Enchanted by the Alien Explorer

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Enchanted by the Alien Explorer Page 7

by Ashlyn Hawkes

  Ah, here we go. Just what I need.

  I find the button and press and wait.

  “Hello? Rix, what is the problem?” a smooth, deep voice asks.

  “Ah, hello? Hi, this is Ava.”

  “Ava? Who are you?”

  “Ava.” I grin even though there’s no holographic image so he can’t see me and I can’t see him.

  “Ava, touch the blue button next to the one you pressed to make this call and then pull down on the black lever.”

  I do as the alien commands, and now, there is a holographic image of a tall Novan who is even more muscular than Rix. Surprised, I jerk back.

  “Ava, I am Overlord Nestrol,” he states.

  I blink a few times. “Oh, wow. Um, great. You’re just the Novan I wanted to talk to.”

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes. I’m just nervous.”

  “Is everything all right with Rix?”

  "Oh, yes. Rix is fine. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you about him. He's, ah, off somewhere. Eating. I just didn't want to wait until he returned to talk to you."

  “About?” The image is clear. Although the alien is a bluish light form, I can clearly see amusement in his eyes. The details are incredible, and I can’t help wondering how they’re able to accomplish such a feat in technology. He’s on a planet that’s an entire day’s length of travel away, yet I can see him perfectly, even watch as muscles flex as he places his hands on his hips.

  “I need to talk to you about a prototype I have,” I explain. “It’s still in development, being a prototype, but it works. I can demonstrate it to you if you were here, and I would love to do so in person.”

  “Just what can this prototype do?” he asks.

  “It can make a centuricmobile levitate.”

  “Levitate? How high?”

  “How high would you want it to levitate?” I ask, lifting my chin.

  “A bold claim.”

  “I’ve already levitated a centuricmobile.”

  “Have you?”

  “Yes. I can do it again and take footage of it this time. I’m sure we can find a way to transmit it to you, but I would love for you to come here and see the device in person.”

  “As intriguing as that sounds, unfortunately, I cannot leave Kuria at the moment. I would like to see this footage, however. It would be nice to have levitating centuricmobiles.”

  “Just think about the possibilities of what it could mean for Kuria, what levitating vehicles will do, what they can pave the road for.”

  “We wouldn’t need roads, paved or otherwise.” The overlord flashes his teeth.

  Why? Why is he so much more agreeable than anyone here on Earth? I’ve heard that he is a stickler, a stern man who will not hesitate to punish severely those who wrong him, but he doesn’t seem that bad to me at all.

  “I will be sure to get the photo to you as quickly as possible.”

  “Good. Now, can I ask where Rix is? Why you didn’t wait to tell him? Has he seen the device in action?”

  I hesitate and then grin. “I’ll go and get you the footage right away, sir.”

  “You can call me… Nestrol.”

  “Thank you, Nestrol. I’ll get the footage to you as soon as I can.”

  “Very well, Ava. I look forward to reviewing it.”

  And that’s what I do. I return to the scrapyard with my device, and I bring along one of my security cameras this time. Within an hour, I’m back on the ship, and the overlord walks me through how to send him the footage.

  "I can't review this immediately," he says. "You called me in the middle of a meeting."

  “My apologies.”

  “Why are you apologizing?” he asks. “You didn’t know, and I took your call anyhow. I want you to know that I am interested in this, very interested. I will review the footage and hail the ship once I have had a chance to review it.”

  “Wonderful. That’s great. I appreciate you taking the time to review this.”

  “I must be going.”

  “Yes, of course. Enjoy your meeting.”

  I disconnect the call and grimace. Enjoy your meeting? I’m not used to brownnosing, but I hope that everything works out.

  Some might call this being a mercenary, but it’s not. I want to change the world. Why does that have to be limited to Earth?



  The hotel room is feeling a little cramped. Two days ago, my friends were given an assignment, and they left for it. Who knows when they'll come back.

  Ava. I want to see her, but she hadn't been there the one time I stopped by her place. I didn't spy, but I couldn't help noticing that the plasma morpher was nowhere in sight. It makes me ill to realize that I have no means of finding her.

  That's not true. I can return to Ava's place and just wait there until she returns. She will return at some point, and then we can go ahead and do… What exactly? Talk? I would like to do that, actually, but I doubt she'll give me a chance to explain things.

  And explain things how? How can I get her to understand that I never intended to hurt her?

  My chip chirps, and I answer.


  “Rix,” the overlord says loud and clear.

  “Overlord Nestrol!”

  “You sound surprised to hear from me.”

  “I, ah, it’s an honor—”

  “You can save the ovian crap,” the overlord says dryly. “You know the Earthling Ava, don’t you?”

  "I do," I say suspiciously. My mind is racing. My dad. He must've told the overlord about her. How else can the overlord know about her? "I can explain—"

  "No, I am going to explain to you what is going on. I want to buy Ava's levitation device, and I have been trying to get a sale from her for two days now. It's just not happening with her there on Earth and me in Kuria, and the ovian female is refusing to come to Kuria. I can't leave now. Issues you don't need to concern yourself with."

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him what’s going on, but I don’t. It’s not my place to, and he already said I shouldn’t concern myself with it.

  But, naturally, that means I do.

  “Since she won’t come to Kuria, and she’s on Earth, and you’re on Earth, won’t you handle it?” the overlord asks in a tone that suggests it’s not really a question but a command. “Will you talk to her, smooth things over, get the deal done? Maybe you can even romance her a bit if necessary…”

  My stomach twisted to use it against her. It’s wrong. So very wrong. I won’t do it.

  I won’t do the romancing to get the deal done. I will romance her, though.

  But this does add a whole new layer of complicating things. Right now, Ava doesn't want anything to do with me, romantically or otherwise. Getting the deal done won't be easy.

  “Well?” the overlord snaps. “I want her levitation device.”

  “It works?”

  “You really aren’t in the loop at all, are you? No wonder she came onto your ship when you weren’t around.”

  “She called you.”

  “You’re a bit slow on the uptake, aren’t you? How is it that she was able to get onto your ship without you knowing?” He pauses. “You aren’t staying on your ship.”


  “Can just anyone waltz onto your ship?”

  “No, but they can ballroom dance their way on board.”

  "You think you're funny. Maybe Ava will appreciate that charm, but I don't. Get this done, Rix, or else you'll be done. Do I make myself clear?"

  “Yes, sir.”


  He disconnects the call.

  I grimace and press a fist to my forehead. This isn’t going to be easy at all.

  Well, I can go and see her and… Should I handle the levitation device issue first? I suppose so. Romancing her will only make things more complicated, but she might not appreciate seeing me at all. She might not be willing to listen to me, and I can’t blame her.

sp; Whenever Mom and Dad fight, Dad always ends up trying to get Mom a present. He’ll barter for food she likes or take her on a trip to Earth or just a trip through the stars. He does something to make her happy.

  What can I do that will make Ava happy?

  That’s the thing. I don’t know her enough to know what it would take to make her happy.

  And that thought makes me feel so very utterly low.

  Yes, there’s no doubt about it. I’m enchanted by her, all right, and she’s not. She’s not enchanted with me.

  How can I change that? How can I get her to realize she needs me?

  Because that’s just it. She’s survived just fine without me. She doesn’t need me.

  I need to change that.

  But first, the transaction. The sale.

  She’s really going to sell her device? I almost don’t want her to. She deserves to be a global name for what she created.

  Maybe Dad can talk to me and help me figure things out. He’s been pushing me on Ava as it is.

  But when I call Dad, he doesn’t answer. Makes me wonder if he’s involved with whatever issue is going on with the overlord.

  After a moment, I opt to call Mom. She’ll understand Ava’s point of view better than Dad would anyhow since both women are Earthlings.

  “Rix,” Mom says warmly, “how is Earth?”

  “It’s great. I’ve been out and about, exploring some.”

  “Hmm. Your father told me about a woman named Ava.”

  “Dad has a big mouth.”

  “Yes, but he would say mine’s bigger.”

  I just shake my head. “I’m glad he told you about her because I want to talk to you about her.”

  “Sure, son. What do you want from me? Advice? Just someone to talk to?”

  “Well, Ava is amazing. She’s smart and resourceful, and she’s inventive. She created a device that the overlord wants to purchase.”

  “Okay. He wants you to get the deal done, doesn’t he?”


  "So, what's the issue?"

  “To make her device, Ava needed a plasma morpher. I got it for her.”

  “Okay,” Mom repeats, dragging out the word.

  “In exchange for a date.”

  “Wow. How did the date go?”



  I heave a sigh. Mom could always see right through me.

  “Until I invited her back to the ship so I could show her my bedroom.”

  “You wanted to sleep with her.”

  “Yes! Err, yes,” I grimace, hating how enthusiastic I sound about the idea of fucking a girl when talking to my mom. It’s embarrassing.

  “She’s not happy with you.”

  "No. I haven't seen Ava since, actually, but I have thought of her and—"

  “How long has it been?”

  “A week and a half.”

  “Rix, you need to go and talk to her.”

  “I know, I know. I just… Do I start with the deal? Securing that first? Or do I try to make amends and make headways with her romantically first? Or will that complicate matters with trying to get the deal?” I run a hand through my hair.

  “You can try to just talk to her and see how that goes. Apologize first. Be a friend to her.”

  “I just… The overlord really wants this done. I don’t know if I can wait around, and…”

  “What is it?”

  “Mom, he even suggested that I romance her to get it, and I don’t want to risk her thinking that I just want her for the device.”

  “Honestly, Rix, I don’t understand what the issue is. Just talk to her. Explain everything. It isn’t that hard, and it really is that simple.”

  I wipe a hand down my face. “I don’t think it is because I’m afraid she won’t ever trust me. She’s not like other women. She… I think she’s been hurt before, and I don’t want to hurt her, but I already did. I fucked up.”

  “Again, tell her all of this. She’ll appreciate your honesty, and honesty is the key to gaining trust.”

  “You act like you know all of the answers,” I grumble.

  Mom bursts out laughing. “That’s because I do know all of the answers, and besides, you called for advice. I’m giving it to you. What’s the issue? Your ego not letting you accept my advice?” She hesitates. “You called your dad first, didn’t you?”

  “I plead the fifth.”

  “That’s not something that pertains to Kurians,” she protests. “That’s a distinctly American thing. You aren’t American.”

  “You are.”

  “I was,” she corrects softly. “There isn’t even a United States anymore.”

  “Does that make you sad?”

  “Yes and no. The world changes. Time marches on. It’s not worth it to make others unhappy. As the sand trickles in the hourglass, we want to be happy and spread that happiness, and right now, your happiness is tethered to Ava. Talk to her.”

  “I will. I promise. I’ll figure everything out, but there is one thing I don’t know.”

  “What’s that?” she asks, and I’m grateful. Normally, she would’ve teased me by saying there’s a lot more than just one thing I don’t know. She knows this isn’t easy for me, that I’ve been dealing with issues.

  More than one issue.

  Because I don’t want to return to Kuria without Ava. I doubt she’ll leave. Honestly, deep down, I don’t want to leave Earth, but if I can’t be on Earth with Ava, I don’t know if I want to stick around here forever after all.

  It’s a giant mess, is what it is.

  But that’s not what I want to know about right now.

  “What’s the issue on Kuria?” I ask.

  “Oh, you heard about that?” Mom asks.

  “Yes. And?”

  “Someone sabotaged a few ships.”


  “Don’t shout,” she admonishes. “Your dad is trying to salvage as much as he can from the ships.”

  “Who would do such a thing?” I ask.

  “We don’t know yet.”

  “Wow. That’s huge. No wonder the overlord is having me handle this. That’s… Wow. I can’t believe it. No suspects at all?”

  “Not yet, but your dad does think we’ll only be out one spaceship. It could have been a lot worse.”

  “No one was injured?”

  “No. Sorry. I should’ve said that right away. No injuries, but I don’t know why someone would want to do such a thing. We’ve been tinkering and upgrading the ships, and in a few months, your father was planning on retiring so he can help build more—”

  “Oh, was he really?” I ask dryly. “When was he going to tell me this?”

  “I think he was hoping you would take over for him and do all of the bringing of supplies and women back and forth between the planets.”

  “There hasn’t been a run for women in decades.”

  "There are also three or four to one male versus female Kurians," Mom points out. That many more males means the female shortage is significant. The overlord was going to ask the Earthlings for more females before all of this mess blew up."


  “Yes, I wondered that too, if it might be related. I was going to see about talking to the overlord about the theory.”

  “It would make sense.”

  “It would mean a Kurian female might be responsible,” she murmurs.

  “Well, Brock, Dax, and Damon have all found their women, and all of them have been found on Earth versus Kuria. It makes sense that the Kurian females might feel a bit put out, like they’re overlooked. It might make one of them go a bit crazy with jealousy.”

  "I hate to think about it, but it's the only theory I have. Can you think of any Kurian females who might do this? Or any Kurians at all?"

  “You don’t think it’s possible that an Earthling or a Novan did this?”

  “The Earthling women have been here for decades and decades. Nothing happened in all of that time. Why
wait until now? The same goes for the Novans.”

  "But maybe one of the Novans is upset that he never found love here and wasn't given permission to go to Earth, so he's fed up with having to flamindulis all the time.”

  Mom grunts. “It’s a terrible situation any way you look at it. I’ll work on letting those in charge know our theories, and you find Ava.”

  “I’ll talk to her, but, Mom?”

  “Yes, Rix?”

  “Be careful.”

  “You too. Matters of the heart are just as important as life and death.”



  The scent of meat cooking wakes me, and I scramble to grab my bat. It’s my closest weapon. The sun has barely started to rise, and smoke from a fire swirls around a form that I can’t make out clearly. Squinting, I realize the form has to be a man, a very muscular one at that.


  What do you want to bet that he's here because of the device? He hasn't come around after I refused to let him have his way with me after that bogus date, and to think that the date had actually gone really well, too, up until that point. I hadn't any idea what to expect out of him, and he had surprised me… until he started to think with his wrong head.

  Then he ghosts me for over a week. He shows up after his leader wants to buy my device from me. It’s too much of a coincidence for me, and without him even saying a word, I feel used and abused.

  Still holding my bat, I stalk up to him.

  “Are you hungry?” Rix asks cheerfully. “I know it’s a little smoky, but—”

  “I’m not hungry,” I spit out. “Not at all.”

  “You aren’t happy with me. I understand. I—”

  “Let me guess. You can explain yourself?”

  “Yes, I can. Or at least I can try. You… I… I was embarrassed.”

  “Embarrassed?” I ask suspiciously.

  “Yes, about how the date ended.”

  “I wouldn’t have thought you felt embarrassed after. Frustrated, maybe. Doesn’t that sound more accurate?”

  “Frustrated? Yes, with myself. I shouldn’t have tried to rush you. I should’ve considered your feelings more. You’re a beautiful woman, so intelligent, and I… I was wrong.”


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