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Ferdinand Strobl von Ravelsberg (R.A. v. Elsberg), Die Blutgräfin. (Elisabeth Báthory) Ein Sitten- und Characterbild. Mit Illustrationen. Breslau: Schlesische Buchdruckerei, Kunst- und Verlags-Anstalt v. S. Schottlaender 1894, rev. ed. 1904.
Chronik der Burg Csejte. Történelmi tár (1899), p. 722f.
Dezsö, Rexa, Báthory Erzsébet Nádasdy Ferencné (1560-1614), Benkö Gyula Udvari Könyvkereskedése, Budapest (1908).
Sándor, Payr, Magyari István és Báthory Erzsébet, Protestáns Szemle, Budapest (1912), pp. 185-203.
History of the Transdanubian Evangelical Church, Vol. 1, Székely & Társa Könyvnyomdájában, Sopron (1924).
Níznánszy, Jozó, Cachtická pani. Prague (1932). Four Parts.
Penrose, Valaentine, Die blutige Gräfin. Erzsébet Báthory. Verlag der Europäischen Bücherei H.M. Hieronimi, Bonn (1965) (English version, 1969).
Périsset, Maurice, La comtesse de sang. Erzsébet Báthory. Editions Pygmalion, Paris (1975).
Keller, Paul Anton, Burg Lockenhaus: Landschaft und Geschichte. Lockenhaus im Burgenland (1976).
McNally, Raymond T., Dracula was a Woman: In Search of the Blood Countess of Transylvania, Robert Hale, London (1984).
Katalin, Péter, A Csejtei Várúrnö: Báthory Erzsébet, Helikon Kiadó, Budapest (1985).
Farin, Michael, Heroine des Grauens: Elisabeth Báthory, P. Kirchheim Verlag München (1989).
Ammer, Vladímir. Cachtice. Bratislava: Alfa-Press (1997).
Katalin, Péter, Beloved Children: History of Aristocratic Childhood in Hungary in the Early Modern Age, Central European University Press (2001).
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Bloodcult, The: The Magazine for Dark Souls and Vampire Lovers. Crete: The Nocturnal Summoning V.S., 2001
Burtinshaw, Julie: Romantic Ghost Stories. Edmonton, Alberta: Ghost House Books, 2003. Contains "Love Gone Astray: Castle Csejthe, Hungary."
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Canale, Ray. Nightfall: The Blood Countess. (fiction) Paperback Audio, 1990 (text) 1998 (recording).
Carillo, Carlos. Para Tenerlos Bajo Llave. (fiction). 1994. (Contains Legado de los Carpatos).
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McNally, Raymond T. Dracula Was a Woman. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.
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Newton, Michael. Bad Girls Do It! Port Townsend, Washington: Loompanics Unlimited, 1993.
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Perisset, Maurice. La Comtesse de Sang: Erzsebeth Bathory. Paris: Pygmalion, 1975.
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Rexa, Dezso. Báthory Erzsébet Nadasdy Ferencne. Budapest, 1908.
Ronay, Gabriel. The Truth About Dracula. London: Gallancz, 1972. Repr. New York: Stein and Day, 1972.
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About the Author
Kimberly Craft, Esq. holds bachelor and master’s degrees in the humanities as well as a juris doctorate. An attorney and legal historian, Craft spent years researching the history of Countess Erzsébet Báthory, including more than a year devoted solely to translating original source material. As she put it, this project is one of the few times in which her love of the law, history, European languages, and a good horror story can all come together in one place.
Infamous Lady: The True Story of Countess Erzsébet Báthory Page 31