Take a Chance

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Take a Chance Page 6

by Lavender Daye

  He swept his palm down her belly, fingers splayed on the velvety skin between breasts and a wet dream in waiting. A little lower and he reached the dark dusting of pubic hair. Her gasp when fingers met fluff made him smile. She was beyond refusal, the rapid pant and squirm confirmed her need. When his name floated out among the whimpers and moans, he knew she was ready to fly.

  This would be the first of many orgasms he’d give her, but, he hoped, the only one without submission. One he’d remember whether she did or not.

  Fingers burrowing, he discovered the upper edge of her slit, and then the tight bud of her clitoris. Circling the engorged nerve center, he drove her to a fever pitch and kept her on the edge until his own body throbbed in echo of her need. He kissed the side of her cheek and whispered encouragement as he pressed his thumb into the sensitive nerves.

  ”Give me your orgasm, Dena. Come for me.”

  Her body came apart in his arms, arching and twitching through a prolonged moan. All the while, he continued to whisper in her ear. “Beautiful, Dena. My beautiful china doll. So sweet and soft.” She’d already drifted off when he slipped his fingers out of her and brought them to his mouth.

  Unwise on his part. He craved more but would wait. Easing his body from the bed, he pulled the sheets up to her chin and turned off the bedside lamp. With a last check of all the locks, he left her tucked in tight and headed for Private Delights. The club would be opening soon, and it was still early enough that he’d find Mark and Derek at work.

  Sure enough, Derek’s truck and Mark’s SUV were in the front lot. The sign at the front entrance was beautifully lit, the letters echoed on the brick wall behind them. Steve found his friends in the main lounge, each sprawled out on a couch while they argued about the merits of leather restraints versus soft cloth restraints.

  Of course.

  “It depends on what you want to accomplish,” he threw in from the darkened foyer. “Don’t y’all have work to do?”

  Easily deflecting the empty water bottle Derek threw at him, Steve dropped into a chair where he could see both his friends. “How’s the schedule?”

  From what he could see, the place was ready to open. Dark purple carpet with swirls of gold and green stretched out in the huge room, making it look like a football field decorated with chairs, tables, and couches. The only thing he missed was the sight of naked women on their knees. That should be happening soon. The thought reminded him of Dena and his cock rose to half-mast. Again.

  Might need to push Dena’s induction into the lifestyle up on the schedule before she drove him bat shit crazy.

  “Everything’s a go. Just waiting on the final inspections and we’ll be open for business,” Mark told him.

  “Where’ve you been?” Derek asked. “I thought you were taking her to dinner and walking away.”

  “Don’t tell me you broke your own rule and slept with her?” Mark added.

  “Got back to her place and the front door was open. Place had been sacked.”

  “Shit. Good thing she was with you, then,” Derek said.

  Steve listened to his buddies toss around ideas about the break in. All good theories, and their conversation helped push the residual lust onto a back burner for him. “I think it had something to do with the burglary at her office.”

  “Did you call Simon?” Mark asked.

  Damn. He should’ve, and he’d pay for the oversight in the morning. “No. Stayed with her until she fell asleep, and made sure the place was secure before I left.”

  Mark shook his head, a grin reminiscent of winning the lottery. “You stayed until she fell asleep? Do tell.”

  “Not yet, dammit. She was too upset to push those buttons tonight.”

  Derek grunted across the coffee table. “A gentleman? Not surprising now I’m thinking of the woman in question.”

  “What do you mean, buddy?” The last word came out like a curse. Wrong in so many ways, and he knew it.

  Both men laughed and Derek finished his comment. “Chill. She’s not what you usually go for, and you haven’t fucked her yet. Have you?”


  “Not for lack of trying, I bet.” This from Mark.

  “From me, if you want the truth, no. I don’t want to rush her, and she’s after an adventure.”

  “Well, you sure can give her one.”

  Hell if they didn’t know him all too well. They both spoke at the same time, an echo of the same words, proving the three of them had spent too many years hanging out together.

  “She’ll get there when I’m ready to take her.” Steve focused on Mark, knowing Derek wouldn’t interfere. “My woman, my timeline.”

  “You might want to add Simon’s timeline, just in case he has other ideas.”

  “He’s a non-issue.” The laugher from both men rubbed at Steve’s conscience, but only one small tic on the irritation meter. His company was in bed with Simon Lindsay’s, but it wouldn’t interfere with his personal relationship with Dena. “I’m meeting him for lunch tomorrow to discuss the contract and put together a schedule for implementation.”

  * * * *

  The sight of Lindsay’s face when he marched into the restaurant the next afternoon set Steve back for a minute. He hated to be wrong, and he had a bad feeling that was about to happen. Standing to shake the man’s hand, he made eye contact with Dena’s oldest brother.

  “Good to see you,” Steve offered with his handshake.

  “Not sure I can say the same, but I do owe you a thank you, at least. The very least.”

  Steve chose to let Simon lead the conversation and opened a door. “Rough morning?”

  “Not until I was informed that my sister was out with you last night. And her house was vandalized. Was that a bid to get another contract—one for her home, along with this deal we’re working today?” Simon’s forearms dropped on the table and he leaned half across the space. “Or do you seriously think I’ll agree to you dating my sister?”

  Steve leaned back in his chair and let his body relax, one of the hardest things for him to accomplish at the moment, but he needed to diffuse the conflict before Simon started a heated public argument.

  “I’m dating Dena because I want to, and she agreed. Personally, I’m glad she was with me last night instead of home alone or with some prick who couldn’t handle the situation.”

  “You had nothing to do with the break in?”

  “Lindsay, I may be many things, but I’m not a thief or a con artist. We walked up to an open door and a darkened house.”

  Simon’s eyes went black and the soft string of profanity wasn’t normally heard from him in a public setting. He was one of those businessmen who protected their reputation in the community.

  “I didn’t hear that part.”

  With a cock of his head, Steve asked, “What did she tell you?”

  “Nothing, dammit.” The bright red face returned. “Not a damn thing. I didn’t know a goddam thing until the police showed up this morning to verify the report. They told me you were there.”

  He buried the smile, or at least tried. Damn, Dena was a handful of trouble just waiting to happen. “Did you ask her about it?”

  From the tilt of his head and his gaze on the light fixtures above him, it appeared that Simon Jr. was attempting to count to ten before he answered. “Yes,” he finally replied through clenched teeth. “I asked. I didn’t get much from her, or from the officer, even though he let me read the report. She claims nothing much was taken.”

  Taking pity on the man, and thanking God he didn’t have any siblings himself, Steve braced his arms on the table and tried to look sympathetic. “She’s a grown woman. She has a right to privacy. Don’t worry too much, Simon. She has a strong sense of self and she’ll be fine.”

  “Fuck you, Gladston. Stay away from my sister.” A low whisper, but forceful, while Lindsay positioned his torso close to Steve’s. “I won’t warn you again.”

  “She’s an adult and makes her own choices. You c
an rest assured she won’t get hurt while she’s with me. I think I proved that last night.”

  The man’s shoulders relaxed a bit, not completely, but a start. “Yes. Thank you for making sure she got home safe. What can you tell me about the break in?”

  “Not much. The locks weren’t effective, though I’m not sure what they used to break in. My focus is more of a preventative. Once the police were called, I got ahold of a locksmith we work with and had him change the locks.”

  “Thanks.” Simon’s posture loosened a little more. “Send me a bill and I’ll take care of it.”

  “No. My gift to Dena and nothing to do with our deal.”

  As expected, Simon wasn’t happy about it, and the shift in his demeanor made it obvious even though he didn’t voice another complaint.

  Fortunately, the waiter arrived with water glasses and menus, giving both of them a chance to regroup. Steve refused to discuss Dena with her brother. This meeting was about business and, until that was finished, he wasn’t about to veer into personal territory any more than he already had. He made a quick choice from the menu and flipped open the G&L folder while Simon talked to the waiter.

  Once they stayed on course, the contract discussion was short and to the point. Simon was ready to sign the document before the waiter returned with his steak. Steve packed away the paperwork and assured him work would begin as soon as he got back to the office.

  “It’ll take about a week to get the security panels you want, but just a few days to install everything once they arrive.”

  “Fine. Call my office when they come in, and we’ll be ready for the install.”

  “Good. Any questions about the process?” Steve asked.

  Simon lifted his napkin to blot his mouth, his brown eyes dark and serious, and Steve got ready for his argument.

  “What are your intentions with my sister?”

  He huffed a half laugh. “What do you want me to say, Simon? That I’m going to use her and toss her in the gutter? That I’m going to marry her next week? We’re dating. That’s all I can tell you.”

  “She’s young and impressionable, sheltered most of her life even though she grew up with three brothers. Maybe because of us. Hell, I don’t know what to do with her half the time, but I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “She’s not the little innocent you’d lead me to believe. She needs to be independent—craves it, actually, but you keep trying to hide her away. Won’t work. She’s hungry for adventure and for sex.”

  “I don’t believe that. She’s dated for a while now, and hasn’t formed any kind of lasting relationship.”

  “Only because you or one of your brothers scared the guy off before she had a chance.” Before Simon could respond, Steve raised a hand and said, “Her words, not mine. And one of the reasons she wants me involved.”

  “What does that mean?” Simon’s face reddened again, but business was over and it was time to set the man straight about Dena.

  “She wants a relationship with a man who won’t be intimidated by her family.”

  “And you think you’re that man?”

  Steve shrugged. “She does, and I’m willing to help her. She’s a special woman, and I’ll take good care of her.”

  “Keep your fucking hands off my sister, Gladston.”

  “I’ve been invited by your sister to assist her in an adventure, and I’ve agreed.”

  “She doesn’t need your kind of adventure.”

  “That’s her decision, Simon. Not yours or mine.”

  The staring match wasn’t fun, but he’d had worse with Derek and Mark. While tough, Simon Lindsay, Jr. was a midsized competitor. After a few minutes of posturing, he gave the man a break.

  “I can’t hold her back. More than that, she needs to learn some self-control or she’s going to end up pregnant and with some asshole who just wants her money. Do you want her to be used and discarded? Thrown out with the trash when all she wants is—”

  Simon threw up both hands. “Okay, I get it. I don’t have to like it.”

  Perfect time to make a reasonable escape. Steve stood and gathered his satchel. When he offered his hand, Simon met him halfway and they parted without further argument.

  Executed contract in hand, Steve headed for the new club. They’d agreed early on that Steve would handle the club’s security issues while Derek took care of the general contracting and Mark managed the general business. Once open, Mark would be onsite manager for Private Delights.

  While Derek worked on the build-out, Steve handled the day to day business at G&L. There were a few things he’d like to add to the Lindsay job that he wanted to discuss with Derek and he wanted to see how the building was coming together.

  With a seriously potential playmate at hand, he was eager for it to open. Introducing Dena to BDSM would be a singular pleasure. He’d already sketched out a timeline, working with her steadily until she was ready for the heavy commitment.

  Submission was a beautiful thing when handled correctly, and he was a master.

  “What can I do to help?” he asked, and Derek jerked forward.

  “Thought you were busy at the Lindsay job,” Derek asked.

  “Have to order parts and schedule crews, but I have some time to work on this baby. Give me a job.”

  Mark barked a laugh and reached over to punch Steve in the shoulder. “I do believe our friend here wants to get the club open so he has a place to play with his new girl.”

  “That so?” Derek asked.

  “Wouldn’t hurt. And since her brother’s agreed to back off, I should have her ready in a few days.”

  Chapter 8

  Ethan slid onto the bench seat across from Lloyd and the man jumped. As in, his whole body levitated out of the seat and landed with an audible plop.

  “What the hell? You scared the shit out of me.”

  Across the table, Ethan shook his head and braided his fingers in front of his chest, leaning in and looking at ease and comfortable. “Man, you’ve got to get cool. If I didn’t already know what you’re into, I’d be suspicious as hell. Chill a little, look like we’re having a good time.”

  “Not easy to do—” Lloyd leaned low across the table. “—when I’m trying to get co-conspirators out of jail and make plans for the next plot to get the codes.”

  “Any luck on getting John and Bill out?”

  “Not unless you have some serious cash.”

  “They’ll have to sit, then.”

  Lloyd gulped some coffee and hovered low on the table. “Until they decide to make a deal and give us up.”

  “Won’t happen. Besides, it’s only been two days. County lockup isn’t that bad.”

  Lloyd stared at him over the top rim of his glasses. “And you know that how? Been there yourself?”

  “No.” His secrets stayed private, even to his closest friends. “Now, I need to get hold of Dena Lindsay. We need to have a come to Jesus meeting real quick.”

  “You are absolutely out of your mind, Ethan. Between her brothers and that security guy, you don’t have a chance of getting her alone.”

  “I’m working on it. Trust me, this’ll work.” Even as he said the words, he knew Lloyd was on his way out. The man had no backbone, despite his education. Sooner probably than later, the erstwhile friend would vanish, leave town and set up somewhere out of state. Maybe even change his name.

  “Don’t expect me to break the law again. I’m not going to jail for you.” Lloyd scooped his papers into a thin briefcase, tossed a five on the table, and left in a hurry.

  Good riddance. But he still needed the password for the stock accounts and without help, he wouldn’t have enough muscle to make another attempt to grab little girl Lindsay. He’d made discrete inquiries about John and Bill, hoping they’d be released soon and he could put them to work, but they were in pretty bad shape.

  A ping on his phone took his attention in another direction. The cutie he’d met the night of the worthless break-in was making con
tact. Not that he needed a woman in his life, but she was a diversion and hopefully a decent lay. With the right incentive, she’d at least be an alibi.

  “Hey, beautiful. What can I do for you?” he asked. Women were easy and he enjoyed the games they thought worked with him.

  “You left a message. I’m calling you back.”

  “Right, sorry. Hectic day, but I was hoping we could get together tonight.”

  “Sorry. I have to study tonight. I have a final in the morning. Maybe tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Great. Tomorrow. Call me when the test’s finished and we’ll make some plans.” He smiled when she easily agreed. Pussy tomorrow gave him something to look forward to. Watching the call close, he saw her number, clicked on it and did a quick search. She might be worth more than a fuck. A few more clicks and he found her social media center.

  Damn, but the girl loved to post pictures of herself. Sure, she was cute but not drop dead gorgeous.

  And hello Miss Moneybags. His little chippie was friends with his mark. Another click and he hopped to Dena Lindsay’s page.

  Son of a bitch. His new girl had smart friends, the kind that used privacy settings. Well, worth a shot, but no go there. Unless Sara could be convinced to share information about her friends.

  With a renewed sense of purpose, Ethan dropped his phone in his pocket and left the diner. By tomorrow night, he’d have a room set up for their tryst, one with no ties to his name, and a way to convince Sara to spill her guts.

  * * * *

  Dena jumped when the doorbell chimed. It was late, almost ten, and she had to be in the office early tomorrow. Nobody showed up at her door at this time on a workday. Besides, Susan and Kellie were at a seminar in Houston.

  And Steve, the jerk, hadn’t called since the night of the break in. Not after he’d put her to bed with an unbelievable orgasm and a sweet kiss good night.


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