Happy Ever Mate (Matching Mates Book 6)

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Happy Ever Mate (Matching Mates Book 6) Page 2

by Bronwyn Heeley

  “Love that sound,” Wayne mumbled as Cameron’s pants finally left his legs, and those hands pulled his socks off.


  “Oh yeah, makes my heart beat.”

  “Sweet talker.” Cameron’s face heated up, and his shoulders shifted as he found the roof suddenly fascinating.

  “You’re beautiful.” Wayne’s words were soft, his face right above Cameron’s, gentle smile and all. Wayne’s body right above him was like a hot blanket, and everything Cameron needed in his life.

  Soft lips brushed against Cameron’s as he shifted his legs, giving Wayne room between them, enjoying the rub of thigh against thigh. Two cockheads pushed into his lower stomach as Wayne settled on top of him. There was a thrust, and Cameron was already panting. His whole body rumbled with the need for more, but he knew hard-core cock in hole wasn’t something Wayne was about.

  Chapter Four

  Wayne couldn’t get enough of Cameron. Honestly, he had one of the most beautiful bodies Wayne had ever seen. Soft hair brushed his nipples in the most delicious way. His cock lined up against Wayne’s, and those hips settled around him bringing the whole package of perfection, and creating a home just for Wayne.

  His mouth dried whenever he thought of the man naked, his mind went walkabout, and he wanted to do everything there was to do all at the same time.

  Wayne’s fingers ran against Cameron’s ribs as he deepened the kiss, hips rocking. Wayne wanted that hardness in his mouth, and what better way than while he was getting the pretty boy’s arse ready for him to take.

  “Grab the lube,” he whispered as he licked at Cameron’s jawline. The body stretched up, reaching for what he asked for, and Wayne knew it would be an easy reach—there was no way he’d have left it in the bathroom on a night like this. Wayne bit at Cameron’s nipples, pulling at those nubs a little, just how his lover liked it. He was rewarded with a moan, fingers carding through his hair. He nuzzled at Cameron’s belly, hair tickling his nose and eyelashes as he worked his way down towards the end of the bed. He chinned Cameron’s cock out of the way as pushed his face into the public area of his lover, taking in a large breath of him. It was safety and comfort, a place he always wanted to be.

  “Please, Wayne, love,” Cameron pleaded as fingers pulled at his hair, causing a solid sting that had Wayne moving away and looking at his lover.

  Eyes glazed, Cameron thrust the lube in Wayne’s direction. His hips rocked up under him, making Wayne chuckle as he took the small well-used bottle.

  “Looks like ya gonna need more soon.”


  Wayne laughed outright at the fact Cameron had lost his ability to think. It was such an aphrodisiac to know he did it for some, and that he could turn the man he loved to mush so quickly. Okay, so maybe not quickly, but Wayne liked to take his time. Always had.

  Popping the lid of the lube, Wayne liberally coated his fingers before taking the top of Cameron’s cock into his mouth, his fingers brushing into his crack at the same time. Flavour burst onto his tongue, and his mouth watered as he rolled his fingers against the heated wrinkles of Cameron’s arsehole. He pushed against them as he took more of his lover’s cock into his mouth, letting the wet heat engulf that beautiful chunk of meat while two of his fingers pushed into Cameron’s body.

  “Fuck, hurry!” Cameron’s muted screams were added to the rough movements of his legs, and an accidental heel in Wayne’s upper back. “I’m ready already.”

  “You sure?” Wayne let go of the cock he’d been sucking, and pulled his fingers free. He shifted up onto his knees as he wrapped his hand around his own cock, rolling his lubed fingers over the head before coating the shaft. One of Cameron’s thighs pushed against his shoulder. Lifting his lover’s hip up off the mattress, he hooked the other leg over his elbow and lined his cock up against Cameron’s hole. With a push, he was in the wonderful, heavenly channel.

  “Oh gods,” Wayne groaned as his hips settled against Cameron. Hot heat worked itself against his cock, welcoming it to the one place he never wanted to live without.

  “Move, fucker, move.” Cameron’s voice was barely audible. His hips moved up and down, working himself on Wayne’s cock, but it wasn’t enough. Wayne could see it in every line on his face.

  Rolling his hips, Wayne started moving. With a long push and pull, he worked Cameron’s body, watching the sweet flesh sweat as a flush worked its way over his chest and neck. Cameron’s eyes were slitted shut, watching him back.

  The sounds of sex filled the room, giving another element of wonder and magic to the moment. Wayne flicked his gaze down, watching his cock slide in and out of Cameron, marvelling at the fact he was being allowed this. It wasn’t the first time, and if Wayne had anything to do with it, it wouldn’t be the last. It still made his breath hitch, the fact that Cameron allowed—no welcomed—him into his body.

  Wayne dropped Cameron’s leg, then his own shoulder to remove the other leg. He let his hands drop onto either side of Cameron’s body, walking them up until he was over him and could kiss those lips. They moved together, hips and mouths. His hands went to Cameron’s leg again, hitching it up over his hips, letting his own move faster and faster as he drove himself to the edge.

  “Help me,” Cameron whined, his tone moving from complete enjoyment, to something pained.

  Wayne worked quickly, moving so he could wrap his hand around Cameron’s cock. He moved both hand and hips through the first contraction of Cameron’s body coming, until the last bit of come hit his man’s chest. Then the let himself fall over the edge. His body found it easy to chase ecstasy as he curled into himself slightly, his face scrunching up as he shuddered, spilling himself deep in Cameron’s body.

  He stayed that way for a few more moments, before his mind cranked back on, and was able to enjoy looking down at his blissed-out lover, who looked like he was trying hard not to fall asleep. With a soft kiss against the corner of Cameron’s mouth, and a chuckle when his lover moved to get more, Wayne pulled free, and went to the little bathroom in Cameron’s room to grab a washcloth. Coming back into the room, Wayne washed Cameron clean enough he wouldn’t feel sticky against his chest or thighs—taking a quick lick here and there—and then wiped himself clean before crawling back onto the bed.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered as his fingers brushed against Cameron’s jaw.

  Cameron’s lips pulled into a smile. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Wayne’s own smile widened as his eyes got a little misty, and he leant down to give Cameron a slow, yet deep, kiss.

  The kiss ended as softly as it began, and Wayne settled back, watching and touching, and trying to make himself not ask Cameron to run away with him again.

  “You are always so good to me.” Cameron spoke softly, like he was half asleep. “I want to give you everything.”

  Chapter Five

  Wayne startled next to Cameron. “What?”

  “I want to give you the world.” Cameron’s heart beat hard against his chest; it was painful and frightening, or was that actually Wayne’s reaction to his words.

  “Don’t you know…?” Wayne stopped himself, as if his words had just run out. “You’ve already given me everything, just by letting me love you.”


  “Yes.” Wayne smiled. “Didn’t you know that? You are my reason for breathing. My reason for being here.”

  “Aw….” Cameron’s eyes leaked, his breath hitched.

  “I have never had much, Cameron. My whole life has been finding places to sleep, hoping I could get away with just a few interrupted hours, wondering if I’d ever find something to eat. I didn’t ask for this life, didn’t want to be one of them, but if this is what you want, I’ll go to the death in this shithole of a castle.”

  “Wait? You didn’t want to be a vampire? I thought they had to ask for permission to change someone?”

  “Myth. Yeah, there is a rule, but Master doesn’t ask any questions.
You know him, how much do you think he gives a shit about how someone became a vampire?”

  Cameron’s fingers came up and started brushing against Wayne’s chest, trying to soothe him.

  “Will you tell me how you became one?”

  Wayne laughed, it wasn’t pretty. “They thought I was someone else.”


  “You heard me. I was a street kid who, like you can imagine, didn’t get me much in life. One night these arseholes jumped me, beat me until I passed out, and when I woke back up it was into this life. But I wouldn’t change it, not now that I’ve met you.”

  “Okay.” Cameron breathed so quietly Wayne didn’t seem to hear him.

  “I’d live through hell just to be with you, whether it’s here in this place, or on the run. We’ll be better off than I ever was, I’ve been hoarding cash.”

  “Okay.” Cameron spoke louder this time, needing to gain his lover’s attention.


  “Yes.” Cameron nodded. “Okay. Let’s leave.”

  “Really?” Wayne moved fast, rolling himself onto Cameron. “You mean it?”

  “Yes.” Cameron smiled.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Cameron caught Wayne as he went to get up off him. His hands circled the other man as he pulled him in nice and close, legs and arms hugging him tight.

  “We can’t go right now.”

  “Why not?”

  “We need to plan. Get things together. Organise.”


  “Because when we leave it will be for good, and I’d really like it to be near impossible for them to find us. So that means making it look as if we’d never been here before.”

  “Like that can happen, they’d definitely miss you.”

  “Yeah,” he huffed, that was for sure. “I just…. I want to make the best of it. It’s not like they’ll see it coming if we run today, or next month, but we sure as hell will be better equipped if we get everything we need and want from both of our rooms.”

  “Fine, but this isn’t about you trying to back out, is it?”

  “Hell no, I’ve wanted out of this place the moment I stepped into it.”

  “Then why deny me?”

  “Because I don’t want you to live life on the run. What if we can’t find somewhere to live?”

  “Honey. Well, for one we will, but mostly… I’d live in the middle of a swamp if that’s where you will be.”

  “You slay me,” he mumbled as he lifted his head and kissed those sweet lips.

  “So we’re leaving?”

  Wayne was dead serious, and Cameron answered with the same certainty. “As soon as we’re ready.”

  Wayne’s mouth was back, biting and teasing his lips before his tongue pushed right on in, demanding all that was Cameron—and he gave it. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for Wayne. He’d never regret anything, never have any doubts, even if things weren’t easy. Hell, his life hadn’t been easy, and that was before the kidnapping. It wasn’t hard to tell, not really, no one had ever come to save him.

  Wayne rolled them over. Cameron straddled those hips, pushing himself up over Wayne and looking down at the clean lines of his body. Oh, and was that another one growing upwards, between his legs?

  They made love over and over the remainder of the night, each time an act of love, littered with joy. Between the highs they lay together, cuddling close, whispering about what they’d do on the outside—how they’d live, where they’d travel first. About what they would need, making plans for a future where they’d both be free and happy, and together.

  They spent the rest of their twenty-four hours together, Wayne only leaving once the house seemed to settle down. And like every time the ball’s magic ended, Cameron gripped his chest. Before this night it had been nothing more than a hiccup, but as Wayne turned to smile at him before the door shut tight behind him, it was a burning ache.

  This was it.

  Cameron took a breath and started getting everything he’d need ready, because they both knew the time would come, and that they’d run. However, they both weren’t sure of an exact time; Master was too unpredictable for that.

  They finally took off three weeks after the ball; Master had gone to a nearby coven. Wayne had packed what they’d needed into a car he’d bought with cash, registered under a name no one knew him by.

  He unlocked Cameron’s door, the vampire who brought him his food was lying on the stone floor beside it. He put out his hand, and Cameron took it without hesitation. They kissed briefly, grabbed what Cameron needed—which wasn’t much—and headed off into the sunset to start their new life together.

  If you liked this book maybe you’d be interested in the rest of the series

  Wrong Place, Right Time  Catching His Wolf  Timid as a Mouse

  The Tiger’s Release  Mate’s Freedom

  About the Author

  I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours... da da da da dum, author of LGBT+ genre fiction author

  Serious I wanna know

  Email me at [email protected]

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  Published via BonyDee Press

  Published via BonyDee Press

  My Kevin

  Gotta Start Somewhere


  Running Scared

  Being That for You

  A Road Worth Traveling

  ARWT part 1: DRitC 2015: Love is an Open Road


  Love without Knowing It

  Encounter Space

  My Outside My Inside

  Outside Sanity

  An Alphas World

  Taking a Stand

  Published via eXtasybooks.com

  Moonlit Wolves

  Loved By A Werewolf

  Forever With My Werewolf

  Seeking My Werewolf

  Taking Control of My Werewolf

  A Werewolf’s Howl

  The Rub of My Werewolf

  Protecting My Werewolf

  Moonlit Escapades

  Second Pack of Cameron

  Ben’s Wolf Surprise


  Published via BonyDee Press


  The Way Life Turns


  Less Than A Dayǀ In This Life And Beyond




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