lecturing style 172
student’s notes on 105, 107, 117, 172
subject matter 105, 172, 173–8; agricultural economies 174, 176; division of labour 175, 176–8; government 173–5, 178
justice, concept/importance of 68–9, 113–14, 115
David Hume on 70, 113, 179
AS on 70, 107, 232
Kames, Lord see Home Henry
Kay, John, cartoons of AS 260
Kincaid and Bell (publishers) 159
Kirkcaldy 11–14, 120, 267, 305n8
as a burgh 11–12
burgh school 17–21, 23, 60–61
linen industry 12, 13–14
AS’s childhood in 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 23
AS in, 1767–73 201–2, 294, 209
as Margaret Smith’s home 10, 16, 56, 201, 261
as trading/commercial centre 11–14, 17
Knox, John 31
L’Espinasse, Mme de 192
La Mercier de la Rivière (French economist) 193
La Rochefoucauld, François, sixth Duc de 61, 190
AS, correspondence with 261
labour/labour force 140, 142–3, 205, 221
cost of 219
division of labour 118, 175, 176–8, 197, 205, 248, 302
production levels 197, 218
as source of wealth 206, 219, 224–6
language/conversation 150
figurative use of 95–6
importance of 23, 67–8, 70, 101
lexicography 145
propriety in 92–3, 96–7
AS’s theory (conjectural history) of 70, 92, 93–100, 101, 138, 165–6, 201, 251–2, 297
see also literature; rhetoric
Le Sage, George 189
Lectures on Jurisprudence 108–11, 145
see also jurisprudence, AS’s Edinburgh lectures;
jurisprudence, AS’s Glasgow University lectures
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres 1, 7–8, 145
see also rhetoric, AS’s Edinburgh lectures
Leechman, William 36–7, 127, 137
as Glasgow University Professor of Divinity 38, 121, 124
on David Hume 42
on Francis Hutcheson 42
on Presbyterian ministers 37
legal issues 73, 74, 84–5, 102
see also jurisprudence; justice
Leiden University 33, 79, 80
Leslie, John 292n8
Lewis, Anthony 309n3
Lieberman, D. 297
Lindesay, Hercules 125
as Glasgow University Professor of Civil Law 120, 124–5, 126
death 125
linen industry 12, 13–14, 264
Literary Society, Glasgow
literature 78, 97
fiction, value of 63–4, 88
poetry 78, 87
see also individual authors; language
Livingston, D. W.: Hume’s Philosophy of Common Life 292–3
Locke, John 88, 117
David Hume on 103
logic/metaphysics 31–2
see also morals/ethics
Joseph Addison on 22
AS in, 1776–7 200–201; 1773–6 209–12
AS’s visits to 3, 169–70, 183, 258, 263–4, 267–8
Loudon, John 41, 126
as Glasgow University Professor of Logic and Metaphysics 41–2, 120
Lucian: Dialogues, David Hume on 245–6
McBride, I. 289n19, 291
Macdonald, Sir James 189, 198
MacElroy, D. D.: Scotland’s Age of Improvement 294, 310n11
McKenna, S. J.: Adam Smith: The Rhetoric of Propriety 297
Mackenzie, Henry 257, 261
Mackie, Charles, as Edinburgh University Professor of Civil History 80
Mackie, J. D.: The University of Glasgow … 290
Mackintosh, Sir James 282
Maclaine, Archibald 42
McLaurin, Colin, as Edinburgh University Professor of Mathematics 80
Maclehose, J.: The Glasgow University Press 299
Macpherson, John 204
Mandeville, Bernard 61, 110, 115, 116, 163, 290
The Fable of the Bees … 47–9, 54, 66, 94, 299n9; David Hume on 142–3, 144; Francis Hutcheson on 49–50, 52, 146; AS on 146–7, 148, 149
on Shaftesbury: Characteristicks of Men … 47–8, 98, 295n17
Mansfield, William Murray, first Earl (Lord Mansfield) 159
Marivaux, Pierre 86, 88
Journeaux et Oeuvres Diverse 63, 64
his science de coeur 63
Spectateur Français 63
La Vie de Marianne 63–4
the market see trade/commerce
Marmontel, Jean François 192
Marshall, D.: The Figure of Theater … 300
Martin, David 248
mathematics 42
AS’s study/use of 24–5, 42; of Euclidean geometry 42, 92, 101
Maxwell, George Clerk 257
medical qualifications, AS on 210–11
Medical Society, Edinburgh see Philosophical Society
Meek, R. L. 178, 302, 307
Precursors of Adam Smith … 304
Menteath, James 267
method/intellectual order 70–71, 104, 145, 283–4
didactic 145
scientific 100
AS’s love of 4, 25, 70, 113, 261
Metz, Conrad, portrait of Margaret Smith 257
Andrew Millar (publisher) 159, 199
Millar, John 90, 104, 126, 183
as Glasgow University Professor of Civil Law 125, 170, 171
on AS’s Glasgow University Moral Philosophy course 132–3, 134–5, 136
on Wealth of Nations 216, 217, 240
Miller, David
at Kirkcaldy burgh school as master 17–21; curriculum 17–18, 19, 36; teaching methods 18–19, 60–61
‘The Royal Command …’ (school play) 18–19
Mirabeau, Marquis de 194
Philosophie Rurale … 193, 195–6, 198
Mirror (journal) 261
Molesworth, Robert, Viscount 35–6, 288n13
Francis Hutcheson and 35, 36
monarchy/monarch see nobility/sovereignty
money supply 178, 206–8, 222, 225–6, 235
monopolies see trade monopolies
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat 103, 112, 132, 159, 174, 194
De l’esprit des lois 102–3, 140, 167, 188; David Hume on 102–3; AS on 103–5, 218
law, his definition of 104–5
methodology 104
Montgomerie family 29
Moore, James 291
Moore, T. O. 288
moral economy 2, 4, 6–7, 17, 23, 54–5, 100, 137, 220–21
classical view of 19–21
in France 193
Francis Hutcheson on 43, 49–55, 68
see also human nature; Theory of Moral Consequences
morals/ethics 42, 46, 54, 66, 270
Joseph Addison on 19, 21–3, 148
Augustinian 41, 46, 49, 61
classical 19–21, 23, 50
Francis Hutcheson on 49–55; on moral sense 51–2, 68, 69
justice see justice
logic/metaphysics 31–2
Sir James Mackintosh on, in Encyclopaedia Britannica 282
Bernard Mandeville on 47–50, 52, 66
Shaftesbury on 46–8
Stoic 19, 21, 22, 23, 45, 51, 54, 148, 149–50, 300
see also human nature
Morellet, Abbé 186, 192, 194
Dictionnaire du commerce 194
Muirhead, George 120
Muller, J. Z.: Adam Smith in His Time and Ours 286–7
music, AS on pleasure of 251–3
see also aesthetics
Music Society, Edinburgh 90
Navigation Acts 27, 29, 122, 229
Necker, Jacques 192
Newton, Sir Isaac 80, 100, 101, 283
Nicole, Pierre: ‘De la Grandeur’ 61–2, 63
ility/sovereignty 194, 196
Montesquieu on French system 103–4, 188–9
role/duties 112–13, 185, 189, 200, 223–4, 235
see also property
North, Frederick, eighth Baron (Lord North) 258, 262–3
Norton, D. Fate: David Hume … 293
observation/observers see spectator theory
‘Of the Imitative Arts’ 249–53
oratory see language/conversation
Osborne, General Alexander 257
Ossian (James Macpherson) 192
Oswald, James (son of Captain James Oswald) 15, 17, 90, 180
Henry Home and 72, 86, 305n8
David Hume and 15, 65, 72, 86, 305n8
on political economy 15, 16
AS and 15, 16, 72, 85–6, 120
Dugald Stewart on 16
Oswald, Captain James 15
Oswald family (of Dunnikier) 13, 15–16, 17, 58
Oxford University 292
Bodleian Library 60
curriculum 56–7
David Gregory as Regius Professor of History 57
reputation 24, 56–7, 130
AS on 57
Oxford University, Balliol College 25, 292
Jacobite sympathies 58
libraries 60
reputation 57–8
AS on 59, 72
AS as student: reading/studies 60–64; as Snell exhibitor 2, 4, 24, 25, 56, 72; as Warner exhibitor 59
Snell exhibition 58, 291; see also previous entry
Oyster Club (Adam Smith’s Club), Edinburgh 257, 259
Paris see France
Pascal, Blaise 61, 63
patronage 73, 74, 83, 87, 121, 159–60, 166, 179
in the church 74
by Glasgow University 127
Henry Home: his ‘élèves’ (protégés) 87, 89, 125; as AS’s patron 72, 89, 102
Phillipson, Nicholas T. 288, 294, 494
Hume 288, 293
The Scottish Whigs 294
Philological Miscellany 165
Philosophical Society, Edinburgh 78, 80, 81, 82, 90, 128
Henry Home as vice-president 86–7
AS as vice-president 119
philosophy, AS on origins of 283–4
see also moral economy; morals/ethics
Pitt, William 267–8
pity see sympathy
Playfair, John 259
Poker Club, Edinburgh 257
political economy
definition/purpose 158, 198
in France 192, 195, 304–5; AS’s attitude to 193–8, 205–6, 217, 218
Francis Hutcheson on 53
James Oswald on 15, 16
Pufendorf on 43–5; Francis Hutcheson’s criticism of 43, 45–6, 53
AS on 2–3, 6–7, 54, 114, 115, 178, 302
see also division of labour; Wealth of Nations
Political Economy Club, Glasgow 40, 129
political issues 262–3, 267
see also Anglo-American relations; Anglo-Scottish relations; government; Scottish history/politics
Popkin, R. 292
deference towards the powerful 152–4
property as 112–13, 114, 172, 194
Pownall, Thomas, on Wealth of Nations 1, 229–30
Presbyterian Church
General Assembly 83, 84
in Glasgow 29–31
lay patronage in 74
ministers 37, 38, 83–4
radical dissent in 30–31, 33; Cambuslang Revival 30
Scottish universities and 31–2, 33, 37–8
see also religious issues
price/value, AS’s theory of 205, 206, 219, 240, 241
determinants of price 219–20
‘The Principles … Philosophical Enquiries; illustrated by, the History of Astronomy’ see astronomy, AS’s juvenile essay on
Pringle, Sir John 201, 241
David Hume on 108, 143, 235
as power 112–13, 114, 172, 194
AS’s theory of 108–11, 112, 172, 173, 217, 223–4, 235, 280
propriety 151–2
in language 92–3, 96–7
prudence see virtue
public credit see taxation
Pufendorf, Samuel von 2, 7, 34, 43–5, 54, 55, 61, 88, 106–7, 290
Francis Hutcheson’s criticism of 43, 45–6, 53
On the Duty of Man … 290
Pulteney, Sir William 90, 208
Quesnay, François 188
as a medical doctor 192, 198–9
Physiocratie … 193; copy presented to AS 193, 304n35
AS and 192, 193–4, 205–6, 217, 218, 219, 230, 234; his critique of 196–7, 218
Tableaux économiques 193, 194–5
Racine, Jean 62
Phaedre 62–3
Rae, J.: Life of Adam Smith 192–3, 285, 286, 309, 311
Raeburn, Henry 248
Ramsay, Allan (Jr) 248
Ramsay, Allan (Sr) 78
Ramsay, John 87, 132, 133, 135–6, 247, 261
Rankenian Club, Edinburgh 78, 80
Raphael, D. D. 293, 300, 301–n7
Adam Smith 286
on Theory of Moral Sentiments 300, 311
Raynor, David 291, 292n8, 293n17, 296, 301n7, 304n51, 305n10
Reeder, J. (ed.): On Moral Sentiments … 302
Reid, Thomas 126, 270, 281–2
as Glasgow University Professor of Moral Philosophy 183, 270
on Theory of Moral Sentiments 163
religious issues 21, 22, 73–4, 83–4, 190
Episcopalian Church 30, 31, 58
in France 186–7
at Glasgow University 30, 31
heresy 31, 33
on David Hume: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 140, 163–4, 242–6
Francis Hutcheson on nature/existence of God 41–2
pietism in Glasgow 29–310
Presbyterian Church see Presbyterian Church
science of man concept and 66–7, 280–81
at Scottish universities 31, 32, 33, 124, 126
Shaftesbury on, as a deist 47, 50
Westminster Confession of Faith 33, 38, 120
republicanism 53, 54, 228–30
Reynolds, Sir Joshua 261
rhetoric 3, 54, 70, 71, 88, 217, 249–50
classical style 99–100
dialectical method 100
purpose 92, 93, 101
AS’s Glasgow University lectures on 6; his private course on 127, 132
John Stevenson on 93
see also language
rhetoric, AS’s Edinburgh lectures on 74, 84, 87, 88, 89–102, 119, 138, 296, 297
audience 90, 92, 93, 94
importance 102, 119, 126
lecturing style 90, 92
location 89–90
students notes on 91, 92, 100–101
subject matter 89, 90, 92–100; on language 92, 93–6; as mathematical 92; as revisionist 92, 101
see also Lectures on Rhetoric …
Riccoboni, Mme 192
Richardson, William 132, 253
Ridpath, Rev. George, on Theory of Moral Sentiments 161–2
Robertson, J. (ed.): A Union for Empire … 294
Robertson, William 160, 255
as Edinburgh University Principal 81, 256
AS and 119, 282
on Wealth of Nations 216, 217, 239–40
Romilly, Samuel 274
Ross, I. S.
Life of Adam Smith 18, 136, 285, 286, 290, 292, 298
Lord Kames … 294
Rosse, Alexander, as Glasgow University Professor of Humanity (Latin) 34
Rothschild, Emma: Economic Sentiments … 306n4, 308
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 146, 150, 152, 156, 157, 170, 189, 190, 194, 218, 249
Discours sur l’origine et les fondements de l’inégalité … 145; AS on 149, 165–6, 300; his review of 145–8, 299n7
on human nature 137
on music 252
Royal College of P
hysicians 210–11, 255
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh 255
Royal Society 201
AS as Fellow 201, 210
Royal Society of Edinburgh 275, 286
Russia, AS’s reputation in 170
St Andrews University 90
St Clair (of Dysart), General 13, 14–15, 16
Nicholas Phillipson Page 42