Rest and Relaxation (Lesbian Romance)

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Rest and Relaxation (Lesbian Romance) Page 20

by Rhavensfyre

  “Let’s get you inside and warmed up,” Dani said, brushing a few wet locks of hair out of her eyes. Steam was coming off of her in waves while a steady stream of rain dripped from her shirt tails. Once inside, Dani hung her keys on the hook by the doorway while reaching down to pet a very enthusiastic ball of fluff. “You can have the bathroom first. I need to let Callie out.”

  Callie danced around the two women, her head swiveling back and forth as if trying to decide what was more important, greet her people or beg to be let out to pee. She was a good girl, though, and waited for Dani to give her the command before running out the door. She skidded back inside in record time, with stinky wet fur and a dirty look for Dani for tricking her into going out.

  “I didn’t make the rain, pup,” Dani said, chuckling at her frou-frou dog. After making sure Callie had food and water, Dani went upstairs to start getting ready for bed.

  Allyse had left her bedroom door partially open but all the lights were off. Dani stopped and listened but she couldn’t hear anything, not the shower or anything else that would tell her where her guest might be.


  “Yes?” Allyse’s voice floated out of the dark.

  “Just checking. I needed to know where you were before I go into the bathroom.”

  “Funny woman.”

  “Yeah, yeah…as long as you left me some hot water,” Dani warned. She was soaked to the gills, and all she wanted was a long soak.

  Where the heck did this storm come from?

  She flipped on the news and listened to the weatherman cheerfully describe a quick moving line of thunderstorms. Bright red and yellow blobs just south of them marked high risk areas of lightning strikes heading straight their way. “Great. Shower it is, then.”

  There was no way she was going to soak in an iron tub with that much electricity riding the sky. Those words had barely been spoken when a bright flash turned the world black and white, promptly followed by a grumbling boom that shook the rafters above her. A quick shower, she amended, then jumped when a second boom struck even closer to the house. Maybe I should just forget it and count mother nature’s little gift as my nightly shower, even if it was a cold one.


  Dani looked up when she heard a wooden tapping sound. She had changed into something warm and dry, turned off the lights, and curled up under her blankets. The cable went out after the last storm surge so she put in a movie, figuring she would watch it until she fell asleep. Thirty minutes later she was still awake, and evidently so was Allyse.

  Allyse stood in the doorway. She wasn’t as bundled up as Dani was, but from the way she was hugging herself she must be feeling the chill too.

  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  “Of course not.” Dani pulled back the blankets so Allyse could climb into the bed with her before starting her show back up. Allyse moved in close to her, insistently nudging her arm out of the way so that she could curl up inside Dani’s embrace. She was cold, stealing the warmth out of the blankets and bringing goose bumps up on Dani’s arm. “You’re freezing. Didn’t you take a shower to warm up?”

  “No. I saw the lightning from the window and remembered someone saying it wasn’t safe to do that.”

  “Me too. Don’t worry, we’ll warm each other up soon enough.”

  Allyse trembled, but not from the cold. Her cheeks burned, flushing hotly at Dani’s innocent offer. She had tried to sleep in her own room but she couldn’t seem to get warm enough. She kept falling in and out of feverish dreams that took her somewhere else, blurring the lines between desire and experience. She had awakened confused, her sleep fueled fantasies intermingling with reality until she opened her eyes. Then she realized she was alone, and the cold rushed back into her bones. Now she was burning up.

  “Are you okay? You’re still shivering,” Dani asked, reaching up and stroking Allyse’s cheek much like she had done earlier. Allyse smiled and kissed Dani’s hand, relief and joy washing over her. Dani was there and real and not just a fragment of a lost dream.

  “I’m better now. This is quite a storm, how did it sneak up on us like that?”

  Dani frowned, then shrugged. “It happens. I’m usually pretty good about checking the weather because of the horses. This one slipped by me.”

  “Distracted?” Allyse scooted up in the bed until they faced each other. Curious eyes glittered at her in the dark.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Allyse leaned in and startled Dani with a soul searing kiss that chased away the last of her chill. Time fell away, along with all of the little things that happened since their walk along the waterfront. The drive, the rain, none of it seemed to occupy any space between the one breathless kiss they shared hours ago and the feel of Allyse’s lips on hers now. Not that she minded the kisses. In fact, she was starting to enjoy them on a more regular basis, but when warm hands started to wander under her shirt, Dani had to pull away.

  “Um, Allyse? Dinner was great, but I don’t put out after just one date,” Dani said, catching Allyse’s hands and putting them somewhere a bit safer for her libido. She spoke lightly, hoping to take the edge off the tension between them.

  “Sorry, but you can’t blame me for trying.” Allyse wanted to be upset that Dani had turned her down, but she knew she couldn’t. She wanted Dani, more than anything. She also knew that a good part of her behavior was being driven by the wine. Relying on liquid courage was not how she wanted to make love with Dani the first time. She settled down, placing her head back on Dani's shoulder.

  “Let me guess. You’re one of those three date women,” Allyse grumbled.


  “Well,” Allyse paused before drawling, “in that case, I am definitely taking you for lunch and dinner tomorrow. That should take care of date two and three, then we can discuss where we go from there.”

  “You’re joking, right?” She couldn’t tell if Allyse was being serious or not.

  Allyse laughed. “I was when I said it, but now? Now, I don’t believe so. I think I’m very serious.”

  Dani tilted her head, much like Callie did when she was trying to figure something out. It would have been cute in an RCA ad sort of way if Dani hadn’t followed that look with a very astute question. “You don’t look like you’re joking, you look scared. Why?”

  Allyse’s mouth went dry. Of course Dani would pick this minute to “get it”.

  “I, um. I really don’t like storms.”

  “Uh, huh. So you couldn’t sleep and thought you would come in here for company?”

  “Yes,” Allyse said. Liar. Tell her the truth.

  Dani nodded and blew out her breath. “Okay. I get that. Are we still going on a date tomorrow?”

  “Yes, of course we are!”

  “Good, then I guess we ought to get some sleep,” Dani said, and that was the end of the conversation. She turned off the TV and flipped on her side, leaving enough room for Allyse to curl up with her.

  The storm continued to rage around them, but Allyse didn’t find the bright flashes illuminating the windows frightening. The rattling walls weren’t much different than the trains she rode on occasion. What kept her awake was the overwhelming, practically cellular awareness she had of the woman sleeping behind her with one arm flung casually across her waist.

  “Hey, Allyse?” Dani mumbled unexpectedly.

  “Yes?” She whispered, practically holding her breath.

  “I almost forgot to tell you. I was really impressed with how well you sprinted across the driveway in those heels.” Dani yawned around half of the sentence, then drifted off again.

  “Go to sleep, Dani.”


  Allyse woke up to bright sunshine, and a pillow wrapped in her arms. She cuddled into the pillow, convincing herself that she was trying to hide from the light, rather than what she was really doing…making an excuse to inhale Dani’s scent. Dani. An awareness of the other woman simmered in her mind, just below the surface of mor
e mundane thoughts. She didn’t even have to turn to know that the bed they shared last night was empty. Stubbornly, she turned over anyway. Sometimes you just had to be illogical, even if it meant being disappointed.

  She was.

  A quick glance at the clock jolted her awake. She didn’t need the alarm going off to tell her she had overslept. She was instantly alert, her feet hitting the floor before she was fully aware she was moving. It was late, really late in the morning, which might explain why Dani was already up. Raking her fingers through her hair, she tossed on her robe and headed for the bathroom. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had slept past 7am, and it was closer to ten.

  It was only when she headed downstairs that she realized that not only was Dani awake, but she was also gone from the house. Callie wasn't there either. Their absence made the place feel bigger than it was, not necessarily lifeless, but definitely empty.

  Had Dani left to avoid an awkward morning scene? After last night she couldn’t blame her. Why the hell she came on to Dani like that was beyond her. She blamed the wine, but knew all the wine was guilty of was loosening her inhibitions.

  Allyse decided that the cure to everything was coffee, and lots of it. She needed to think, and she needed caffeine to do it. She was delighted to find the coffee maker filled and ready to go, all she had to do was push the button. A sticky note was stuck to her coffee mug next to the machine.


  You looked so peaceful this morning I didn’t have the heart to wake you. I hope you slept well…I know I did.

  I am going to be out checking the fences. I would have made you some coffee but I didn’t want the smell to wake you.

  Have a good morning.


  Allyse’s smile broadened into a relieved grin. The note was straightforward and honest. If there had been a problem, Dani would have told her. The familiar sound of coffee brewing faded as she went back upstairs to change. It was close to noon and Dani should be back soon. They had a lunch date she needed to get ready for.


  Allyse’s coffee was hot, sweet, and good, but it was missing something important. Dani wasn’t there to share what was fast becoming their morning ritual, and hadn’t been for the last three days.

  Evidently the storm had done a lot of damage, taking out a good chunk of fence when one of the creeks overflowed its banks and tried to forge a new path right through the middle of one of the biggest pastures. Some of the livestock had taken advantage of the downed fence and made a run for it, so they had to be retrieved and housed elsewhere. A few of the dirt roads were washed out and had to be reinforced and graded. A veritable army of vehicles and equipment had passed by the house, bringing in supplies and extra men to do the work. Dani had tried to explain it all to her but all she really knew for sure was that the storm had put the brakes on their budding relationship while Dani dealt with it all. She left at the crack of dawn every morning and came in every evening covered in dirt and mud and because of that, even though Dani promised she wasn’t doing anything except supervising, Allyse didn’t believe her.

  It didn’t take long for a new ritual to develop between them. Dani would arrive home late and almost too tired to move, and Allyse would bully her into taking a shower, then she would clean and dress her wound. She made sure the woman ate something before she passed out cold from exhaustion, then she would sit up with her and watch TV until she fell asleep.

  Despite all her attempts to keep busy, Allyse was starting to feel like a caged tiger. She needed to get out more, and not just for short solitary jaunts out to the orchard or barn. She put down her pencil and stood up after she found it in her mouth for the fourth time this morning instead of where it belonged, on the pad of paper on her lap. A walk in the sun suddenly sounded like a wonderful idea. She could use the exercise and maybe she could even find Dani and convince her to come back for lunch.

  After a half an hour of walking, she was beginning to wonder if she had made a mistake. The one and only time she had been this way, she had been on the back of a horse. She was nowhere near where they had turned around and that was where Dani said she would be. She was going to have to give up and go back to the farmhouse. Disappointed that her plans were once again turning south, she stopped to catch her breath and was about to head back when she spotted an older green jeep bouncing along the trail in front of her. It was one of those off road, elevated affairs with an open cab and huge tires that ate up the dirt path with a stomach churning series of bounces and enthusiastic stomps into every muddy puddle it could find. It wasn’t until the jeep was much closer that she was able to recognize the familiar face hidden beneath a cowboy hat.

  Dani pulled up next her and stopped. Callie’s head popped over the side of the jeep from the back seat. Her curiosity lasted just long enough for her to identify Allyse, then she flopped back down and ignored the both of them.


  “Hey, beautiful! Going my way?”

  “Yes. But I don’t feel very attractive right now,” she said, looking down at herself and grimacing. She felt wilted, dusty and sweaty from her walk, and she didn’t look much different. A sudden urge to giggle left her helpless, all she could do was clap her hand over her mouth and try to get her mirth under control.

  Dani stared at her like she had lost her mind.

  “What’s so funny? And for that matter, what the heck are you doing out here?”

  “Oh…I could just see me now, trying to get into my own office looking like this. I doubt my secretary would recognize me.” Allyse managed to get out before another bout of laughter hit her.

  A lopsided grin replaced Dani’s ‘do I have to take you to the funny farm?’ look. “I think you’re right. But that doesn’t tell me why you’re out here.”

  “I was coming to see you. I just didn’t realize how far it was,” Allyse admitted.

  “It’s far. Here. You need a hat before you burn.”

  Dani plucked her hat off and plunked it on Allyse’s head, then chuckled. It didn’t fit right and drooped over her eyes. Dani chuckled again when the dust covered woman glared at her fiercely. Evidently, Allyse De Leon did not like being laughed at.

  “I don’t burn. I have my Castilian ancestors to thank for that.”

  “Yeah, but it won’t stop you from getting a farmer’s tan in that shirt,” Dani smirked, eyeing her short sleeved polo shirt. From the look of horror on Allyse’s face it was probably a good thing she didn’t say anything about what squinting against the sun did, not that Dani cared a wit. Crow’s feet and farmer’s tans were come by honestly, and just meant you worked for a living. So did callouses. Hell, she had all three, which left her chewing on a question she couldn’t let go of. What the heck does Allyse see in me?

  “Come on, let’s get you out of the sun. I was just heading up for lunch.”

  “Thank you,” Allyse squeaked, grasping at Dani’s shoulders when she found herself suddenly being helped into the passenger seat, as in, Dani just boosted her up into the jeep without warning. Her feet rested on a metal step-up looking thing protruding from the undercarriage and she found herself in an unusual position. For once, Allyse was taller than Dani. “Mmm. This is interesting. I think I like being taller.”

  Dani froze. Her hands circled Allyse’s waist just above her hips and she was trapped close to Allyse’s body. Soft hands kneaded along the tight muscles sloping away from her neck, pulling her in close. That encouragement was all it took for Dani to soften into the body in front of her, her hips slipping between Allyse’s legs. Dani made a small frustrated sound in her throat. The convenient step-up was now keeping her from getting as close as she wanted to be.

  She reached up and tilted her cowboy hat back out of the way before leaning in to kiss Allyse, there was no way she would know to do that. She teased Allyse’s bottom lip with her tongue before capturing her mouth with eager lips. Hands that had been kneading her neck snaked their way into her hair, sending a delicious wave of pleas
ure tingling across her scalp. A courageous tongue slipped out to join hers, encouraging her to engage in a playful game of one-upmanship.

  “Nice,” Dani purred, letting the kiss end as naturally as it had started. “That’s worth coming in for lunch every day.”

  “You should have thought of that before, rather than leave me to my own devices for the last three days.”

  Allyse was teasing, but from the guilty expression on Dani’s face, she was taking it seriously. “Yeah. I’m sorry about that. Everything took longer than I expected.”

  “That’s okay, I did find something to occupy my time.”

  “Not more work?” Dani asked sharply. “Erick will kill me if you work yourself silly on your vacation.”

  “I really doubt that. But no, I wasn’t working.”


  The drive back was embarrassingly short, but she was too glad to be back at the house to care. Pulling Dani’s cowboy hat off, Allyse handed it back to its owner with a polite thank you.

  “That’s okay, you needed it.” Dani contemplated her hat with all the intensity of a gypsy gazing into a scrying bowl. “We need to get you a hat, one that fits,” Dani stated, stuffing the hat back on her head before jumping out to help Allyse. She grinned up at her, eyes flashing a second before she drawled “And isn’t mine.”

  “Very funny,” Allyse stated flatly. Rather than get angry, however, she just laughed. It felt good, to be able to laugh so easily.

  Allyse took a good look at the woman walking into the house next to her. Dani was sweaty and dirty and altogether in her element being both. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't an altogether unappealing look on her. Maybe it had something to do with those lovely baths she seemed to keep walking into? They helped, at least in keeping her thoughts firmly in the gutter, but it was more than that. There was something earthy about her that made it seem right. There was no doubt that she was as much a part of the land as any of the tree’s rooted there. New York was all steel and concrete, a different sort of solidity that wasn’t quite so…organic. That was the word. It didn’t breathe the same way as fields and meadows, and instead of trees it grew buildings, but it had a life of its own nonetheless.


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