Peterson, Roger Tory, [>]
place and time, [>]-[>]
plagiarism, [>]
Poe, Edgar Allan, [>]
point of view, [>]-[>], [>], [>]-[>]
in fiction, [>]-[>], [>]-[>]
shifts in, [>]-[>]
tone of, [>]-[>]
prefabricated expressions, [>]-[>]
prepositions, [>]-[>]
ending sentences with, [>]
unnecessary, [>]
pretentious writing, [>], [>]-[>], [>]-[>]
progress, signs of, [>]-[>], [>]
promises, [>]-[>]
pronouns, [>]-[>], [>]
as contractions, [>]
first-person, [>]-[>] (see also I)
possessive, [>]
Proust, Marcel, [>], [>]
proxy words and phrases, [>]-[>]
Psycho (film), [>]
punctuation, [>], [>], [>]-[>]
Python, Monty, [>]
quotas, writing, [>]
readers, [>]-[>]
expectations of, [>]-[>]
familiarity with, [>]
fear of, [>]-[>], [>], [>]-[>]
imagination of, [>]
really, [>], [>]
Reasoner, Harry, [>]
redundancy, [>]-[>]
repetition, [>]-[>], [>]-[>], [>]
research, time spent on, [>]
revision, [>], [>], [>], [>]-[>]
on computer, [>]
rewards of writing well, [>]-[>]
rhyming modifiers, [>]-[>]
rhythm in writing, [>]-[>], [>]
Rice, Anne, [>]
Rogers, Ginger, [>]
Roth, Philip, [>]
run-on sentences, [>]-[>]
Runyon, Damon, [>], [>]
Russell, Bertrand, [>]
Salinger, J. D., [>], [>]
satisfaction, writing as source of, [>]
scheduling, [>]-[>], [>]-[>], [>]
scientific writing, [>], [>]-[>]
humor in, [>]-[>]
semicolon, [>]-[>]
arrangement of, [>]-[>]
clarity of, [>]-[>]
connection of, [>], [>], [>]-[>]
construction of, [>]-[>]
function of, in paragraphs, [>]-[>]
length of, [>]-[>], [>]-[>]
run-on, [>]-[>]
Shakespeare, William, [>], [>]
Shaw, George Bernard, [>], [>]
she/her, [>] [>]
Shirer, William L., [>]
Siegal, Mordecai, [>]
simplicity, [>]-[>], [>]
slang, [>]
See also jargon
Smiley, Jane, [>]
Smith, Red, [>], [>]-[>]
Sokal, Alan D., [>]-[>]
speeches, organization of, [>]-[>]
spell-checkers, [>]-[>], [>]
spelling, [>]-[>]
Spock, Dr. Benjamin, [>]
sports writing, [>], [>], [>], [>]-[>]
Stein, Gertrude, [>]-[>]
Stewart, Martha, [>]
style, [>]-[>]
clarity of, [>]-[>]
of first drafts, [>]-[>]
simple versus pretentious, [>], [>]-[>], [>]-[>]
Styron, William, [>]-[>]
subject matter:
familiarity with, [>]-[>]
organization of, [>]-[>]
relevant, [>]-[>]
sources of, [>]-[>]
subjects, pronouns as, [>]
subject-verb agreement, [>]-[>]
subject-verb proximity, [>]-[>], [>]
summary beginnings, [>]-[>]
tense, [>]-[>]
that, [>]
their/there, [>]
then, [>], [>]
there, [>], [>], [>]
there/here, [>]
they/them, [>]
this, [>], [>]
this/that, [>]
Thomas, Lewis, [>]
time and place, [>]-[>]
Tom Swifties, [>]
Tomlin, Lily, [>]
tone, [>]-[>], [>]
Trevor, William, [>]
Trollope, Anthony, [>]
Twain, Mark, [>], [>], [>]
understatement, [>]-[>]
Updike, John, [>]-[>], [>]
verbs, [>]-[>], [>]-[>]
active, [>]-[>], [>]
infinitive form, [>]-[>], [>], [>]
passive, [>]-[>], [>], [>]-[>], [>]
relationship to subject, [>]-[>], [>]-[>], [>]
tenses of, [>]-[>]
weak nouns versus, [>]-[>]
very, [>]-[>]
Walters, Barbara, [>]
Washington, Booker T., [>]
what, why, and how, [>]-[>]
of beginnings, [>]-[>]
of fiction writing, [>]-[>]
which, [>]
White, E.B., [>]
will/would, [>]
Winchester, Simon, [>]
Winckler, Suzanne, [>]-[>]
Wodehouse, P. G., [>]-[>], [>]
Wooster, Bertie, [>], [>]-[>], [>]
work habits:
breaks, [>]-[>]
quotas, [>]
scheduling, [>]-[>], [>]-[>], [>]
writer's block, [>]-[>], [>]-[>]
writing well, [>], [>]-[>]
your/you're, [>]
* * *
*If you must know, see the appendix.
Words Fail Me Page 17