywhere, from store fronts and billboards to the sides of buses.

  Not one, not two, but three, she felt like screaming in jubilation. Three members of Black Halo, and they were all hers. Well, sort of … For the night, anyway …

  As they rode the lift up to her floor, Ginny let her gaze wander over the three of them. Spook Mortensen still had a beanie hat pulled down over his white-blond hair. A faint trace of golden stubble softened the shape of his angular jaw. He caught her gaze and smiled in that coy way that melted so many women’s hearts. There were hundreds of women out there with Spook’s image plastered across their computer desktops, praying one day he’d specifically throw that smile in their direction, and here she was seeing it for real. Not that it meant anything, if Ash was to be believed. The only fun Spook engaged in involved a camera and naughty poses. In her opinion, that took the notion of safe sex way too far.

  Next to Spook’s ice-blond simplicity, Rock Giant looked like someone’s ultra-hot deranged-inventor uncle. His hair stood out at angles from his head, held there by God knows what. It seemed to defy gravity. Most of the spikes were black, but sections were dyed bright purple. She couldn’t determine his genuine eye colour due to the weird eye shells he was sporting, one of which blanked out the whole of his eye, so that it appeared completely black. It freaked her out a little, simply looking at it. His other iris was coloured a slightly more normal sunset yellow.

  And then of course there was Ash, whose presence gave her an electrifying jolt every time he drew close to her. She wondered what he had in mind for the rest of the night.

  ‘It’s nothing posh,’ Ginny warned as she opened the door to the twin room she was sharing with her friend. They were probably used to penthouse suites with oceans of space, upmarket furnishings and spa tubs, whereas this room was so cut-price they didn’t even supply complimentary shower gel, and the coffee was rationed to two cups of cheapo instant.

  Still, it was pristine, courtesy of her neat-freak roomie, who had even insisted on washing their coffee mugs before they left for the gig.

  To her surprise, Dani wasn’t present when they walked in, which was disappointing in one sense: her roommate happened to be the biggest Black Halo fan on the planet, and would have had kittens at the sight of half the band turning up in her hotel room. On the other hand, it also allowed Ginny to breathe a sigh of relief. The plans she had for the evening wouldn’t meet with Dani’s approval. When it came to men, Dani was Ginny’s polar opposite. Dani believed in happily ever after and commitment; that one man and one woman was the only option, and that kissing on a first date was probably a step too far. She’d be horrified by Ginny’s sleepover plans, primarily because, as on all the best sleepovers, Ginny wasn’t planning do a whole lot of sleeping. So she prayed Dani had joined the mass pilgrimage to the Whyteleaf Hotel, where the band were supposed to be staying, and wouldn’t turn up for an hour or six.

  ‘Um, make yourselves at home, guys,’ she said inviting them in. As if they needed the prompt. Spook immediately lolled across one bed, while Ash dived on the second. He stood up again a moment later to crack open one of the beers Rock Giant had carried in from the van.

  ‘Who’s hungry?’ Spook picked up the phone to dial for room service. Ginny winced as he subsequently ordered half the menu. The price per dish was nearly as much as she’d paid for the room.

  ‘Don’t sweat it,’ Ash remarked, clearly having caught sight of her expression. He pushed a beer into her hand. ‘We’ll get the tab. Cheers.’ They clinked bottles.

  ‘Thanks,’ she mumbled, taking a swig.

  Someone turned on the TV. The news channel was running the story of the band’s shocking break-up. Apparently, the streets around the Whyteleaf remained completely cut off, and it was being reported that police intervention had been required to get the band out of the stadium, after their limos had been completely encircled by crowds of irate fans. One of the cars had been overturned.

  ‘We’re in for it, if that’s true,’ Spook muttered. ‘Ulf and the crew are going to be seriou
sly pissed.’

  Rock Giant grunted in agreement. ‘I wonder where they’re staying, since the Whyteleaf’s off limit.’

  ‘Turn it off.’ Ash made a grab for the control, but failed to claim it from Spook. He yanked the plug out of the socket on the wall instead. ‘We know this shit. I don’t need to listen to someone else reporting it. Ulf being pissed isn’t going to make any difference to the state of things tomorrow, because without Xane we’re screwed anyway. There won’t be a band.’

  The harsh reality of their situation seemed to penetrate the bubble of unreality that surrounded them. Spook tugged uncomfortably at the neckline of his shirt as though it had suddenly grown too tight. ‘You said he’d come round.’

  A look of vexation crossed Ash’s face. ‘God knows if that’s true.’ Exasperation soured his voice. ‘This is Xane we’re talking about. He’s not exactly known for being amenable. If he can avoid dealing with us, he will.’

  Interesting. She’d always envisaged Xane as the backbone of the group as well as its spokesperson, but it sounded as if he was an avoider rather than an enabler.

  The others seemed to recognise the truth of Ash’s words. One by one their expressions turned grim. Ginny realised she was possibly witnessing the band’s death throes. By morning, Black Halo might genuinely have ceased to exist. They weren’t quite defunct yet, despite Xane’s walk out, because she could see these guys still believed they could patch things up.

  ‘What will you do if he doesn’t come round?’

  ‘He will.’ Rock Giant thumped his empty beer bottle down on the table and reached for another.

  Spook looked less certain.

  Ash turned his back and strode over to the window. He wrenched the curtains across, dragging one of them half off the rail, but mostly succeeding in blocking out the city skyline. ‘Fuck knows. I don’t intend to find out. I’ll lock the silly bugger in a room until he caves if I have to.’

  Behind him, Spook and Rock Giant exchanged concerned glances.

  ‘It won’t come to that,’ said the former. ‘He’ll wake up tomorrow morning and realise what a mistake he’s made. We probably won’t even have to go looking for him. He’ll slope in as if nothing’s happened and we’ll do the final gig as planned. This will all blow over.’


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