
Home > Paranormal > Bubbles > Page 15
Bubbles Page 15

by Candace Blevins

  “Can’t wait until I’m sinking into your ass, Half-pint. Fuck, you’re gonna be so tight, and you’re gonna make the best noises.” He powered in again, and I swore it felt like he swelled even fatter inside me. We both groaned at the same time, and he yanked out and drove in again.

  “I’ll be able to sink so much deeper in your asshole. Can take you harder without worryin’ about hurtin’ you. Fuck, Lex. You feel so damned good.”

  I’d known, earlier, that if I’d called him Adam, he’d have stopped. I hadn’t wanted his finger in my bottom, but I hadn’t wanted to call him by his actual name to make him stop. Now, I wished I could use his name to feel closer to him, to show him he’s more to me than his nickname, but I was worried he’d think it meant I wanted him to stop — and while I wasn’t a fan of the plug, I didn’t want him to stop for anything.

  “Please help me come. I’m so close! Please don’t get me right to the edge again and stop. Please!”

  Another of those oh-so-deep sexy chuckles, and he said, “Was about to do just that, but since you asked so nice…”

  I have no idea what he did, but he was suddenly at a different angle, with shorter strokes and a faster tempo, and in less than a minute I was tipping over from frustration to an explosive release, and I didn’t care who heard my screams.

  Part way through my orgasm, he pulled the plug out maybe an inch — enough to spread my bottom wide, and the orgasm multiplied into something unfathomable. Infinite pleasure multiplied by infinity. The earth ceased to exist. Every cell of my body experienced orgasm, release, ecstasy. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything except feel. I became the climax, and only came back to earth when he started fucking my ass with the plug — in and out, in and out, in and out.

  But I wasn’t back for long, because he somehow yanked me back into my body only to send me rocketing far past another climax seconds later. I heard my screams as if from a distance, because I’m not certain my brain was in my body anymore. I was made of pure pleasure, and nothing else.


  * * *

  I think my cock was harder than it’s ever been, but I couldn’t sink very far into my sweet, sweet girl. I’d hurt her for real if I did, and that was unacceptable. She was crazy with lust because she trusted me, and nothing would make me break that trust.

  I worked her cunt with my cock, and her tight little asshole with the baby butt plug until she passed out from the pleasure. I cleaned her up and was holding her when she came to, and I soothed her and assured her I was fine.

  “I think it’s safe to say you’re going to enjoy anal once we get you used to it.”

  Her adorable little face flamed red, and I kissed her nose. “Are you up for a crash course in anal, or do you want to take it slow?”

  She shook her head. “You can’t use anal and crash course in the same sentence!”

  I couldn’t help my grin. “Fast track?”

  A cute little glare. “Now you’re just fucking with me.” Her face sobered. “You didn’t get off. I know you say you’re okay, but it isn’t right.”

  “The way I’m built, I need to slam into someone hard, over and over, to get off. Not many women can take that in their ass, and only really tall women can handle it in their cunt. We’ll work you up so you can take me, but it’s never gonna happen in your adorable little pussy.”

  “Etta can, ummm, take you?”

  No way in hell was I answering that question. “I’m not talkin’ to you about your sister. I’ll give her the okay to talk about me, but you’ll have to hear it from her.”

  She shook her head. “She’s three inches taller than me. If she can take you, are the three inches going to mean I can’t?”

  I sighed. “I adore you, Half-pint. We’ll make it work.”

  She curled into me and I smelled grief. “Okay. Fast track me then, so we’ll know for sure.”

  Fuck me. She was asking me to hurt her bottom so she could take me faster. I caressed her back, rubbed her shoulders, and made both of us a promise. “No faster than you can handle.”

  I petted her until she went to sleep, and went into the bathroom to beat off once I was sure she wouldn’t wake.

  Party days are always crazy, and it probably wasn’t the ideal time to introduce her at the clubhouse, but I wanted her to be part of all my life. Besides, she needed an alibi too, and she needed to be with me the whole weekend so she’d know I didn’t lobotomize the assholes.

  Once Gavin took care of the Playas, I needed to talk to him about helping me tell Lexi my secret. She needed to meet my wolf.

  Despite the fact I knew she was sore the next morning, I sank into her from behind to wake her, with her spooned back into me. She whined in protest at first, but it was followed by a deep moan, and the vibrations went straight to my balls.

  “Fuck, you feel good.” I bit her neck, nibbled her ear.

  She gave a full body shudder, but then froze. “Condom?”

  “Yes, sweetheart. I told you I’d wear them, and I will until we agree otherwise. You can trust me. When I tell you something, I do it.”

  She relaxed and pushed her bottom back towards me again. I rewarded her by aiming for the front wall inside her pussy. Her scent let me know I’d hit the right spot.

  This position can sometimes work, and I put my fist around the base of my cock to see, because I thought we might be at the right angle. I pressed in until my fist touched her butt, and my cock pulsed.

  “Stay like you are. Gonna get rough. Need you to take it. Can you do that for me?”

  She nodded, and I pulled back and slammed in, but then paused to make sure she was okay. I scented apprehension, but no pain. I slammed in a dozen times, stopped to scent her again, and my little Half-pint wanted more.

  I adjusted my other arm so I could hold her in place, and my hips went on autopilot — pulling out and slamming in over and over, harder and harder, faster and faster. I squeezed my cock tight to make sure I didn’t accidentally go too deep, and when I was at long last ready to empty into her, I released my hold enough to finally come inside my girl.

  I hate condoms with a passion, but I’d practically forgotten I was wearing one until I felt it filling. I kept thrusting while I came, and my cock pulsed and jerked inside her. Every muscle in my body tightened, jerked, spasmed, and then went liquid. My cock went semi-soft and I pressed all the way in, knowing I wasn’t hard enough to cause serious pain and I needed to feel myself completely inside her.

  I turned her upper body enough to face me, kissed her mouth open, and invaded with my tongue. I needed to fill her everywhere, but this would have to do.

  When we’d both finished our final, soul-shattering release, I held her, still buried in her. “I’m fallin’ in love with you, Half-pint.”

  She relaxed even more in my arms, and I smelled relief and joy. “Pretty sure I’ve already fallen hard for you. Scares the shit out of me, but I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

  We lay in silence forever, but I eventually said, “We’ll be at the clubhouse all day. You need to know some rules.”

  “My clothes are at your house.”

  Fuck. I’d forgotten about that. “Okay, we’ll make a run so you can get changed. Eventually, you’ll need to have clothes here and at my house, but we have time to get everything sorted.”


  “You don’t talk about what happens here to anyone except the people here. For now, unless someone was present, you don’t talk to them about what happened. Eventually, you’ll learn which ol’ladies you can speak freely with and which you can’t. Gen and Harmony leave if we need to spank a sweetbutt, but somethin’ tells me you’re gonna want to stick around and watch.”


  “The girls who hang around to be used. No one’s girlfriend, everyone’s fucktoy.”

  She stiffened, and I assured her, “I haven’t been with one since I promised you it’d only be you.”

  I smelled confl
ict. She wanted to believe me but wasn’t totally buying it. I met her gaze so she could see the truth in my words. “I’ve never cheated on anyone. Ever. You know how I feel about honesty. If I want one of them bad enough to even consider cheating, it’ll mean we might need to discuss whether to break up, but it won’t mean I should cheat.”

  At this, she finally relaxed. “Okay. You haven’t given me any reason not to trust you, so I will.” She turned in my arms. “If you cheat on me, that’s it. We’ll be over.”

  “Works both ways, Lex.”

  “Okay, what happens in the clubhouse, stays in the clubhouse. What else?”

  “If a biker asks for the room, and says anyone not wearing a cut has to leave, you need to go with the other ol’ladies and not say a word. If Duke, Brain, or Bash tells you to do something, it’s probably a safety thing and you need to do it. Same goes for Viper and Gonzo, and anyone else you get to know.” Her expression told me I was screwing this up, and I tried again. “We’re a family. Duke’s the Pres, Brain’s the VP, Bash is the Sergeant-at-Arms, and Gonzo and me are the Enforcers. On top of that, whoever’s working the control room can often see shit we can’t, so we have to listen to them, too. Or, they may have told Duke the cops are comin’ in the front gate fast and heavy, so sending all the ol’ladies below ground may keep ya’ll from gettin’ caught up in shit.”

  She still didn’t like it, but she seemed to understand. “Why would one of the fuck-girls get a spankin’?”

  “Talkin’ when they shouldn’t, refusing an order, showing disrespect… lots of reasons.”

  “Could they spank me for being disrespectful?”

  Tricky question. “Ol’ladies are disciplined a little different. If you’re caught sneakin’ around in the back of the clubhouse without a brother, you’ll have to be belted in front of the members, either by me or another brother. If you don’t lean over and accept it, you’ll never be allowed back on club property. You talk to cops or do something that puts a club member in danger, the brothers will probably vote to discipline you, but you’ll always have the choice to never return to the clubhouse if you don’t agree to the punishment.” I shrugged. “You act up and get bitchy around them, and I’ll turn you over my knee and take care of it without needin’ a vote, but I don’t see you being a problem child. It’s one of the things I like about you — even at nineteen, you’re more mature than most grown women.”

  She didn’t argue, so I kept going. “No weapons until the MC votes you can have them on the property. Not even pepper spray. For now, you can only come to the clubhouse with me, unless someone’s after you and you need protection, but I don’t foresee that happenin’. My brothers will have to vote that you can be in the back without me before you can stay in my room when I’m not here. You earn their trust by bein’ here and lettin’ them get to know you. We’ll cook a whole pig for the party, and everyone brings side dishes. If you have somethin’ you want to bring, I’ll buy the ingredients. They’re used to me bringin’ homemade mac-n-cheese that don’t come from a box, so don’t feel like you have to make somethin’.”

  “I have a cool tater-tot casserole, with ground beef and tons of cheese. Everyone loves it.”

  “Perfect. We’ll pick the ingredients up on the way to my house.”

  I grasped the condom and pulled out before we had a catastrophe. I wanted to stay inside her forever, but that doesn’t work with a fucking condom. A few minutes in the bathroom to dispose of it, clean up, and piss, and I was ready to crawl back into bed, but she was right behind me, stepping into the shower.

  “If you have a shirt I can wear with my jeans to get back to your house, I can just knot it on the side or something so it doesn’t look like a dress. What time does the party start?”

  “People will begin arriving around four with their kids, and we have games and shit until close to dark. We clear the kids out before we get too rowdy, and most of the cops will leave, but a few might stay, which is fine. We’ll see how you do — what you’re comfortable with before we head back to my room to fuck.”

  I wasn’t ready to tell her the cops who stayed after dark were most likely the ones we owned.

  She turned the shower off and stepped out with her hair dry. She’d just cleaned the important bits, apparently. “What might I not be comfortable with?”

  I shrugged. “Three guys fucking a sweetbutt in the front room while a half-dozen get blowjobs from others? Honestly, there’s no telling what will happen. Ol’ladies aren’t fucked out in the middle of the room like the sweetbutts, so it isn’t a matter of what you and me are doing, but what everyone else is doin’.”

  “You won’t miss that? If we stay an item, I mean.”

  I leaned in, and she backed against the wall. I trapped her with my arms and leaned in even more. “It’s soulless, fucking them. What we did this mornin’ was full of heart and soul. I won’t be losing a damned thing.”



  * * *

  He’d told me there’d be cops and kids, but I’d still pictured the television version of a biker party, and this was more like a family reunion. I mean, not my family because there were no drugs, but the normal kind of family reunion.

  Little Emmy found me and introduced me to all the kids, like she was special because she’d met Bubbles’ girlfriend before them. That girl was going to break hearts someday. I met her dad, and got to say hello to her mom again.

  I also finally met Angelica, as well as her father and stepmother. Her dad didn’t look much older than her, but I figured it would be bad form to point it out.

  Halfway through the party, Gen grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the crowd.

  She let go when we were twenty yards away and rounded on me. “Your sister’s one of the MC’s whores?”

  I put my hands on my hips and glared at her. “You want to reword that?”

  “Answer the question!”


  We both jumped at Gonzo’s loud yell across the parking area, and she crossed her arms and glared at him while he stalked his way to us.

  He glared at her as he neared. “You know the rules. You need to talk to Duke about this. Not Lexi.” He looked at me and his expression softened. “Sorry. You okay?”

  I looked at Gen. “I love my sister more than anyone else on the planet. Call her a sex worker or a workin’ girl, but if you call her a whore again I’ll slap that bitchy, queen-of-the-world Heather smirk right off your face.”

  I turned and stormed away, with no idea where I was headed. Matty stepped to me and offered his arm. I put mine through his, and he walked me into the clubhouse.

  “Gen was probably mad at Duke and the situation. She shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” He looked towards a wall with no one near, and said, “Get Bubbles. Duke too.”

  Three minutes later, Bubbles and Duke came out of a back room.

  I looked at Bubbles and stood up straight. “Since you say I can’t hang out in your room without you, I need to leave.”

  Bubbles looked at Matty, who said, “Gen found out about her sister and dragged her away from us to question her. I don’t know what Gen said, but Lexi told Gen not to call her sister a whore again, so I’m guessing it wasn’t nice.”

  Duke pulled a chair in front of me and sat in it, so we were almost face to face. “I’m sorry. I’ll talk to Gen, but she might still be a little bit of a bitch until she gets past it. I don’t think anyone else will be.” He looked to Matty and back to me. “I’m glad you trusted Matty. What women do you trust?”

  “I like everyone I’ve met. I even liked Gen until…”

  “That’s good. I need you to be comfortable here. We want you to feel like this is your family. All families have problems, but you work through them. You and Gen will get past this. I hope you’ll change your mind about leaving.”

  “Maybe she and I can hang out in here, so she can drink?” asked Matty. “She’s worried about the cops out there freaking out about a ninete
en-year-old drinking.”

  I shook my head. “I thought I’d be at the party with Bubbles. I didn’t know he’d be gone more than he was around.” I looked at him. “Why are you in here? I needed you!”

  “Gonzo took care of you,” Matty told me. “Someone will always step up, even when our guy isn’t around.” He turned me towards him. “You’re good for Bubbles. We’ve got your back.”

  Bubbles crossed his arms. “Some of the top brass of the PD wanted a little pow-wow, and Duke asked me to sit in. We’ve been back there maybe ten minutes, and we need to get back, but first I need to be sure you’re settled.”

  The door opened, light spilled in, and I jumped. It closed and I saw it was Harmony and Angelica.

  “Are you okay?” Angelica asked. “She just has these ideas, sometimes, and then her temper takes hold and… I’m sorry.” She looked at Duke. “Gen won’t tell us who told her. We’ll let you get to the bottom of it. She’s being extra-pissy right now.”

  Duke pulled his phone out, typed something, and put it back in his pocket. “Bubbles and I are headed back behind closed doors with the police chief.” He looked at me. “Promise you’ll stay until you and Bubbles have a chance to talk? It isn’t safe for you to leave alone.”

  “I know Gen’s your wife, but she can’t just call my sister a whore to my face.” I looked at Bubbles. “It doesn’t feel like you’re in agreement with that.”

  “I’m in total agreement, but you seem to be holding your own. I saw you try to fight the Playas off, and I can see you’re standing up for yourself now. I’m not going to make you look weak by coming to your rescue. I have confidence you can handle yourself. You have friends around you. Hang out with them until I finish, and then I’ll hang out with you while Duke supervises the cutting of the pig. Deal?”

  I nodded, and he and Duke left.



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