Accidentally Hers (Sterling Canyon #1)

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Accidentally Hers (Sterling Canyon #1) Page 26

by Jamie Beck

  “Thanks, ma’am.” Grey plunked the book down and opened it to the page the woman had marked for him. It took him a few minutes to orient himself with the creek and road they parked along last winter. Then he used the legend to try to map out the general outline of Wade’s proposed purchase, which did look like it would include the access point they’d been using. Unfortunately, Grey didn’t see any kind of easement or other right-of-way denoted on the survey.

  After ten minutes of chasing his tail, he closed the book, sat back, and scrubbed his hands through his hair. Another dead end. Wade’s development would cost them a third of the best runs they’d found. Just as he pulled out his phone to call his partner, it rang. Grey didn’t recognize the number.

  “Grey Lowell.”

  “Mr. Lowell, this is Brad Michaels, the prosecutor in the State’s case against Andy Randall.”

  Oh shit. “Good morning.” Grey straightened up in his chair. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’d like to talk to you before the hearing. I don’t need you to testify because we’ve got solid evidence without you, but I’d like to get a victim impact statement. It can be helpful with sentencing. Do you have some time this morning?”

  Grey glanced at his watch. A favorable statement would help put Avery’s family at ease. At least he could do one positive, productive thing today. “I can stop by now.”

  “Great. We’re located on the third floor of the courthouse. Just come to the DA’s offices and ask for me. See you soon.”

  Grey sighed before standing and returning the book to the clerk. “Thanks.”

  “No problem,” she said.

  He turned to go, dialing Avery to let her know about the latest development in his morning, when she and her entire family walked into the clerk’s office.

  “Hey, I was just calling you.” He put his phone away and nodded at Andy. “Andy.”

  Then he waited to be introduced to her parents. Only then did he notice Avery’s pasty complexion and panicked expression.

  “Grey, what are you doing here?” she asked.

  “Looking for a solution to our problem.” He tilted his head, peering at her. “What are you all doing here?”

  She tugged at her ponytail and cleared her throat. “Mom, Dad, this is Grey Lowell.”

  Grey reached out his hand toward Mr. Randall, who shook it without making direct eye contact. “Sir,” he said, then smiled at Avery’s mother, who remained standing behind her husband. “Ma’am, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Hello.” Mr. Randall gave Avery a quick look before saying, “We’re here to file papers to formalize some old business.”

  “Well, then, don’t let me hold you up.” Grey smiled, but it didn’t ease their obvious tension. “Avery, can I talk to you for a second privately?”

  “We need her to sign some papers first, then she can step into the hall with you.” Her father’s unreadable expression raised the hairs on Grey’s neck.

  “Okay, I’ll sit tight outside while you take care of your business.”

  She nodded at him and, two minutes later, came into the hallway.

  “Well, that was awkward, but at least it’s out of the way.” Grey leaned in for a kiss hello, his lips brushing her cheek when she glanced at her feet.

  Avery forced a lame-ass grin. “Yep.”

  Grey tipped her chin up to look in her eyes. “What’s the matter, Bambi? You’re acting way too distant for my taste right now.”

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve called you last night.” She squeezed his arm, but her hunched posture made him uneasy. “I wanted to speak with you in person.”

  “I’m listening now.” Everything about her demeanor made his chest tighten. “Is your family pissed at me for something new?”

  She splayed her palm on her forehead and squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened her eyes to speak, her voice raised in pitch and tone, her eyes were pleading. “Just so you know, I’m very upset about this entire situation. I can’t figure out what’s right and wrong. I can’t find solutions that benefit everyone. And now . . . now I’ve done something that makes it harder for you to recover money from Andy.”

  Grey’s spine stiffened as he withdrew his chin and scowled. “You what?”

  “Andy and I executed loan documents formalizing the arrangement my dad and mom made with us when we bought the house. My dad’s recording the mortgage now, which will give him priority over any other creditors who come next, including you, assuming you get a judgment lien in a lawsuit against Andy.”

  Grey couldn’t understand all her legal mumbo jumbo, but he could read guilt and dread all over her face. “Slow down. What are you trying to tell me?”

  “Basically, whatever remains of Andy’s equity in the house probably won’t be much more than the insurance settlement you were offered.”

  Despite her palpable anguish, his muscles went rigid from his forehead to his feet, and two words escaped his throat in a whisper. “Fuck me.”


  He stared at her with defiance. “Don’t ask me to apologize for swearing right now, Bambi. I’ve had my fill of bad news for a lifetime this week.”

  “It hasn’t been a cakewalk for me either, you know.”

  “And yet you and your family have managed to come out on top, haven’t you?”

  “I’m sorry, Grey.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I didn’t have a choice. I owe my parents the money. I had to sign the documents.”

  “All this time I’ve been running down rabbit holes looking for options that wouldn’t hurt you, then you go and take away the only option that saves me from disaster.” He rubbed his temples. “Why didn’t you tell me first? Too busy conspiring? I was sick about hurting you yesterday. Barely slept last night. You could’ve spared me all kinds of upset if you’d have simply told me your precious house would be protected.”

  “I didn’t know about it until I got home. Apparently Matt gave Andy the idea.”

  “Well now I know why he was so cocky yesterday.” Grey spat out, planting his hands on his hips. “I can’t believe you didn’t call me, Avery. I would never have done something like this without warning you.”

  “I’m sorry.” She began retreating into herself, putting on a stiff upper lip and relying on that backbone he’d previously admired. “My dad demanded my loyalty.”

  “Did I get any consideration? For God’s sake, I’ve turned myself inside out these past months to keep this nightmare from touching you. I’ve changed therapists; I lived broke until last week. I refrained from going full force after your brother because of you. This is how you repay me? This is how little my feelings matter to you?”

  “Grey.” She reached for his arm, but he shrugged away from her. Her family spilled into the hallway in time to see and hear his anger.

  “What’s going on here?” Mr. Randall’s brusque voice cut through the air.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all, it seems.” Grey’s voice was thick with disdain, disappointment, and anger.

  “According to my daughter, you weren’t planning to sue Andy and take the house, so nothing done here today should make a difference, unless you were lying to her.” His gall only fueled Grey’s disgust.

  A joyless laugh escaped Grey’s throat as he looked at Avery. “I just love how this keeps getting turned around on me when I’m the victim.” He turned toward her dad, practically bellowing, “I’m the damned victim!”

  He watched Avery’s mom’s eyes widen, but he wouldn’t apologize. His head hurt, seething with betrayal and disillusionment. He raked his gaze over her family, letting it rest on Andy. “Speaking of which, I’m late for an appointment with the prosecutor.”

  A little zing of vengeful thrill rippled through him as he watched Mr. Randall’s superior expression fade and his face go pale.

  “You promised you weren’t going to do tha
t, Grey.” Avery’s dismayed voice drifted through the hallway.

  He whirled around to face her. “I was calling you to tell you I’d just been asked to give a victim impact statement, but you weren’t answering my calls. Seeing how you didn’t feel the need to give me a heads up on this little plan,” he said, “you’re in no position to judge.” He still couldn’t believe she’d undercut him that way—working against him instead of with him—knowing he had no fallback position. Closing his eyes briefly, he tried to figure out how to scrape his heart off the floor. “At least you won’t have to worry about avoiding my calls in the future.”

  When he turned to walk away, she cried out. “Grey!”

  He stopped, hoping she’d apologize or ask him to forgive her for how she’d basically spit on everything he’d been trying to build between them.

  She came around to face him. Her splotchy cheeks and perspiration started to soften his attitude, until she spoke. “What are you going to tell the prosecutor?”

  His breath caught as an avalanche of bruised pride, heartache, and humiliation crashed over him and carried him away. She didn’t care about him or their relationship. She only cared about her family and her house. Well, he hoped she’d be happy without him, because he’d had enough of being her fool.

  “Good-bye, Avery.”

  “Good-bye?” Her face crumpled as she clutched his forearm. “Wait! Don’t go. I’m sorry!”

  He shook free and strode away. A pained sob erupted behind him, but then her father’s sharp voice silenced her with a single command. “Avery!”

  Grey barreled down the hall and out the front door of the town hall without glancing back.

  Avery hugged her body, only vaguely aware of her parents and Andy standing behind her. She watched Grey storm down the hallway and out of her life. The memory of his repulsed expression replayed in her mind, making her dizzy. She closed her eyes and squeezed her waist tighter, bending over slightly to avoid fainting.

  When a hand touched her shoulder, she sprung away and turned to face her family. Her mother’s stunned expression stopped her from yelling. Avery looked at her dad and Andy, and shook her head. “Are you happy now? Do you feel good?”

  Andy looked as white as the plaster walls. If Avery weren’t so devastated by Grey’s obvious hatred, she might feel sorry for her brother. “This is your fault, Dad! If you would’ve let me talk to Grey last night, he wouldn’t be making a beeline to the prosecutor’s office to throw Andy under the bus. He wouldn’t hate me, either. You’ve just ruined Andy’s last hope regarding a light sentence, and you’ve blown up my relationship. I should’ve listened to my heart.”

  “If Grey Lowell were the man you thought he was, then he would’ve understood what we did here. He wouldn’t be blaming you or expecting you to side with him over your family.”

  Avery straightened up. “He’s not furious because I signed those papers. He’s upset that I didn’t warn him. That I didn’t discuss it with him first. That we didn’t all sit down together to look for a fair solution, like he’d asked. Instead of working with him, we’ve stolen all the cards without so much as a hint.” Avery strained to control her breath, remembering how Grey had described his perfect relationship with Juliette: one of absolute honesty and trust, of having each other’s backs. No secrets.

  In one fell swoop, Avery had just proven to herself and Grey that she wasn’t worthy of the love he’d shared with Juliette.

  She grabbed her waist and bent over, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth.

  “I’m sorry, Avery.” Andy’s quiet voice echoed in the hallway. “I should’ve talked to you before going to Dad. I’ve just been feeling so guilty about putting the house and everything at risk, I charged ahead without thinking about how it would affect you and Grey. I didn’t realize he meant so much to you. You never said anything.”

  Avery didn’t look up. She couldn’t argue that point. For weeks she’d been minimizing her relationship with Grey. Segregating her life to make it easier. To avoid getting hurt.

  Ha! How stupid she’d been. Given that Grey’s brush-off just tossed her heart in a meat grinder, she hadn’t avoided being hurt at all.

  Once her breathing settled, she stood and looked at Andy. “Now we’re all going to pay a high price for our pride and stupidity, aren’t we?” She glanced over Andy’s shoulder at her dad. “Even you, because it will be a long time before I have a kind word to say to you, Dad.” She only winced at her mother’s pained expression, but even that didn’t stop her from turning on her heel and walking away from them.

  Throughout the rest of the day, she tried calling Grey, but he wouldn’t answer. Her attentiveness to her patients hit an all-time low. She’d been so preoccupied with her thoughts, she’d zoned out at least six times. One patient thought Avery might be having a stroke.

  Her lunch sat, uneaten, on the corner of her desk.

  Her red-rimmed eyes hurt.

  Avery had never experienced a sense of loss and pain this profound. Every time she realized Grey had cut her out of his life, her chest tightened. Only days ago, he’d professed his love. He’d given her a glimpse at a life so full of love she could barely believe it. Her lifelong doubts—her fear—had kept her from loving him as he deserved to be loved.

  She could blame her brother, her dad, and even Matt . . . but she couldn’t hide from the ugly truth. The person most responsible for the fact that Grey was finished with her was looking back at her in the mirror.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Grey strode out of the courthouse feeling marginally better than he had an hour earlier. Bonus—in the midst of giving his statement, he’d gotten an idea about Wade’s project. Now he needed Trip and Kelsey’s help.

  He dialed Kelsey first. “Kelsey, it’s Grey. I need Wade Kessler’s number.”

  “Why?” Kelsey’s tone sounded cautious. Protective, even.

  “I have a proposition for him.” Grey stopped on the sidewalk, placing one hand on his hip.

  “What kind of proposition?”

  “A business one.” He tamped down his impatience, forcing himself to stop tapping his foot against the pavement. “Can you give me his number, please?”

  “Sure. He’s actually in town this week. Staying at the Sterling Canyon Resort.”

  Grey’s brows rose. “You don’t send him to Emma’s place?”

  “Wade likes modern resort amenities.”

  Figures. Grey nearly dismissed the thought, but then realized Kelsey probably knew a lot about Wade. Details that could help him negotiate. “Seems like you’re getting to know him pretty well.”

  “We’ve spent a lot of time together looking at properties. He’s very interesting.”

  “Guess he’s easy to work with, too?”

  “Better than most of my other clients. No bullshit, no games. Decisive.”

  “Good to hear. Hope he’s treating you right.”

  “He’s very professional and courteous. But so far there’s nothing more going on . . . at least, not yet.” When Grey heard Kelsey’s feminine giggle, he knew Boomerang had locked in on a new target.

  He couldn’t help but grin, knowing Wade had no idea what he was in for in the upcoming weeks or months. But unlike Grey, maybe Wade would be interested in Kelsey. “Good luck with that, but watch your heart.”

  “Easy for you to say now that you’re happily involved.”

  All the words got stuck in Grey’s throat for a minute. Until an hour ago, he’d thought he’d been given a second chance at love with an incredible woman. But he’d been too blind to see it had been one-sided. Avery’s betrayal made her dead to him—a heartache different from, but equally painful to, losing Juliette.

  Somehow he managed to say good-bye to Kelsey. He looked around at the storefronts, wishing for something to hit or kick. Nothing. Certainly not here in the middle of this goss
ip-riddled town.

  Shaking his head, he refocused on the task at hand and called Trip. He might’ve lost out on love a second time, but he wasn’t going to lose his future, too. “Buddy, I’m coming back to the office. Don’t go anywhere. I have a plan we need to discuss.”

  Wade Kessler greeted them in the lobby of the resort. The man was probably forty-two, but still fit. Clean cut. He flashed a friendly smile at Grey. “Good to see you again, Grey,” he said as he reached out to shake hands.

  “I’m Trip.” Trip also shook Wade’s hand. “I work for Grey.”

  “Shall we sit?” Wade gestured toward an intimate seating area in the corner of the lobby.

  “Thanks for agreeing to see me on such short notice. I wanted to talk to you about your development’s impact on my operations,” Grey began. After explaining the basic conflict, he said, “Based on the circumstances, I’d like to float a proposal by you.”

  “I’m listening.” Wade sat forward, attentively.

  “I’d like you to grant us an easement over the sliver of property we use to park our vans and take clients up the backside of the mountain.” Grey leaned forward, anxious and uncomfortable. “In exchange, I’ll give you free ski and rock-climbing tours twice per season for as long as we own the business.”

  Wade’s surprised expression turned thoughtful. “Where, exactly, do you cross the property?”

  Trip jumped in. “The short dirt road that turns off Big Fir after the small bridge, right where the guardrail breaks.”

  Wade scratched his cheek just below his eye. “How often do you use it, and how many people are with you?”

  “During ski season, one of us is there at least five days per week. The total number of people could be anywhere from six to fifteen, give or take.” Grey’s stomach sank a bit as he watched Wade’s brows rise. “We park the vans and leave them there for the better part of the day while we hike up those ridges.”


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