A Breath of Magic

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A Breath of Magic Page 21

by Tracy Madison

  Jason Malone’s mouth straightened into a rigid line. “No, but he might show up later. I wanted to let Ben know. You might want to mention it if you see him before I do.” He cleared his throat as if suddenly uncomfortable, as if realizing that he’d said more than he should. “I’m pleased you’re here, Chloe. And I’m pleased to hear my son’s laugh again. I genuinely hope both continue.”

  Emotion welled up in me, both at his candor and his geniality. “I hope so too. I’m…well, I care a lot about your son.”

  “I can tell. And he cares about you. I saw the way he looks at you, and that’s something else I haven’t seen in a long time.” He brushed his clean-shaven jaw with his fingers. “Too long. Might I ask how you two met?”

  Happy to be navigating a somewhat safer topic, I smiled. “He came into my store to purchase a gift for his assistant.”

  Gray eyebrows bunched together, just the way Ben’s would. “You must have made some impression for him to ask you out. I don’t think he’s asked a woman out in”—he shook his head—“a very long time.”

  Heat gathered in my cheeks. “I…uh…sort of did the asking.”

  Ben’s father laughed. “Good for you! That’s how I met my wife, Clara.” He gestured again to the woman at the next table. “She decided I was the man for her and let nothing stand in her way. We’ve been together for going on forty years.”

  Wow. Just wow. “You’re both very lucky.”

  “We are.” His blue eyes latched on to mine, and I had the sense that he was staring right into my head, deciding my worth. “Ben’s going to do well with you. I can feel it.”

  Before I could think of a reply, let alone voice one, Jason Malone stood and reached out a hand. “I have to schmooze with the guests now, but you have a good time. And don’t let any of the family worry you. We’re curious, but we’re harmless.”

  I gave him my hand. He gripped it in a tight, firm hold. If a man can truly be measured by the strength of his handshake, then Jason Malone measured somewhere near the top. “It was very nice meeting you, Mr. Malone.”

  “Jason,” he ordered. “Clara will probably bend your ear at some point tonight, but she’s harmless too.”

  I stole a look at Ben’s mother. She smiled and nodded her head. I returned her smile, but the butterflies in my stomach fluttered harder. “I’ll try to remember that. I…ah…should probably find Ben and see what he’s up to.” Ben’s father nodded and gave me another searching look, but I was pretty certain I’d passed muster. At least for now.

  After he walked off, I sucked in a breath. And then another. I drank down the last swallow of wine and forced myself to chill out. All of this was normal. Of course Ben’s family would be interested in the first woman he’d brought into their circle since his wife’s death. It made perfect sense. But wow, talk about unsettling.

  Ben showed up, stopping beside my chair. “Have I told you how sexy you look tonight?”

  “Yes, but that’s okay. I don’t mind hearing it again.” Relieved beyond belief to see him, I stood up. “You’re looking pretty sexy yourself, Mr. Malone.”

  He chuckled, but an uneasy glint flashed over him, surprising me. The look vanished so quickly, I wondered if I’d imagined it. “Be careful, Red. There are close to a dozen men here who go by ‘Mr. Malone.’ I don’t want any of them to think you’re referring to them.”

  Pleasure flushed through me, warming my limbs to a jellylike state. “I’m here with you. I’m not interested in any other Mr. Malone.”

  “You have no idea how glad I am to hear that.”

  “Though I did just meet your father. If I hadn’t met you first, he might be able to steal my heart,” I teased. “He’s quite charming.”

  “How long did it take him to get over here after I left you alone?”

  “About three seconds.” I was all set to give Ben the message about his brother when his mouth spread into a wide, teasing grin. I narrowed my eyes. “You knew your father would come over if you left? You should’ve warned me!”

  “I wanted you to impress them, and if I’d warned you, then you might have worried too much about what to say.” His arm swept around my waist. “So, how’d the meeting go? Did Mom come over too?”

  “The meeting went fine, and no, your mother just watched from her table. But she smiled and waved.”

  Ben tipped my chin up and then bent over to kiss me softly on my lips. “My family will adore you. But even if they didn’t, they wouldn’t say that. They want me to be happy, Red. And right now, you make me very happy.”

  “Oh, I feel…I’m happy too.” A cozy warmth curled out from somewhere deep inside, pushing all other thoughts away. At that moment, I decided to enjoy this evening and whatever it brought. I, for the moment, had the seal of approval from Ben’s dad, and Ben was happy with me. Tomorrow or the next day, or whenever I saw Mari again, would be time enough to burst this bubble. And that day, regardless of how necessary it was, would come far too soon.

  “So…what should we do now? I’m assuming you can’t leave yet?”

  “Nope, not yet. We can get another drink, or we can try a bit of gambling, or we can meander around and I can introduce you to more of my family.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Whatever you want.”

  “Gambling. Let’s do that!” I said brightly. “I’m sure we’ll bump into your family as we go, so no need to search them out.”

  He laughed again. “Gambling it is, but first we have to register. There are prizes to be won, and one of them is a romantic weekend getaway.”

  An entire weekend away with Ben? My skin warmed even more, and some of my tension eased. “We should go register, then. Before someone else wins our prize! Maybe Lady Luck will be on our side tonight.”

  His hand flattened on my hip, and a thread of heat seared me. Just a simple touch, but Ben had that effect. “I’d say Lady Luck is already with us. Let’s go see if I’m right.”

  Once we registered, we hit the blackjack tables. Ben sat on one side of me, and a woman he introduced as his cousin sat on the other. I expected a round of questions from her, but other than a friendly smile she focused on the game. Thank God for that.

  The table started off hot, with the dealer losing the first five hands. Ben won three of those, his cousin one, and a guy at the far end of the table another. We stayed for four more rounds and then moved to the roulette wheel. Neither of us won anything there, but that was okay by me. Because while we weren’t on the fast track to winning any prizes, Ben remained by my side the entire time. That, as far as I was concerned, was a win all on its own.

  “Go grab a table and I’ll get the drinks. Do you want a chardonnay?” Ben asked as we stepped into the bar after deciding to take a break from the gambling. The room had been re created to look like a casino nightclub, with flashing lights, scattered tables and a makeshift dance floor.

  “Yes, please.” While he disappeared into the crowd, I found a table, purposely choosing one near the dance floor. I wanted to dance with Ben. So very much. I wanted to feel his arms tight around me as we moved together to soft music.

  I sat there for a few minutes, pleasantly distracted by those thoughts, when a new one reared its ugly head: did Ben know how to dance? Did he even like dancing? Ugh. How could I not know something so simple about the man I was certain I’d be spending my life with? New anxiety lashed through me, chasing away my momentary calm. I fidgeted in my seat, trying to work out why this bothered me so much. It shouldn’t have. After all, it took time to get to know someone, to learn about the different aspects of their personality, about what they liked and didn’t like.

  “You have a frown on your face, Chloe,” Ben said as he arrived with the drinks. He handed me my wine and took the chair next to me. “Penny for your thoughts?”

  I pushed my lips into the semblance of a smile and attempted to sound lighthearted. “They’re worth far more than a penny. You’ll have to cough up a whole dollar, at least.”

  “A dollar, eh? How do I know t
he info’s worth it?” His voice was teasing, but he nervously strummed his fingers on the table. “Really, Chloe, what’s worrying you?”

  “I’m just…” I told the truth because there were already so many secrets I was keeping from him, I didn’t want to add even one more to the pile. “Well, I was sitting here waiting for you, and I realized how much we don’t know about each other yet. I feel so close to you that I guess that bothered me. Like I should know everything already.”

  “We have tons of time for that. But ask me anything you want.” He tipped his glass, the ice in his drink clinking against the side, swirling around in the amber liquid.

  “Okay.” I nodded toward his glass. “You knew I’d want a chardonnay, but I have no idea what your drink of choice is. What are you drinking?”

  “Scotch on the rocks. Single malt.” He swallowed a mouthful, then grinned. “But I don’t have a drink of choice.”

  Still, I filed this information away for future reference. “How about dancing? Do you like to dance?”

  “If I’m with the right woman, I do. Maybe we can hit the dance floor after we’re done with our drinks and I’ll show you that I don’t have two left feet. How does that sound?”

  “I’d love that,” I agreed.

  We continued talking while we sipped our beverages, but neither of us seemed to be in the frame of mind for more than general chat, partially because the music was so loud, and partially because of all the people surrounding us. Still, it was nice, and for the first time all evening I truly began to relax. So much so that when Ben pulled me to my feet and led me to the dance floor, every part of me vibrated with a heady warmth.

  I stepped into his embrace, and he tugged me close. My arms wove around his neck, and I stared up, lost in the blue depths of his eyes. He bent his head, and his lips began at my ear in a soft nibble and then trailed across my skin with one small kiss after another. The heat in my belly branched out, slowly suffusing me, until my entire body blushed. My mind emptied out, and I allowed myself to experience the moment, this dance, with every one of my senses: the clean, pure, wholly freaking male scent of Ben, the feel of his hands on my back, the stroke of his lips along my skin, his body pressed tightly against mine.

  Delicious curls of longing trickled over me, through me, turning the fire up even more. It didn’t seem to matter where we were or how often we were together. My body—my soul—recognized this man, and every nerve, every muscle, every tiny molecule of my being came to life under his touch. When I’d dropped into the drawing of our wedding scene, I’d experienced a love I’d never felt before. It had stunned me, changed everything I wanted, and now, as I danced in Ben’s arms, I recognized that love as becoming a reality inside of me.

  I sighed as the music ended, and the next song blasted out in a fast, upbeat tempo, breaking the soft, romantic mood like a sledgehammer. We separated, but Ben kept his arm on my back as we left the dance floor.

  I stood on tiptoe so I could whisper in his ear. “That was lovely.”

  He tightened his hold on my waist. “You’re lovely, Chloe. Every man here is green with envy because you’re on my arm.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true, but thank you for seeing me that way.” I was about to say more, about to tell him how very much I enjoyed being with him, when I felt that odd sensation of someone watching me. It burned into my back, and I shivered. I scanned the room, but there were so many people that there was no way of ascertaining if I was right.

  Probably just another of Ben’s relatives sizing me up. I shrugged it off and gave Ben a quick kiss on his cheek. “Let’s get out of here. The music is starting to give me a headache.”

  We walked out of the faux nightclub into the overly bright hallway. My eyes watered from the sudden brilliance, and I stumbled as we rounded a corner.

  “Are you okay?” Ben asked, holding me upright. “Too much to drink, not enough food or a little of both?”

  “None of the above. The change in lighting threw off my balance. I’m fine now. Really.”

  He searched my face, nodded, and we continued on until we reached the end of the hallway, merging into an area that resembled a lounge. A few people were milling about, chatting with others, obviously taking a break from the festivities. Ben led me to a sofa and we both sat down. He stroked a finger along the line of my jaw.

  “This isn’t the place, but later, I want to talk to you about that book. I’ve read it, and I’m interested in hearing your thoughts.”

  “Oh…okay. That’s good.” Everything inside paused and went on alert at his words, which was ridiculous. He’d done as I’d asked, even quicker than I’d assumed he would, and was now willing to delve into an area he found uncomfortable. I should’ve been pleased. This was a discussion we definitely needed to have, both for his sake and for Mari’s. Possibly, even for Sara’s. But an icy band of fear appeared, making me tremble.

  Concern etched Ben’s features. “You’re not feeling well, are you?” He cursed under his breath. “I’m sorry, Red. I should’ve been paying more attention. Wait here and I’ll let the powers that be know we’re taking off.”

  I felt just fine. Physically, anyway. But I was beyond ready to leave, so I didn’t argue. “Who are the powers that be?”

  “My father and my uncle.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead. “Take it easy and we’ll be out of here in no time.”

  The mention of his father reminded me that I’d never relayed the message about his brother. I grabbed his arm before he could stand. “Oh! Wait a second. I was supposed to tell you that your brother might stop in. I’m sorry, but I completely forgot until just this minute.”

  Ben stiffened. His jaw tightened, and the vein in his neck throbbed. In a tone far more frigid than an arctic freeze, he said, “And there’s another good reason we should leave.”

  “You…uh…don’t want to see your brother?”

  “Not tonight, I don’t.”

  “I take it you two aren’t close?” I pushed, knowing I shouldn’t.

  “No, we’re not. But my relationship with Gabe has nothing to do with my relationship with you. And I prefer not to discuss him or our”—his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed—“falling-out right now. Especially not here.” He looked at me intently. “Okay?”

  “Yeah. Sure. That’s fine, Ben. I didn’t mean to pry.” I spoke with the full knowledge that this was a story I needed to hear. But he was right that we weren’t in an ideal location. And at least I knew his brother’s name now. That was a start. “We can talk about this later. When you’re ready.”

  He gave me a terse nod. “Give me a few minutes, and we’ll make our escape.”

  “I’ll just sit here and wait.” He took off and I worked through everything I knew, trying to fill in the blank areas, and the answer I came up with was chilling. Was it possible that Ben’s brother was the man whom Sara had loved, the man who might be Mari’s biological father? Oh, God. If I was right, how much did Ben know? Did Ben know his paternity was in question? What message, exactly, was I supposed to share with Ben, and which one would help Mari?

  My confusion increased tenfold when I considered the flickering images of Sara and Ben. Sara hadn’t shown me another man in those images. So maybe I’d misunderstood the phone call, and therefore Sara’s message?

  I leaned back, resting my head on the cushion of the sofa, and closed my eyes. I replayed the images in my mind, trying to remember everything I’d seen and heard. The problem was, they didn’t match up. When I thought about the scenes of Ben and Sara, I believed that she had loved him, had wanted their relationship to work, but something kept getting in their way. And then, when I considered the phone call and Mari’s emotional response, along with Sara’s whispered words, I believed Ben’s take: that she was in love with someone else. So where did the truth lie?

  I groaned, my head beginning to throb from all the questions, from the mystery that refused to be solved. It was as if someone had hidden the most important clues, and
with the information I currently held there was no way to find the answer. The pressure of someone sitting down next to me forced my eyes open. Ben smiled and looked at me inquisitively.

  “Hey, sexy,” he said. Leaning close, he nuzzled my cheek with his lips. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  My heart picked up an extra beat in surprise, but also with something else. Something I couldn’t identify. “I’ve been waiting right here. Just as you asked.”

  “Oh. Right. I thought you might have decided to come look for me.” He winked and then pushed his hand behind my head, drawing me to him. His mouth took mine in a fast, hard kiss while his other hand landed on my knee. I waited for the thrumming pleasure that being near Ben always brought forth, but instead a cold ball of apprehension flared out from inside of my stomach. Panic grew in my chest, stealing my breath away. Trembles of fear slid over my skin. This was wrong. So wrong.

  But why? I tried to relax, tried to melt into the kiss, but it didn’t work. Instead, my panic built to a suffocating pressure and I pressed my hands against his chest, hard, shoving him back. I shifted farther away and stared at him, looked into his eyes and then dropped my gaze to his jaw, to his tux, to his hands. Feeling as if I’d lost my mind, I shook my head and gave him another once-over. This man looked like Ben, and sounded like Ben. But my body told me he wasn’t Ben.

  I narrowed my eyes, now noticing his hair. Did it look a tiny bit longer? I shook my head again, feeling dazed and unsure, but the panic in my chest increased.

  “You…Who are you?” I whispered in a halting voice, knowing I sounded like a crazy person but trusting my instincts. “You’re not—”

  “Wasn’t Sara enough for you, Gabriel? This game got old a long time ago.” Ben—the real Ben—interrupted, his voice furious. He approached in fast, ground-eating steps, every part of his body on edge and a blaze of anger in his eyes. I catapulted upright, feeling cold and numb and even a little dirty. I looked from him to Gabriel, and my mind solved the question my body had raised so vehemently. They were brothers. Identical twins.


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