Accidentally Hers (Sterling Canyon #1)

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Accidentally Hers (Sterling Canyon #1) Page 21

by Jamie Beck

  After leaning his crash mat against a wall, he filled an ice bag with cold water and ice cubes, popped a couple of ibuprofens, collapsed onto his desk chair, and elevated his bad leg on a cardboard box.

  “Tell me we aren’t headed back to the hospital.” Trip’s voice cut through the air, his gaze riveted to the ice on Grey’s knee.

  “No. Just pushed it a little too hard today showing a client some heel and toe hooks.” He hid his concerns behind a dismissive wave. “It’ll be fine.”

  Normally Grey could count on Trip for banter and good times, so his friend’s dead-serious expression pulled him up short. “Everyone warns you not to push. You can’t just will that joint to heal right, Grey. Why in the hell would you risk screwing it up so soon? Don’t you want to get back on the slopes one day?” Trip sank onto the chair opposite the desk and loosened the laces of his climbing shoes. “I’m doing everything I can to help you keep things afloat. Now do your part and let your knee recover, dammit.”

  Grey raised his hands. “Whoa, buddy. You knew I was taking a client bouldering this morning, so what’s with the attitude?”

  The new client—a novice twenty-something—had promised to bring some of her friends next time. Repeat business was still a primary concern.

  Trip leaned forward, resting one arm on the desk, and quirked his brow. “I assumed you’d restrict yourself to spotting. Didn’t realize you’d be so pigheaded as to teach by example.” He shook his head and slouched back into his seat. “You can’t afford to make stupid mistakes.”

  Grey glanced at his knee, careful to avoid eye contact. “I’m sick of sitting behind this desk, dealing with numbers and words. I didn’t plan to climb today. But the sun was shining, the girl was struggling a bit, and you know the pull. I needed it, Trip. Needed to do something.”

  He grimaced at his moronic explanation. Still, it had been more than twelve weeks since his surgery. Countless hours in therapy. By most measures, his fit body could handle anything. So why the hell did a mere nine-foot drop make him feel like an arthritic seventy-year-old man?

  “I’d worked on soft-landing jumps in therapy this past week, so I didn’t think it would hurt. Other climbers have been able to do as much at about twelve to sixteen weeks.” He held up his hand to keep Trip from interrupting. “I won’t climb again until I get the green light from Donner. Promise.”

  Trip’s facial muscles relaxed into a grin as he reached across the desk and wiggled his pinky finger. “Pinky promise?”

  “Asshole.” Grey batted Trip’s hand. “How’d it go with your group?”

  “Jon and I led a group of four from Durango—three guys and a chick. They paid cash.” He plunked down a wad of bills on the desk. “Along the route, we crack climbed a chimney. Good day. I think we’ll see them, or at least her and some of her other friends, again.”

  “Did they rebook?” Grey gathered the money, counted it, and stuffed it in the cash box.

  “No, but she was a flirt. I made sure she got her money’s worth.” Trip scratched at his forearm, the self-satisfied gleam in his eyes causing Grey to chuckle. “Trust me, she’ll be back.”

  “If Backtrax is doing double-duty as a personal escort service, make sure I get a cut of whatever you’re raking in,” Grey joked. He tossed the pencil aside and clasped his hands behind his head. “Maybe we should add a ‘Local Lady-killer’ tab on the website and post a big picture of your face. What’s your fee?”

  “Triple the going rate of other guys. Of course, you’d have to switch up your tagline. ‘High Altitude Adventures . . . and . . . nooky? Stud services?’ Ah, how about ‘High Altitude Happy Endings’?” Trip playfully rubbed his chin. “Whatever. It all sounds good to me! Too bad Avery won’t let you participate in that side of the business.”

  “Don’t feel sorry for me. I’m plenty happy with my situation, thanks.” Grey reached into the drawer for a sucker and tossed one to Trip. “Let’s get back to real business.”

  With a heavy sigh, Grey scratched the back of his neck, resigned to the fact the pain in his knee would quickly be replaced by a headache. He turned on the computer and printed a draft of an article he planned to submit to some online adventure magazines.

  “I wrote an article I need you to proofread. Hopefully someone will pick it up and print it in October.” He picked up the draft article, trying to read through it one more time. As usual, letters jumped around the page like they were playing hopscotch. Grey passed the papers to Trip. As an afterthought, he tossed a red pen at him, too. “You’ll need this.”

  Trip folded the pages and stuffed them in his front pocket. “Have you heard from the OS?”

  “Not yet, but I’m counting on a big insurance settlement.” Grey repositioned the ice bag. “I just want all this to be over.”

  Trip leaned forward again, this time resting his elbows on his knees. He stared at the ground for a moment before meeting Grey’s gaze. “Listen, that ice bag should be a big red flag, Grey. Don’t settle your claims for the bare minimum. There are no guarantees about your recovery. More importantly, there’s no guarantee that laying off Andy Randall will result in a fairy-tale ending with his sister.”

  Grey crunched up the last bits of his lollipop before throwing the stick in the trash. Trip wasn’t wrong, but if Grey pressed hard against Andy, that would guarantee the end of everything with Avery. “I hear you. I won’t roll over, but I am going to do whatever I can to avoid hurting her.”

  Trip rolled his eyes. Of course, Trip didn’t know squat about love relationships, so Grey shouldn’t expect a different reaction.

  “Well, I can see I’m talking to a brick wall, so I may as well put my mouth to better use. Too bad we haven’t booked my stud services yet,” Trip kidded before he cracked his knuckles and stretched out in his chair. “Think you can manage to hobble to Grizzly’s for some brews and a round of pool?” When Grey glanced at his phone, Trip clucked. “Henpecked already? Honestly, Grey, it’s way too soon for you to need permission to go out with me, or anyone else, for that matter.”

  “I don’t need permission. It’s just that I’m expecting her to drop by on her way home. With her parents in town, we haven’t seen each other.”

  “That’s a good thing. You’ve jumped into this thing with Avery no-holds-barred. A few days apart will give you time to locate your brain and stop daydreaming.”

  Grey flung a thick pink eraser at Trip’s head, which Trip caught. “I don’t daydream.”

  “Oh yeah, you do. You’ve been sporting a goofy, lovesick face since last Saturday. Hell, you barely paid attention to the Rockies’ game last night.” Trip shook his head, chuckling. “It’s sad, man. Just sad.”

  “What’s sad?” Avery arrived on cue, smiling.

  Although the back office lacked windows, the space brightened up like a cloudless summer afternoon. Her visit made Grey’s heart skip and prompted a huge smile, which seemed to further goad Trip.

  “See what I mean. Just plain sappy.” He turned toward Avery, grinning. “You’re a menace.”

  “Jealous I stole your title?” She joked, until her gaze landed on the ice bag covering Grey’s knee. Her expression shifted to concern. “What did you do?”

  Before Grey could answer, Trip volunteered, “Took a client bouldering and showed off his own skills instead of spotting her.”

  Grey knew Trip hadn’t meant to provoke Avery’s insecurities, but he watched Avery take a step backward at the inference he’d been flirting. “Oh, really? So you ignored all my advice and put that kind of strain on your knee already?”

  Why couldn’t anyone understand his urge to conquer the rock? “I just got a little excited out there today. Lesson learned. Can we move on, please?” He lifted the bag from his knee and tossed it to the floor. Glancing at Trip, he jerked his head toward the door in a silent plea for a little privacy. “How about you and I discuss that article

  Trip crossed his legs at the ankles, apparently enjoying making Grey squirm. “How ’bout you give me an answer about pool tonight?” When Grey tried and failed to look at Avery without getting busted, Trip slapped his thigh. “I knew it.”

  He stood up and, walking in a tight circle, tucked his hands under his armpits and flapped his arms like a chicken. “Bwok, bwok, bwok.”

  Then he laughed out loud as he exited the office.

  Avery stared after him—arms crossed, head tilted to the left—then shook her head and redirected her attention to Grey. “What was that about?”

  “Nothing.” He reached both hands toward her, and she quickly complied with his silent request. He pulled her onto his good leg and kissed her. “You miss me?”

  She squirmed a bit, but didn’t deny it. “I want to talk.”

  “You mean you’re not here to sexually assault me?” He nuzzled against her neck, but she pushed him away.

  “That’s next, so stop distracting me.”

  “I wasn’t even trying hard. Let me bring my A-game.” He pushed up her shirt, but she shoved it back down.

  She smacked his shoulder. “Seriously, I want to talk about how I might help you drum up more business.”

  Grey drew back a bit, wondering what she could possibly do to help. “I don’t want you worrying about my business.”

  “Come on. It’ll help prepare me for when I finally start my own clinic.” She smiled. “I’m happy to help you, Grey.”

  “Last I checked, you weren’t a certified climber or ski guide.” He stroked her back, unable to restrain the urge to keep touching her.

  “No, but I’m a decent writer, so I could help with your website redesign or marketing brochures or blogging. And you should give Kelsey and Emma a bunch of brochures. Kelsey’s always meeting rich people like Wade, so she can help promote your business. Emma’s inn is also an easy place to reach potential clients. And I know everyone in this town, so I can introduce you to whomever you haven’t yet met.”

  Her eyes shimmered with energy and intelligence and enthusiasm.

  “I like it when you get all fired up.” Grey wrapped his hand behind her neck and pulled her in for another kiss.

  She bit his lower lip and pressed away from his chest. “So you’ll let me help?”

  “I’ll think about it. Like I said, I can handle my own affairs.” He threaded his fingers through a hank of her hair, unwilling to accept being seen as a dyslexic illiterate. Like a man who couldn’t take care of himself. “You’ve got enough on your plate now with your own job and your family.”

  She whacked his hand, her brows pinched together so tight it drew a deep line in her forehead. “Don’t just treat me like some pet, Grey. If sex is all you want, then go hang out with Trip and I’m sure you’ll find plenty of willing partners.” She tried to wiggle off his lap, but he clamped his forearm around her waist.

  “Settle down, Bambi. You know what I feel isn’t just sexual,” he said, then grinned and nipped at her shoulder, “although that’s a nice side effect.”

  “Then prove it. Don’t hide a weakness from me, or play macho. I was a great student. I’m a strong reader and writer. You’ve got dyslexia. Let me help you in that area, just like I’ll let you help me with my weaknesses.”

  “You’ve got a weakness?” Grey tickled her. “Where? I don’t see any.”

  “Quit it. I’m serious.” But he caught her grinning before she scowled again. “Are we on the same page, or not?”

  He held up his hands in surrender for the second time that afternoon. “Okay. Yes, I hear you. Help away!”

  She slid a sideways glance at him. Grey’s fingers toyed with the buttons of her Alpine-PT pullover. “Seeing you in this getup makes me all kinds of nostalgic. Donner doesn’t look half this good at therapy.”

  “I have a hard time believing you find this outfit sexy.” She placed her hand on his chest.

  “Honest to God, you have no idea how hard it was to hide my woodies at your clinic.” His hand stroked her arm and rested under her hip. “Frankly, I don’t miss that part of working with you.”

  She reached between his legs. “I guess I can’t argue with this evidence. Who knew the track-suit look was so hot?”

  “I want you so bad right now.” Grey reached up and drew her in for another kiss. “I’m guessing you wouldn’t be comfortable going upstairs, with Trip in the next room.”

  “Not particularly, no.” Avery shivered when his tongue stroked her neck.

  “Your house is out?” He nipped at her earlobe, his own stomach now clenching with desire.

  “Yes.” Avery looked across the room. “Does that door lock?”

  Grey’s mouth nibbled on her neck as he pressed her tighter to his chest. “Uh-huh.”

  “Hang on.” She jumped up, locked the door, then returned and sank to her knees. Her quick maneuver dumbfounded him for a second. Long enough for her to free his erection. “Avery!” He couldn’t complete his thought as her pretty pink lips locked around him. “Oh, baby, that feels so good.”

  His eyes closed briefly, but he forced them open so he could watch her take him in and out of that sassy, pouty mouth of hers. His legs twitched and tightened, so he straightened them and sank a little lower in the chair. “Yeah, like that.”

  In a distant recess of his mind, he thought to stop her—to give pleasure rather than take it—but it wouldn’t happen just yet. Thinking he could give up this bliss so soon was about as fruitless as trying to kick his sugar addiction.

  She tongued him and used her hands along his shaft and elsewhere, making everything from his chest to his toes tighten in an agonizing form of ecstasy. He dug his hands into her hair, unable to resist applying a little pressure to her head as he watched her with lustful fascination.

  Avery felt herself being lifted off the floor at the same time a growl ripped from Grey’s throat. He sat her on the edge of the desk and ran his hands through her hair, down her back, and under her hips, yanking her up against his chest.

  “Woman, what you do to me.” He planted heated, wet kisses behind the ear and down to her collarbone. His touch and groans made her entire body tingle. He grabbed the hem of her shirt and shoved it up over her head. “Off.”

  He tucked her bra to the sides and under her breasts, which pushed them together and upward. His roughness heightened her anticipation—her desire. He kissed her, thumbing her nipples until she whimpered and arched into him. His mouth sucked on her breast, while his hands caressed her waist and kneaded her hips. Grey grunted and shivered, which sent delicious tremors fanning throughout her body.

  “You like that,” Grey muttered in her ear just before yanking her sweatpants down and pushing her onto her elbows as he dipped his head down between her legs. Oh yes, I like that. His hot tongue explored and probed her, as did his fingers. Her hips bucked off the desk, but she didn’t want to come without him. She sat up, trying to pull his hips to hers.

  “My knee,” he winced.

  She hopped off the desk, pushing him into the chair.

  “Condom,” he uttered.

  “On the pill now and clean. You?”

  “As a whistle.” His eyes flickered, like light hitting liquid silver, as he reached for her breasts.

  She straddled him, needy and ready. “God, you feel good,” she moaned as she sank down the full length of his throbbing, hot erection. He filled her completely.

  His hands didn’t seem to know where they wanted to be, stroking her arms, running through her hair, caressing her breasts, kneading her ass. Everywhere he touched her skin left a trail of goose bumps. Wherever he kissed her, the stubble on his jaw burned her skin in the best way. Every nerve in her body vibrated.

  His ragged breath heated her neck, urging her to rock faster and harder against him. “Avery, wait!”

pumped his hips up against her bottom, making her insides clench and tighten, seeking release. “Don’t stop,” she ordered, as she swiveled her hips against him. “Deeper.”

  “Come on, baby!” Grey cried out as his control slipped. His frantic grinding tipped her over the edge, causing her body to convulse and collapse against his chest. He clung to her, kissing her temple, his hand stroking her hair, his uneven breath gushing from his lungs. “Look at you, having sex on my desk in the middle of the afternoon. You’re naughty.” His fingers stroked under her chin and tipped her head up for a kiss. “I love it.”

  Avery grinned, refusing to think too much about the fact she’d never been nearly so unrepressed in the past. Grey brought out some kick-ass sexy side of her she never knew existed. As she lifted off his lap, he used the bottom of his shirt to wipe them both clean.

  Suddenly she felt shy, standing there practically naked in the middle of his office. Grabbing her clothes, she quickly dressed while he merely had to scoot his pants up.

  “Don’t do that.” Grey came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

  “I can’t stand here naked.”

  “Debatable.” He squeezed her and then his voice dropped a decibel or two. “But I’m talking about how you start running away every time we’re together.”

  Her body stiffened. “I do not.”

  “Yeah, you do. Every time. You retreat, like you’re uncomfortable looking at me.”

  She twisted around to face him. Her breath caught looking at his flushed face and gorgeous eyes. Eyes that focused on her, reflecting a dozen emotions she wanted to believe and yet feared.

  She couldn’t let her heart roam free so fast. Couldn’t forget the risks. Couldn’t get hurt again because loving then losing Grey could be devastating. “I do not, Grey.”

  “Fine.” He sighed and dropped his hands to her hips. “Wanna grab some dinner?”

  “I can’t. I’ve got to pick up Andy in fifteen minutes, and then get home for dinner.”


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