I would also like to acknowledge my domestic agent, Mitch Douglas, for almost twenty years of terrific representation. Mitch is a good friend as well as my agent, and I am eternally grateful to him.
And I would like to acknowledge my foreign agent, Dorie Simmonds of the Dorie Simmonds Agency in London, who not only represented me for more than twenty years but is a trusted friend.
I would like to thank my very good friend Andy Hirsch, for reading this book before publication for his point of view. My close friend Jillian DeVaney also read it in manuscript stage and offered invaluable insight, and so I thank her as well. Barb Mueller read it in its infancy, too, and I thank her, as well as my sister, Roz Barnett, who also pored through many early drafts to render important and useful opinions.
My thanks to Jonathan Hahn, a brilliant writer, my personal publicist, and good friend.
Special thanks also to Michael Horowitz, Jo Ann McMahon, and Felinda Adlawan of Horowitz Zaron McMahon as well as Stephen Breimer and Candice Hanson of Bloom, Hergott, Diemer, et. al.
Thanks to: Andy Steinlen, George Solomon, Jeff Hare, Samuel Munoz, Bruce Rheins, Dawn Westlake, Jeff Cook, Brandon Schmook, Richard Tyler Jordan, John Passantino, Linda DiStefano, Hazel and Rob Kragulac, Andy Skurow, Brad Scarton, Brian Newman, Scherrie Payne, Freda Payne, Susaye Greene, Barbara Ormsby, David Spiro, Billy Masters, Marlene Morris, Kac Young, Yvette Jarecki, Robin Roth, Sammy Roth, Mary Downey, Felipe Echeri, Laura Fagin, Corey Sheppard, Rita Bosico, Deb Armstrong, Susan Kayaoglu, Sal Pinto, David Gunther, Eric Edmonds, Michael Coleman, Rob Kesselring, and Howard Field.
I also want to acknowledge my television producing partners and colleagues: my very good friend Keri Selig along with Jonathan Koch, Steve Michaels, Stanley Hubbard, Michael Prupus, Stephen Kronish, Joan Harrison, Sherryl Clark, Eva Miller, and Kimberly Current.
I have always been so blessed to have a family as supportive as mine. My thanks and love go out to: Roslyn and Bill Barnett and Jessica and Zachary; Rocco and Rosemaria Taraborrelli and Rocco and Vincent; and Arnold Taraborrelli. A big smile, also, for Spencer Douglas Taraborrelli.
I must also acknowledge those readers of mine who have followed my career over the years. I am indebted to each and every reader who has stuck by me. I am eternally grateful to anyone who takes the time to pick up one of my books and read it. Thank you so much.
This book is dedicated to my late parents, Rocco and Rose Marie Taraborrelli. Both encouraged a young kid from Morton, Pennsylvania, to not only reach for the stars but to do so with the knowledge that they’d be there for him whenever he fell short of the mark, which was often. I miss them.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Acton, Lord of
Adams, Harold
Addison’s disease
Agnelli, Gianni
Aldrech, Lois
Aldrich, Winthrop
Alzheimer’s Association
Alzheimer’s disease
Sundowner’s Syndrome in
Americana Hotel chain
American Club, Hong Kong
American Psychiatric Association (APA)
Arancio, Ottavio
Archer, Jeffrey
Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia
Jackie’s burial at
JFK’s burial at
Kennedy children burials at
Armani, Giorgio
Around the World in 80 Days (movie)
Atkins-Manzel, Deena
Auchincloss, Alice
Auchincloss, Cecil
Auchincloss, Emma Brewster Jennings
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley, III “Yusha” (Janet’s stepson)
birth of
death of
father’s death and
Hammersmith’s sale and
Jack Black’s death and
Jackie-JFK marriage and
Jackie’s death and
Janet Jr.’s death and
Janet-Morris marriage and
Janet’s Alzheimer’s and
Janet’s death and
at Janet’s eightieth birthday celebration
JFK presidential campaign/election and
JFK’s death and
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley, Jr. “Hughdie” (Janet’s 2nd husband)
background of
children’s births and
Chrapovitsky’s marriage to
death of
financial struggles of
health of
Jackie-JFK marriage and
Jackie-Onassis marriage and
Janet Jr.-Rutherfurd marriage and
Janet’s marriage to
JFK’s death and
JFK’s presidential campaign/election and
sexuality of
Vidal’s marriage to
will/estate of
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley, Sr.
Auchincloss, James Lee “Jamie” (Janet’s son)
birth of/christening of
father’s death and
Hammersmith’s sale and
inheritances/financial support to
Jackie biography interviews by
Jackie-JFK marriage and
Jackie-Onassis relationship and
Jackie’s death and
Janet Jr.’s death and
Janet-Morris marriage and
Janet’s Alzheimer’s and
Janet’s death and
at Janet’s eightieth birthday celebration
JFK presidential campaign/election and
JFK’s death and
Lee-Radziwill marriage and
Lee’s acting career and
twenty-first birthday celebration for
Auchincloss, John Winthrop
Auchincloss, Maya
Auchincloss, Parker & Redpath, Washington, D.C.
Auchincloss, Thomas “Tommy” (Janet’s stepson)
birth of
father’s death and
financial support to
Hammersmith’s sale and
Janet’s death and
JFK’s inauguration and
Auchincloss, Tommy
Baldrige, Letitia
Baldwin, Bertha
Baldwin, Billy
Balridge, Carolyn
Balridge, Edward
Balridge, Julian
Barber, Danine
Bartlett, Charles L.
Beale, Bouvier
Beale, Edith Bouvier “Big Edie”
Beale, Edith “Little Edie”
Beale, Phelan
Beale, Phelan, Jr.
Beard, Peter
Lee’s relationship with
Beaton, Cecil
Benchley, Peter
Berenson, Bernard
Bernstein, Leonard
Bessette, Carolyn
Bessette, Lauren
Billingsley, Barbara
Birmingham, Stephen
Black Ships Festival, Newport, Rhode Island
Blake, Robert
Blake, Sylvia Whitehouse
Blitz, Esther Auchincloss Nash
Blitz, Norman
Block, Jack
Blodget, Dick
Booth, Charles
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston Herald Traveler
Bouvier, Bud
Bouvier, John, I
Bouvier, John, II
Bouvier, John, III “Black Jack” (Janet’s 1st husband)
alcohol use by
background of
death of
at Jackie-JFK’s wedding
Jackie’s/Lee’s relationship with
Janet’s divorce from
Janet’s marriage to
womanizing by
Bouvier, Kathleen
Bouvier, Michel, Jr.
Bouvier, Michel, S
The Bouviers (Davis)
Braden, Joan
Braden, Tom
Bradford, Sarah
Bradlee, Ben
Bradlee, Toni
Brennan, Joyce Faria
Janet’s death and
Janet’s friendship with
Brenton, Jahleel
Brenton, William
Browne, Leslie
Brownley, Karina
Brownley, Leon
Burgess, Winfred
Burke, David
Burling, Ella
Burr, Aaron
Callas, Maria
Camelot Gardens (Hammersmith Farm), Rhode Island
Canfield, Cass
Canfield, Katsy
Canfield, Michael Temple (Lee’s 1st husband)
alcohol use by
bloodline of
death of
England relocation by
Lee’s courtship by
Lee’s divorce/annulment from
Lee’s marriage to
sexuality of
Capote, Truman
Caroline (aircraft)
Carpozi, George
Carter, Jimmy
Casals, Pablo
Caspary, Vera
Cassini, Oleg
Castallanos, Agnetta
the Castle, Hammersmith Farm
Catch Me If You Can (play)
Cavett, Dick
Celeste, Vincent J.
Chapin’s School for Girls, New York City
Charles, Oatsie Leiter
Auchincloss, Hugh, death and
Janet-Morris marriage and
Janet’s death and
at Janet’s eightieth birthday celebration
Charteris, Frances Laura
Cheaver, Audrey
Cheaver, Thomas
Chicago Tribune
Chrapovitsky, Maya de
Christ Church, Washington, D.C.
Christina O (yacht)
Jackie-Lee-Onassis vacation, 1963, on
Jackie-Onassis wedding and
Churchill, Clementine
Churchill, Randolph
Churchill, Sir Winston
Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, New York City
Church of the Heavenly Rest, New York City
civil rights movement
Clark, Laura Pyzel
Cleveland, Esther
Cleveland, Mrs. Grover
Cocteau, Jean
Coffee Hour with Senator and Mrs. Kennedy (TV program)
Coles, Robert
Combs, Bertram Thomas
Combs, Lois
Conversations with Lee Radziwill (TV pilot)
Cope, Newton
Coppola, Sofia
Cornell University Medical Center, New York City
Courrèges, André
Crawford, Mrs. John, III
Crook, Janet
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cukor, George
Curtin, Nellie
Cushing, Richard Cardinal
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
Davis, Barry
Davis, John
Davis, Lyndon
Death of a President (Manchester)
DeFalco, Carole
Delacorte Press
DeMave, Jack
Democratic Women’s TV Committee
de Monléon, Rose
de Valera, Eamon
de Valera, Sinéad
DeWitt, Anna
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Dillon, Phyllis
Dominick, Nancy
Dominick, Peter
Doubleday Publishing
Draper, Dorothy
Drorbaugh, James
Dupree, Michael
Janet’s Alzheimer’s and
Janet’s death and
Dwynne, Erskine
Eisenhower, Dwight
Eisenhower, Mamie
Elizabeth II, Queen (of United Kingdom)
The End of the Game (Beard)
Ericson, John
Evans, Peter
Ewalt, Sally
Exile on Main Street tour
Faria, Linda
Janet’s death and
Janet’s friendship with
Faria, Louise
Janet’s death and
Janet’s friendship with
Faria, Manuel “Mannie”
death of
Janet-Morris marriage and
Janet’s death and
at Janet’s eightieth birthday celebration
Janet’s friendship with
Fay, Paul, Jr. “Red”
Fenston, Felix Donovan
Fine Arts Commission, Washington, D.C.
Fitzgerald, John Francis
Foley, Aileen
Foley, Emily
Fontaine, Joan
Fonteyn, Margot
Ford, Charlotte
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry, II
Forger, Alexander D.
Fowler, Ruth
Fox, Jill Fuller
Francis, Arlene
Friede, Eleanor
Fritz-Cope, Isabelle
Fritz-Cope, Marguerite
Frost, Robert
Fuller, Blair
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Galitzine, Princess Irene
Gallagher, Mary Barelli
Gambit, Theresa
Garoufalidis, Artemis
Gaylord, Joan
George, Prince, the Duke of Kent
Geyelin, Philip
Geyelin, Sherry
Gilmore, Eddy
Gilpatric, Roswell
Gimme Shelter (documentary)
Gin, Yuen T.
Good Housekeeping
Goodwin, Barbara
Goodwin, Delores
Goodwin, Richard
Granger, Farley
Grant, Cary
The Greatest Show on Earth (play)
Grey Gardens (documentary)
Guber, Lee
Guinzburg, Tom
Gurney, Accardi
Halston (designer)
Hamill, Pete
Hammersmith Farm, Newport, Rhode Island
Caretaker’s House at
the Castle at
Deck Room of
financial struggles involving
Jackie-JFK anniversary at
Janet Jr.’s coming out party at
Janet Jr.’s wedding reception at
Janet’s ashes spread at
the Palace at
as presidential getaway
sale of
Sunken Garden of
the Windmill at
Hannah, Daryl
Hannan, Philip Matthew
Happy Times (Radziwill)
Hardy, Jean Maree
Harper & Brothers (previously Hamish Hamilton)
Harper’s Bazaar
Hart, Kitty Carlisle
Harvard Medical School Center for Neurologic Diseases, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston
Haslam, Nicky
Hayes, John F., Jr.
Hayes, Rutherford
Hepburn, Katharine
Hewitt, Patricia
Hewitt, William
Hickory Hill estate, McLean, Virginia
Hill, Clint
Hill, Jerry
Hill, Pat
Hilton, Nicky
Hilton, Trish
HMS Resolute
Hoff, Philip
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.
the Honey Fitz (yacht)
Horst, Horst P.
Hubert, Rue Hill
Huntington Hotel, San Francisco
Husted, Helen
Husted, John Grinnel Wetmore, Jr.
In Cold Blood (Capote)
“The Inquiring Camera Girl” column
Inter-Asia Venture Management, Ltd.
International Council of Women
Ivanhoe Theate
r, Chicago
Jackie Oh! (Kelley)
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Michael
Jagger, Bianca
Jagger, Mick
James T. Lee Foundation Inc.
Jefferson, Thomas
Jennings, Lavinia
Jennings, Oliver B.
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnston, Cecily Freitas
Johnston, Don
Johnston, Garrett
John XXIII, Pope
Jones, John Wesley
Jones, Katherine del Valle
Kaiser, Henry J.
Kaye, Nora
Kearney, Margaret Anne
Kefauver, Estes
Kelley, Kitty
Kennedy, Arabella (Jackie-JFK’s stillborn daughter)
reinterment of
Kennedy, Ethel
Jackie’s children’s births and
Jackie’s death and
RFK’s death and
Kennedy, Joan
Kennedy, Joe
womanizing by
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald “Jack” (JFK)
Arabella’s birth/death and
assassination of
campaign, presidential, by
campaign, vice-presidential, by
Caroline’s birth to
Cuban Missile Crisis and
Germany-Ireland tour of 1963 by
health issues of
inauguration of
Jackie’s courtship by
Jackie’s marriage to
John Jr.’s birth to
Lee’s relationship with
memorial for
Patrick’s birth/death and
portrait unveiling, White House
as president
as senator
womanizing by
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, Jr. (Jackie-JFK’s son)
birth of
death/kidnapping threats to
death of
George magazine by
Jackie-Onassis marriage and
Jackie’s death and
Janet’s death and
Janet’s eightieth birthday celebration and
JFK’s death and
Radziwill, Stas, death and
Kennedy, Kathleen
Kennedy Library
Kennedy, Patrick (Ted’s son)
Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier (Jackie-JFK’s son)
reinterment of
Kennedy, Robert “Bobby” (RFK)
assassination of
Jackie-JFK children’s births and
JFK’s death and
Lee’s annulment and
presidential campaign of
Warnecke’s relationship with
Kennedy, Rose
Jackie-JFK’s stillborn child and
Onassis’s meeting with
Kennedy, Teddy
Chappaquidick scandal of
Jackie-JFK children’s deaths and
Jackie-Onassis prenuptial agreement and
Kennedy, Vicki
Kerkorian, Kirk
Jackie, Janet & Lee Page 55