Rescuing His Mate

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Rescuing His Mate Page 12

by M. L. Briers

  Joel pulled away from her and reached for his top, wrenching it over his head and discarding it on the floor where her clothes were already thrown. He noted the movement that she made towards him. Her hands reached for the waistband of his jeans and by the time his large hands closed over hers she already had the fly open and was going in for the treasure. He let go of her hands and reached for her hips, yanking her backside towards him on the bed. Then he cupped her face with both large hands, his fingers getting lost in her hair as he tipped her head back and claimed her lips with a ferocity that she’d never imagined possible.

  Her hands splayed against his abdomen and the hard ripped muscles that quivered under her exploration of his body. Snaking down over his hips and pushing the material of his jeans downwards to his knees as he knelt in front of her, almost on autopilot as his tongue thrust in and out of her mouth in what she hoped was a prelude of what was to come. When she fisted his length, her fingertips not even close to touching her thumb, and ran her hand down the length of his impressive shaft he growled against her lips.

  When her hand stroked back up and her thumb rubbed over the silken head of his arousal he finally broke the kiss and allowed her to drag in a long awaited breath. Resting his forehead against hers all she could see was the blackness of desire in his eyes. His breath was ragged as she worked over him with slow strokes until his hips moved with the stroke of her hand.

  “Tell me that you need me to taste you…” Olivia heard the long rumble of desire that rolled through him. The image she had put into his mind was unbearably divine. For a moment his hands tightened against her face, his body tensed, and his heart hammered within his chest. “You need to feel my tongue running the length of your shaft, need to push inside my mouth and…” His body tensed harder.

  “Damn it, love, you’re going to unman me before I’ve even started with you…” His words were growled out, but in the best way. The way he spoke made her toes curl and her womb clench and she licked her lips with the images she had placed in her own mind. The sight of her tongue wetting her lips made him pull back and ease her head down towards him as he stood from the bed and offered her what they both wanted.

  From the moment her tongue ran over his heated flesh he knew this was going to be payback for the way he had teased her. He could feel the mischief coming off of her emotions in waves, along with a hearty dose of lust and desire. With one hand he still cupped her face, and with the other he fisted her hair and moved her to where he needed to feel her lips the most.

  When she opened to take just the corona within her mouth he groaned long and hard. The feel of her lips forming a perfect fit around his girth was as perfect as he could have imagined. But when she sucked against him, teasingly at first and then with a fast, tight pulsing that almost made him bite his own damn tongue, he groaned all the harder. She could have been trying to suck his damn orgasm from his body, it certainly felt that way as he tried to tell his body to pull away from her, but her hand circled the base of his shaft and she pushed down the length of him, taking him deep inside the wet warmth of her mouth and he was lost to the feeling.

  Olivia had stopped teasing now. Her mouth moved back and forth over his length and then suddenly he felt the tightening of her throat around his corona as she swallowed him down into her throat. No woman had ever done that to him before and he almost lost his mind with the sensation that tore through him. His balls tightened and his spine tingled, his fist tightened against her hair and he was ashamed to say that he couldn’t have stopped his hips from rocking if he’d tried.

  Joel knew he was lost. He couldn’t pull away if his toes had caught alight. His mate was too powerful a temptress. Her mouth was too sweet around him. The eroticism of looking down his body and watching her claim his length was like a fire within his blood. His hardness pulsed with the need to let go and he heard her moan her encouragement to him as she worked harder and faster around him. Her eyes swept up his body and she locked onto his and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to keep his length from swelling and his orgasm from tearing through him.

  The long growl that tore through his chest was unheard by his ears as he came inside her mouth, down her throat, spilling his seed and taking so much damn pleasure in doing it. He’d felt his mind and body escape all rational thought, centred only on the pleasure of the long moments as she devoured him. His knees were weak, his heart was hammering like a runaway freight train and every muscle quivered throughout the length of his body.

  Olivia pulled back and watched her mate slowly come back to her. It was a slow process for a Lycan, normally he would be more than ready to go again, but he was physically and emotionally bewildered by the power she had wielded over him. If it was payback that she was looking for, she’d had it tenfold, but from the look in her eyes, the way she stroked her fingertips down his abdomen, he thought it was much more than that. He had little to no control over his own damn body where she was concerned, and she’d managed to show him that with her loving.

  Joel reached for her. His hands were gentle as he pulled her up to her knees and ran his hand up her spine, his fingers getting lost in her hair at the back of her neck as he devoured her mouth. Tasting himself on her tongue just made him all the more hungry for her, because it reminded him of what she had done to him. The way she’d made him feel, as close to ecstasy as a man could get, or maybe not, maybe feeling the tightness of her inner muscles clenching around his length would be so much more potent.

  His other hand cupped her backside and he moved his fingers down over the tight puckered hole, stopping for only a heartbeat to press against the opening and feel her body wriggle against his, before he eased his fingers back into her swollen channel and felt the tightness encase him. He wanted to push deep, take her in one stroke from the tip to the hilt and feel those walls stroke his length, but he needed to give her what she had given him.

  In a heartbeat he had her on her back on the bed. Dropping to his knees on the floor, his large hands caressed her inner thighs as he opened her to him. There was no quarter given, he wasn’t teasing anymore, he was devouring her with a frenzy that made her hands fist the covers at her sides.

  Olivia knew he wasn’t playing. He was taking her hard and fast towards the release that swept through her with a powerful, heady rush that made her inner muscles clench hard around his thick fingers. Her body pulsed with the thumping of her heart and when he didn’t immediately release her from his touch she thrashed under his hold, unable to squirm away, to find sanity as he kept her locked in place, still devouring, still frenzied with the need to taste her.

  The plea that tore from her lips had his beast roaring a warning within him. Their mate couldn’t take anymore and he released her. Forcing himself to his feet, he climbed up over her body to wrap her in his arms as she fought to regain her sanity. Fought for the breath in her lungs, it was as if she could still feel him against her and she squirmed in his arms.

  “Easy, love, easy.” He soothed her with his calm gentle tones. Brought her slowly back to him, eased her body from the high that it couldn’t let go of.

  “Intense…” She shook her head as her voice gave way under the need to drag in another breath. “Too much…” She felt his soothing touch against her skin, his hot breath against her neck and he palmed her cheek with one hand and brought her eyes to his. Remorseful and concerned by her response to him, he calmed her the way only her mate could.

  “Sorry… Breathe. I have you.”

  “Killing me with kindness will only send you rogue.”She took a long steadying breath.

  “You drove me wild…” He couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips, but she berated him with her eyes and he looked reasonably chastised again. “I said I had to up my game.” He offered as innocently as he could. Inside he was kind of proud of the fact that he’d loved her senseless, although he could see the problems with it.

  “There’s upping your game and then there’s making me want to rip the flesh fr
om my own body…” She ducked away from his hand and rested her face against his chest. The hard thump of his heartbeat soothed her even more. But when he nuzzled into her neck and took her scent she felt her body respond to his touch again.

  “What can I say? I’m just that kind of a lover…” He chuckled again. Now her breathing had eased, now her heartbeat had climbed back down, he wanted her. He needed to be inside her. Claim her as his…

  “I know you’re thinking about bonding right now…”

  “Actually, claiming…” Joel corrected her. He’d wanted nothing more than to put his mark in her skin since he met her, especially considering that she’d been on the Isle with Tobin.

  “Bonding is better…” The deep growl of desire, need washed through him and she lifted her head at looked up at him. “Unless you don’t want to bond with me…?”

  Joel cut off her words with his lips against hers. Now she’d brought it up it was like wildfire within him. His beast roared with the need to connect with her. Take her with a passion that would leave her more than breathless again. Seal their destiny as mates forever. If she thought his loving had been ferocious before, she was about to find out just what happened when he let his beast lose.

  “Now that you’ve eaten, are you ready to talk some more about us?” Kerry looked from under her brows at him. She was more than full, she was more than tired and she was more than fed up with hearing about Fate. She didn’t believe in Fate, she believed that you shaped your own destiny. That the things in your past coupled with the desire for you future could lead you wherever you wanted to go. With a little hard work and a smidge of luck.

  How can I believe in luck and not Fate? Why the hell does he have me questioning myself? My beliefs?

  “Or I could just show you again how you were made for me.”Isaac offered with a not so subtle twinkle of sexual innuendo in his eyes. Eyes that were darkening as she stared at him, she kind of liked that. It was a gage of his emotions, something to be relied upon.

  “I take it everything about you guys is geared towards sex?” She offered and saw his brow furrow.

  “As a species we are highly sexual…” He admitted and she couldn’t help the way that thought excited her. Her heart skipped and jumped to its own beat and there was definitely some fluttering going on inside her. “ And I can hear your heart beating, which tells me you’re not adverse to that fact.”

  Hear my heart beating? What was he Superman? Well, kind of… She reasoned. Damn, that would make him a kind-of human lie detector. That’s not good.

  “I…” She bit down on her denial, waving it away. She liked to pick her battles and she couldn’t defend a losing argument. Although he didn’t have to point it out. She guessed his kind weren’t big on chivalry. She felt like growling at him, but knowing her luck she’d make a sound that signalled she was ready for sex or something equally foot-in-mouth.

  “But, mating is so much more than sex. It’s a lifelong commitment…” She groaned. The sound just popped out and she was well aware that he’d stopped talking. She bit down on her need to snatch that groan back, what’s done is done, much like them having sex together, her being on this Island. She couldn’t take any of it back, and some of it she didn’t really want to.

  “You have a problem with the word commitment?” Isaac felt uneasy. It wasn’t the best thing that could happen between mates, for her to reject him would be the end of everything. Even if he didn’t become rogue, which was highly unlikely for an Alpha to stay sane once he’d lost his mate, he would never be the same man again. It seemed to take forever for her to answer him and each second that past ripped him up a little more.


  “To a man I just met?” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling and considered it. “Yeah. I have a little problem with that.” She dropped her eyes back to his. “To a man who isn’t a man, but something…else?” She didn’t need to answer that. She saw him wince. He got the message loud and clear. It didn’t fill her with joy to know that she’d hit her target with her poisonous little arrow, and she wasn’t trying to inflict any kind of pain or suffering on him. She could see how much he believed in this mating thing and it wasn’t her intention to hurt him, just make him understand that it wasn’t on her to-do list.

  Meet a wolf guy, check, become life mates the same day, check. Are you freaking kidding me? Who dropped everything for a guy, even one as gorgeous as him? Who sought out a life in the twilight zone? Even if he was my mate, or I was his, or whatever, this was all happening too fast…

  “It’s fast, I know…” Isaac assured her.

  He could hear my heart beating, could he read my damn mind as well?

  “Body language and what you’re telling me. I can’t read your mind, sweetheart.” She stared at him for a long moment. Her mouth was open, she was catching flies and her brain swirled with the fast pounding of questions that zapped through mind.

  What do I know about him? Err, nothing. What can he really do? Not read minds, good, great, but could he jump tall buildings with a single leap? This was crazy-stupid. Why am I still here? I should be demanding that he takes me back to the cottage and planning to get the hell off the island as soon as humanly possible… Human… something he wasn’t.

  “Look, Isaac, you seem like a real nice…person?” She winced, what the hell was she supposed to call him? He wasn’t human. He might look like a man, he might walk and talk like one, but come on… Fangs? Wolf? Fur? Not exactly covered in the school sex education lessons, not to mention biology. But, one thing she did know, inter species sexual relations hadn’t been a problem.

  “I’m expecting the next words to be, it’s not you it’s me. Perhaps there’s a few buts in there somewhere. But, the bottom line is, you’re my mate. Like it or not…”

  “How the hell can you be sure?” Ok, probably a stupid question, especially from the smug look on his face…

  “A mate knows another when they find them. I’m drawn to you. Protective of you. I have an insatiable need to…”

  “Can we not get back to sex, again?” She turned on the stool and pushed up. Getting to her feet. He was in front of her before she’d even told her legs to move, put one foot in front of the other.

  Damn speedy is what he is!

  “Trust me on one thing here. I’m not lying to you. Can you accept that you are my mate, even if you don’t want it to be true?” Isaac watched her bring her eyes up to his, saw her reluctantly nod her head in a silent acceptance of his plea. At least that was settled between them.

  Isaac knew his need for his mate was probably somewhat overwhelming for her. That this whole thing was a lot for anyone to take in, and he hadn’t really considered her position in all of this. How it felt to discover Vampires and Lycans were real. How it felt to find out one was your mate. How she must be reeling with the amount of information he was handing her and how many questions must be going through her mind. He supposed he would push back against it too, if the situations were reversed.

  Isaac reached down and took her hand in his. That she didn’t seem so reluctant about. Bringing her hand up to waist height he opened his large hand around hers, palms up and stroked just one finger down over her palm. The connection between them made her shiver. He did it again to prove his point.

  “Tell me what you feel.”

  “Your hand on mine, your finger down my palm…” Kerry didn’t want to give an inch. When he smiled with that pure white toothy grin of his she kind of hoped to see his fangs again. Not that she was particularly fond of the thought of a guy with fangs, but curiosity and all that…

  “Now tell me what lies deeper within you.” Isaac wasn’t one to take no for an answer to his requests. She may have been new to all of this and she may have been human, but he was her Alpha and he expected an honest answer from her at all times. He stroked his finger down her palm again and watched her shiver.

  “Attraction…” Back to sex… She admitted reluctantly.

  “More…” He
did it again, twice. “Close your eyes.” She liked that option, because then she didn’t have to look at him. She could feel the heat in her cheeks, and everywhere else.

  “A want, a desire for…” She wanted to bite down on the words. She was rather proving his point and she wasn’t sure that was the best way to go to persuade him she should leave.

  “Go on.” His deep tone was more than encouraging it was practically pulling the words from her brain.

  “More. For you. A closeness. Trust, security, home…” Her eyes slammed open and all she could see was him. Home? Where did that come from? He was home or I want to go home? From the smug look on his face…oh hell!

  “Your mind and body knows that this is home, that you’re place is with me. You just need to try to come to terms with what it’s telling you.” Isaac’s gaze was intense on her. She could feel it down through her bones to her very toes. She could melt under those eyes. But do I want that?

  “You’re asking me to believe in Fate. Love at first sight. To give up everything and to be here with you, I don’t know if I can put my faith in Fate, Isaac.” And it was a leap of faith, a huge one.

  “Then put your faith in me, in you, in what your body and mind are telling you when we touch…” Isaac cupped her cheek with one hand and closed his other around the smallness of hers.

  “That’s lust…” She could feel something akin to a pulling on her senses, on her body. As if she was supposed to lean into him now, to be within his arms. The feeling of sexual desire between them was strong, but there was something a little stronger working inside her. She didn’t want to believe him, in him, in Fate, Destiny, love at first sight, but how could she not when it was staring down at her with eyes that said so much more than lust.

  “It’s more than lust and you know it.” Again he’d read her mind, or her body language. It was a little unnerving to know that she couldn’t hide from him. Maybe it was more unnerving to know that she felt as if she was getting to the point where she didn’t want to.


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