Billionaire's Black Quadruplet Babies (BWWM Romance)

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Billionaire's Black Quadruplet Babies (BWWM Romance) Page 4

by Ciara Cole

  “If it were, I’d have listened to Theo long since he started drumming it into my ear,” Johnathan said. “You have to give me something, Tia. Something I actually want.”

  She simply stared at him in frustration as the moments stretched in silence.

  He smiled thinly. “You see? This isn’t something you should have taken on if you couldn’t handle the heat.”

  That had Tia bristling. “I can handle any kind of heat you’re bringing. I just never saw myself getting bargained for sex.”

  “Then I guess I am the rotten scoundrel you take me for,” he said with a casual shrug. “What next? You’ll sue me for sexual harassment? Now that would be hypocritical, don’t you think?”

  While Tia sat there looking incensed, he gave a cold smile and leaned forward to say softly, “You’re the one who showed up, uninvited and unannounced, on my yacht and just earlier, in my hotel suite. Each time was without my expressed consent. You can make it out like it’s all for business, but you can’t blame me for making my play. I can only take so much temptation.”

  Chapter Four

  Tia couldn’t get Johnathan’s words out of her head. Sometime later, they were being driven back to the hotel in the stretch Benz when Tia turned to Johnathan with a sigh.

  “You were right. I’ve practically invaded your privacy since the moment we met, without you first officially making me your consultant. I shouldn’t get all sanctimonious now if it has caused you to foster the wrong idea. I only cared about doing my job, not realizing I’m running afoul of simple courtesies—such as your right to your personal space and choices.”

  They’d reached the hotel, and Tia grabbed her lemon clutch. “Sorry for gatecrashing your premiere night,” she said with a small, rueful tilt of her lips. The chauffeur held open the door, and before Johnathan could respond, she’d stepped out of the Benz and walked quickly into the hotel.

  She turned to see the ride driving away, and she guessed that for Johnathan, the night was far from over. He’d probably check out a night spot or two, find a willing beauty to bring back to his hotel room, and finish the night with a bang—literally.

  Tia didn’t like to think the lucky woman could have been her if she hadn’t acted so uptight. Johnathan obviously desired her, and damn, she felt the same way too. She could just see herself tangled up in the sinful looking bed in his hotel room.

  But at what price?

  Letting herself into her more modest suite minutes later, Tia thought of the surprising connection they’d made, first on the yacht and then tonight. Tia would have hoped for them to at least be friends, and yet perversely, she also wanted a taste of what passion with him would feel like.

  They were total opposites, but the chemistry blazed between them, and all through tonight, it got harder to keep business and pleasure separate. Maybe it was best that things blew up this way, she decided, because the more time she spent around him, the tougher it would get for her peace of mind.

  It would be impossible to keep holding back, and she’d totally have herself to blame.

  Tia readied for bed and readied herself to face Theo when she returned to New York and told him she failed the assignment.


  Tia hadn’t ordered room service so she was surprised when she answered the knock and saw a hotel staff member standing there. She was already packed, ready to leave in half an hour to the airport for her New York flight.

  “Ms. Lowry?” asked the uniformed hotel employee.

  “Yes?” she asked in puzzlement. “Is there a problem?”

  “Not at all, ma’am. You have a message from Mr. Fox. He said to let you know he’s scheduled a business meeting for 1:30 pm and he hopes you can make it. Here’s the location—it’s here in the hotel, conference meeting room B.”

  Tia took the card the employee handed to her and saw the details for said meeting. It seemed too good to be true, yet it instantly faded her earlier heavy mood.

  “Shall I tell Mr. Fox you’ll be available for the meeting?” asked the courteous employee.

  “Yes. Of course, I will,” Tia said almost breathlessly. Thank goodness she hadn’t run off yet. A minute later, and she’d have gone to the airport and missed this golden chance.

  What could have changed his mind? Had she somehow pricked whatever conscience he had and he was willing to give her at least one opportunity?

  Tia wasn’t going to let this just slip by. Hastily, she reorganized her plans, noting she had some hours to prepare. She’d parcel a killer presentation for the meeting and win Johnathan over once and for all.

  Tia knew just how she was going to sail through the meeting. She’d spent much time examining Johnathan’s actions and thought processes from countless reports and her personal assessments. Being super-rich and worth at least a billion, he was a highly-prized client indeed.

  Besides having extensive financial needs and wants, he was a good referral source with all of those rich and famous friends of his. She couldn’t wait to show him she was more than capable. Investing his significant assets and working out legitimate ways to reduce his taxes—she had it all set out clearly.

  Most financial advisors would kill to access a client like Johnathan Fox, and he’d practically been landed in her lap by her new boss, his brother, Theo.

  She had no doubt that Johnathan would be difficult to work with, especially when it came to his approach to business situations. The man wasn’t even holding down a real job, but Tia had enough confidence in her expertise and operational efficiency to make this work profitably for them both.

  She could just picture it now, showing up for the meeting and letting Johnathan know she could provide high-caliber financial solutions. This was an astoundingly lucrative opportunity, and it might well be her last chance to clinch this.

  Her enthusiasm did have a slight pause when she thought of last night and Johnathan’s improper proposition. He might not have spelled out exactly that he expected her to have sex with him, but he made it clear enough that he wanted her. Had he really shelved that idea, or did she still have to worry about resisting his advances every five minutes?

  It was a risk she had to take. Tia couldn’t just say no to the meeting and turn her back on this one proof that Johnathan was willing to meet her halfway.

  Maybe she was wrong about him after all and he wasn’t a total egotist. This was a step in the right direction—or at least, she hoped so.


  Tia was there at the hotel conference room right on time. She’d worn her most flattering, smartest formal knee-length dress in electric blue. She couldn’t wait for Johnathan to arrive and they could start their meeting. Ever since she’d been informed about it that morning, she’d gone over her notes and schemes countless times. Even Theo would be proud of the way she had set it all out.

  Johnathan already had multiple homes in many geographies and had his own private jet and yacht, but Tia was hoping to convince him he needed business interests too . . . and that Tia was the very best choice at catering to his wide array of personal wants, needs, and preferences.

  Theo’s financial firm had a network that could access local expertise all over the world. As such, a world-traveling client like Johnathan had nothing to worry about. She’d ensure to serve his needs just about wherever he was.

  So why on earth wasn’t he here yet?

  Tia checked the time and realized she’d been waiting thirty minutes. Johnathan set up this meeting. He could at least make it on time.

  Deciding she could wait at least several more minutes, Tia went over her plans in her mind one more time. She could do this, then secure her job for real. Could things start going her way at long last?


  Tia was so freaking mad. How could she fall for this shit a second time? How could she have thought Johnathan Fox was anything but a cad?

  She couldn’t take any more of this crap. It was all her fault for jumping hoops just because he sent an olive branch, pretending to want a meet
ing, and then not show up even after keeping her waiting four hours.

  To hell with this. And to hell with him.

  Life was just a game with him, and she wasn’t going to stick around being played for a fool . . . again. If she lost her job, then so be it. She had her damned pride and wouldn’t let some over-indulged billionaire make her a laughingstock. Oh, she could just bet he was laughing right now, calling her stupid for actually thinking he’d meet with her. Not when he had tons of other stuff to do, like hanging out with his supermodels and shit.

  Tia sighed angrily. Stupid her, she’d given in enough to ring his number but it hadn’t gone through. She couldn’t even report this to Theo, who’d just blame her again. What she could do was go up to Johnathan’s suite and punch him, but that was if he were even still there. He might have flown out the same minute he was having that message about the meeting delivered to her door by the hotel staff.

  Laugh all you want, big shot, Tia thought bitterly as she started throwing her things back into their suitcases. She hoped he squandered his inheritance, or the government seized his assets, or even—

  Tia heard the sudden knock on her door and froze. Somehow, she just had a premonition, and it had her voice sounding somewhat hushed as she called out, “Who is it?”

  “Tia, it’s me. Open up. We need to talk.”

  Hell no, that wasn’t who she thought it was, fumed Tia. She was across the room and yanking the door open to find Johnathan standing there.

  The first thing he said was, “I can explain.”

  “I can’t believe you played me again,” Tia said on a harsh laugh, holding up a hand to stop him when he began to reply. “Just save it. You made your point very clear. I’m taking my unwelcome ass back to New York.”

  Tia couldn’t even get seriously mad at him. She knew the setup from the start and how difficult it could get. She was just drained from all the waiting, dashing around, and shit. Johnathan had gotten to her like no one had, and it wasn’t just about the job aspect. She hated the way he made her feel about herself and how her attraction to him left her vulnerable.

  “Tia—fuck, just hear me out.”

  “What would be the point? Please, I really need you to leave me the hell alone.” She almost slammed the door in his face, but he caught his foot in it and pushed it open.

  Tia spun around angrily and went back to packing, unwilling to let him see the tears welling in her eyes that she dashed away. How could she feel this betrayed when he didn’t even owe her anything?

  “Look, I’m sorry,” he said, heaving a sigh as he shut the door after him and moved to the middle of the room. Tia stood with her back to him, breathing in deeply to recollect herself.

  “If it’s an apology you came to make, then fine, you’ve made it. But I don’t need you to explain anything to me. You don’t owe me a thing.”

  “Can you just . . .” He sounded angry himself, and this had Tia turning around again to face him as curiosity got the better of her.

  “I don’t know what you could say to me that will make sense. You set up the meeting, and I waited and waited. Not even a call or text to tell me why, and now you show up expecting me to listen to you?”

  “I know it sounds crazy. And you’re right. I don’t owe you a thing, least of all an explanation. But a part of me doesn’t want you thinking the worst of me.”

  “None of that matters now,” she said heavily. “I don’t think I even care anymore. I had big aspirations and all, but now my heart’s just not in it. You know the funniest thing?”

  She shook her head with a mirthless laugh as she continued, “This wasn’t just about me netting the role as your financial consultant. Your brother has this whole plan to turn the company into a family business and offer you a position. He wants you in charge of the New York operations while he expands the offices internationally. He really cares about you and he just needed to be sure you could face the responsibility. But that’s a long way from happening, obviously.”

  “Tia, I really meant to make it to that meeting,” he said quietly in the ensuing silence. Tia shook her head and just turned her face away.

  “Look, I’m not that juvenile to set you up like that," he added. "I may have been annoyed with the whole situation, but I’m not a total jerk.”

  “So, what happened?” Tia asked cattily, folding her arms on her chest as she turned to him again.

  He let out another rough exhale, then proceeded to tell her about a fight his childhood best friend, Noelle, had with her boyfriend, Keith. “It was just this morning that it happened, and she immediately gave me a call. They live together in LA but had this big row that almost turned physical. Noelle sounded scared and worried, so I had to go to her. Next thing I knew, there were paparazzi outside her apartment and I was stuck inside the house. Because the moment I went out, everyone would rope me into some dumb love triangle saying I caused the fight between the two.”

  Tia’s forehead creased. “Hold up, Noelle and Keith . . .” The names sounded familiar, and then it clicked. Noelle Walsh and Keith Jerkens! Noelle was a British-born child star who’d now dabbed into acting on Broadway in a long-running hit show—and she was famously dating the gorgeous and rich football player, Keith.

  “Few even know we’re close, but Noelle and I lived in the same neighborhood for a while as kids and we never really lost touch. She knew I was in LA for the premiere, so she called me up, and I just had to be there for her.”

  “That’s understandable, but you could have at least called to tell me.”

  “I know,” Johnathan said, shoving his hand through his hair. “But with the whole mess with the paparazzi staking out the front yard and Noelle crying—I guess I forgot.”

  “You forgot?” Tia cried, her anger rising to the surface again. “I don’t believe you!”

  And she reached for the nearest object—one of her UGG boots—and threw it straight at him. It glanced past his head as he deftly dodged, so she reached for another object. But before she could grab it and fling it at him, he’d reached her and snatched it out of her hand. He gripped her wrist in a firm yet not hurtful hold, and Tia struggled ineffectually for some moments before he finally let go.

  “You drive me so crazy!” she burst out, short of breath. “It’s not enough that you act so irresponsibly, but you’re utterly frustrating and make me want to wish you to the darkest part of hell for what you put me through!”

  This time, he grabbed her shoulders, his eyes blazing into hers. “You’re the only one who gets away with speaking to me the way you do,” he growled.

  The next instant, he leaned toward her, the move so fast she thought he would slam his lips against hers. Instead, his mouth landed softly, and for only one savory moment.

  Tia gasped, her whole frame electrified. He then chose to lean back, breaking the kiss—and Tia lost it. She lunged forward, cupped his face, and kissed him hungrily, seizing control.

  They both closed their eyes, Johnathan releasing a rough groan as Tia sucked on his lower lip. His big hands folded over her ribcage and he took charge, playing his tongue sensually against the crease of her lips. Tia opened for him and their heated tongues met, mated, and danced together.

  Tia had not seen this coming. But damn if either of them could stop now. His strong hands were lifting her up, and Tia easily wrapped her lithe legs around his waist as her arms linked behind his head. Breathless from their hot, grinding kiss, Tia felt Johnathan break away to move his lips along her jaw to the sensitive nook behind her ear.

  “Hold on tight,” he rasped, nipping on her lobe and making her whimper. He moved quickly through the suite to the adjoining bedroom, pushing open the door while one hand stayed glued to her ass.

  Tia suddenly noted their location and panic rose inside her. Was she really going through with this? “Johnathan.”

  He pulled back slightly to look into her eyes with those melting bedroom browns. “You have two choices, and they aren’t yes or no. It’s either again
st the wall or on that bed.”

  Tia knew then that Johnathan was right, and it was too late for saying yes or no. He’d lit an inferno inside them both, and it would be a feat if they even made it to the bed. Which meant they just might be left with option one—them going at it against the nearest wall. Judging by how tightly wound with lust she was already, Tia realized she had no objections at all either way.

  Johnathan made her shiver with pleasure at the way he was staring at her lips, still moist from their last lip lock. “Kiss me,” he demanded huskily.

  Without hesitation, she molded her mouth to his. Nothing ever felt so good as getting lost in Johnathan’s kiss all over again. His ragged breath rang in her ears as his hands held her hard against him. His bulge pressed against her gooey center and made her panties singe.

  She didn’t even realize when he eased her down on the bed until she opened her eyes and noticed her horizontal vision and the pillows beneath her back.

  He propped himself on his arms and stared into her face. His expression was so intense, so serious, and it almost made Tia giggle as she placed her fingers against her lips. “You know how crazy you’ve made me since I met you?” muttered Johnathan.

  “Crazy for me?” she teased, her lower body unthinkingly gyrating for a feel of more of that bulge, and hmm, he seemed to be a big boy. The mere fact that her body did that to him made her smile giddily.

  His response was a growl as he plucked at her soft lower lip with warm tugs of his mouth and teeth. “And you enjoyed it, did your best to elude me,” he growled. “That feeling of being told there’s something I can’t have didn’t sit well with me.”

  Tia knew Johnathan must not usually hear the word no. She knew that women were conquests to him and she’d be a fool to let him have his way tonight. But he’d worn down her defenses and their desire was blazing out of control. There was no going back now.

  Chapter Five

  Tia could feel the need coursing through them both as their hands worked to remove each other’s clothes. Her hormones were all over the place, turning her body into a puddled heap as she surrendered completely to Johnathan’s passion.


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