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Saving Sadie

Page 7

by Honor James

  “Sounds good to me.” She grabbed the chips, eggs, and bread along with the camera. Once she got inside, she looked at the men and said, “I need you all out to help Michael get the food in and put away.” She looked at Keagan and said, “Not you. Don’t even move, mister.” She said grumpily, “You are going to just sit here and look pretty and keep me company.”

  He blinked at her like a deer caught in the headlights as the others filed out. A couple of them snickered, though she couldn’t be sure who. “What did I do?” he asked when they were alone finally.

  “You are here, you are mine.” To her that was enough. “Besides.” She moved to his side and wrapped her arms around him. “With you being here it means that I can hug you, right?” And he could stay off of his leg, that was important to her.

  “Of course,” he said, sounding confused. He did wrap his arms around her, though, and held her as the first of the bags came inside. “Jesus, Sadie, did you buy out the entire store?” he asked in surprise.

  “I wanted to ensure that I got enough for all of you.” She reached into the bag and pulled out the candy she got for him. “Are these still your favorite?” It had been a number of years, things could have changed. It could be he no longer liked that candy at all. Damn, she had a lot to re-learn about them. “As for having you in here with me.” She shrugged. “I would rather you be here with me instead of you trying to pull bags in with your crutches.”

  “They are still my favorites,” he said with a laugh. “Damn, how the hell did you remember that?” he asked quietly. Pressing a kiss to her temple, he hugged her closer to him. “I wasn’t going to go out and help. I’m more of a hindrance on the crutches than a help. And with bags that swing around, not a good thing for my lopsided balance. I’d really hate to fall on my ass, mainly for the embarrassment factor, but also because I’d likely end up in the ER. Not going back into a hospital unless absolutely necessary, or if someone else is there.”

  “That’s a very good thing because I don’t want you to go back to the hospital either. It would be very bad for my nerves.” She was blushing and answered his first question. “I remember everything about you,” she whispered. “Every little thing that there is about our time we spent together. I remember it because I love you.” And she did, even to this day she still loved him. God help her, but she did.

  He pressed another kiss to her skin, this one on her cheek. “Did you remember my cookies, too?” he asked, smiling against her face. “Because if you didn’t, I’m sending you and the boss man back out to get them.”

  “They are in one of the bags,” she assured him with a grin. “I didn’t forget anything. Promise,” she assured him. “Now, enough of that.” She rubbed her cheek to his and sighed as she closed her eyes in happiness. “I’m happy. Happy you are back in my life. We’ve lost too much time together and I don’t want to lose any more time. No more in the past, we are looking to the future, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said. Keagan gave her a squeeze and kissed down her neck. Burying his face there, he took a deep breath and then let it out. “Damn, I missed you, Sadie,” he whispered.

  “Likewise, babe.” She turned into his hold and buried her face against the side of his neck. She closed her eyes and shuddered, pain wracking through her as she held him. “No more missing, from now on we will be so close to each other that you will want a vacation from me,” she assured him with a smile.

  “Not fucking likely,” he muttered. Rubbing her back, he stayed silent while the rest of the bags were brought inside. The front door closing had her drawing back a little. “You should probably go make sure you know where everything is going. Especially my cookies. Dinner should be here in about twenty minutes.”

  “Sounds good.” She rubbed her cheek to his and then pulled away before she couldn’t. “Be back soon, babe. With cookies. Promise,” she said with a smirk. “And milk, I have the coconut milk for you, too.” She knew that he preferred it so that’s why she got it. “You just sit and look cute, bub.”

  “Damn, you’re way too good to me.” He caught her hand and tugged her to bend over once she was on her feet. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he smiled against her mouth. “Go. I’ll be here warming the sofa. But save the cookies until later, sweetheart. We have a lot of pizza and other goodies coming.”

  “Oh good, because I’m starving.” She was, and the thought of pizza was making her stomach grumble. “Food sounds good to me. And I will be back soon, promise.” She walked away from him and into the kitchen, the controlled chaos that was there making her grin. “Good heavens. Okay, pantry is there.” She pointed to the large double-door pantry. “That’s where most things go, just please don’t put anything in the top cabinets or we will have words.”

  “Ma’am, yes ma’am,” they all snapped out before laughter took over.

  Chapter Eight

  The doorbell rang, and Michael headed off to answer while she kept things going into the right spots in her kitchen and pantry. Female voices reached her ear, and she knew that the women Michael had spoken of earlier must be there. The doorbell rang again, moments after, and the tangy aroma of tomato sauce wafted into the room.

  “Oh god, food.” She grabbed up the jug of tea she had gotten as well as one of lemonade and bucket of ice. Juggling everything in her arms, she walked around the door and into the living room. “I hope that I got enough drinks for everyone.” She looked at the women and lifted her hand. “Hello.”

  The woman who approached her was taller than she was and had flame-red hair. Sadie grinned when the woman gave her a hug and said, “Hi, I’m Gigi. The hottie over there”—she pointed toward Michael—“is my husband. Isn’t he dreamy?”

  Sadie grinned and said, “He’s got fabulous eyes, but he doesn’t hold a candle to Bryce and Keagan. Sorry.” Sadie watched as the brunette approached as well, she was about Sadie’s height and had beautiful brown hair. Sadie received another hug from her and found out that her name was Piper. The women were gorgeous, and Sadie could see how they fit the men that they were with so perfectly.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Cutter said as he came out of the kitchen. “Didn’t know you were coming over,” he said. He was smiling though, and leaned in to kiss Piper gently. “Did you manage to drag Patty along, too? Or was that too much of a challenge for Gigi’s arm-twisting skills?”

  “Nope, she’s going to be along soon. She had to go and do something. No clue what,” the woman, Piper, told him. “No clue what, she just said she had to drive separately.”

  Sadie shook her head and left the couple to chat. She walked over to where Bryce was and laid her hand on his back lightly. “Are you okay, too?” she asked with a slight frown. He had been casting her dubious looks, looks that made her think that he was just waiting for her to leave or, well, she wasn’t sure what they were.

  “Yeah,” he said. Shifting, he looped an arm around her, tugging her in closer to him. “How are you handling a houseful of people?” he asked quietly. He wrapped his free arm around her, stroking her hair gently as he held her close.

  “I’m okay with it, for now. I will be better when it’s just the three of us and we can relax a bit. I look forward to being able to spend time alone with the two of you and getting to know you all over again. Spending time and just talking like we did when we first met. Just connecting.” And loving, but honestly, she just wanted them. It didn’t have to be physical as long as they were in her life.

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I hear you,” he said softly. Giving her another squeeze, he loosened his hold on her. “Let’s get you some food and settled before all the good seats are taken.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” She looked at the table and grinned. Keagan was settled on one of the bench seats and had his crutches taking up the rest of it. That sight had her grinning. “I think Keagan’s already saved us a spot, though.” And he had even pulled the tea jug closer for her, what a sweetheart. God, she loved that man. “Come on. We got paper plates a
s well so there shouldn’t be much clean up after.”

  “Good plan. I’ll grab some glasses, though.” Letting her loose, he winked at her as he called to Timmons to lend a hand. Going to the cupboard, he passed some glasses to the other man, and then grabbed a bunch more.

  Keagan smiled at her, and moved his crutches to the floor under the bench seat so they were out of everyone’s way. Patting the spot next to him, he took a couple plates from Cutter as he passed them out.

  Sadie settled in beside Keagan gladly and rested her hand on his thigh. She rubbed it lightly and wondered if he was hurting, if he was going to be okay. “Do you need anything for pain? You have that crinkle around your eyes that you would get when you hurt, do you need me to get you anything?” she asked him very quietly.

  “I’m good, sweetheart.” He covered her hand with his, squeezing gently. Lifting her hand up, he pressed a kiss to her fingers. “Thank you for your concern, though. I just need to eat, and then I’ll go and settle into a more horizontal position for a time. Sitting upright too long puts pressure on all the hardware, and makes my leg ache.”

  “As soon as we’ve finished I will show you to either my bed or the couch down here. Depending on if you think you can deal with the stairs or not. If not, then I’m glad that the couch folds out because I honestly don’t want to be without you.”

  “The bed might be the better plan, and stairs aren’t usually an issue for me. I’ll head up as soon as I’m done eating, promise. Though I’ll likely get razzed for not helping with cleanup,” he said with a grin.

  “They will have to suck it up and deal. You will be able to go after food. Don’t worry about that.” She would give the guys hell if they dared to razz him at all. “And I’m glad you will be able to make it up the stairs. I have a nice big Jacuzzi tub up there as well that should help the pains you might have, too.”

  “Oh, now that sounds good. I’ll have to have it on low, though. Too much would overstimulate the nerves that are all out of whack as is. You going to join me?” he asked with a grin. Wiggling his eyebrows, he leaned in to kiss her gently.

  She leaned into him and nodded. “Yeah, I might be able to be talked into joining you if you wanted me to.” She had missed him. Missed the slide of skin to skin, missed the way that he touched her, held her. She had missed Bryce as well, the possessive way he touched her. The control he had when loving her. All of it.

  “Damn straight I do,” he told her. Giving her a quick squeeze, he eased back to take a pizza box and offer her first dibs. “Pass the cheesy bread sticks down this way, too,” he said to the table in general.

  * * * *

  They were all relaxing in the living room after the meal when the doorbell rang again. She watched as a couple of the men began to mutter and grumble and looked to Bryce, who was holding onto her tightly. “What is that all about?”

  He snorted and leaned in until his lips touched her ear. “That’s probably Patty,” he said softly. “She’s running a little late if you hadn’t guessed from the grumbling. Markham and Connor tend to get pissy when she’s delayed. She had a stalker, an ex-boyfriend who also happened to be a cop who kidnapped her. They’re justified, I’d say.”

  “I would, too. Heavens. No wonder that they are biting at the bit.” She heard the squeal of laughter and grinned. “I have a feeling they are ensuring she knows that they are pissed at her?” She wanted to know, grinning stupidly as she said it.

  “More than likely, yes,” he said with a laugh. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he lifted his head as the threesome came into the kitchen. “Nice of you to finally join us, Patty. What’s up with the delay, woman? Your guys have practically worn a groove in the floor waiting on you.”

  Sadie watched the gorgeous little pixie of a woman walk in between the two males that looked even larger with her between them. She saw the flush that spread over her cheeks and when the woman spoke, her voice was nearly lyrical. “I had something to do. No, I’m not telling you big lugs. It’s a surprise.” Sadie saw the looks on both men’s faces and snickered. Oh boy, even they didn’t know? She couldn’t wait to know what it was.

  Holding out her hand, Sadie said, “Hi, I’m Sadie.” She introduced herself to the woman, shook her head, and watched as she settled in with a plate of pizza, on the lap of one of the guys. It was too funny. Almost as if they were worried she would fly away from them or something.

  Keagan squeezed her knee gently then leaned into her a little. “I’m going to head up. Give me a ten minute head start before you follow. It’ll take me at least that long to get up the stairs,” he said softly. Looking to the rest of the table, he grinned. “All right folks, I’m going to go and lie down. Give Sadie a hand with cleanup if you would, please?”

  Sadie watched him walking away and sighed. She looked up at Bryce and saw him watching his friend’s progress as well and asked, “How is he doing, really?” Now that Keagan wasn’t there she could ask that question. She was worried about Keagan, like whoa worried for him.

  He shrugged and shook his head. “He’s stubborn, and won’t admit if he’s hurting. If he’s even hinted at it to you, which he might over the rest of us, then he’s in a lot of pain. He’s a survivor, though, and while this will take some time to heal from, he’ll get there.”

  “Then I think that someone should be sent for clothes for him and his pain meds. I think he needs them.” She hated to admit that, but she was, for Keagan. “I think that once he has one of those he will be okay, that and the jet tub that I have. If he’s good I will even give him a massage to help with the pain.” God knew she had to rub her own body down enough times to understand just how badly one could hurt and how good hands felt on the body.

  “Probably a good plan,” he said. “I’ll actually run over and get everything. It’ll be faster than trying to tell someone where it all is. Think you can hold the fort for the next hour?” he asked with a grin.

  “I got this. Besides, I have all these men to instruct. Well, the ladies and I will instruct them,” she added a little louder, getting grins from the women and groans from the men. “Oh, and will you stop and grab”—she stopped and pulled Bryce close—“condoms. I never, I mean, just you two and—” Good lord, she was tripping over her words as she whispered to him. “In case?” Her face was pink as she spoke.

  He was shaking from his laughter, but he nodded. “I can do that. Though I doubt Bradley will be up for something as adventurous as to need that yet,” he told her. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he got up. Squeezing her hand, he left the kitchen, and shortly after she heard the front door shut.

  She was such a sucker and knew it. She didn’t want to spend another day without these men, now that they walked back into her life, and was glad she wouldn’t. Turning she looked to the people and said. “All right. Time to clean up and then you get to go home so that I can have some down time with my guys and sleep.” Sleep was a marvelous thing, after all.

  “Uh-huh,” a couple of them said, their grins saying they weren’t buying into any of it. They did get up and started to gather the food. Another couple collected the dishes, the glasses getting rinsed out, and the plates tossed into a garbage bag.

  She snickered. She was happy. Genuinely happy. Even with the hot mess her life was in right now, she couldn’t deny that she was glad that these men were in her life, and even more so, Bryce and Keagan came back into her life. Maybe one day they would be able to pull the nursery apart, together.

  Chapter Nine

  “Was wondering if you were planning on coming up here any time tonight,” he said. Keagan was flopped out on the bed, relaxing with pillows under his leg, and another under his head. He was still fully dressed, and still had the brace on, but he definitely looked more at ease.

  “I had to ensure that everyone had everything in hand and get Bryce headed toward your place to pick up clothes and meds for you.” She moved to his side and sat down on the side of the bed. Touching her hand to his chest, she asked, “Do you need h
elp getting into the tub or are you good just where you are? If so, do you want help getting undressed so you will be more comfortable?”

  “I’ve been contemplating the tub. It does sound so damn good, but the only issue is getting back out,” he told her. “Getting in is easy, but levering myself up and out after the fact will definitely be tricky. So if we do the tub, no more than fifteen minutes, otherwise you might as well just leave me there to sleep.”

  “Bryce should be back by then and I think between him and I we will be able to get you out of the tub.” She rose and touched her hand to his leg and then looked at him with sadness in her eyes. “When you see me naked—” She didn’t know how to finish that. She was ugly under her clothes. She wore long sleeves and pants for a reason. “I hope it won’t turn you off of wanting to be with me, intimately, one day.”

  In a surprisingly quick move, he sat up and caught her hand. “Hey,” he said softly. “You are still Sadie, and you always will be. The shell will always change over time, it’s what’s inside that counts most, sweetheart. And I know what’s in there quite well. Maybe not as well as I should, but I know enough, and it’s pretty damn spectacular. Go run the bath, and then we will have some fun breaking me out of this damn brace from hell.”

  That had her smiling and she nodded. “Okay.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek before giving his hand a squeeze and walking away. Once in the bathroom, she started the bath and called out. “Do you mind if I put some of my salts in here? I have special ones for the scars. It shouldn’t hurt you. In fact, it might help the skin feel better, especially if it’s abraded and raw.” She didn’t know how old his injury was, but she had lived by the special bath salts that had been created for her.


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