Baby, You're Mine (Yeah, Baby #1)

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Baby, You're Mine (Yeah, Baby #1) Page 6

by Fiona Davenport

  “You’re not too shabby yourself.”

  The ceremony passed by in a blur and before I knew it, we’d been declared man and wife. Before the minister was able to tell Wyatt he could kiss his bride, his lips were on mine. It was the gentlest kiss he’d given me but still filled with all the passion we felt for each other.

  “You’re officially mine, Mrs. Kincaid.”

  He went about showing me exactly how much I was his, all night long, before bundling me into the truck the next morning and letting me sleep for the rest of the drive home. Well, except for the following night in the hotel where I got very little sleep.

  Chapter 10


  I almost couldn’t believe it when I woke up the morning after our wedding, and the next, and even more so the first one where we woke together in our house. I found myself immediately reaching for Bailey’s hand to make sure there was a ring on it. Now the world would know she was mine. Mrs. Kincaid. Damn, I loved the sound of that.

  Opening my eyes and realizing that we were finally home in our bed, I breathed a sigh of contentment before I noticed that Bailey wasn’t in my arms. It was surprising since she tended to sleep plastered to my body. Not that I was complaining.

  I sat up, looking around. “Baby?” I felt a stirring of panic, thinking maybe she changed her mind and ran. The sound of someone getting sick reached my ears at that moment, and I felt like an idiot for my momentary freakout. I jumped up and walked swiftly to the bathroom, finding Bailey on her knees over the toilet. Grabbing a cloth, I ran it under cool water and swiped it over her forehead before resting it on her neck. “Hey,” I murmured, “are you alright?”

  She sat up and glared at me, “No! I’m puking my guts out and it’s all your damn fault!”

  “I’m sorry, baby.” I put on my best sympathetic face, I felt bad that she was sick, but I wasn’t at all sorry that she was carrying my baby.

  “No you’re not,” she practically snarled. “I can see the macho caveman in there dancing a fucking jig at the proof that he got his woman pregnant.” I laughed, but quickly sobered when her eyes narrowed and the look in her eyes became violent. Scooping her up, I set her on the bathroom counter and grabbed her toothbrush, handing it over after I put toothpaste on it.

  While she brushed, I turned on the shower, then returned to her side to take care of my own teeth.

  “Om gon ge at,” she mumbled around her toothbrush.

  I rinsed, then moved to stand between her legs, the expression on her face was forlorn. I raised an eyebrow. “Want to try that again without a mouth full of foam?”

  She leaned to the side, over the sink, to spit and rinse then sat back up facing me.

  “I’m going to get fat.” Her voice was morose and her eyes were getting watery. “You’ll look like that”—she gestured to my naked body—“and I’ll look like a whale.”

  I rubbed her little baby bump with one hand and placed the other on her cheek. “This belly is going to be swollen with our baby and I can’t wait to watch it grow. You’ll never be less than gorgeous to me, Bailey, and seeing your sexy little body round with my kid will only add to your beauty.”

  “But, I’ll be bitchy and hormonal, you aren’t going to want to have sex with a mean, fat lady,” she whined.

  I couldn’t hold in the chuckle this time, which earned me a punch in the arm.

  “I will always,” I started and placed my palms on her shoulders, “always, want this body,” I smoldered. I took my time admiring every delicious inch of her. Her large tits, her wide hips, so perfect for gripping as I thrust into her, her thick thighs that squeezed so tight, and her pink, succulent pussy. I slid my hands down her arms, then moved them back up to rest on her collarbone before watching them descend to cup her full tits. Her nipples hardened and I gently squeezed them, earning a low moan from her. “These are already mouthwatering and they are getting bigger. How could I not crave them?” Continuing the journey down, I grasped her hips and yanked her up against me, forcing her to circle my waist with her legs or lose her balance.

  Her naked pussy was snug up against my cock. He was already standing at morning attention, but the heat and slick moisture of her core had him hardening to the point of pain.

  She moaned again and I nipped at her lips, rocking into her slowly. “I could never stop wanting this pussy clamping down on my cock and ”—I dragged a finger through her wet folds, then brought the finger to my lips and licked it clean—“eating this pussy will always be my favorite meal.”

  Bailey surged forward and fused our lips together, just as I drove into her soaked pussy. We both cried out, our sounds of passion swallowed in each other’s mouths.

  Kissing down the column of her throat, I licked and sucked until I reached one taut little peak and wrapped my lips around it. I loved the sounds she made when we were fucking. It only fueled my need for her and I sucked her nipple deep into my mouth to hear her cry out my name.

  Letting it go with a little pop, I purred, “And I’ll make damn fucking sure that you will always want me, need me too.”

  “I do, Wyatt,” she groaned as I licked and sucked on her other tit, not wanting it to feel left out. “I need you.”

  “You sure as fuck do,” I grunted, picking up speed as I thrust into her tight pussy. Her legs were shaking and the walls of her pussy were gripping my dick. She was getting close.

  “You’re hot as fuck, baby. You know that? I’ll never get enough of the way you glove my cock, so fucking tight. Hold on,” I warned. Moving my hands to her ass, I lifted her off of the counter and her legs tightened, her hands flying to my shoulders as I pushed her back up against the wall, so she was high enough that I could change the angle, thrusting up into her and hitting that sweet spot every time.

  “Oh, Wyatt!” She yelled, “Harder!”

  “You want it harder, baby?” I crooned. “Then I want to hear you scream.”

  Her head was back, exposing her neck and I licked a path up to her mouth, biting down on her bottom lip before mating our mouths. Slamming my cock into her hot, juicy pussy, I could feel a tingle starting in my spine and my balls drawing up tight.

  “Come on, baby,” I encouraged.

  “Wyatt!” She screamed as she splintered in my arms, her voice ringing in my ears, setting off my own orgasm.

  “Bailey! Fuck!” I shouted, coming so hard I saw stars.

  I lazily pumped in and out until we were both calmed from the storm, and then carried her into the shower, still inside her. She wiggled when she felt the hot spray of the water and as if on cue, my cock hardened all over again.

  I fucked her again, sitting on the bench in the steamy, glass space. Then we washed each other, taking even longer to finish when I couldn’t help making her come one more time on my tongue. To my exquisite pleasure, she returned the gesture.

  Finally dressed and ready for the day, I was making Bailey breakfast when her phone started to ring. “Baby,” I called, “phone.”

  She rushed into the room, her tiny shorts were hugging her ass and her tank hugging her generous tits, the front dipping, showing a little too much cleavage. There was no way in hell she would be leaving the house like that.

  “Jack!” she exclaimed as she answered.

  I winked and enjoyed the pink tint to her cheeks before I turned back to cooking, leaving her to her conversation.

  “Sure,” I could hear the smile in her voice and felt a matching one steal across my face.

  “Um, let me ask Wyatt...because he’s my—um...” Her voice dropped, but I still picked up on her furious whisper. “No, I can’t come without him...we’re together.”

  She was getting distressed, so I decided to address why she hadn’t told him I was her husband. Later. I was more focused on why the fuck Jack was upsetting my wife.

  I walked over and put my hand out, silently asking for the phone. She shook her head and brought the phone to her chest. “Jack and my dad want to have dinner tonight,” she said hesitant

  I narrowed my eyes, not happy with the suggestion, but the pleading look on her face had me nodding with an unhappy sigh. I swear, if Jack caused her any more pain, I was going to beat the living daylights out of the jackass.

  “Ok, we’ll be there at six.” She hung up the phone and put it on the counter, then walked over and put her arms around me, resting her head on my back. “Thank you.”

  I placed my hands over hers where they were clasped on my chest. “You don’t have to thank me, baby. They’re your family, too.” Breaking her hold, I rotated around until I was facing her, cupping her face in my hands. “But, I’m warning you, if Jack doesn’t back the fuck off, we’re leaving until he gets his head out of his ass.”

  Bailey gave me a small smile and a micro-chuckle, kissed me, and sat at the bar while I plated our breakfast and brought it over.



  “You want to tell me why you neglected to tell your brother that we got married?”

  She practically stuffed her face full of food, so she couldn’t answer and shrugged, not meeting my eyes.

  “Bailey,” I admonished.

  She swallowed slowly, but I waited her out.

  “I wanted to tell them all together, at once.”

  I watched her for a few minutes as we ate, my brows furrowed in suspicion. “You’re sure that’s all it was?”

  She sighed. “Yes, Wyatt. Now, what’s the plan for today?” she asked, deftly changing the subject and I decided to let her get away with it.

  “We should get you unpacked.”

  “It’s just a couple of boxes, it shouldn’t take long.” She shrugged and pushed her empty plate away.

  I grabbed up the dishes and busied myself at the sink as I casually answered, “It’s all of your stuff, baby. We need to unload it and find a place for everything.”

  “What do you mean, ‘it’s all my stuff’?”

  I heard her footsteps as she ran outside to look in the truck and subsequently heard her bellowing my name.

  It took half an hour of being called bossy, domineering, and controlling (I decided it was definitely a bad idea to remind her that those were all the same thing. I might just have a bruise from where she punched me in the chest) for me to calm her down and remind her that married people lived together, so none of her shit should be at her old house.

  We spent the day moving her in. Well, I moved things and refused to let her help, much to her annoyance, saying only, “Baby,” with a pointed look at her stomach, to get her to back down.

  We got ready and headed to her dad’s house a little before six. When we arrived, Milo and Sharon greeted us at the door, sweeping Bailey up into a hug. I tugged her back into my arms after a few moments, jealous of anyone else’s arms being around her, even her dad and step mom.

  Sharon suddenly squealed and grabbed Bailey’s hand, yanking her out of my grasp again. I grumbled, but reluctantly let her go to show off the rings that announced she now belonged to me.

  “It’s gorgeous, Bailey!” Sharon sent a dirty look my way when she caught sight of the wedding band resting next to the diamond engagement ring. “Although, it would have been nice to be at our only daughter’s wedding and have her father walk her down the aisle.”

  Milo laughed and clapped me on the back. “I should have known when you said you were driving through Vegas. Just couldn’t wait, huh?”

  I looked him in the eye and said, “No, sir.” I wasn’t going to apologize for making Bailey mine officially, the moment she said yes. Never mind that it was Bailey’s idea to get married right away.

  Sharon huffed, “We’ll just have to plan a proper wedding, and it doesn’t matter if you’re already married.”

  Milo shook my hand and winked. “Welcome to the family, son. Treat her right or I’ll bury you where no one will ever find you.”

  I stifled a chuckle, “Yes, sir.”

  We all stepped inside and moved toward the couches, Sharon chatting happily about all of her wedding plans. Bailey threw me an amused glance and shrugged.

  “Oh! Milo!” Sharon exclaimed, “Get the champagne, we need to celebrate and toast the new husband and wife.”

  She turned to Bailey, beaming, “Well not you—”

  “What the fuck?!” Jack’s outraged shout stopped Sharon cold and we all looked to see him standing just inside the door. His eyes were pointed directly at me, rage darkening his blue eyes to almost black.

  “You talked her into a quickie wedding?” he seethed, his voice shifting to a deadly calm.

  “Jack—” Bailey stood and took a step towards him, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my side, cutting her off.

  “We made the decision together, Jack,” I grit out between my teeth. “We are having a baby and want to be a family.”

  “We’re her family,” Jack thumped himself on the chest, over his heart. “You don’t even know her. If you did, then you would have given my baby sister the wedding she deserved instead of a sham Vegas wedding without any of us there.”

  His gaze dropped and he looked at Bailey, his face softening. “I’m here for you, little sister. You didn’t have to rush anything. I will be here for you to lean on if you want to change your mind. Maybe get to know—”

  I’d had enough. “Jack!” I shouted, “She is my wife. You need to back the fuck off and accept it.”

  “Jack, this was my decision and I need to see if I can make this work. If it doesn’t, you’ll be the first one I’ll call.”

  “If it doesn’t work?” There is no disguising the hurt and anger from my voice.

  Bailey put her hand on my arm, drawing my attention, “Calm down, Wyatt. We just found each other and haven’t had much time as a family. He’s afraid you’ll take me away again and he won’t be there to protect me.”

  “Protect you from what?”

  “From me getting hurt.”

  I staggered back a little. “You think I could ever hurt you?”

  “Of course you can hurt her. You don’t know the first thing about commitment, Wyatt,” Jack piped up, and I shot metal daggers at him through my eyes.

  Bailey growled in frustration, “Would you two knock it the fuck off?”

  Then she sighed and rubbed her stomach, looking at me. “You don’t really know me, Wyatt, and I don’t know you all that well either. I’m just trying to say that I can understand why he’s worried things won’t work out.”

  I shook my head a little, confused and hurt. “It was your idea to get married in Vegas. If you thought this wouldn’t last, why would you agree to marry me?”

  “I do think this will—” Bailey gasped and bent over slightly, her hands cradling her belly. She looked up at me with pain written on her face and tears starting to roll down her cheeks. I grabbed her arms in a panic, not understanding what was happening. With another gasp, she suddenly curled into herself, hugging her middle tight. Her face drained of color, her eyes closed, and I caught her right before her head hit the ground.

  Chapter 11


  “I’m scared,” I cried, my hold on Wyatt’s hand tightening while I waited on a bed in the emergency room. We’d been here for several hours already, and they’d run numerous tests to see what was going on. The pain was gone, leaving only light cramping in its wake, but the blood stain I’d found in the gusset of my panties when I changed into the hospital gown they’d given me was what had me completely freaked out.

  “I’m here, baby.” His thumb rubbed the underside of my wedding ring, a reminder that we were in this together as man and wife. “No matter what.”

  I was barely holding on by a thread, the feel of his hand on mine the only thing keeping me sane. Jack kept hold of my other hand. He hadn’t said a word since we arrived and he’d insisted he was coming back with us. My dad and Sharon were in the waiting room, and I knew the only reason none of us had argued with my brother was because we all knew he felt guilty for starting the argument with Wyatt.r />
  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, staring up at my Wyatt with tears running down my cheeks.

  “You don’t have anything to be sorry about,” he reassured me.

  But I did. I felt horrible for hurting him earlier. For not being able to find the right words. I’d only been trying to talk my brother down from his anger, to make him see that I knew he had my back, even though Wyatt was his best friend. “What I was saying before? When the pain started? I was trying to tell you I do think this will last. I would never have suggested we get married right away if I didn’t.”

  “Baby,” he sighed, his gaze moving to Jack before coming back to me. “Don’t worry about that right now. It isn’t important.”

  “It is,” I insisted. “You need to know how happy I was to become your wife.”

  “Seriously, Bailey,” he growled. “This is the last thing you need to be focused on right now.”

  “Wyatt’s right, little sis,” Jack agreed.

  It was nice to hear my brother backing up his best friend after all the arguing. “It kills me to know I’m the reason you’re fighting.”

  “We’re done with the fighting,” Wyatt declared.

  “You are?” My gaze darted between the two of them.

  “We are,” Jack confirmed, smiling at me before shifting his focus on Wyatt. “I’ve been a dick and I’m sorry.”

  “No apologies needed, man. I get it. She’s your sister and you want what’s best for her. I can respect that.”

  “I do want what’s best for her,” Jack agreed. “And if I hadn’t been so damn busy freaking out at the idea of losing my baby sister to my best friend, I would have admitted she couldn’t do any better than you.”


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