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Captive Bride: A Mafia Romance (The Dirty Kings of Vegas Book 3)

Page 5

by Frankie Love

  When he gets up to leave, he won’t even let me stand. He reaches down to shake my hand. Tells me what a ‘jewel’ Kiera is.

  “Jailer, you mean?”

  He squeezes my hand one more time and pats me on the shoulder before he leaves.

  I pick up the book I was reading.

  Kiera takes a long time to show him out. I know they’re downstairs talking about me. Knowing Kiera, she could be talking business with him even though it’s unheard of in our family for a woman to be let in on the running of the businesses.

  I jolt when she touches my arm.

  “I must have nodded off.” I’m irritable. She doesn’t seem to mind, though.

  “It’s fine. I just wanted you to move into the shade.”

  “I was in the shade.”

  She smiles and nods.

  The shadows have moved and the sun has travelled across the sky.

  “I don’t know how long I can stand this,” I tell her. “I need to be doing something.”

  “You’re doing two things.” She hands me back the book I must have dropped. “You’re studying and you’re getting better.”

  She kisses my forehead.

  I take a slow breath. “You have more patience with me than I’ve got with myself.”

  “I think that’s because I’m grateful to have you back. I was worried. And also, I’m falling in love with you, husband.”

  That gives my body a surge of ideas that she’s not going to let me act on. Not until five-seventeen.

  Chapter Eleven


  The doctor said that the tension of an orgasm could open his internal wound. No sex for the first forty-eight hours after surgery.

  “Then,” he said, “If you can keep it light for the first week…” I’d asked him if he was married. He said he was.

  “Do you think you’d be able to ‘keep it light’?”

  “No,” he admitted. “But I’ve been married nearly twenty years.”

  “Novelty worn off?” I asked him.

  “Nope,” he admitted.

  Unbelievably, John sleeps through the forty-eight hour mark. That tells me for sure that he’s hurting more and he’s more tired than he’s letting on. That’s frustrating, because I thought this could be a good time to practice my tongue, lip and throat skills with him.

  Shame. Whatever the surgeon thinks ‘light’ orgasms are, I’m certain they’re not the ones John has when his balls slap on my chin, when my throat muscles clamp and tug on his cock. Those hot hosings aren’t light.

  He’s dozing with a book. Softly, I run my hands over his pecs and his abs. Just touching him makes me want to clamp my teeth on him, but I have to hold back. By the time my fingers are grazing over the front of his shorts, the hot thickness of his cock is uncoiling and fattening as it straightens out.

  His eyes are half closed and he starts his evil grin as he reaches for me. Gently but firmly, I put his hands back down at his sides.

  “One orgasm,” I whisper as my fingers slide into his pants. “Yours.” It’s no good, I’ll have to open up the front of his shorts. “Now, be a good boy, and keep still.” I’m salivating. I almost drool, but I won’t give in.

  I curl my fingers around his balls and cup them. As I take the ridges of his thick, buzzing shaft in my other hand, his eyes open and his hands start to move again.

  “Ah,” I cock my eyebrow and stop moving.

  “God, you’re a hard woman.”

  “You’re hard, husband,” I breathe, “Master.” He groans. I tell him, “Keep still and we’ll make the best of that.”

  His hips twitch and rise as I stroke his magnificent beast. I alternate soft, light caresses with long, slow pulls.

  He gets hotter and harder. I sense he wants me to move faster. So I speed up. But not as much as he wants.

  As much as I want to drive him into a roaring frenzy, and I want him to burn the fire of that frenzy though me, now, I need to give him gentle love. That means not taking anything for myself.

  Well, not much. As I squeeze a little harder and pull just a little quicker, I flutter kisses on his chest. Take little tastes from his tightening abs. No lower, or we’ll both lose control.

  He’s close.

  I want him so much.

  His eyebrows furrow and his hips buck as he lets out a moan. I press on his hips. “Keep still, my love.”

  He does, and it’s enough to set him off. The blood pumps and his cock rises, swelling in my fingers. It stretches, twitches and pulsates. Donut rings of swelling start in his ball sac and pound up his shaft.

  I can’t hold back. As softly as I can, I seal my lips around the slick, darkening head, just in time. I squeeze and he moans.

  He blasts hot, thick bursts of tangy come. I close my lips tight. Slide them down. Keep him sealed in my mouth. I lap up every drop. I catch him on my tongue, in the back of my mouth, and sliding, silky, salty, hot and luscious, down my throat.

  I stay there as long as I dare, slurping and slipping him into my mouth. Relishing every last taste.

  When I reluctantly drag my lips off the top of his crown, I tell him, “Mmm, John, I love you so much.”

  His face is so beautifully wrecked.

  With constant attention and distraction, I manage to keep him home and resting for most of the week.

  When his temper starts to fray, I give him distraction, or warm soup, or cold water, or encourage him to take a shower.

  Every day he complains that he needs to see the family. I offer to invite Mary for lunch and he changes the subject. Then I tell him I should get Mary and JoJo to visit. With all the kiddies. Wouldn’t that be nice?

  He suddenly remembers something he wanted to re-read in Machiavelli’s The Prince.

  He tells me constantly, “I’m going to go mad. I’m no good just sitting around.”

  I’m loving the time we have together this week and I’m almost wishing it would go on. Not that I want him to stay sick, but I don’t want to let him go.

  On day five, I let the brothers come to see him. Only for an hour and a half, and they’re under strict instructions not to talk to him about business in any shape or form. And not to let him get excited. But I leave them alone and trust them all to behave.

  I think I’ve gotten a sense of what it will be like looking after small children.

  Over breakfast, he’s quiet. He acts like it’s a normal day. Nothing in the air about how close we’ve been for the last week. I don’t want to be clingy or needy, but I have no way of knowing if it meant anything to him at all.

  He stands to go, and it pulls at my chest like fishhooks.

  When the door closes, I feel like a building imploding. Weightless white dust billows while a once beautiful structure collapses into nothing.

  The hours of the day echo, empty and hollow. I find a way to keep myself occupied. There’s nobody I want to talk to, nowhere I want to go. Nothing holds my attention. Drinking’s not really in my character and I can’t work out whether that’s a good or a bad thing.

  My married life so far has been a short rollercoaster ride, but it feels like it’s derailed into a swamp and gotten stuck. Now I’m just waiting for it to sink and for the mud to close over my head.

  It’s all so unlike me, I’m really afraid.

  I just can’t face the thought of it all going back to how it was before John’s appendicitis.

  When the door opens in the middle of the afternoon, I think he must have left something behind. He breezes in to kiss me. Holds me tight and brushes my hair back as he looks into my eyes.

  I’m sure now that he has stopped by to pick something up. He’s actually home early. My stomach tightens in a knot. Something must be terribly wrong.

  He says, “I’m going upstairs to change. Won’t be long.”

  He heads up the stairs and I call after him to ask, “Is something wrong, John?”

  His voice trails away as he says, “Yes. Terribly.” I hear him start to run the shower as he calls
down, “There’s something I need to do, Kiera. I should have done it when we first met. That was all wrong. I know now.”

  I wait on the patio for him, ashen. Probably, I should have run up the stairs after him, but I’m too afraid. I pour us two large Scotches, but I sink mine before he gets back and I have to pour myself another one.

  When he finally gets back downstairs, freshly showered and dressed smartly, the topic of conversation is not what I was expecting.

  “Mary said she was concerned about you,” he tells me. “She said I should buy you your own car. Set you up with accounts in all the up-market stores and spas.”


  “Oh. So did you?”

  “I picked out a car for you, but I want to make sure you like it first. But I don’t think Mary’s right. She means well, but she gets a lot of things wrong.”


  “There’s a more serious problem between us. I felt it as soon as I stepped out of the door this morning. It followed me around all day, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. When I was sick and you took care of me, it showed me something important. Something I had missed. It’s like it was in the corner of my vision all the time. And there was something I needed to learn from it.”

  “You’re making me nervous, John.”

  He stretches out his arms, but I’m too nervous to go to him. He’s smiling and I’m wondering what I really know of this man. I saw him close to death, but he didn’t know it. Then I brought him back to health, but he struggled all the way. I’ve read all kinds of things into the quiet depths that I see in his eyes. But have I been living with a fantasy? Have I told myself a fairy tale? Who is he?

  “John,” my voice shakes. “Tell me.”

  His head tilts, like he’s seeing me from a different angle. My heart fills my chest, swelling and tightening, and it pounds hard. “My work is important to me. But I was forgetting why.”

  He reaches out again, but I’m still shuddering, too anxious for what’s going to come next.

  “I do it for the family. So I can keep the family safe, so we can prosper and grow, so I can provide for the family.” His eyes gleam. “But I’ve been missing what’s most important.”

  He tilts his head the other way. I’ve never seen a soft, gentle smile like that on his face before. What’s going on?

  “What I’ve been missing is what I need to focus on now.”

  My heart is in my mouth, and he says, “You need a vacation, a trip to Hawaii. After what you’ve been through, you definitely deserve it. You’ve earned it.”


  “No argument. You’re going to Hawaii. The O’Malley private plane is fueled up and valeted. I’ve rented a fabulous villa on a clifftop by Kalihiwai Beach on Kauai.”

  “Please. Don’t push me away, John. If it has to go back to how things were, that would be hard. Horrible. But it would still be better than losing you. I’m in love with you now, John. Please don’t send me away.”

  He holds on to my hand. “The most important part of the family for me now is you. Us. We’re the family that I need to focus on. You’re going to Hawaii, Kiera. It doesn’t matter what you say. And I’m going to give you the honeymoon you dreamed of. The honeymoon that you deserve.”

  “I can’t have a honeymoon on my own, John.”

  He laughs. “That sounds weird.” He steps forward. I press back against the wall.

  “We’re going for a month, but the villa looks pretty nice. We’ll see how it is when we’re there, and I might buy it.” He kisses me and I melt. “Only if you want it.”

  “We’re both going?”

  Epilogue 1


  On the plane I tell her, “You mean the world to me, Kiera. As soon as I saw your picture, I thought I was the luckiest man alive. Then, the instant I saw you, I realized I knew nothing. That you would be way more wonderful and special and important to me than I ever anticipated.”

  I take hold of her hand. “It wasn’t until after I got sick that I even started to understand what you mean to me. You were so smart and clear, and so determined to get me to the hospital. Even when I was being stubborn.”

  I lift her fingers to my lips. “But that surgeon knew straight away what you did for me. As soon as I came out of the anesthesia, he told me, ‘You’re lucky to have that woman as your wife. She’s one in a million.’ I tell you, Kiera. If I’d heard him say that any other time, I would have killed him on the spot from sheer jealousy. But I didn’t understand how I was feeling. Not until after. When I was back at work, I realized what it meant, what you meant to me.”

  I squeeze her hand and look hard into her eyes. “That doctor said you saved my life, Kiera. And then you nursed me back to health, even against my wishes. You are what’s important to me. I need to ask you something. This is what I should have done when we first met.”

  When I put my hand into my pocket, I’m gripped in panic for a moment. But then I find what I need.

  I slip out of the seat.

  “John…” Her eyes are wild. “Where are you going?”

  “Here, Kiera.” I drop to one knee in front of her. “Kiera, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you more than I can say and I’m so grateful to have you with me. I can’t live my life without you. There would be no point. I need to have babies with you. Lots of babies. Dozens, probably. Kiera, I’m begging you. Will you forget what went before? Will you let me make a fresh start? Can we begin again? Kiera. Please. Will you marry me?”

  Her eyes are like saucers and she purrs when she sees the beautiful villa. I arrange a second wedding for us on the beach at sunset. We both choose beautiful flower garlands called leis to exchange. The beach and the ocean spread out for us in the twilight.

  The ceremony starts with a traditional chant called an ‘Oli Aloha.’ Kiera’s hands and mine are bound together with braided vine leaves. Our rings are blessed in the water.

  And after the ceremony, I spread her on a bed covered in flower petals.

  I rip off her clothes, licking, sucking, squeezing and tasting every part of her. Then I stretch her wide and ream into her.

  I hold her close and rock her gently as my massive shaft rips her in two. We both come together, three times in a row.

  Our hearts beat together. Two parts of the same being.

  It takes the first three weeks in Hawaii before I really start to relax. What finally helps is remembering what’s important and making a decision.

  “Kiera, you’re the most important thing in the world to me. I need to lay the groundwork for the family we are, and the family we’re going to make. So I’ve decided. I bought the villa. We’re going to stay here at least until I’ve gotten you pregnant.”

  “Oh…” She looks disappointed. “Can’t we stay a little longer than that?”


  “Please, John. I don’t want to go back already.”

  “What?!” I chase after her. “Is it true?”

  She runs away, around the pool. I run after her. She’s laughing. “You can’t chase me. I’m in a delicate condition.”

  “You don’t look very delicate to me…”

  She dodges back, and I almost slip into the pool.

  We stay in our new beach home for another three weeks, until she’s ready to come back to Vegas with me and share the news with the family.

  Dad, Peter and Paul are thrilled. We hold a huge family dinner. I let Kiera make the formal announcement. My sisters-in-law Giulietta and Lucy, and my sisters Mary and JoJo and their husbands, Connor and McQueen, all beam at her. Their faces glow with pleasure and pride.

  Privately, I take Dad, my brothers and Connor into the office to share my decision with them.

  First, I ask them what’s been happening while we were away. “Any news?”

  “Some,” Peter says. “Things have changed in the Moretti family.”

  Paul nods. “Tony Moretti’s dead.”

  “Oh? What happened?”
  Connor says, “Seems he went out of a high window at the Casino Cosa Nostra.”

  “Anybody saying how it happened?”

  Heads shake. “Nobody knows.”

  I look at Dad and ask, “Drago?”

  “Drago has definitely changed. Said he wanted a meet with you when you came back.”

  I’m surprised. “He’s making a move? He’s crazy if he thinks he can go after their capo.”

  Dad says, “I thought the same thing. Something must have made him desperate. He would never have done that unless he felt like he had no choice.”

  We all shake our heads.

  Then I make my announcement. “I’m going to concentrate more on the management side of the family’s business affairs. I’ll step back from the hands-on activity.”

  Peter and Paul look dubious, but Dad tells me that even though I’m the heir apparent, he understands and supports my decision. “Family comes first, son.”

  Want to read about John and Kiera’s next chapter of life?

  Find out in their Baby-Logue! That is right! Click here for the free additional epilogue:

  Epilogue 2

  Liam O’Malley

  “Now all three of my sons, John, Peter, and Paul, are married, as well as both Mary and JoJo. I am proud to have Kiera, Lucy and Giulietta, and Connor and McQueen, as members of the family. It’s fair to say that I’m also beyond thrilled that all my new daughters-in-law are expecting children already. That was fast work, boys. I’m proud of you.”

  The whole family is here, at least all the Las Vegas O’Malleys.

  We’ve taken over the whole of Kingpin’s premiere restaurant, the A-Number-1 Bar and Grill, for the family gathering. It’s a spectacular dinner, no expense spared. This is the start of a whole new phase for the family, and I’m looking forward to it. Somehow, though, it does also feel like the end of an era.


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