Would You Wait for Me

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Would You Wait for Me Page 3

by Anna Lee

  “Guilty as charged.”

  * * * *

  A crowd waited outside one of the hangars. It was a warm spring afternoon. Signs and red, white and blue streamers decorated the rafters and walls. Children laughed and ran around. Kip watched Liam run over to his fiancé and scoop her into his arms. He grinned as Francis reunited with his wife and three kids. Nate hung back but then dashed off to greet a middle-aged woman who bore some resemblance to him. So his aunt had shown. It was good to know he wasn’t alone today. Kip made his way through, searching for Lucas and Kenna. And his parents too, if he were honest.

  “Kip!” Kenna cried out. She ran to him and he lifted his sister off her feet and into a bear hug. Her long blonde hair was up in a ponytail and her jade-green eyes were filled with tears as she pulled back and smiled at him. She was only a few inches shorter than him. Tall and willowy, while he was muscular and broad-chested. She was wearing jeans and a Green Arrow T-shirt. He loved that she was a geek like him when it came to superheroes and comic books and sci-fi shows. “I missed you!”

  “Missed you, too!” He grinned back at her and brushed away a tear. “No more tears, I’m home.”

  “And staying here.” She hugged him again. “We’ve got so much to catch up on.”

  “We do. And I owe you a shopping day for—” He gasped as she slipped a small black box into his hand. “For this.” He looked around. “He’s not here, though, K.”

  “Give him time,” she said, putting her hand over his.

  “Kip!” his mom called, rushing over to him. He stepped away from Kenna and embraced his mother. She seemed so small in his arms, yet he still felt she was holding him and giving him some much-needed strength. Relief coursed through him. She was here and supporting him. She always had and that was what mattered. “Oh, my boy. Why didn’t you tell me about Dave?”

  “Didn’t want you to worry.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m fine.”

  She cupped his face and met his gaze, her eyes just like his. “You are my son and I love you. Nothing will ever change that, you hear me? You want to marry Lucas, you go right ahead. I’ll handle your father.”

  Emotion welled up and he blinked. He didn’t realize how much he needed to hear that. A weight lifted off his chest. “I love you, too, Mom.”

  She kissed his cheek. “Dad had some things to take care of. He’ll be here any moment.”

  “Okay. Have you seen Lucas?”

  “No, but it’s a bit crowded.”

  “Let’s split up,” Kenna suggested. “See if we can spot him.”

  “I’ll go with you, K,” his mom said and Kip wondered if they were up to something.

  He couldn’t think about that now, though. He turned away and headed in the direction of a group farther back. As he searched, someone rushed toward the gathering. He nearly gaped when he recognized who it was. Wearing tan shorts and a dark polo shirt, Lucas had a casual, laidback style. He ran a couple of miles every morning and it showed in his lean, graceful body as he sprinted.

  “Luc!” he shouted. He didn’t give it a second thought. He ran toward his lover and met him halfway. Lucas hesitated at the last moment, their eyes meeting, and Kip knew he was unsure what to do. He solved the problem for him by lifting him up and spinning him around in a circle.

  Lucas’s laugh was the best sound he’d heard in months. He buried his face in Kip’s neck and wrapped around him. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I was stupid. I shouldn’t have started that fight. I just missed you so damn bad and I wanted it to be like this. To see you. Hold you.”

  “Kiss me?” Kip whispered and Lucas lifted his head, their foreheads resting together. “Kiss me, Luc.”

  “Yeah?” Lucas cupped his cheeks and brushed his lips to Kip’s. It was a chaste but longing kiss, one that spoke of their love and suppressed need. Kip deepened it, pouring everything he felt for this man into it. He sighed happily when they broke apart for air and he set Lucas on his feet.

  “I can’t believe you did that for me,” Lucas said quietly.

  “For us,” Kip corrected. “I love you and you were right. You aren’t meant to be a secret, baby. You’re my best friend. The one I fought to come home to. You’re everything to me and I’m going to shout it out from now on. I promise you that.”

  There were tears in Lucas’s eyes as he glanced down at the box that Kip was still clutching in his hand. He gasped. “What is that?”

  Kip glanced back to his mom and Kenna, who were now watching, along with a handful of other people. His mom smiled and Kenna gave him the thumbs up. He took a deep breath and got down on one knee. Lucas’s hands covered his mouth. “Kip?”

  Kip didn’t even know what the ring looked like. He popped open the box and grinned. Oh, he owed his sister even more now. He had no idea how she’d found this, but it was perfect. TARDIS blue and etched with gears and whorls. Kip knew Lucas would love a Doctor Who inspired ring. He’d have to engrave it later. And ask Kenna how she’d managed it in such a short time. He was getting off track and focused his thoughts back to the most important question of his life.

  “Lucas Danvers, I know our love is real. I left but my heart was here with you. You know no matter where I go that I’m coming back home to you. I kept that promise. Just like you kept yours and waited for me. So, could I be everything you need if I promise you my love now and forever? And will you please marry me?”

  Lucas nodded and held out his hand. “Yes, Kip. A thousand times, yes. I will marry you.” Kip managed to slip the ring on, though his hand was suddenly shaking. Lucas pulled him to his feet and kissed him. Kip was in a daze of euphoria. Lucas said yes! God, how did I get so lucky to have this second chance? He couldn’t put into words how happy he was.

  “I love you more than I can say,” Lucas whispered.

  There were cheers and applause as they kissed again. Lucas admired his ring as he kept one arm around Kip. “How did you manage this?”

  “My amazing sister over there,” Kip admitted. “You like it, right?”

  “It’s perfect, and not just because of the design.” Lucas gazed at him. “You could’ve given me a knotted string and I’d have been happy.”

  With a chuckle, Kip twined their fingers together. “That’s all I want, for you to be happy.”

  “I am,” Lucas assured, his eyes tearing up. “I heard as I came on base that you lost Dave. I’m so sorry. I feel horrible I wasn’t there for you.”

  “You are now.” Kip bumped his forehead against Lucas’s. “Can I stay at your place tonight? Maybe I’ll get some sleep.”

  “Our place,” Lucas corrected with a gentle smile that Kip couldn’t help but return. “If you’ll move in with me. I mean, we are engaged, after all.”

  “No place I’d rather be.” Kip held onto him a little tighter as he noticed his father approaching.

  Colonel Nielsen saluted him and Kip responded in kind.

  “Welcome home, son.” He dropped his arm and nodded at Lucas. “Lucas. I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “Yes, sir.” Kip knew his father wouldn’t make a scene here in front of everyone. “And it’s good to be home.”

  “A party is in order!” Kenna hugged him and Lucas, kissing their cheeks. “Dinner tonight, my treat.”

  “And mine,” his mom chimed in with similar embraces and kisses. She then walked over and squeezed Brett’s arm. “You will join us, won’t you, dear?”

  The smile seemed a little forced, but his father nodded. “I’ll see if I can move some things around.”

  “Good!” She clapped her hands. “It’s getting hot under this Charleston sun and Kip has to be exhausted. Luc, take him home and let him get some rest.”

  Lucas grinned. “Yes, ma’am.” He looked at Kip. “Ready to go, soldier?”

  “Lead the way. I just need to get my bag.”

  “We’ll meet at Buca’s at seven,” his mom suggested.

  “Perfect, we’ll be there,” Kip promised and Lucas nodded in agreem

  Kip grabbed his duffel and followed Lucas to his SUV. They got a few congratulations along the way. Liam even introduced him to his sister and her wife. Kip was relieved that people seemed accepting. As the base commander’s son he’d thought they’d be civil at most, but this was a welcome surprise. He saw Nate avoiding them and guessed he was back to playing his part. Kip wasn’t sure he wanted him to talk to Lucas, anyway. He wasn’t sure what Nate would imply and he hadn’t had a chance to let Lucas know what had happened. They were back on solid ground and he didn’t want anything messing that up.

  Chapter Four

  Kip fell asleep the instant he got in the SUV. He put his hand on Lucas’s knee, and the comfort he found in that contact meant that he could rest at last. He only woke when Lucas called his name and squeezed his fingers.

  He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked around. They were in front of a small house with a green lawn and a big oak tree. The blue paint was a nice shade that reminded him of Lucas’s eyes.

  “Isn’t this your Aunt Stef’s house?”

  “Was,” Lucas told him. “She’s retired to Florida with my mom now. She let me have it for half the rent until I can save up and buy it.”

  “Wow, that’s awesome, baby.” Kip grinned. He’d been expecting the tiny one-bedroom apartment that Lucas had been renting before he’d left. He was thrilled with the change. No more noisy neighbors, lots of space, and room to expand their family if they ever wanted to. “I could get a home loan,” he offered. “It’s a nice place. I always liked this neighborhood.”

  “Quiet, too.” Lucas hopped out of the SUV and Kip joined him, walking with him up the sidewalk to the front door. “If you can get the loan, that’d be great. I just moved in so we’ve got some unpacking to do.”

  “I can get my stuff out of storage, too.”

  “Yep.” Lucas unlocked the door. He turned back and suddenly seemed nervous. “Not too much of a surprise, is it? I don’t wanna overwhelm you.”

  “No, it’s a good one.” Kip grinned and stepped toward his fiancé. He liked that thought. “We talked about this, you hoped she would give you the house. I’m glad she did. Your apartment was barely big enough to move around in.”

  Lucas chuckled. “Exactly.” He took Kip’s hand. “Will you forgive me for starting that fight? I just… Aunt Stef told me about her plans and I got so wrapped up in the things I wanted us to do when you got home that I—”

  He pressed a finger to Lucas’s lips. “There’s nothing to forgive. Unless you’re forgiving me for being a coward all these years and keeping our love a secret.”

  “You’re not a coward!” Lucas grabbed both of his hands. “You’re a hero, Kip.”

  “Not when it came to us.” Kip sighed. “I messed up, baby, and I know that. I hope you know I’m never going to let you regret giving me this chance.”

  “I do.” Lucas grinned. “Oops, probably shouldn’t say that yet, huh?”

  “I dunno, might be good practice.” He laughed as he scooped Lucas into his arms and carried him over the threshold after pushing the door open with his boot.

  “You’re crazy!” Lucas wrapped his arms around Kip’s neck and kissed him. “But you’re mine so it’s okay.”

  There were boxes strewn around the entryway but Kip noticed a trail of rose petals. “What’s this?”

  “The reason I was late,” Lucas admitted, a blush coloring his tanned cheeks. He had Kip set him down then took him by the hand. He led him into the living room, which was empty except for a king-sized bed on the floor made with blue cotton sheets. A bucket of ice held a few beers and there was a plate of his favorite dessert next to it. Bite-sized Snickers, man, he hadn’t had one in forever. He gazed at Lucas, his heart skipping a beat.

  “I don’t deserve this.” Kip held out his hands. “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble for me.”

  “Like hell I didn’t.” Lucas tugged him forward and started unbuttoning his camo jacket. “You just got home after eight months with no comforts. I’m going to spoil you tonight.”

  Kip felt a prick of guilt, though he had no reason to. He stopped Lucas. “I need to tell you something… Nate tried to kiss me.”

  “Wait, Nate? The jerk who’s always badmouthing people?” Lucas frowned.

  “He’s a bit misunderstood. It’s a long story. Nothing happened, though, I swear it, Luc. I just don’t ever want to give you a reason not to trust me.”

  “I believe you.” Lucas met his gaze and Kip sighed in relief. “You never could lie to me.”

  “I can’t. He tried to seduce me and I’m not sure what he’d say to you if you saw him so I wanted you to know that nothing happened. I pushed him away and told him I was taken.”

  “I believe you,” Lucas said again, then bit his lip. “So what’s bothering you?”

  “It was after Dave died. I just came out to my parents. I was at a real low point. And he—”

  “Took advantage of you in a moment of vulnerability.”

  “And for a second, I almost gave in,” Kip admitted, hanging his head.

  “You didn’t, though.” Lucas cupped his chin. “I’m not angry. You were in a bad place, I wasn’t there for you like I should’ve been. Yet, you still stopped yourself. That proves to me even more that you’re faithful.”

  “I wanted you. Just you. And I wasn’t about to throw this away for something so stupid,” Kip whispered. “I’m sorry, though.”

  “Don’t be.” Lucas pulled him close. “I don’t want you upset anymore. It’s all over now. And you’re with me. Let me take care of you, okay?”

  “Make me forget everything else,” Kip pleaded.

  “I will.” Lucas took his hand. “First step, how about a nice soak? Maybe a massage?”

  “Sounds good. I feel like I’m still covered in sand.”

  Lucas led him to the master bathroom and he left Kip to undress as he started running the bath, adding sandalwood oil and salts. He even lit the candles he’d set out. Kip had forgotten how romantic his fiancé could be. It made him feel cherished.

  He dropped his jacket then lifted the olive shirt over his head while kicking off his boots. Lucas gasped as he turned around. “What happened?”


  Lucas tentatively touched his abdomen, where there was a scrape that went down to his hip. And slight bruising on his lower back. “You’re hurt.”

  “I got that crawling under a car for cover.”

  “When Dave…?”

  “Yeah, I took out the sniper targeting us.” Kip rubbed the back of his neck. “It was dangerous and I don’t want to lie to you, so let’s leave it at that.”

  Lucas put a hand to his mouth. “Jesus, how close did I come to losing you?”

  Too close. “I wasn’t going to let that happen,” Kip assured him. “I had a promise to keep, remember?”

  Tears filled Lucas’s eyes. He hugged Kip tightly, running his hands all over his body as if to reassure himself, and Kip let him. “Thank God I got you back.”

  Kip kissed the top of his head. “It made me see that I shouldn’t waste a moment.”

  “Oh, the water!” Lucas jumped back and they both laughed lightly as he quickly turned the taps off. He gestured. “All ready.”

  Kip kissed him and they finished undressing each other. He climbed into the tub and sank into the water, moaning contently at the perfect temperature. He waited as Lucas slid in behind him. He gently pulled Kip back toward him. He leaned against his lover’s chest, sighing again in contentment, as Lucas wrapped his arms around him, pressing kisses to his neck and face.

  “Just relax.” Lucas reached for the loofah and soap then began cleaning every inch of Kip’s body. He rubbed his tense shoulders, caressed his injured side and soothed away the vestiges of the past few terrible days.

  Kip felt he could doze like this, safe and warm in Lucas’s embrace. Desire stirred though as Lucas trailed his hands down his chest. “Luc…”

  Lucas pressed a
kiss to Kip’s neck, worrying a patch of skin and leaving a reddened mark. Shit, that’s hot. He loved it when Lucas marked him. “What do you want?” Lucas breathed over Kip’s skin.

  He rested his head back on Lucas’s shoulder, giving his lover better access. “Want you to make me feel alive.”

  Lucas kissed the side of Kip’s face as his fingers brushed across his erect nipple. “We shouldn’t—you’ve got to be exhausted. You were almost asleep, babe.”

  “I need you.” Kip turned his head slightly so their gazes met. “I can sleep later. This is what I need.”

  “As you wish,” Lucas whispered, running his fingers through the coarse hairs on Kip’s chest. He traveled slowly down to his stomach. His touch caused Kip to shudder, his muscles quivering under the caresses. Everywhere Lucas touched he was on fire, and desire consumed him. Lucas continued to kiss and suck on his neck. “Do you want me to suck that gorgeous cock of yours? Touch you?”

  He smiled as he felt Lucas harden behind him when his lover’s hand gripped his own stiffening cock. “Touch me. Please!”

  Lucas kissed up Kip’s neck to his ear. He licked the outer shell then gently bit the lobe. Meanwhile, his hand wrapped around Kip’s half-hard cock. “Like this?” he breathed. “Damn, it’s been too long.”

  “Way too long,” Kip said with a moan, pushing into Lucas’s hand, eager for more. He closed his eyes and gave in to the pleasure. Lucas stroked his cock from base to tip, pausing to rub his thumb over the head of Kip’s cock. He canted his hips forward, splashing water out of the tub. “Easy,” Lucas soothed as he continued his stroking.

  Kip’s head fell back on Lucas’s shoulder again. “Feels so good.” He grinned as Lucas’s cock rubbed against his ass, and suddenly he knew what he wanted. “Baby, let’s go to bed. I want you to touch us and come together.”

  “Fuck, yes,” Lucas groaned. “I love the way you think.”

  He put his hand over Lucas’s, stilling it. “You keep doing that and I won’t make it out of this tub.”


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