A Cozy Little Christmas

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A Cozy Little Christmas Page 5

by Laylah Roberts

  “Nope. But no cold would ever dare choose to infect Cullen. And he’s got thick skin. Like a crocodile. Or a dragon.”

  “Ooh, I like dragons.”

  “Me too. When I find one, I’ll share. I’m a good sharer,” Marcus told her.

  “Me too.”

  “This is ridiculous,” Cullen snapped. “There’s no smoke. You’re both freezing. I’m going to take you back to our suite.”

  “We can’t do that,” Ivy said. “What if there really is a fire somewhere? Derek won’t be happy if we just leave.”

  “All right. But I’m not sticking around here forever while they sort shit out,” Cullen muttered.

  “I really should be helping.”

  “You are going to stay with Marcus while I find someone to figure out what’s going on,” Cullen commanded. He handed Ivy over to his cousin. “Stay together. Stay here. Do not move.”

  Then he turned around and left.

  “Um, you can put me down,” she said to Marcus.

  “And risk Cullen putting me in timeout? No thanks.”

  “What? Would he…”

  “Nah, I was joking. But he can give one hell of a lecture. And when he’s upset with you, he gets all quiet and growly. I mean, he doesn’t scare me, but you might cry.”

  “I won’t cry,” she muttered. “And when isn’t he growly?”

  “He has his moments.”

  She remembered him grinning at her the other night. She supposed he really did have his moments.

  “You two are very close.”

  “We are. We only have each other. I know he comes across as rude and tactless, but there is no one else I’d want in my corner. Once Cullen decides that you’re his, there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you.”

  Yeah, she could see that.

  “Unfortunately, he never lets anyone in except me. So all that protectiveness is aimed my way. Although he’s being rather bossy with you.”

  “Isn’t he bossy all the time?” she said with a laugh that sounded horribly fake even to her.

  “Nope, when he isn’t interested in someone, he basically ignores them. He definitely doesn’t fuss over them the way he has with you.”

  “I think you should put me down. I need to go help.”

  “Not happening.”

  “I thought we were besties.”

  “We are,” Marcus told her cheerfully. “That means I have to take care of you.”

  “Here you guys are. Blankets.” Lawson moved toward them and handed them two blankets. “You okay, Ivy?”

  “I’m fine. Marcus thinks my legs are broken.”

  “Not me that thinks that,” Marcus replied.

  “Do you know what’s going on?” she asked Lawson.

  “Seems to be a false alarm. I guess something has malfunctioned.”

  “Maybe it’s one of Santa’s mischievous elves,” she joked.

  “Ha, maybe. I think we can all go in soon. Chef said he’ll make everyone some more hot chocolate and mulled wine to calm things down.”

  “I’ll come help.”

  “No, you won’t,” Cullen said, appearing out of nowhere. He picked up one of the blankets she was holding. “Thanks, I’ve got them now.”

  Lawson eyed him curiously, then looked back at Ivy. “Why don’t you come with me? I’ll see you home.”

  “She’s fine with us,” Cullen said in a short voice. “You’re needed elsewhere.”

  “Lawson!” someone called out.


  Lawson stared at her again.

  “I’m fine,” she told him. “But thank you. I appreciate the offer.”

  Still looking unhappy, Lawson turned and walked away.

  “Cullen, that was rude,” she scolded.

  “Put her down and I’ll wrap this blanket around her,” he said to Marcus, ignoring her.

  Damn, he was frustrating.

  Marcus set her down and Cullen wrapped the blanket around her while Marcus pulled one around himself.

  “Where’s your blanket?” she asked Cullen.

  “I’m fine.”

  The alarms suddenly stopped blaring and she breathed a sigh of relief. That noise had made her head thump. Tonight had been a disaster and she just wanted to go home to bed. She still couldn’t look at Cullen. She wasn’t sure why.

  “Time to get you two home to bed.”

  “Okay, everyone, listen up, please,” Derek called out. “My apologies for this. There seems to have been some glitch with the fire alarm system. If you want to head back into the event room, we’ll have more warm drinks to heat you up. Then I think it might be time for us all to get to our beds. Littles, stick with your Tops. Again, my apologies.”

  “Um, thanks for helping me. I’ll just head back to my apartment.” She kept her gaze on her feet as she spoke.

  “You’re not going back to your apartment.”

  “W-what? What do you mean?” she asked as Cullen swept her up into arms. Oomph. He had to stop doing that.

  “We’re taking you to the infirmary to get your hand checked,” he told her.

  “No, really, we don’t need to do that,” she said hastily. “My hand is fine.”

  He gave her a skeptical look.

  “Really,” she insisted. “I’m just tired. All I need is some rest. Please. I don’t want to go to the infirmary.”

  “It’s the infirmary or I look at it.”

  She sighed. “Fine. The infirmary.”

  He insisted on carrying her to the infirmary, but thankfully she managed to keep him and Marcus from following her in. After getting instructions to rest her hand and apply heat, she walked back out to find Cullen pacing up and down the hallway while Marcus sat on the floor.

  Cullen stilled when she left the room. “Well?”

  “I’m fine.” She gave him an exasperated look.

  “What was wrong?”

  “Cullen,” Marcus said softly.

  Cullen turned to him and they shared some silent communication.

  “All right, if you’re not ready to tell me that’s fine. But you are coming back to our suite. Where we can keep an eye on you.” He picked her back up while she was still recovering from that statement.

  “No, I’m not,” she said, as he started walking.

  “Come on, Marcus.”

  “Coming,” Marcus said cheerfully.

  “I’m not spending the night with you.”

  “Tell me what happened tonight, then. Why you grew all withdrawn, and what’s going on with your hands and I might let you spend the night on your own. If you can prove to me that you can take care of yourself.”

  “You’re not the boss of me.”

  “No? Well, maybe that’s just what I intend to be.”

  Maybe that’s just what I intend to be.

  Fuck. Had he just said that? What a fucking idiot. Had he really just given her hope that he wanted to be something more than…than an acquaintance?

  He braced himself, waiting for her reply. To his shock, she just snorted.

  “Not happening, buddy. Put me down. I’m going back to my apartment.”

  He didn’t want to boss everyone else around. He didn’t give a shit about anyone else except for Marcus, who was surprisingly quiet right now.

  Just her.

  “Cullen, you need to put me down. I can’t go back to your suite. You’re a guest. I’m just an employee.

  Just? Just an employee.

  For fuck’s sake. If she wasn’t already hurting, he’d shake her.

  Or spank her.

  “You are not just anything and I won’t hear you speak about yourself like that again.” He moved toward their suite with sure, swift steps.

  “Marcus,” Ivy whispered.

  “Yeah?” Marcus whispered back.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know. I’m thinking lobotomy, maybe alien invasion, naughty elves?” Marcus suggested.

  He barely refrained from rolling his eyes at their banter. Bra

  They reached their suite and Marcus unlocked the door.

  “I really can’t stay here,” Ivy said.

  “You’re staying.” He was done arguing. He set her down carefully on the bed.

  “You can’t keep me here against my will,” she told him, standing up slowly. She moved like she was exhausted. Poor baby was pale and swaying.

  Like fuck she was going anywhere.

  “Watch me.”

  She sucked in a breath. “Cullen!”


  “I am leaving.”


  “I hate it when mommy and daddy fight. Are you getting a divorce?” Marcus asked.

  They both turned to look at him. Cullen took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. What was he doing? He couldn’t force Ivy to stay here. Fuck.

  He ran his hand over his face. “Ivy, I’m sorry.”

  “Shit,” Marcus swore. “Definite lobotomy. This is not Cullen James Cutler. He does not apologize. Ever.”

  “Really?” Ivy asked. “Ever?”

  “Not ever.”

  “Must be a Christmas miracle,” Ivy said.

  “No such thing,” Cullen growled at her. “There are no miracles at Christmas. It’s just a holiday that’s pushed by big corporations so they can make money from us. So that stressed-out parents rush out and buy all their latest crap for their kids because they’re trying to keep up with their neighbors.”

  Ivy just gaped at him, then a sad look crossed her face. “That’s really what you think? You don’t think there’s any magic? Any hope?”


  “Oh.” Her shoulders slumped. Fuck, now he felt like he’d just kicked a puppy. What was wrong with him, seriously?

  Marcus was glaring at him, urging him to fix her.

  Then she straightened her shoulders and stared right at him. “Well, maybe that’s why you’re here.”

  “What? What do you mean? I’m here because Marcus decided he wanted to come here.”

  “But you didn’t need to come with him. Maybe you were sent here so you could believe in Christmas again.”

  Oh no. No way. Not happening.

  “I’m not here for a freaking Christmas miracle, so you can get that out of your head right now.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “Push me and you won’t like what happens.”

  “Like what?” she asked, moving in closer.

  “Like you’ll end up over my knee, getting your butt spanked.”

  She gave a dramatic gasp. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Push me and see.”

  She narrowed her gaze, and to his shock, stomped her foot. “You are so frustrating. You can’t just go around threatening to spank people.”

  “I don’t go around threatening to spank people.”

  “So I’m special?”


  “Lucky me,” she muttered.

  “Guess so, little girl.”

  “Don’t call me little girl. I’m not a Little.”

  “Really?” he drawled.


  “Someone’s in denial,” he whispered.

  Another huge gasp. He had to hide his grin. He realized he was having fun.

  “Damn, I wish I had some popcorn.”

  They both turned to find Marcus lying back on the bed, dressed just in his boxers. He waved his hand in the air. “Don’t mind me. I’m just enjoying watching the fireworks.”

  Suddenly, Ivy stepped back, her shoulders hunching. “I’m so sorry. You’re a guest. I shouldn’t have…I am…”

  Cullen shared a confused look with Marcus. What happened to the spitfire? And how did he get her back? Because, honestly, for the first time in years, he’d felt fucking alive. And that was due to her.

  He knew that the smart thing would be to walk her back to her apartment. To apologize for acting like a bossy asshole and leave things at that.

  That would be the sensible thing to do.

  If only he could actually make himself do it. This girl had seemed so shy and sweet when they’d met.

  But she also had fire. And he wanted that fire.

  “Ivy,” he said slowly. “You’ve got nothing to apologize for.”

  She shook her head. “I do. I’m so sorry. I’d best just leave. Please know I’m not usually like this. I don’t argue with guests. It’s…I…if you want to give me your pants, I’ll clean them for you.”

  “Back to trying to get my pants off me, huh?” he joked gently.

  “What? No!”

  Crap. That joke fell flat. Marcus gave him a worried look, then gestured toward her urgently. Yeah, he got it. He’d broken her. Now he had to fix her.

  “Ivy, look at me,” he said gently.

  “I really have to go.” She turned toward the door, and he moved in front of her, making her jolt. A small gasp escaped her lips, and he immediately felt like the biggest asshole on the planet.

  He glanced at Marcus in desperation. He had no idea how to help her. How to give her what she needed? What did she need?

  Marcus gave him an exasperated look and held out his arms as though he was going to hug himself.

  Hug her? Really? Okay, then. When was the last time he’d hugged someone?

  “Ivy, come here.” He held out his arms awkwardly. Right, what next?

  Ivy peeked up at him, frowning in confusion. “What are you doing?”

  “Hugging you.”

  “Um. I don’t know if I should point out the obvious…”

  “Do,” Marcus urged. “He has people-touching issues. Unless it’s for fucking. He can do that just fine.”

  “Marcus!” Cullen snapped.

  “What?” Marcus asked. “I mean, Jennifer waxed on about all the things you could do with your hands and tongue.”

  “Who?” Ivy asked.

  “Cullen’s last girlfriend.”

  “She wasn’t my girlfriend.”

  “Ah, sorry. Fuck-friend.”

  “Marcus!” Cullen snapped as Ivy gaped up at him. He stared down at where his arms were still raised.

  Ah. Fuck it.

  Reaching out, he placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “Weird kind of hug,” Marcus muttered.

  “Why don’t you go use the bathroom? Shower to warm up, then for god’s sake, put on some pajamas.”

  “Fine. But don’t fuck this up,” Marcus said, pointing a finger at Cullen. “You mess with my bestie; you mess with me. We’re ride or die bitches, right, Ivy?”

  “I, um, yes.”

  “Damn straight.”

  When they were alone, Cullen nodded to the sofa. “Will you sit?”

  “You mean I get a choice?” she asked.

  He sighed. “I’m used to being in charge. And I guess I do tend to give orders rather than asking. I apologize for that.”

  “I get the feeling you don’t apologize much.”

  “Can’t remember the last time I did before we came here. Please sit. You look exhausted. And for some reason, I can’t seem to stand you looking so tired and sad. I have this need to look after you, Ivy.”

  “You do?” she asked, but she moved to the sofa and sat. “I’m guessing you don’t like having that feeling.”

  He grimaced. “I’d rather not answer that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to sound like an asshole.”

  “Well, that ship might have sailed.”

  He had to grin. “I’m guessing so.” With a sigh, he sat on the coffee table and faced her, his legs bracketing hers. “Ivy, I’m sorry about the other night. When I kissed you. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Her gaze flitted to his, then away, over his shoulder. “It’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine. I was in a strange mood. I wasn’t fit for company that night.”

  “It’s okay, really. You kissed me, then you regretted it. We don’t need to rehash what happened.”

  She held herself stiffly. He had this feeli
ng that she would shatter with the slightest touch or hard word.

  “It’s not that I regret kissing you.”

  “No? Then what is it?”

  “It’s that I have nothing to offer and you’re not a casual type of girl.”

  She was silent for a long moment, then she finally met his gaze with hers. “So, you think that I thought that kiss was some sort of promise?”

  “I guess I didn’t want you to.”

  “You didn’t make me any promises, Cullen. All you did was kiss me. I didn’t have visions of us walking down the aisle and saying, ‘I do’.”

  “Fair enough. I just…I don’t know, I don’t usually care about what other people think, you know? I love Marcus. He’s my family. I’m polite to the housekeeper because she’s the only one who’s ever stayed past the first week, which is how long Marcus managed to keep his clothes on.”


  “He tends to get naked when he’s working. Says it helps him think.”

  She grinned. “Really? And your housekeeper is okay with him walking around naked?”

  “Truthfully, I think she might have a little crush on him. Plus, she’s managed to get him to put boxers on. Which I’m very thankful for. I’ve seen far more of my cousin than I ever wished to see.”

  She giggled, and relief filled him. “I don’t want you to think you’re not special just because I’m an asshole, Ivy.”

  “I don’t think you’re as much of an asshole as you make yourself out to be.”

  “You’d lose that bet. Accept my apology for the way I acted after I kissed you?”

  “Yes. Apology accepted. But you didn’t have to carry me to your suite to apologize to me.”

  He heaved out a breath. “No, although you have been avoiding me. And when I tried to talk to you earlier today, we were interrupted.”

  She bit her lip. Yeah, she’d definitely been avoiding him.

  “What happened tonight?”

  She tensed.

  “What’s wrong with your hands? Why did you scream in pain when I touched your hand?”

  She let out a breath.

  “Does it have something to do with why you always wear gloves?”

  “Um, yeah. I…I have problems with my hands sometimes.”

  “Carpal tunnel?”

  “Yeah, I have that.”

  “Hey, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” he told her gently.

  “I know. Sorry. Sometimes I have trouble with dexterity and picking things up.”


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