by Tom Clancy
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There are two ports on the Mediterranean named Tripoli. The one in the song is Tripoli, Libya, not to be confused with Tripoli, Lebanon.
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In 1846 American settlers poured into California, where they soon outgunned the tiny Mexican garrisons. Fremont led these settlers in the "Bear Flag Revolt," which briefly established California as a fictitious independent country. This is why the state flag is still inscribed "California Republic." Later, during the Mexican War, the Navy's Pacific Squadron under Commodore John D. Sloat seized the towns along the California coast, with the help of Fremont's local forces. California officially joined the United States in 1850 as the thirty-first state.
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They did so alongside the "Brave Rifles" of the 3rd Cavalry Regimen
t, the predecessors of the modern 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment which we explored in Armored Cav: A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment.
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Airpower zealots believed that daylight precision bombing, using the top-secret Norden bombsight, would quickly cripple the German war effort. It turned out that the accuracy of bombing had been overestimated by several orders of magnitude, and most of the bombs dropped on Germany were wasted.
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Navy submarines sank far more enemy shipping in WWII than the cherished and vastly expensive battleships, despite the handicap of scandalously unreliable torpedoes during the first year of the war.
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Twelve of these awards were posthumous. Several Navy medics serving with Marine units on Iwo Jima were also awarded the Medal.
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Note, "Blue water" is generally understood to mean naval operations on. above, or under the ocean, beyond the continental shelf, which is nominally defined as the 200-fathom (1200-foot/600-meter) depth-contour line. "Blue water" may also be viewed as ocean areas beyond the direct influence of enemy land-based airpower.
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This was codified in law so that no future President or Secretary of Defense could disband the Corps or reduce it to a token force merely through an executive order or administrative reorganization. President Harry S Truman was not fond of the Marine Corps. The Congress, during those years, was not fond of President Truman.
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For a description of the Global Positioning System, see Navigation, starting on page 91.
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