Rest and Relaxation (Lesbian Romance)

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Rest and Relaxation (Lesbian Romance) Page 24

by Rhavensfyre

  “Is this what you want?” Allyse whispered, her eyes bright with excitement as she turned to face the woman behind her. Captured by that intense gaze, Dani was caught between two competing desires. She wanted to kiss those delectable lips, but if she did that she wouldn’t be able to watch.

  “Yes. God, yes, Allyse,” Dani hissed. Allyse hesitated, long enough for Dani to realize she had reached her limit for now. Another lock had to be broken for her to move farther. She kissed Allyse, encouraging her to unlock her passion another way. Born of desperate need, the kiss turned violent, demanding, their lips and tongues dueling for dominance. Dani let her win—let her purge any lingering feelings of inadequacy she might harbor by letting her take control, to let her see and hear and feel just what she was doing to her.

  Allyse couldn’t stand it anymore. She twisted her fingers free, then guided Dani’s hand towards the place she needed her most. She pressed down, encouraging the roughly padded fingers to glide between her thighs. She gasped at the intense pleasure of another woman exploring her most intimate bits, moaning when work hardened fingers slipped passed swollen lips and found her clit. Allyse lost it when Dani stopped moving, growling her frustration when her touch disappeared, defusing the madly spiraling orgasm already coiling inside her.

  “Show me.” Dani held back her touch, making Allyse take over while she simply followed along, learning the language of her movements as she pleasured herself.

  This was Allyse’s reward for succumbing to Dani’s kiss. Barely able to maintain both pleasures at once, she closed her eyes against the pleasure she was giving herself—against the knowledge she was revealing and giving freely to a woman who freely admitted to having difficulty understanding people, but seemed to own a surreal ability to read and adapt to Allyse’s needs and desires.

  “God, Allyse, you are so beautiful. I can tell you’re close.” Dani moaned against her neck.

  “Yes, very,” Allyse whimpered.

  “Do you want to go inside?” Dani asked so quietly it took Allyse a moment to process the meaning.

  The question rolled over Allyse, sending her arousal into overdrive when she felt an answering spasm deep inside her that screamed ‘yes’. Her brain, however, chose that moment to sabotage her. She froze, caught up in inexplicable fear and embarrassment while her mind and body engaged in a sudden and epic battle that lasted only the briefest of moments.

  “Ah, God, Dani…I want to,” she cried out, halfway between a sob and a ragged breath. She was unable to force her hand to move down to where she most needed it to be. Her body shook within the safe confines of Dani’s arms.

  “Shhh. It’s okay, love. Here, let me.” Dani soothed the tormented woman, having found her limit and loving her all the more for her shyness. “Show me what you want, put my fingers where you need them.”

  Allyse was like liquid fire, ready and open to take her in, but Dani wouldn’t move until she was given direction. She circled lightly, the teasing movement encouraging the other woman to give in to her desire. Tentative fingers slid alongside hers, slick from touching herself. Dani held her breath as she felt those fingers push against hers, pressing her fingers inside the slick walls.

  “Please?” Allyse begged, her breath coming fast and hard she was almost hyperventilating. Dani moaned in pleasure, slipping two fingers deep inside the slick heat. Muscular walls smoother than silk and stronger than freewill clamped around her fingers, and she knew she was lost from that moment on.

  “Is this what you want? My fingers inside you?” Dani pushed as far as she could go, straining the webbing between her fingers before withdrawing slightly. She kept up the subtle motion, Allyse’s hips rocking into her in time with her movements. God, she was fucking hot, burning.

  Allyse bucked against her as she rode Dani’s fingers with increased abandon. The normally articulate woman became reduced to those small noises that originated deep inside the most primal parts of her being. It was those noises, the ones that sounded so close to a snarl, a growl…an animalistic sound that found its end in a long howl of release, which was music to Dani’s ears.

  “Is this enough, do you want more?” Dani nipped the side of her neck, getting her attention with the sharp sting of her teeth. She soothed the red mark with her lips and tongue before asking again. “Do you NEED more?”

  The question, the offer, the feel of Dani’s fingers delving deep inside her, it was all too much for Allyse. She felt like a volcano ready to erupt, her skin hot and flushed, her veins burning like liquid fire. Flames licked against the inside of her eyelids, hot and red and lit with a million firefly’s invading her thoughts and settling low in her belly to dance along a thousand frantic nerve endings.

  “I, I want…Oh, God, Dani…I need you.” She couldn’t continue. Her mouth was too dry, all the moisture in her body was pooling at her core.

  A low growl vibrated along Allyse’s skin, held down by the soft lips capturing her neck. She could feel the tension in Dani’s body, taut as a drum as she held her tightly. One spread fingered hand held Allyse’s firmly against her while the other worked against her and inside her. When Dani withdrew from her, she was surprised at how empty it made her feel. She felt hollow, bereft…as if Dani was the source of the heat within her and without the wick to her flame, she was destined to remain unfinished. Destined to live in a darkened world lacking the blinding light of completion. She grasped desperately at Dani’s hand, trying to tell her what she wanted in order to satisfy the overwhelming need inside her.

  “I’ve got you.” Dani had heard the sigh of disappointment when she withdrew her fingers. The next deep stroke erased that sigh. Allyse gasped, arching off of the bed so violently Dani had to follow her movements or she would have lost their connection. She was tight, almost too tight, but she seemed to want the fullness her fingers were offering. Adding another finger sent her into a wild flurry of movement, bucking and thrusting against Dani as she dug her nails into the flesh of her forearm. Allyse dug her heels deep into the mattress, hips thrusting up and then against Dani over and over again. Dani grunted, the sensation of Allyse’s ass grinding into her like that was distracting.

  Gritting her teeth against her own rising passion, Dani let Allyse control the speed of her deep thrusts, marveling at the abandon of the seemingly demure woman as she basically fucked herself with Dani’s long fingers. Allyse’s moans grew louder and more frequent. She moved against her almost desperately, needing something more to send her over the edge. Dani obliged. Pressing her thumb against her swollen clit, she felt Allyse go rigid, clamping down on her captured fingers and squeezing them almost painfully.

  Dani loved this part, the clenching against the intrusion of her fingers. The pulsating rhythm that spoke with its own heartbeat yet beat in time with the rapid flutter she could practically taste beneath her lips. She had to wait for both rhythms to slow down, for Allyse to come back to herself before she could remove her abused fingers. Gathering the spent woman in her arms, she embraced her fiercely. The sweet scent of Allyse’s arousal, intoxicating and heady, made her mouth water and reminded her of other things she wanted to do.

  Dani bit her lip to stifle a low moan. She didn’t know how much longer she could play the butch. Making love to Allyse like that had been incredibly arousing, but she didn’t know how long she could play at being the stone butch if Allyse couldn’t reciprocate yet. Only now did she realize how tormenting it might be to have Allyse this close to her and not feel her touch.

  All she needs is time, Dani thought, then realized that was the one thing they didn’t have an inexhaustible supply of.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dani held Allyse in her arms, listening to the sound of her heart winding down from its frantic gallop. She knew why Allyse’s heart thudded loudly against her breastbone. She enjoyed ticking off the barely noticeable increments as it slowed down to normal. Hers, on the other hand, beat painfully in aroused anticipation.

  Watching Allyse squirm and thrust
against her until she came was about the most exciting thing she had experienced in a very, very long time. Adrenaline whipped, fueled by a dark surge of excitement spinning low and quick in her abdomen at the secret knowledge, her heart sped up just thinking about it. Should she tell her new lover that their movements had been visible in the shadowed mirror across the room? That she could see every nuance of her face, every rhythmic movement Allyse made when she touched herself, when she touched Allyse? Or that she sat enthralled, caught up in Allyse’s orgasm as she clutched and clawed at Dani’s forearm, her chest heaving as she sought something solid to hold on to?

  She wasn’t sure what she should feel—or do about it. It hadn’t been purposeful. She had never brought anyone up to this room before, so how would she have known?

  Allyse interrupted her self-depreciating thoughts by squirming violently.

  “Let me go. Dani, Let me go!” Allyse’s voice was urgent, reflecting the sharp movements of her arms and legs as she tried to sit up.

  Fear ran through Dani like an icy spike, speed freezing her unrelieved ardor. Had she seen? Was she regretting what had just happened?

  She flung her arms wide, freeing the other woman to move. Instead of rolling away, Allyse gathered her legs up under her and turned to face Dani on her knees. She had the oddest expression on her face.

  “This,” Allyse breathed, plucking at Dani’s bra. “This has got to come off.”

  Dani didn’t let her shock slow her down—or her relief. She arched her back, pulling the offending garment off in one swift movement.

  Allyse’s eyes glowed as she took in Dani’s body, naked from the waist up.

  “So beautiful,” she whispered reverently. It was one thing, being able to look at such beauty, quite another to be given the chance to touch it. And touching was exactly what she wanted to do. “Tell me what you want. I want this to be good for you, too.”

  “Whatever you want, Allyse, I’m so close already,” Dani said. “But you don’t have to. Not if you aren’t ready.”

  “No, tell me how to please you.”

  “Kiss me?”

  “That’s too easy,” Allyse said, balancing herself on Dani’s shoulders. From a height, she leaned down and brought her lips to bear on her lover’s mouth, kissing her with abandon.

  The kiss was fierce, demanding and not at all the least bit hesitant.

  Dani let her hands wander. When she found the round firm globes of Allyse’s ass, she was rewarded with a kiss muffled moan and an uncontrolled rolling of hips. Dani doubted she was conscious of the rhythmic, primordial need to move that way, to dance against another when passion takes over and owns you. Dani moved with her, joining the dance and unable to stop herself. It was incredibly sexy, and it sent a second wave of arousal crashing through, reminding her of her own unrequited need.

  Delicate fingers threaded their way into her hair, blunt nails skimming across her skull before settling on her neck, urging her to deepen their kiss. Allyse’s skin was so hot. Her body practically burned with a fire she had evidently failed to quench completely. That was alright with Dani. The night was still young, and she still had a promise to fulfill.

  “What else?” Allyse broke away from the kiss just long enough to ask. She was hungry now, her appetite awakened by Dani’s voice, her words, and her talented fingers. Her body was a feast spread out before her, something to devour, like an offering to the ancient Gods. Perfection was required, and the woman laid out beneath her was perfection.

  “My nipples.” Dani fell back on the bed in surrender. Allyse had shed her former reticence and found the woman inside her that knew what she wanted and how she wanted it. Dani was more than ready to make her acquaintance with this woman. A woman who made promises with her eyes and sealed them with an enticing show of a small pink tongue that licked along her bottom lip.

  Allyse raised one elegant eyebrow at her, not quite mocking her simple request but clearly amused by it.

  “Mm. An excellent idea,” Allyse purred, kissing down Dani’s jawline until she found that exquisite spot where life pulsed close to the surface. She could feel how rapidly Dani’s heart was beating, the pulse bounding against her exploring lips. She tasted Dani’s skin with her tongue, finding salt when she expected sweet. Letting her lips continue their trek, she slipped her tongue out along her collarbone, sucking lightly before moving on. She rose up on one elbow so that she could let her hand wander along the tanned flesh, leaving a trail of gasps and goose bumps behind as she slid her fingertips across sensitive ribs. The firm mounds of Dani’s breasts begged for her touch and she did not deny them. Kneading the sensitive flesh, her fingertips found nipples that hardened and swelled under her touch. Dani’s nipples, so much paler than her own, flushed rose red as she followed Dani’s lead, softly pinching the puckered flesh. A soft moan earned a repeat—a louder moan, and she worked the nipple harder. She looked down at Dani’s face, captivated with the view of the younger woman lying there, her head thrown back and her eyelids slammed shut, lips parted as if silently begging. Dani moaned and twisted beneath her, her restlessness growing until Allyse caught the unspoken message.

  Dani needed more. She needed more but she wouldn’t ask for it.

  Allyse dipped her head down, replacing her fingertips with an eager tongue that flicked along the pebbled flesh before latching onto a nipple ready for the soothing touch of her mouth and lips. Dani seemed to vibrate beneath her touch and she realized that she was hearing her moan, long and low, deep inside her throat. Reminded of Dani’s earlier response to her fingers, she carefully used her teeth and tongue to ravish her breasts, lashing each swollen nipple with her tongue before taking it between her lips.

  “And here?” she asked, giving up Dani’s breast long enough to watch Dani’s reaction. She jumped, her hips jerking in response to Allyse’s hand cupping her between her thighs.

  “God, yes,” Dani gasped, lying stock still while Allyse slowly slid her hand up until her fingertips rested lightly along the waistband of the thin cotton.

  “Please, Allyse. Don’t make me beg,” Dani moaned, not even realizing that was exactly what she was doing.

  Allyse smiled wickedly. Sliding her hand under the damp fabric, she was unprepared for what happened when she slipped past soft curls to find swollen lips already parted and open to her, slick with arousal. Allyse gasped and shuddered, her spine arching against the electric sensation of ghostlike hands caressing the base of her skull. Her first touch of another woman’s body sent her reeling, but rather than spinning her off balance she felt the part of herself keeping her weighed down by rules and expectations shed away, leaving only the parts that were light and free of constraints. There was no doubt now. This was what she needed, what she had desired for so long. She could love who she wanted, how she wanted, and the knowledge renewed and invigorated her.

  “Dani?” Allyse asked, suddenly unsure of herself. She could tell how close Dani was, and she didn’t want it to end so quickly. She wanted to go inside, to feel how it felt to be surrounded by velvet walls and liquid heat.

  “Yes,” Dani hissed, her hips jerking in response to Allyse’s question. It was such a simple answer, yet she knew it meant so much more to the woman gazing down at her in wonder. Dani pulled her in close for another searing, heart pounding kiss. With her free hand, she captured Allyse’s wrist. The tentative circling was driving her insane, she needed to feel the other woman inside of her.

  “It’s okay, love. You won’t hurt me,” Dani murmured. She pressed down, pushing Allyse’s fingers inside of her.

  “Ah, God, Dani…you’re so hot. You burn me,” Allyse whispered, letting Dani guide her movements, showing her what she wanted. She felt her fears dissolve, unfettering her deepest desires. She took Dani at her word, trusting her to tell her if she became too rough. She thrust deeply, her fingers sliding along muscular walls that drew her in until the webbing on her fingers burned from the strain. Dani rocked against her, keeping tempo with her movements, t
hen picking up the pace. Allyse took her cues from Dani, meeting each upward hip thrust with her own.

  “Fuck, Allyse, don’t stop!” Dani called out. A sudden flood of moisture coated Allyse's hand as strong muscles clamped down around her, capturing her fingers within a tight velvet glove as Dani bucked against her violently.

  A soft sound escaped her lips. She couldn’t think of anything to say that even approached what it felt like to watch Dani’s face transform into something otherworldly, but she couldn’t remain silent, either.

  Why did I wait so long to feel this? She asked herself, even though the answer was already there. Because I was waiting for the right person to feel it with. Because I was waiting for the right woman—for Dani.

  Allyse wasn’t given a chance to reflect on her thoughts. Evidently Dani had amazing resilience, recovering from her orgasm in record time. Her lazy smile was deceptive. It didn’t give away her intentions until it was too late. Dani flipped her, a promising smile on her face that made Allyse quiver in anticipation.

  “You, my dear… are a very quick learner.” Dani spoke in a husky, low voice. “But, I have a promise to keep.”

  “A promise?” Allyse asked through a thick haze of arousal. Her brain wasn’t working right. All she could think about was the feeling of Dani’s hot mouth on her skin, on the path that mouth was taking. Dani lit a path of soft kisses along her body, igniting small flames as she went, starting at her neck and working her way down.

  “Yes. Don’t you remember?” Dani ran her tongue across Allyse’s nipple before drawing it between her lips. She sucked gently, letting her tongue do most of the work. Pulling away, she was rewarded with a disappointed groan.

  “In the orchard?” Dani added, bringing her mouth down to gently suckle the other nipple. Allyse moaned again, this time not in disappointment.

  “Making love is such thirsty work, don’t you think?” Dani asked. She kissed her way down Allyse’s body, sliding lower until her feet hung over the edge of the bed and she risked falling.


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