A Cozy Little Christmas

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A Cozy Little Christmas Page 13

by Laylah Roberts

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “Good girl. So brave.”

  She was brave and good? She’d never thought of herself that way. But a sense of confidence filled her with his words. Several more smacks landed on her ass. Tears filled her eyes. She sniffled, letting out a sob. Her poor bottom throbbed mercilessly as he landed spank after spank.

  By the time he’d finished, she was crying quietly. But her heart felt lighter and the knot in her stomach she hadn’t realized was there was gone. Carefully, he sat her on his lap and held her tight as he rocked her.

  “There, there, baby. You’re all right. Daddy has you. He’s not going to let you go. He has you.”

  Eventually, she calmed enough to realize that she’d totally soaked a patch of his shirt. Leaning back, she tried to wipe her eyes on the sleeve of her top, feeling embarrassed.

  “Oh no, I’m so sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “Crying all over you.”

  “Baby, that was your first spanking. I’d be surprised if you didn’t cry. Are you all right? Not too sore?”

  There was worry in his voice as he stared down at her.

  “No, I’m all right. I mean, it hurts, but the tears…they felt kind of good. I feel better, lighter.”

  “Good. I’m glad. Now, no more climbing up ladders, understand?”

  “I understand.”


  She blushed, but happiness filled her. “I understand, Daddy.”

  “That’s my good girl.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m going to get a tissue to clean you up. Have a look around and think about what you want to explore.”

  After he made certain she was steady on her feet, he walked over to the nursery corner to grab some tissues. She stared over at that area with a sense of longing. Confusion filled her. Because she also liked the look of the crafting area. And the tea set. And the cars and play mat. She wanted all of it. Well, nearly. Gaming wasn’t her thing, personally. It felt too…old?

  “What’s the matter?” Cullen returned and tipped her face back to wipe her cheeks and nose.

  Well, that wasn’t embarrassing or anything.

  “Ivy? What is it?”

  “I just…” She bit her lip. “I feel a pull to several things.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Was it?

  “Why don’t you tell me what you like?”

  She gave him a pleading look.

  “Or show me? Go around and touch each thing that interests you.”

  “All right.”

  “All right, what?” he asked sternly.

  “All right, Daddy.” Would that ever come more naturally? She hoped so. “I need to put my pants on first.”

  “You don’t need your pants on,” he countered.

  She glanced at him in shock, then she looked over at the door.

  “Nobody is coming in. Show me.”

  Maybe she could do that. She moved slowly to the tea set and touched that. He didn’t make a noise, just nodded. Then she went to the play mat in the middle of the room. Just another nod and acceptance.

  Okay. She walked to the crafting table with a sigh. “I want to do this, but with my hands…”

  “Daddy will help you.” He placed his hands lightly on her shoulders. “You’re not alone anymore, little girl.”

  Those words…how amazing would it feel not to be on her own? To have help? To know there was someone there to lean on? She hadn’t had that for years, even when she was married to Davis. All he was interested in was keeping her down.

  “Davis wrecked my self-esteem, so I’d stay with him,” she whispered. “I didn’t realize while I was with him, it wasn’t until after…”

  “Sometimes it’s hard to see things when you’re living them. I never want you to feel like you’re less than me. Because you’re not. You’re everything.”

  “You’re a good man.”

  “I’m really not. But I will be for you.”

  Turning her head, she smiled up at him. He leaned in and kissed her lips. Her body stirred, and she turned to get close. But he stepped back with a shake of his head.

  “You don’t want to touch me?”

  “You know it’s not that. Fuck, I’m so hard it hurts. But we’re not finished here yet. What else do you like?”

  “That’s everything.” She dropped her gaze from his.

  “You want to try that again? And remember that lying will get you in trouble.”

  She took in a sharp breath. Shit. How could he tell? She licked her lips and glanced toward the nursery.

  “Go on. Show me.”

  Heart racing, she walked over to the nursery area and stood there, looking at it. He was quiet as he stood behind her, watching. What was it that she liked?

  She moved to the drop-side crib and touched it. Then she waited for his reaction.

  “All right, anything else?”

  Turning, she gave him a shocked look. “You don’t mind?”

  “Why would I mind?”

  “I just…I don’t know.” Why would he mind? “I don’t understand why I’m pulled to the crib, I just am. I don’t…I don’t want diapers. I don’t think. I just…”

  “Maybe you get a sense of security from it,” he suggested quietly. “Maybe you want to sleep in a crib during naps, but then play with a tea set when you wake up. It’s all right, little girl. Everything doesn’t have to fit neatly into one way of doing something.”

  “I don’t know what age my Little is, though. Other people seem to.”

  “You do you. They’ll do what they want to do. So cribs are a yes. Diapers are a maybe?”

  “Maybe one day. Not now.”

  “All right. What about a pacifier?” He drew one out of a drawer. It was still in a package. “We can see if they have one with a gnome on it. If they don’t, I’ll get one made.”

  “I don’t need one made.” She did eye it with interest. “Could I try it? Perhaps if I try sleeping in the…” She waved at the drop-side crib rather than saying it.

  “Ivy, there’s no need to be embarrassed over what you need or want. Not with me, understand? And who gives a shit what anyone else thinks?”

  Davis had always cared what others thought of him, of her. But Cullen was right, who cared?

  “You’re right. When I’m in the crib, or maybe in a younger mindset, I’d like it. I could imagine it might feel comforting if I was upset or sick.”

  “All right.” He put it back. “We’ll get you your own one. Bottles?”

  “I’d like to try them sometime.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do. For now, I’d like to get you dressed then we can play.”

  “Dressed?” Oh yeah, she was only in her panties and top. But instead of grabbing her pants, he strode over to where the stage was and opened a chest. He drew out an outfit. It was a skirt with red and white stripes. It was shorter at the front than the back.

  “Come here.”

  She walked over to him, letting him help her into the skirt. “Twirl.”

  She turned around, and he gave her a look filled with approval. “You look cute. You need new clothes.”

  “I don’t need new clothes.”

  “Baby, you desperately need new clothes.”

  “I really don’t.”

  “Well, you’re getting some.”

  “Daddy, I don’t need new clothes.” She stomped her foot.

  His eyes flared with pleasure, which surprised her. Then she realized that was the first time she’d called him Daddy without prompting.

  Then his eyes narrowed. “Did you just stomp your foot?”

  “Um, well, see, Daddy, my foot just did it on its own.”

  “On its own?”

  “Uh-huh. I think it’s a very naughty foot. You should probably tell it off.”

  “I think you’re right. Except instead of a telling off, it’s going into timeout to think about its behavior.”

  “But, Daddy, if you put my naugh
ty foot in timeout, that means I have to go into timeout too.”

  “Gosh, so you do.”

  “Daddy, was that sarcasm?” She gave him a suspicious look.

  “It was. Turn around, face the corner and think about how you can avoid being put in the corner again.”

  With a loud sigh, she turned and faced the corner. This was soooo boring. She shifted around from foot to foot.

  “Stay still,” he warned.

  Jeez. Why was this so hard?

  “Right, little girl. Turn around and come here.”

  When she turned, she saw him standing a few feet behind her with a stern look on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Come here.” He pointed at the floor next to his feet. “Now, what do you have to say?”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy, for stomping my foot.”

  “You should know that any tantrums are going to end up with you being put in the corner.”

  “But we aren’t getting me more clothes.”

  “That’s happening.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “I don’t have the money for new clothes right now.”

  “Who said anything about you paying?”

  “Cullen,” she said in a low voice. “You can’t just buy things for me. That’s not why I’m with you.”

  “I know that. Believe me. I don’t think you’re after my money. I care about you. I want to do nice things for you. I have more money than I could ever spend. My father left me a lot of money when he died. I’m now the CEO of the multi-national corporation that he and my uncle, Marcus’s father, built. Let me do this for you. Please.”

  “It doesn’t feel right.”

  “Let me take care of you.”

  “I’d rather you just spend time with me.”

  “I intend to do that too. But, little girl, your coat is threadbare, you don’t have a decent pair of boots and I threw out all those disgusting cardigans you own.”

  “You didn’t!”

  “No, but I intend to.” He winked at her.


  “Now, I’m thirsty. Are you going to pour Daddy a cup of tea?”

  “You…you’d play with me?” she asked, surprised.

  “Baby, don’t you know that I’d do anything for you?” Leaning in, he kissed her again.

  “What are we doing?” Marcus asked excitedly as they walked through the main building.

  Ivy was dressed in her black pants again. She kind of missed that pretty skirt.

  “We’re going to buy Ivy some new clothes,” Cullen told him.

  “Yes!” Marcus did a fist bump. “About time. Please tell me, no more black.”

  “No more black,” Cullen agreed.

  She blushed. What was wrong with black? Davis had preferred her in black. Probably hoping she’d fade into the background. Actually, maybe some color would be nice.

  “And a warm jacket?” Marcus asked. “Get her out of those hideous cardigans.”


  “Be nice,” Cullen warned Marcus.

  The other man let out a sigh. “You agree, though, right? The cardigans have to go.”

  “Yep,” Cullen said.

  She pouted. “I don’t want to buy too much.”

  “Why not?” Marcus said. “Cullen’s buying, and if he’s not, I am.”

  “I’m buying,” Cullen said firmly. “My girl. I buy.”

  “I don’t know, as her bestie, I think I get to buy her stuff.”

  “You two are both insane.” By now they had reached the gift shop at Rawhide. Cullen grabbed hold of the door handle. “Both of you are to stay with me, understand? No wandering off.”

  “The shop isn’t that big,” she told him.

  “Don’t care. Don’t think I won’t smack your butt in there if I need to.”

  She went bright red. He did not just say that.

  “Ooh, look at her go red. That’s so cute. How are you always so cute?” Marcus asked as he walked through first. “Wow, look. Cowboy hats. I need one of these.”

  Cullen placed his hand on the small of her back. “Best to let him shop first, then we’ll get your stuff.”

  By the time Marcus had finished shopping, he had a shopping basket full of goodies. They walked into the clothing section and Liam looked up at them with a smile. “Welcome. Hi, Ivy.”

  “Hi, Liam. This is Cullen and Marcus.”

  “Nice to meet you both. How can I help?”

  “We’re looking for things for Ivy.” Cullen gave Liam a nod. Then both he and Marcus started pulling out more clothes than she’d ever owned in her life. She couldn’t believe they expected her to try all of this on. They kept Liam busy hauling things to the fitting room.

  “Come on.” Cullen led her to the fitting room. “I’ll help you.”

  Marcus sat on a stuffed chair just outside. “No hanky spanky in there. I can hear everything.”

  “Marcus!” she said, looking over at Liam in embarrassment. He just grinned at her. Then turned away as more guests came in.

  “Marcus,” Cullen said with a sigh, shaking his head.

  Cullen helped her try on sweaters, skirts, and pants. They both had opinions on all of it, which shocked her. But they’d also listened to her preferences. In the end, she’d agreed to let them buy her two sweaters, one in teal and one in pink. A new shirt that was a gorgeous blue. A thick, fluffy jacket which she loved. And a pair of boots. But she’d put her foot down over everything else. Although, she noticed that Cullen grabbed two of the skirts she’d tried on and loved. She decided to ignore that.

  While Liam was ringing everything up, she got bored and wandered over to where the men’s stuff was. She wanted to get them both something. Christmas was close, and her options were limited. She stared down at some cuff links.

  “What are you doing?” Cullen asked.

  She jumped with a cry and turned to him. “Nothing.”

  “Did I not tell you to stay by my side?”

  “I’m in the same store. I didn’t go that far.”

  “Liam,” Cullen called out as he steered her back to the counter. “Do you have any of those baby reins to stop your Little from wandering off?”

  “We do,” Liam replied cheerfully. “They sell them in the other part.”

  “Daddy, no,” she said. “I don’t want to wear those.”

  Cullen gave her a firm look. “Then don’t wander off again, understand?”

  She nodded frantically, giving a sigh of relief. She wouldn’t move from his side again. No way was she wearing reins. Sheesh.

  Cullen finished paying, then turned her toward the door. To her shock, he gave her two firm smacks on the ass to get her moving.


  “That’s for leaving my side. Marcus, let’s go.”

  “Someone was naughty,” Marcus sang.

  “As my bestie, you should be sympathizing with me,” she told him.

  “But where would the fun in that be?”

  Chapter 10

  “Time for a nap, little girl.”

  “Just a moment, Daddy. I’ve just got to glue this piece.” She dipped the brush into the glue pot, then tried to get the glittery piece of paper into the right place. But the darn thing kept moving and ended up on the wrong part of the dinosaur collage she was doing for Marcus. His two favorite things were diggers and dinosaurs.

  “Son of a nutcracker! I can’t do it! Stupid!” She flung the glue down, then hissed in pain as the movement aggravated her hands.

  “Whoa, okay, someone definitely needs a nap.” Cullen moved up beside her and picked up the glue brush, putting it away. They were back in the training room.

  “I don’t need a nap. I need a hand transplant.”

  “Well, I can’t give you the latter, but I can give you the former.”

  “No nap!” She was grouchy today. Which might have something to do with the movie marathon she’d had with Marcus last night while Cullen had been using Derek’s office to do a few work things. What h
e had to do this close to Christmas, she wasn’t sure. But Marcus said it was pretty normal for him.

  “Someone went to bed too late last night.”

  It hadn’t helped that she’d had two classes to run today and her hands were hurting. Medication just wasn’t helping much with the pain today.

  “Did not.”

  “Little girl, any more arguing with me is just going to end up with you over my knee. And today was the first day you weren’t owed a punishment spanking. But maybe you need a daily one to keep your sass under control.”

  “I do not! Daddy, that’s just mean.”

  “I’m going to get your pajamas.”

  He’d bought her some drop seat, all-in-one pajamas from the gift shop when she wasn’t with him. They had pictures of candy canes over them and were really cute. But since she wasn’t having a nap, then she didn’t need to wear them, did she?

  When he walked back over with them, she shook her head. “No nap. No pajamas.”

  “Who is in charge here?”


  “Try again, little girl.” He sat on the chair he used when he was spanking her. Her hands crept back to cover her bottom instinctively.

  “I’m the boss,” she said quietly.

  “You are not. Come here.” He pointed a finger at the floor.

  Nope. She was not going there. Nuh-uh.

  “I’m going to count to three and if you’re not here by the time I get to three, I’m coming to get you. And, little girl, if I have to come get you, then I’m using the naughty girl paddle on your butt.”

  She gasped. He wouldn’t!


  No way.


  Oh, fine. She moved over to stand in front of him just as he was about to say three.

  “Wise choice. Now, let’s get you into your pajamas, then we’re going to have a small chat about your behavior.”

  Chat? She didn’t like the sound of that.

  He stripped her off, leaving her camisole, panties, and bra on. She stepped into the pajamas and he zipped them up.

  “Right, little girl, I know you’re tired. But that’s no excuse for throwing things and talking back, is it?”

  Guilt filled her. She really was acting badly. “No, I’m sorry, Daddy.”


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