Rescuing His Mate

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Rescuing His Mate Page 1

by M. L. Briers




  Copyright © 2014 by M. L Briers

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Table of Contents















  It seemed like such a good idea at the time. A whole two weeks away in the remoteness of the little isle that could only be reached by ferry three times a week. Such a good idea that she’d jumped at the chance when it was offered to her, and for the first three days, cut off from what she knew as civilisation; coffee shops on the corner, takeaways, the hustle and bustle of life right outside her bedroom window, it had been great, peaceful, enlightening, but now it was just downright boring.

  Not so much boring as… slow, uneventful and… boring. There were no neighbourly disputes, no fisticuffs at dinnertime over parking spaces, no constant clatter of delivery drivers, and certainly no pesky neighbours dropping by for a cup of sugar that they’d never return and a gossip. She was so alone with her own thoughts that the silence was beginning to make her imagine things. Last night she was sure she had heard the howl of a wolf, she’d even imagined the answering howl a few moments later. How screwed up was that?

  Perhaps she should endeavour to partake of the little islands community she had heard so much about? She’d done her best to shun human contact since she’d arrived. But maybe now was the time to introduce herself to the local pub and gossip mill before she went completely stark raving mad and imagined little green men from Mars landing in their space craft and bidding her greetings and salutations from their home world…?

  It appeared that a little of what you fancy could do you good, and a whole lot of it could send you around the bend faster than you could possibly imagine… Oh, for a latte… Kerry mused as she trudged over the untamed hillside, trying her best to keep her footing beneath her on the slippery, wet, clumpy grass, and thinking that public transport should be a mandatory requirement of any place, even this relatively unspoiled land. What she wouldn’t give to be squished up against a sweaty, overweight, bloke right about now… She could put up with the stench for the luxury of a heat filled tube train and not having to walk.

  Kerry’s ears were being battered by the strong winds that seemed to be a daily requirement in this land, but she was sure she heard a voice carried on those winds, even through the thick wool of her colourful hat, and her eyes scanned the horizon for any sign that she wasn’t alone… Nothing. Who was she kidding? This place was akin to being the only survivor of some post world apocalypse, and wishful thinking wouldn’t summon up a fellow sufferer of which she could have a moan with, to, or even about.

  Kerry frowned as the wind seemed to call to her again. Turning to look back the way she had come, her eyes caught sight of what seemed an imposing figure on the landscape. Much like a tree or brick shed, the size of him up close must have been something to behold, she thought, as she came to a halt and planted her feet on the wet grass, bracing her body against the strong winds.

  A human contact, she mused, hadn’t that what she’d been seeking when she left the small cottage? But why was he running towards her? What could he possibly want? Perhaps he was insane. Perhaps he was a …

  Kerry felt her feet slip beneath her and repositioned them accordingly, or at least she thought she had, but it wasn’t her feet that were the problem. The very ground on which she was standing shifted beneath her, a slow crumble of the edges of the earth that didn’t immediately register in her mind, followed by the sudden whoosh of the earth giving way and she was falling downwards, where, why or how far, she didn’t know. All she knew was she was she was going.

  Forcing her hands out in a desperate search for something to grab a hold of, something to save her from the fall. Her gloved hands found little purchase over the lose earth as it crumbled beneath her touch. She wanted to scream out but her mind wouldn’t allow it, fear of the unknown was to strong within her and it muted her voice. Pain from the sudden thump of her side hitting something hard on the way down shot through her body and only one thought slammed into her mind. I’m going to die…

  The steel grip around her wrist caused her whole body to jolt and her shoulder to protest in the strongest terms possible, as her forehead slammed into the earth from the sudden stop and the way her body had been yanked to a halt. Pain seemed to be everywhere, her ribs throbbed, her shoulder grated, her wrist felt crushed and her forehead stung. But at least she wasn’t falling anymore.

  “Please, God, don’t let go…”Her voice came out muted and she doubted that her rescuer could even hear her as she palmed the earth in front of her with her free gloved hand, clawing with her fingertips and prayed that he’d be able to get her out.

  “I have you…” The deep tone seemed to encase her whole body in hope and she felt her body moving upwards. Dare she hope he had the strength to pull her free?

  Kerry felt the pull on her shoulder as he dragged her to the surface, but it was a small price to pay for not dying here this day. The feel of the wind in her face was now a welcome thing. The sight of those craggy hills delighted her, and she could just hug the man who had saved her life…

  “Are you insane, woman?” The deep growled words caused her whole body to tense as he dragged her against the length of him and hauled her up off the floor, setting off across the land on stable legs away from the hole of doom, a damn sight faster than she could have done. Now that certain death was somewhere behind her she found that every inch of her body quivered with the shock of what happened and the knowledge of what could have been.

  The feel of his tight arms around her back made her ribs throb even harder, and the jarring of the combined weight of their bodies as he thundered over the hillside sent shooting pain through her. Her head throbbed and her body protested, but she tried to ignore it, just happy to be alive, until he shifted her against him and a cry of pain tore from her lips.

  All movement suddenly stopped. She felt him lower her to her feet as his arms loosened their hold and he set her away from him slightly. “Are you injured?” The growl of his anger seemed to lessen as she felt the heat from his cheek against her own. He dipped his head and waited for her to reply. She couldn’t seem to come up with anything. Not usually a problem of hers, she could talk the ears of a mouse.

  “Where are you hurt?” He tried again. Taking in the scent of her body and feeling the tight clench of his stomach muscles, hard enough to feel as if someone had planted a fist there. He had a mind to growl out with the sweet pain of it all.


  “For the love of God, will you speak…?” He was fast losing patience with her. He’d felt her body tense in his arms, but he thought that had just been a natural reaction, but when he heard the cry of pain from her lips he’d known it was something more. His rough handling of her, as he fought his anger at her folly, could have caused her injuries to worsen and he wasn’t best pleased about that.

  “You saved me.” It was the best that she could come up with, especially under the circumstances. Her brain had a dull thud playing through it. Her body belt beaten and bruised, but the closeness of this man was like a comforting embrace in the midst of he
r turmoil. When the warmth of his hand cupped her cheek she felt a sudden rush of something unfamiliar inside her that seemed to warm her down to her very soul.

  “Someone had too. Now tell me where you’re hurt.” He used his hand to tip her face up towards his. The sight of her pale blue eyes felt like a spear through his heart as she took a long moment to focus on his face. The graze across her forehead highlighted the small egg shaped bump and he caught his breath when her lips parted and her hand started to reach up for his face.

  Kerry saw nothing but his face in front of her. Dark, windswept hair stood out in all directions. The day or so of stubble that wrapped around his chin and reached up to meet his hairline in front of his ears framed the deep red of his full lips and a straight chiselled nose led her eyes up to his eyes, a deep, dark chocolate brown, framed by black thick lashes and almost smothered by the thick brows that drew down in a frown of concern as he stared back at her.

  “I don’t feel so good…” By the time the words had left her lips her head was swimming, vertigo mixed with a pounding that made her want to throw up, and she tried to take a step back from him, but never got the chance before the lights went out.

  Isaac caught her the moment she started to fall. In one quick movement he had her in his arms with her head gently cradled against his chest. The low gentle growl that rolled through him was a sure sign that she was his mate, almost as sure as the way his body reacted to the feel of her against him. He didn’t have a damn clue who she was or where she had come from, all he knew was that she was human and that she was hurt, and his beast’s need to protect her was stronger than he’d ever felt before for another living soul.

  There were two choices that presented themselves to him. Stand there like a bloody idiot with his mate in his arms, or take her back to his home. “What are you waiting for?” He ground out between clenched teeth, somewhat shell shocked by the turn of events he’d found himself in. He’d certainly not meant to go rescue anyone today and he’d certainly not meant to meet his mate. But he set off on fast legs across the craggy hillside, holding her tightly but gently, until he knew what her injuries were.

  Joel finished sanding the wood to as smooth a surface as he was going to get for now and lifted his head from his work to mop the sweat from his dark brow. His eyes did a double take as he saw his brother moving on fast legs towards the house. That in itself didn’t surprise him, what surprised him was that he was carrying a female within his arms, and not one of their pack either.

  “Jeez Isaac, have I not told you that the females don’t appreciate the whole caveman approach to copulating?”Joel tossed in his brother’s direction. Now his brother was closer he could see that the female was unconscious and he threw down his tools and started towards him.

  Isaac growled long and hard at his brother as Joel veered across the land to meet up with him on the front lawn. Joel’s frown deepened when he realised that not only was she not of their pack, but she wasn’t a local either. That made things slightly more interesting.

  “She’s bloody well injured you fool.” Isaac didn’t have time for Joel’s antics today. Not when he may have caused his mate even more pain by rough handling her in an attempt to get them off the point and to safety.

  “What the hell did you do?” Joel couldn’t quite get the scent of her. It was just too blustery a day and his brother’s scent was all over her, but he didn’t think she was a Fae. Why the hell would his brother risk bringing her onto pack land?

  “She was up on craggy point and the ground gave way.” Isaac shot him a dark glare as they stalked in time towards the house.

  “Is she an idiot?” Joel dismissed the female. Nobody in their right mind went to craggy point unless they had a death wish. Everyone knew that and everyone told the small amount of visitors that came to stay on the isle that as well. Isaac growled again.

  “Well you said she was at the point, man, only an idiot would go up there.” Joel shot back. Isaac couldn’t argue that reasoning, but he was sure fate hadn’t given him an idiot for a mate.

  “If you’re not going to do anything useful…” Isaac growled out again. His beast was antsy within him. The damn wolf was practically pacing like a caged beast.

  “Well, what the bloody hell do you want me to do carry her?” Joel bit out. Wondering why the hell they were still walking towards the house. She was an outsider and he was the Alpha. The first rule was that you didn’t bring outsiders onto pack land without a damn good reason.

  “Touch her and I’ll rip your arms off and beat you to death with them.” Isaac had stopped and turned towards his brother. The warning growl in his tone and the way his eyes darkened to black told Joel everything he needed to know. He took a long step back.

  “Point taken, I’ll leave you too it.” Joel grinned like the village idiot that his brother knew he could be as he slowly retreated backwards away from the mates.

  Isaac rolled his eyes on a low growl of annoyance and started for the house once more. Finding his mate was good. It was great, even if she wasn’t a Lycan. Having his brother know he’d found his mate wasn’t so damn good, in fact he was sure that his brother was planning to torture him in every way possible for the next century or so. The spirits gave with one hand and then took with the other…

  Kerry felt the softness all around her. The heat surrounded her body and she melted into it. She hadn’t felt this kind of warmth since she’d arrived on the Isle, not in the damned old cottage that had more holes than a sieve. Even sitting in front of the roaring fire with blankets over her, Jack Frost’s fingers still managed to poke and prod at her defences until the cold seeped into her bones. So why the hell was she so warm now?

  Kerry stirred and moaned as the pain started to throb inside her body again. Slowly she drifted from sleep and back to the reality that she hurt. Damn, did she hurt. Someone was playing the bongo’s inside her skull and her shoulder let her know that it was best not to try and turn on it. She tried to force her eyelids to open but they were having none of it, but her ribs, oh they were more than happy to join in with the throbbing and the bongo playing…

  “She’s coming around.” The soft female voice made her think that she might have been in hospital. It sounded nurse like, well caring at any rate. The only problem with that was that no hospital bed she’d ever been in had felt as if she was being held by a cloud.

  “I have eyes, sister. I can see for myself.” The deep, gravelly voice made her head throb a little harder with the base of his tone and recognition struck her in a heartbeat, the man on the hillside, the man build like a hillside, the one who had berated her and called her an idiot… the one who had saved her life. It had to be him. It certainly sounded like him, grumpy with an edge of begrudging, and those very sexy, deep brown, chocolaty eyes with black lashes that any supermodel would kill for.

  Kerry forced her lids to open and two faces appeared in front of her. She gasped in a breath from the unexpected sight and tried to pull her head back away from them, but that only caused a shooting bolt of pain to tear through her skull and she groaned in pain. The curse that came to her lips wasn’t the last that came to mind, but it was the last one she spoke aloud.

  “Very ladylike.” Verna chuckled as her brother berated her.

  “Back off, Verna. Give the girl some room.” Isaac wasn’t best pleased that his mate was in pain again, but it was only to be expected with the duck egg that had grown on her forehead and the knock to her ribs that had raised ugly purple bruises beneath her skin. But nothing was broken, thankfully. He’d made a thorough examination of her body while she’d been sleeping.

  “You back off. It was probably you’re ugly face that scared her.” Verna bit back. But she did pull back and upwards. Placing her hands on her hips, she regarded her brother with scorn. “Who wants to see that mug when they wake up?”

  Isaac sighed out of his nose like a prize bull and drew up to his full height as Kerry watched the two of them go at it. It would have been more am
using if the bongo player shut the hell up, she was certain of that. But the sight of the little sister squaring up to the man-mountain of her brother was still quite entertaining.

  “Don’t you have someone else to irritate…?” Isaac demanded and she gave him the full on innocent look that mixed with the sarcasm that reigned within her eyes.

  “Sure. But I do like to share the misery around and this time it’s your turn, brother.”

  The deep groan that rolled from him made Kerry’s body tingle with the vibrations that seemed to roll over the bed beneath her like a wave at sea. A long, hard shiver ran through her body and she squeaked with the pain that followed it, bringing two sets of eyes towards her. She felt like a bug in a Petri dish as they stared down at her.

  “Go and get a glass of water.” Isaac told his sister and she frowned.

  “There’s a glass right there…” She pointed to the bedside table, not wanting to miss the show between the mates, and Isaac sighed again.

  “Then go and get… something else.” He insisted and for a long moment the young woman just stood there staring up at him. A slow rise of just one eyebrow had him pulling himself to his full height as he towered above her. Verna rolled her eyes and caved under his glare. Turning on her heels she stomped across the room and out of the door, and Kerry was just glad that she hadn’t slammed it after her.

  “How are you feeling?” Isaac turned his attention back towards her and she saw the intensity in his eyes as he stared down at her. She could have sworn that his eyes were darker than they appeared now. Perhaps it was just a trick of the light, or her memory, or both.

  “There’s an annoying little fella playing the drums in my head. My ribs are saying hello and my shoulder’s not the best, but apart from that…” She saw his brows knit together and his eyes dropped to take in the shoulder that was hidden under a wealth of blankets as he took a step towards her.


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