A Beast For The Eyes: A Steamy Shifter Romance (A Ravenswood Romance Book 2)

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A Beast For The Eyes: A Steamy Shifter Romance (A Ravenswood Romance Book 2) Page 6

by Jada Turner

  He pulled away and whispered “You belong to us”

  It was then that I too cascaded into another fit of welcoming release that made my legs tremble and give out as I fell on top of Santiago’s sweaty body in a mess of emotions and sweet gratification.

  20 minutes later, the three of us lay in bed together, giggling and talking contentedly. Being with the two of them felt familiar in a wholly new way. Not to mention how fucking good it had all felt. Why the hell have I never fucked two vampires before? It’s clearly the best option for a three-way.

  “So…any regrets about how the night turned out?” Beck asked, running a curved finger over my love handles as he spoke. He was lying beside me while Santiago was resting his chin on my stomach.

  “No, but give me a couple hours. Us girls just luuurv to obsess about the darndest things.” I joked in a husky voice, which both my vampires laugh.

  “Well whatever you end up obsessing about when the dawn finally arrives, I would just like to say how much I enjoyed every inch of you, Chiquita.” Santiago purred, giving the top of my mound a loving kiss.

  “I second that,” Beck agreed, sucking playfully on my earlobe.

  It was an incredible night. I’m just wondering about how we can make this work without any drama. I’m flattered you both want me so much, but I don’t want to end up just being a ‘Kate replacement’ to both of you.” I murmured sadly.

  “You’re nothing like Kate, Ginny. Don’t ever think like that,” Santiago urged, his eyes looking like they were welling with tears.

  “He’s right, Ginny. Maybe it’s too soon to really say anything, but both Santiago and I feel this amazing connection with you, unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. We know we’ve already asked so much of you just from you coming to live with us. But if we’re ok with sharing you, we hope you’ll be ok with enjoying both of us as much as you want, whenever you want. Whether it’s a three-way or just a good old fashioned two-way” Beck declared in earnest.

  My head was doing the back-stroke with so many thoughts swimming through it. The moral side of me could write this night off as a one-time thing and put it behind me. But the bad girl inside me wanted to have her fill of every deliciously depraved thing that the world had to offer. And right now, Bad Ginny desperately wanted to keep playing this sinfully sexy game.

  “Why don’t we just…do whatever comes naturally to us from this moment on? And if any problems arise in future, if either one of you feels like you can’t share me anymore, then we’ll deal with it then and there, for better or for worse. Agreed?” I finally offered in a diplomatic tone.

  “Agreed,” my two vampire lovers said in unison. I smiled wickedly at the prospects as leant forward to kiss both of them on their foreheads. I could really get into this arrangement.

  Step Brother : Vampire Chapter 1

  “My stepfather is a vampire,” Ashleigh Grayson Alberts confided one day over lunch. Her best friend Kaila Dunham just stared at her carrots. “Aren’t you even listening?” she demanded.

  “Yeah,” Kaila said, glancing up. “You said your dad is a vampire.”


  “Well, what?” Kaila said with a shrug. “That’s old news. It’s not like they have to hide anymore. What’s the big deal?”

  Ashleigh groaned. “He’s not that kind of vampire!” She lowered her voice. “I think he’s the bloodsucking ghoul from hell variety.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “Ugh!” Ashleigh wanted to smack her friend over the head with her banana. “He’s strange, Kaila. That’s all I’ve got to say. He’s really strange.”

  “Your mom doesn’t seem to think so. How long have they been married?”

  “Five years,” Ashleigh sighed. “Sometimes I feel like I’m a member of the bloodsucking Brady Bunch!”

  Kaila couldn’t help laughing. “Stop will you? He can’t be all that bad. He took you guys to Hawaii last year.”


  “And he pays for this fancy school.”

  “And your point is…?”

  “I’m trying to tell you that he might not be as bad as you think.”

  Ashleigh frowned. “He stays up all night and sleeps all day in the cellar. And he’s always away on business. Not to mention that he likes his beef rare.”

  “Powerful men often do that. Just ask my dad.” Kaila made a face. “It’s no fun having a Senator for a father.”

  “It’s just we were having dinner one night and there’s this mirror in the dining room…”


  “He didn’t cast a reflection.”

  “And you’re just noticing this now?”

  “I’m sorry,” Ashleigh sighed. “I guess now that I’m older it bothers me. When I was thirteen, all I cared about was getting a dad. Now I’m afraid he’ll start flapping his wings.”

  “Oh, please,” Kaila laughed. “You’re breaking my heart. At least he comes home. And he’s faithful to your mom. Dad had to pay that stripper off.”

  “I don’t know what he ever saw in her. Too skinny if you ask me.”

  “Me neither,” Kaila let out a tired sigh. “Mom’s thinking about getting a divorce.” She picked up her carton of milk and took a long sip. “So when’s your brother coming home?”

  “He’s not my brother!” Ashleigh hissed low. “I don’t really care when he comes back. That’s all I need for the creep to come dragging home and bring his pet boa constrictor. Do you know he put a frog in my bed last time he was here?”

  “Yuck,” Kaila grimaced. “How old is he now? Twenty?”

  “Twenty-three,” Ashleigh informed her bitterly. “He still treats me like a child!”

  “Well, at least you’ve got a brother,” Kaila pointed out. “Try putting up with a slut for a sister.”

  “Don’t tell me she’s at it again!”

  “Uh-huh,” Kaila snorted in disgust. “After the abortion I thought she’d learned her lesson. Nope!”

  “Who’s she with now?”

  “The rugby team.”

  “The whole team?”

  “Yeah. And the wrestling team. The fencing team. The chess club.”

  Ashleigh burst out laughing. “No way!”

  “I’d take a vampire over her any day. Count your blessings, dear.”

  “You may be right,” Ashleigh sighed at last. “But I’m still not looking forward to that ghoul spending the holidays with us.”

  “Maybe he’s changed. Men do that sometimes.”

  Ashleigh tossed her banana peel at Kaila and wished she didn’t have to go home.

  “I doubt it,” she said at last, peering out the window and wondering how she was going to get through three weeks with Sebastian Alberts.

  Maybe she should invest in garlic and a crucifix.

  “Mom, I’m home,” Ashleigh called, setting her backpack down in a chair and making a beeline for the kitchen. She found a note on the refrigerator informing her that her mother would be late and could she please heat up the chicken casserole in the freezer. “No problem, Mom.” She threw bologna and cheese on wheat and headed for her room.

  Halfway up the stairs there he was. Tall, dark, and annoying; a familiar smirk blighting his pale features.


  “What are you doing here?” she demanded, her eyes narrowing in disdain. “You’re not supposed to be here until seven!”

  “And hello to you too,” he drawled in that annoying voice of his. “I took an earlier flight.”

  “Good for you,” she snapped, trying to get past him. “Will you please move?”

  He grinned and stepped aside. “You’re pricklier than usual.”

  “And you’re just as hideous,” she flung at him. “You could use a tan.”

  “You’ll need more than a sandwich to fill out that mess of bones.”

  Ashleigh shoved him aside and ran up to her room “When did you say you were leaving?” she yelled over her shoulder. “I’ll have to
mark my calendar.”

  “How many inches have you grown, beanpole? Ten? Twelve?”

  “I hate you!” she screamed before slamming the door. “Jerk!” Ashleigh muttered to herself. She flicked on the television and turned the volume up so she wouldn’t have to listen to his laughter. “Same old creep. I should have staked his ass.”

  She set the sandwich aside, having lost her appetite.

  Her mother came home late and found Ashleigh still in her school uniform. “Ash,” she said softly, “you didn’t eat my chicken casserole.”

  Ashleigh’s eyes fluttered open to see her mother leaning over her. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hello, sleepyhead. Did you see Bastian?”

  “Ugh,” Ashleigh groaned, shrugging out of her blazer. “Don’t remind me about the toad.”

  Kate Alberts laughed. “He’s not so bad. He is your brother after all.”

  “Stepbrother,” Ashleigh reminded her. “I’m staging a revolt.”

  “Ash,” her mother sighed. “Try and get along with him for my sake. Your father won’t be spending Christmas with us. He had to fly to London.”


  “Being an ambassador has its ups and downs. He wouldn’t tell me why. I think it had something to do with the economic summit.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry, mom.” Ashleigh apologized, and sat up. She wanted to ask her mother if she cared Damien was a vampire. But she supposed it didn’t matter. Her mother really did love her husband. “I’ll try and be civil. But don’t be surprised when he shoves me down the stairs.”

  “You’re being silly!”

  “Not really,” Ashleigh deadpanned. “Brothers do it all time to their sisters.”

  Her mother laughed at this and kissed her goodnight. “There’s roast beef in the fridge if you get hungry later.”

  “Goodnight, mom.”

  Ashleigh kicked off her shoes and went back to sleep.

  She awoke to find her mother downstairs surrounded by mounds of luggage. Sebastian helped her load the limo and barely glanced up as Ashleigh came downstairs.

  “Mom! What is it?”

  Kate turned around, worry etching her delicate features. “Your father has been shot!”


  Sebastian came back, his eyes dark with anger. “Leave it to Dad to ride with the top down.” Ashleigh felt a shiver creep up her spine. If looks could kill....

  “Is he alright?” Ashleigh said, worried about her stepfather. Suddenly it didn’t matter if he was a vampire. Her mind flew through warm memories of Damien laughing, giving fatherly advice, and leaving her mother love notes so she could read them out loud and embarrass Ashleigh. “He’s going to be alright? Isn’t he?”

  Kate rushed to reassure her daughter. “Of course he will. Damien has lived this long. No assassin is going ruin his track record.” She began sobbing. Sebastian hurried to comfort her while Ashleigh felt small and useless.

  “He’ll be alright, Mom,” Sebastian soothed. “Dad just got careless that’s all.”

  “Yeah, mom.” Ashleigh rushed to fetch her coat and purse. “Dad’s indestructible. You’ll see.”

  Her mother nodded. “I’m going to London. Sebastian will take care of you. I’ll let you know how...he’s doing.” She blew her nose. “I’ll send for you as soon as I can.”

  “Sure, mom.” Ashleigh hugged her tight. “Go and take care of dad. We’ll be just fine.” She eyed Sebastian warily. “Won’t we?”

  He grimaced. “Sure,” Sebastian agreed reluctantly. “We’ll be great.”

  Kate rushed outside to the limo, and Ashleigh watched with a heavy heart as it sped off towards the unknown. Sebastian stood beside her, his face grim and taut.

  “Dad will pull through,” he told her. “The silver bullet missed his heart.”

  “That’s good...to know,” Ashleigh said before bursting into tears. When Sebastian took her in his arms she didn’t pull away.

  They needed each other now more than ever whether they liked it or not.

  Chapter 2

  “What’s it like having a vampire as a dad?” Ashleigh asked over dinner. Sebastian had run out and gotten cheeseburgers and fries as he didn’t like Matilda’s cooking.

  Sebastian dipped his fries in ketchup and took a long sip of his coke before answering cryptically, “It has its moments.”

  “Who do you think did it?” Ashleigh glanced towards the television droning on in the background. The media coverage had been off the wall. “I mean, you don’t think it was those guys from the Order of The Cross?”

  He shook his head. “Nah. They haven’t tried to kill each other in centuries.”

  “Then who?”

  “Who knows?” Sebastian rubbed his eyes. Neither of them had gotten any sleep. “It could have been anybody. You know how folks feel about vamps.”

  “And you?” Ashleigh countered softly. “What’s it like being a hybrid?”

  “I hardly consider myself a hybrid,” he laughed. “Mom was too young. Her father didn’t approve of the marriage.”

  “Do all vampires have to marry?”

  “Sometimes,” he said ruefully. “What’s with the twenty questions, Leigh?”

  Her brown eyes widened. He hadn’t called her that in years. “I’m just curious. I spend so much time at school that I think I don’t know much about anything.”

  “You’re smart enough, honor society and all that.” Sebastian rummaged around the sack for more fries. “Dad tells me you’re on the debate team.”

  “Yeah,” she sighed. “Lucky me.” Ashleigh reached up self-consciously to smooth the frizzy locks. “Boys don’t know I’m alive!”

  “You poor thing,” Sebastian said dryly. “The world as we know it is coming to an end!”

  “Oh, shut up!’ she snapped. “It’s easy for you with that face! Look at me with these glasses.” She held them up. “See? Total nerd!”

  “You’re pretty enough,” he soothed, offering her half of his fries. “You’re too young to date anyway. Dad would never allow it.”

  “Then how am I supposed to get married and have children? Will I be a nun?”

  Sebastian burst out laughing. “There are worse things, you know.”

  “Like what?”

  He pointed at the television. “Like being shot by a whacked-out weirdo.”

  Ashleigh sighed. Men never had to worry about these things. She studied her stepbrother. He was the quintessential male model with striking good looks. He resembled his father with the thickly waving raven hair, dark gray eyes. and aristocratic features. Many a friend had swooned over him. But he’d paid them no heed. She wondered if he was gay. He didn’t have a girlfriend and she couldn’t remember a time when he did. It was most peculiar.

  “What are you thinking, mouse?” he said suddenly, startling her so much she nearly fell off her stool. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I was just wondering if you met anyone. It must be lonely in New York all by yourself.”

  “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?”

  “What?” Ashleigh cried defensively. “It’s just a simple question. Mom thinks you’re gay.”

  “She does not!” He peered at her closely. “Does...she really think I’m gay?”

  “Well, she does wonder why you’ve never had a girlfriend.”

  “Lord!” he snorted. “As a matter of fact, I am in love with someone.”

  Ashleigh was shocked. “Really? Who?”

  Sebastian flashed her a wicked grin, and Ashleigh felt something painful move within her chest. “None of your business.” He leapt off the stool and sauntered off, leaving Ashleigh to ponder the mysterious girl who’d stolen Sebastian’s heart.

  “I wonder who she is?” she muttered to herself. Ashleigh shrugged it off and went upstairs to take a bath.

  Her mother called and told her Damien was recovering after surgery. But he wasn’t out of the woods yet. Ashleigh filled the tub with fragrant bubbles and soaked her wo
rries away. She leaned her head back and thought of prom. No one had asked her yet. She and Kaila had a pact. If no one asked, they were going to skip it and sit home and watch sappy romances while they steeped in self-pity.

  Ashleigh wondered if she was really that ugly. Sure she was taller than most. And all gangly limbs with no figure to speak of, but was she really that awful? Most boys she knew just thought of her as one of the guys. She’d never even been kissed for goodness’ sake! Not that she wanted to. “I probably wouldn’t enjoy it anyway.”

  She groaned miserably and sank down in the tub.

  After showering the bubbles off and washing her hair, Ashleigh stepped out and was in the process of slipping on her robe when the door flung open. It was something out of a bad teenage drama as Sebastian’s eyes skimmed her naked body, and Ashleigh let out a horrendous shriek. “Sebastian!”

  He quickly shut the door. “I didn’t...see anything,” he stammered. “Why don’t you lock the damn door, woman!”

  Ashleigh secured her robe and flung the door open, nearly ripping it off its hinges. “I can’t believe you!” she shouted in rage. “You knew I was taking a bath!”

  He glared back. “I didn’t. There are eight bathrooms in this fucking house and you decide to take a bath in the one I always use!”

  “Don’t you swear at me!” She was so angry she wanted to smack him.

  “I’ll swear if I damn well please!”

  Ashleigh was nearly as tall as he was and they stood nose to nose, venting the full range of their fury. “You did it on purpose!”

  “I did not!” His cold eyes raked over her dispassionately. “I didn’t see a thing.”

  That did it. Her hand snapped back to let him have it and he caught it, making her cry out in pain as he twisted it behind her. “Let go,” she gasped. “You’re hurting me!”

  “Only if you play nice,” he growled. His pupils were fully dilated with his anger, rendering them an enraged black. She gasped as he grabbed the other arm and forced it behind her, thrusting her chest up against his. The robe was starting to open exposing her breasts, and Sebastian’s breath left him in a sharp exhale as the nipples burned through his T-shirt.


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