
Home > Paranormal > Bubbles > Page 11
Bubbles Page 11

by Candace Blevins

  “Lexi knows,” I told Matty. “You haven’t met her, but I think you’ll like her. I feel like the two of you can talk about hair color and eyeliner or something. Anyway, she knows about Davy, and about who he was to me inside.” I looked at Davy. “Matty’s right, though. Too many people knowing could complicate my ability to protect my brothers.”

  He nodded. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better. I admit I was hoping for more, but I understand.” He looked to Matty. “Thanks so much for the invitation, and for being nice, and for the Chromebook. I’ll be working for Razor, but that’s it. Promise.”

  “I’ll leave the two of you to talk,” I told them. “I need to get back to the shop.”



  * * *

  I’m the person who does all the shit at work no one else wants to do, but that’s fine with me. I get water for clients, ring people up, help them select jewelry, send appointment reminders, make sure we have coffee, watch our inventory and put together orders for new supplies so we don’t run out of anything, empty the trash, answer the phone, and if we aren’t too busy then sometimes I even hold someone’s hand for the start of a tattoo if they’re extra nervous.

  I’m listed as support staff, and I’m happy with the title.

  I wasn’t happy about Bubbles coming in and introducing himself at first, but it seemed to work out okay. I’ve noticed only a few of the bikers have tattoos, and I haven’t asked about it, but usually you expect bikers and tattoo artists to run in the same crowd and understand the same language. Also, he hadn’t had his hands all over me, claiming me. He’d respected my work relationships enough not to fuck with them.

  Bubbles pulled up five minutes before I was due to leave, but he stayed outside this time. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop — for him to forget to pick me up, or to start acting like a caveman, but so far, he seemed like the perfect boyfriend. Well, except for the part where he’s a felon, and in a one percenter bike club, but all of that was just part of who he is. Even the part that spanked me for not getting out of bed that morning.

  When we got to his house, he made me sit at the kitchen table with my books to study, and he went to his bedroom to play video games. I finished and joined him at nearly eleven.

  “You moved all my stuff in here from the guest room?”

  “You got a problem with that?”

  I shook my head. “No. I’ll just get changed and then meet you in bed.”

  “Changed? How about undressed. No sex tonight because you need rest and you’re probably sore, but you don’t wear clothes to bed.”

  “And if I do?”

  He grinned. “Try it.”

  I glared at him and took a long shirt into the bathroom with me. I peed, brushed my teeth, and came out with the shirt on, but pulled it off at the side of the bed and got in.

  He chuckled and pulled me to him. “Good girl. How was work?”

  “Just the usual. How about you?”

  “It’s coming along. I stopped to check on Davy after I dropped you off, to make sure he’s getting settled in. I don’t expect I’ll see him again until next week, when I’ll need him to upholster the car I’m working on. We have three major restore projects right now, so he’ll have three jobs in the next five or six weeks. I know he’s good. If he proves responsible, we’ll probably begin taking in more of that kind of work. Right now, we only agree to it as part of a major job, since we’ve been outsourcing it. It’ll be good to have someone to do it in-house.”

  “Will your brothers freak if they know… umm… the kind of relationship you had with him inside?”

  “Bash and Razor know, and I’ll tell Duke and Brain so they aren’t blindsided. I’d prefer to keep it to that, but if more find out, it won’t be the end of the world.” He caressed my naked back and goose bumps formed on my arms. “You’re being awful understanding.”

  The last sentence was almost an unspoken question, but I wasn’t sure of an answer.

  “I’m not really sure what to do with the information, to be honest. It’s so… I don’t know. I mean, I get that the rules are different in jail, but it seems like the two of you were a thing, more than you just fucking him to get off.”

  “We shared a cell, and I protected him. I spanked him a few times when he didn’t follow orders — way harder and a lot more licks than you got. I tore his ass up and he didn’t sit too much for about a week. I fucked him whenever I wanted — ass and throat — and I wasn’t gentle, but I also got to know him. It wasn’t a relationship like ours, but he helped keep me sane. I’m not hurtin’ for cash, so buying him a bike and paying his first month’s rent isn’t a big deal to me, but it’s everything to him.”

  “I know how important honesty is to you, so I’m trusting you. Please don’t break my trust.”

  It came out almost pathetic and I wanted to kick myself, but I wouldn’t take it back.

  Instead of chastising me, he held me tighter and kissed the top of my head. “You’re mine. This is me. The good and the bad.” He kissed my head again. “Same schedule the next three days as today, right?”

  “Yeah, but I’m good with packing our lunch so you don’t have to buy. Eating out every day gets expensive.”

  “Tomorrow’s special is chicken and dumplings at the restaurant. That work for you?”


  The rest of the week was busy, but I loved the little breaks where I got to see Bubbles — and I’d never get tired of waking up in his arms.

  I always empty the trash when I first get to work, and then again just before I leave. I walk around all the small bins and dump them into a bag, and then take the bag out back to toss into the dumpster. The medical waste is handled by a company who comes in twice a week to deal with it, but we run a clean, professional shop, and that means the garbage bins are never even half full.

  And it’s routine, which is why I didn’t notice the car parked in the alley, even though it was right fucking there.

  They grabbed me while I was tossing the garbage, when I was focused on where and how high to throw it, based on how heavy it was. It sometimes took a couple of attempts when I first started, but I can get it up and in on the first try nearly every time now, and it’s turned into kind of a game. One dumpster serves the whole little strip mall, so it’s tall, and open on top.

  And while I was playing my little game, focused on getting it in on the first toss, someone grabbed me from behind.

  I was sure I didn’t manage enough of a scream for anyone to hear before a hand clamped over my mouth. I elbowed and kicked the guy who grabbed me, but I couldn’t get enough leverage to do serious damage — just enough to piss him off. He literally tossed me into the back seat, and I managed another scream, but more importantly, I got my pepper spray out of my pocket. I wasn’t carrying the gun, but I at least had the spray, and I filled the car with it. The driver stuck his head out of the window and tried to speed out of the alley, but the next thing I knew, the windshield broke and an arm came into the hole to steer the car into the stone wall behind the alley.

  The guy in the backseat on the passenger side jumped out and ran away, and Viper appeared in the open doorway to pull me out.

  “You okay?” Viper gagged and coughed, and I said, “Pepper spray. How’d you do that? Are you okay?” His arm should’ve been cut to pieces, but I didn’t see blood.

  He ignored me, leaned into the car, punched the other guy in the backseat, and stood back up to watch the driver crawl across the car to get out of the passenger side, still gagging and coughing, and obviously dazed, as if he’d hit his head.

  My eyes, throat, and lungs burned, but I couldn’t give into the pain. I had to stay alert.

  The driver looked into the backseat, and I followed his gaze. The asshole was out cold. Had Viper knocked him out with a single punch?

  “Fuck, man,” said the driver. “We got to get Reaper outta there. He can’t be out cold in that shit.”

  Viper watched him pull his bud
dy out, turned to me, put his mouth to my ear, and said, “Someone will call the cops. You don’t know them. You don’t know why they’d want you. They mentioned fucking you and having fun with you. You don’t know anything else. You take the trash out about the same time every night. That’s all you know. Period. You’ve never seen them before. Got it?”

  I nodded, and he stepped forward to punch the driver once he had his still-unconscious pal pulled from the car. One solid hit to the side of his face and the asshole’s lights went out before he crumpled to the ground.

  “Damn.” I didn’t know what else to say. Viper’s tall, but a lot more compact than most of the other bikers — but he could still apparently pack a punch.

  We were upwind of the pepper spray, but I still stepped away from the car, just in case the wind shifted. Tears were streaming down my face, and my sinuses and lungs fucking burned. “I need to go inside and wash my face and eyes.”

  “Wash your face with soap but not your eyes. We have some eyewash. The cops are here. I’ll handle them. Go — I’ll get someone to bring you the eyewash.


  * * *

  The text from Viper was cryptic and made me want to hit something.

  Lexi’s fine. Cops are here. DO NOT COME. I’ll bring her to you when they finish with us. You’ll just complicate shit. I’m uninstalling the app so they won’t see it. You won’t be able to get me through it.

  I drove to the clubhouse and went to the control room. Paco was running it, and I ordered, “Police scanner, now. Tattoo shop.”

  He clicked a keyboard and shook his head. “Abduction attempt?”

  I sat heavy in a chair and the damned thing bent. I stood and wadded the piece of shit into a mangled, twisted ball of metal and fabric. We don’t buy plastic chairs, only heavy duty metal shit.

  “Attempt, Bubbles. Looks like they’re questioning people. No one was abducted.”

  I carefully sat in another chair. “Yeah. Viper’s with her and told me not to come. Fuck, I’m going to kill someone.”

  He spoke carefully. “That’s always an option, but we’ll have to decide that as a club.”

  I glared at him and he sat back, not at all scared of me. “I’ll help you do it if that’s the vote.”

  “Where’s Duke and Brain?”

  He looked at another monitor. “Duke’s home, Brain was across the street but I already have him headed this way.”

  Our VP showed up within minutes. He eyed the mangled chair but didn’t mention it. I’d have to pay for it and we both knew it, no need in telling me what I knew.

  I explained the situation, and he said, “Let’s wait to hear from Viper, and then I’ll call Marlin if it was his people.”

  I nodded. I’d wanted to call the bastard, but knew it had to wait. Still, having Brain involved made me feel better. He motioned for Paco to scoot over, changed to his login, and typed faster than I could keep up. Less than a minute later, we were watching traffic cams of the closest intersection, and three minutes later, he’d tapped into the security cams of both the tattoo shop and the pawn shop next door.

  And not long after, we were watching a replay of the bastards trying to grab her.

  My blood ran cold, and I bent the arms of the chair I was sitting in without realizing it.

  “She’s a scrapper,” said Brain. “She fought hard, but she’s a tiny thing. Also, based on everyone’s reactions, I’m betting she managed to pepper spray the inside of the car.”

  “Two of those men were present when I cut Fury’s dick off. This was retaliation, and Marlin promised there wouldn’t be any.”

  Brain sighed, pulled his phone from his pocket, and made the phone call.

  “You’re going to want to see what I’m looking at.”

  “I know what they did. Just found out.”

  “Are you even still in charge? Is there someone else in your organization we should speak to? Someone your people might actually fucking listen to?” Brain was pissed, too.

  Ten seconds of silence, and then, “You’re pissed. I get it. Give me two hours.”

  “One hour. Same place we handed Angelica off.”

  “Got it, but two hours. I need a little time, man.”

  “Hour and a half. Don’t make us wait.”

  He hung up, and I asked, “What happened with Angelica?”

  “Marlin rescued her. Happened just before his planned coup and sped everything up. She killed off the brunt of his competition. Made it easier for him to take over. Might not hurt to remind him we helped him into power and we can help him out of it. We’ll be meeting at an old quarry in Fort O.”

  He opened the encrypted app, and a few moments later Bash answered.

  “Meet at Duke’s house as soon as you can get there. Bubbles and I are leaving in a few.”

  “Roger that.”

  Brain hung up, made another call, and Duke answered. “Some of Marlin’s guys grabbed Lexi. She’s okay. Viper’s with her and the cops. Long story, but a bunch of us are headed to your house, and we’re meeting Marlin at the old quarry in an hour and twenty-five minutes. I’ll have Paco send you video.”

  “Fuck. Okay. Direct everyone to the garage.”

  Brain looked at Paco. “Send Bash a text. Also, see if you can find Dozer and head him to Duke’s in an unmarked panel van. Have Viper take Lexi to Horse’s house when the cops finish with them. Contact Horse and give him a heads up.”

  I followed Brain out. He got on his bike, and I let him know mine was still at the bike shop.

  “I’ll meet you there so we can ride down together. You don’t ride alone till we get this sorted.”

  I nodded. Basic protocol, but it rankled.

  Duke, Gonzo, and Ghost had seen the video and were beyond pissed when we arrived.

  Brain started talking without even saying hello. “Marlin can’t control his people. Dozer’s been working with Snake more than Marlin lately — his negotiations have more bite. Do we want to keep Marlin in control?”

  “I’m not ready to take him out yet,” said Duke, “but we should start paying attention to the power structure better, so we have an idea of who to help to the top.” He looked at me. “It needs to happen, but it can’t happen today.”

  “The three men who grabbed her are dead men walking.” My voice was low and growly, even for me.

  “The one the cops didn’t get, yeah,” said Brain. “The other two are going to have to wait. You got away with only seven years because they couldn’t pin murder on you — all three of these guys go missing and they’ll find a way to nail you.”

  I nodded. “Then we’ll have to play it smart, but they have to die.”

  When it was finally time for us to leave, we had Duke, Brain, Bash, Gonzo, Ghost, and me in the back of the truck, with Dozer driving. We all had to leave our phones at Duke’s house, but Paco knew what to tell Lexi when the cops finished with her. Viper was trying to get them through the initial questions without bringing up the club, which meant I couldn’t send an attorney to cut the questioning short.

  We let Ghost out before we reached the quarry — he’d circle around and watch from the woods, just to be sure the Playas weren’t up to something. He’d have our backs.

  Dozer’s voice came over the speakers in the back. “Marlin and Snake are here. No one else.”

  “Either they’re up to something and the others are hidden,” said Brain, “or he’s going to make a deal he doesn’t want the rest of his homeboys to know about.”

  “Agreed,” said Duke. He pressed his earpiece. “Ghost, you see anything suspicious?”

  “Negative. They aren’t talking. Two human heartbeats, lots of birds, a few squirrels.”

  Bash opened the door, and Gonzo was the first to jump out. The rest of us followed, and we walked halfway to the car. We were all carrying, and none of us were hiding it.

  Marlin stepped to us, his hands out to the side, a sheet of paper in his right hand. “This is everything I know about the man who ran a
way. He’s in the wind. If I could’ve found him, I’d have brought him to you.”

  I stepped forward and took the paper. “And if you find him before us?”

  “He’ll get a serious beat down, and orders to leave town or get dead.”

  “Not good enough.” The bastard had to die.

  Brain put his hand on my forearm a second before stepping just a little in front of me.

  “Bubbles understandably wants blood. Why the beatdown and not a bullet?”

  Marlin looked from me to Brain, glanced at Snake, and looked back to Brain. “My people need to see me get bloody. They need to see my fists hitting a face. They need to understand why it’s a bad idea to go against a direct order.” He sighed. “I suppose I could follow the beatdown with a bullet, if it’s what it’ll take to make things right with the MC.”

  Duke spoke from behind us. “I’m no longer convinced you have what it takes to lead. You promised us she was safe, but they broke into her mom’s apartment. We heard you tell them it was over, and yet they tried to grab her. Your people think you’re a joke. Tell us why we should respect you?”

  “Reaper wants to take over. He’s spreadin’ discord. I’m handlin’ it.”

  “My wife took out your competition last time,” said Bash. “You need another woman to step in and help you?”

  Marlin’s temper flared, but he looked away a few seconds before meeting Bash’s gaze. “I said I’m handlin’ it.”

  Bash handed a phone to Marlin, and I watched his face while the video played. I smelled dismay and anger, and was convinced he hadn’t known about it ahead of time.

  “Your girl has spunk,” he told me. “She okay?”

  “I have no idea. She’s still with the cops, and I’ve been advised my presence will only complicate matters.”

  “You need to make sure they don’t have protection inside,” Brain told Marlin. “Make it clear they aren’t backed by the Playas and are fair game.”


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