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The Sweetest Love (Sons of Worthington Series)

Page 3

by Higgins, Marie

  “I fear Father has waited too long. I don’t think any man will want me now, especially not a duke.”

  “A Mother can dream, can’t she?”

  Chuckling, Diana shook her head. She wasn’t really discouraging her mother’s dream, she just knew the older woman’s expectations were set too high. “I shall be satisfied married to a baron, but what would please me more is being married for love.”

  “Oh, my dearest daughter.” Her mother stopped and faced Diana. “Most of us grow to love our husbands after we’ve been married a few years.”

  This was one of those rules Diana didn’t understand. Why was it acceptable to marry a complete stranger? Most of society lived this way, but one of her childhood friends had parents who were truly in love. Inwardly, Diana sighed. That was the kind of marriage she wanted.

  She and her mother resumed their stroll through the dowager’s flower gardens, but Diana’s mind wasn’t on the lovely roses. Instead, she silently questioned why her father had been so picky. Every year since she’d come out, she had a few men ask her father for her hand in marriage. Her father always found some reason to turn them down. She prayed her mother was correct and that this year would finally be the year she married.

  “Oh, look. There is Lady Hastings,” her mother, Esther, exclaimed. “My dear, do you mind if I go speak with her?”

  Diana glanced toward Lady Hastings and her ill-mannered daughter, Lady Jane. Diana had never liked the girl who was out for her first season. As an earl’s daughter, that girl had always worn her father’s title as her own.

  “That’s fine, Mother. I want to rest a spell under the shade of this tree.” She fanned her face. “I fear the sun is terribly hot today.”

  “I shan’t be gone long.” Esther hurried to the other women.

  Diana perched on the bench under the wide tree and peered out across the yard. The dowager’s weekend party guests were still arriving. Several men had walked passed her who didn’t look familiar, and she hoped for introductions soon.

  Two of the dowager’s sons walked by—Lord Trevor and Lord Trey—she presented them with her best smile. Only Lord Trey returned the gesture. Then again, Trey didn’t have a good reputation, and Diana would do well to stay away from him for fear of being ruined.

  Walking up the lane from the road, three men caught her eye. She recognized two of them she’d met several times before, Lord Henry and Lord Elliot. They were with someone who looked oddly familiar, but she knew she’d never been introduced to him before. The tall man was quite handsome if she dared admit, and extremely muscular. His over-jacket stretched tightly across his shoulders, and his breeches appeared entirely too form-fitting and showed off his exceptional build.

  Her cheeks heated. Good heavens! Why would she think such a thing? Yet it was hard not to, especially the closer the threesome came toward her and the more she could see of the stranger.

  She straightened and folded her hands in her lap, adopting as proper of an appearance as possible. A bee buzzed by her face, but she dared not swat at it…although she couldn’t allow it to sting her, either. The last time that happened, her face had swollen and she’d become sick. Trying not to be obvious, she blew at the bee, hoping it would take the hint and leave.

  The closer the three men strolled, the more the bothersome insect irritated her. Still, she continued to blow at it, hoping it wouldn’t sting her. The handsome stranger finally looked her way and grinned. Diana’s heart flipped in a silly rhythm. She smiled back and inclined her head.

  The small group walked right by her without saying anything, although the stranger watched her over his shoulder as he passed. Once they were out of her vision, she swatted the bee, and the insect finally left her alone.

  Closing her eyes, she couldn’t get the handsome man out of her mind. One way or another she needed to get an introduction.

  A burst of giggles brought Diana out of her daydream and she snapped her eyes open. From around the wide tree, three girls sat on the wrap-around bench. Sighing, Diana leaned back against the thick trunk and frowned. She didn’t have many friends her own age here in Mayfair.

  “Did you see that dress she was wearing?” one of the girls asked in a low voice. “Why, it’s ghastly to say the least. She wore that gown last season, but it appears as if the sleeves are different. Even the color is fading.”

  “And what about her mother?” another girl piped up. “That woman sticks her nose into conversations that are not her concern. In fact, she interrupted me while I was walking with my mother not too long ago.”

  “How disrespectful,” the third voice said. “Why can they not realize nobody wants them here?”

  “Except the Dowager Duchess of Kensington.” The second girl snickered. “She is just too nice to turn anyone away. Pity she can’t see the country paupers for what they truly are.” She huffed. “You know, there is a reason the Baldwins aren’t invited to most social events.”

  “Well, except for Miss Baldwin’s older brother, Mr. Stephen Baldwin.” One girl giggled.

  Diana’s throat tightened, making it difficult to breathe. They were talking about her…and her family! They had been talking about her gown!

  She pulled herself tight against the tree, praying the girls on the other side wouldn’t notice her listening. Nothing could move her away now, even if she didn’t want to hear another degrading word they said.

  “In a way,” the first girl said, “I do feel sorry for Miss Baldwin and her brother. It’s not their fault their father is a gambler and squanderer.”

  “Very true. It’s no wonder their mother flaunts her daughter in front of all the eligible men. I’d heard that in order for their family to stay out of debt, Miss Baldwin will have to marry a very wealthy man.”

  The girls’ laughter made Diana’s stomach churn. Could what they were saying be true? Impossible! Her father wasn’t that badly in debt, was he? And if so, why hadn’t her mother said anything?

  She glanced down at her day gown, picking at the sleeves. This had been new three seasons ago. Every year since, her mother had done her best to make alterations, telling Diana she could still wear it after it was spruced up and nobody would notice. Perhaps her father’s gambling had depleted the family funds after all. Why else wouldn’t her mother buy new gowns for them? Mother made Diana think her father would come into a lot of money very soon. Had this been a lie?

  “Oh, look,” one of the girls exclaimed. “There’s Lord Tristan.”

  Diana had no idea who Lord Tristan was and at this moment, she didn’t particularly care.

  The other two sighed dreamily. “Oh Jane, I’m so utterly and completely jealous of you. I wish Lord Tristan’s family wanted him to marry me!”

  Jane chuckled. “Well, it’s true. Our families are trying to arrange a marriage, but Lord Tristan insists he’s not ready to settle down.”

  “Well, if I know you, Jane, you’ll convince him soon enough.”

  “Indeed I will,” she gloated.

  Rustling of silk faded from the other side of the tree and Diana dared take a peek to see if the girls had left. They had. She breathed a relieved sigh then embarrassment washed over her. The weekend party had just begun, but she wanted to leave immediately. Feigning illness may be the trick in getting her mother to take her home. If others felt the same way these three girls did about Diana’s family, she could not stay a minute longer. She didn’t want everyone gossiping about them behind their backs.

  She left the bench and hurried toward her mother who stood next to Lady Greenly and Lady Sutherland. Now that Diana knew what others were saying about their family, she noticed the forced smiles the older women were giving her mother. Her heart wrenched. Did her mother know or even realize they were being made to look like fools at this gathering?

  Slowly, she joined her parent and stood next to her. When there was a break in the conversation, Diana tugged on her mother’s arm. “I’m feeling quite ill, Mother.”

  Esther frowned. “Yo
u do look a little peeked.” She caressed Diana’s cheek with her knuckle. “Perhaps you should go upstairs and lie down until dinner?”

  “Well, I was actually hoping we could return home,” she answered softly.

  Her mother snorted a laugh then quickly switched her gaze between the other two ladies before meeting Diana’s eyes. “But my dear, we’ve just arrived. There’s no reason to leave.” She patted her daughter’s hands. “All you need is to rest for a bit. I’m quite certain you’ll feel much better by suppertime.” She turned Diana toward the house and gave her a gentle push. “Now go up to our room and lie down. I’ll wake you before the meal.”

  Disheartened, Diana trudged toward the house. How could she tell her mother what she’d overheard without causing any pain? And, if the gossip wasn’t true, then what had her parents done to make people talk about them in such a way? Was this the reason her father wanted her married this season?

  As she turned the corner of the house, she ran smack into a hard, male chest. Strong hands gripped her arms to keep her from falling, and a scent of leathery musk enveloped her. Not believing any man could smell this good, she looked up into a pair of the most fascinating blue eyes she’d ever seen. The longer they stared at her, the more they twinkled.

  Finally, when the rest of his face registered in her brain, she realized this was the man she’d seen earlier. It wasn’t proper to meet like this, but she’d give anything to know his name.

  “Forgive me, sir. I did not see you.”

  “There is nothing to forgive.” He released her arms and took a step back. His mouth stretched into a grin. “I don’t believe we have met.”

  “You are correct, sir. We have not been formally introduced.”

  He glanced around them and shrugged. “Since nobody is here to do that now, let me begin. I’m Lord Tristan Worthington. The Duke of Kensington is my father.”

  She curtsied. “I’m Miss Diana Baldwin. My father is Baron Baldwin.”

  He bowed. “Nice to meet you at last. I saw you sitting by the tree earlier, and I have to admit, you caught my attention.”

  Her cheeks grew warm as heat continued to spread through the rest of her body. “Thank you, my lord.”

  When his name was called, he turned toward the person not far from him. Lord Tristan lifted his hand. “I shall be finished momentarily.”

  She had a second to admire his profile; square jaw, clean-shaven face, and such a sweet smile and dreamy eyes. He looked back at her more quickly than she’d expected, and she feared he’d caught her gawking. Her throat turned dry and she swallowed hard.

  “Well, Miss Diana Baldwin,” he said taking her hand and lifting it to those perfect lips, “I bid you farewell—at least for now. I hope we will meet again soon.”

  “Uh…yes. That would be lovely.”

  He walked away and she stared after him, still feeling the imprint of his lips on her knuckles and the heat from his stare. Perhaps this weekend party would turn out wonderful after all.

  * * * *

  “Everyone raise their glasses in a toast to welcome back those lords who have returned from their Grand Tour.” Lord Felton lifted his glass and smiled.

  The others gathered in the room cheered with lifted champagne glasses.

  Tristan laughed and toasted, before gulping his drink. He was very delighted that his cousin, Lord Elliot, was one of these men.

  But Tristan’s mother’s weekend party at the Worthington’s estate in Bath wasn’t about the lords who had returned as much as it was for persuading them to find a wife—as well as himself, he was sure. Nevertheless, he had enjoyed the event thus far. It’d been a while since he’d socialized with his grandmother and mother’s friends.

  Beside him, Lord Henry slapped Tristan’s shoulder. “My good man, what plans do you have tonight? Are you really going to stay here at the party? A few of us were thinking of leaving later this evening and finding some wenches to entertain us.”

  Tristan laughed and glanced at his friends standing around him. “As much as that sounds like the safe thing to do, I shall stay. I don’t need my mother put out with me…again.”

  “Nonsense.” Elliot flipped his hand in the air. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

  “You don’t know your aunt very well,” Tristan told his cousin. “My mother always knows when I’m not telling the truth. However, I assure you, I shall find something that will keep me entertained.” He waggled his eyebrows. “So far at this gathering, I have noticed a few women who are unaware of my charm, and I find I’m most eager to show them.”

  “Well, I hope you don’t expect us to entertain you, Worthington,” Elliot said. “Both Henry and I have more pleasant matters to attend.”

  Mocking a bow, Tristan nodded. “I will leave you to your adventures. I assure you, I will find some way to keep myself occupied.”

  His friends laughed and walked away like strutting peacocks. Tristan shouldn’t look down on them for what they had planned this evening.

  Adjusting his brown coat, he strolled out of the room, nodding to acquaintances as he made his way toward the violins introducing the first dance of the evening. A few couples occupied the dance floor as a couple of eager young swains searched for a partner.

  Tristan smiled and leaned against the wall. He enjoyed dancing, and especially getting to know the young ladies. He hadn’t been a regular in Polite Society for a few years since he had been in Scotland visiting relatives on his mother’s side, but he found it surprising that he didn’t know very many people at his own mother’s party.

  From across the room, a light blue gown drew his attention. Lady Jane swept into the room, followed by two of her closest friends, Margaret and Lilly. Jane looked his way and smiled with shy demeanor. Tristan knew her well enough to know this was all an act. Jane was far from being shy. Fluttering her eyelashes and giving men that sensual pout made her extremely popular with the young swains.

  He had once been fascinated by the woman, but when his mother and Lord and Lady Hastings started pushing them together, Tristan lost interest. Thankfully, papers hadn’t been signed and no betrothal agreed to, however he knew his family was in hopes of a match with their daughter.

  As he studied Jane and her followers, he couldn’t help but notice the glares and smirks aimed toward someone only a few feet from them. Tristan switched his attention to the target of Jane’s unscrupulous ministrations. Standing beside her mother was the same young lady he’d met earlier today. Miss Diana Baldwin.

  A grin tugged his mouth wide. This afternoon had been entertaining when he watched her. At first she hadn’t noticed him, but when she did, he detected a sparkle in her eyes. Then when she started blowing kisses his way…

  He chuckled. When he’d seen her doing this, it had taken him by surprise. At first he thought her extremely forward, yet she didn’t act as if she was purposely trying to flirt with him. That, in itself, made him more interested in her. When their gazes finally met, she had actually blushed! Now he wondered if she blew kisses to someone else, but he knew she hadn’t.

  Miss Baldwin fidgeted as she stood next to her mother, the young lady’s eyes downcast as she clutched her hands in front of her. Beautiful auburn ringlets hung by her ears while the bulk of her hair wound in a coil at the back of her head, a light blue ribbon woven around it. The blue gown she wore accentuated her womanly figure better than any other woman here.

  Indeed, she was a sight to behold, much lovelier than the other ladies. He didn’t think it was her first Season, only because she didn’t have that innocent, wide-eyed stare. There was something reserved about Miss Baldwin.

  He glanced again at Lady Jane and her friends, still laughing behind their fans at Miss Baldwin. Did she know what the other girls were saying?

  Anger rose inside him. Nobody should be the subject of ridicule. Jane and her friends acted as if they were still schoolgirls in the nursery instead of grown, mature women. He was certain they were acting this way because they
felt threatened by Miss Baldwin’s beauty. Still, that didn’t give them cause to make a spectacle.

  He pulled away from the wall and walked toward the three, ready to set them straight. Before reaching them, he changed his mind. Perhaps words were not the key in helping these girls learn a lesson. Instead, he would show them how ridiculous they were being, and that men did not like a gossiping female!

  Decision in mind, he turned sharply on his heel and headed toward Miss Baldwin. Just before he reached her, she raised her gaze and looked at him. Slowly, her eyes widened.

  He stopped in front of her and bowed. “Good evening. Miss Baldwin, would you do me the honor of dancing with me?”

  “Uh…um…well…” she stammered.

  Her mother bumped an elbow into her daughter’s side and smiled wide. “My daughter would be delighted, my lord.”

  He passed Miss Baldwin a charming smile, then said to the older woman, “My dear Baroness, the delight would be all mine.”

  The older woman giggled and fanned her face. Just then the music stopped and couples left the center of the dance floor.

  Tristan offered a hand to Miss Baldwin. “Shall we?”

  Hesitantly, she slipped her white-gloved fingers across his palm. Heat from her touch jolted through him, and he caught a quick breath. She must have felt it as well because her gaze bounced up and met his. Her cheeks bloomed with color.

  He turned and led her to the middle of the floor, and on his way, took a peek at Jane and her friends. All stood staring at him with wide eyes of unbelief. He should snub them as they were snubbing Miss Baldwin, but he wanted them to see how he preferred to be with Miss Baldwin instead of them.

  A heavenly aroma of flowers attacked his senses. He inhaled deeper. Lilacs. Not only did Diana’s beauty take his breath away, her fragrance made him want to bury his nose in her neck and never leave.

  The dance began and as they moved together in unison, her eyes stayed on him. She didn’t look upon him as most women did. In fact, the way she studied him caused him to worry that something wasn’t right. Was there food on his teeth? Perhaps he’d not used his linen napkin properly during the meal and food was on his face instead.


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