The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc)

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The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc) Page 13

by Cilla Lee

  “You like my eyes,” he asks me, and I smile at him.

  “I like your eyes,” I repeat, and he leans down kissing me just under my ear making my body shiver.

  “What else do you like?” he asks, and I smile, rubbing my hands over his chest.

  “I like your body,” he looks down at himself.

  “But you can't see it,” he says with a mischievous smile.

  “Well, we better fix that, shouldn't we” he nods.

  “We should” I step back and walk around him.

  “Let’s start with this” I reach up taking his Cut off and placing it on the bed on top of mine.

  “That's a good start,” he says as I walk back around to the front of him and stand there, my finger to my mouth like I'm thinking. He watches me, and I can feel his eyes all over my body. I step forward, lifting his arm and kiss down his bicep until I reach his wrist, unbuttoning his cuff and kissing his wrist again. I undo the top button of his shirt, kissing where the button was situated on his body, undoing each button giving each one a kiss making my way down until I get to the last one that’s hanging over his belt. I undo it kissing his belt buckle, I reach up taking his shirt off and place it on his Cut. His undershirt next that I pull up slowly inch by inch kissing my way back up to his neck, as I pull the shirt off. His boots are next, and I kneel down on my knees uniting his boots just like he did for me. His socks next as I kiss his toes looking up as I fold his socks together placing his boots next to the bed, he holds out his hand, and I take it standing up.

  “Impressive,” he says as I look at him.


  “Didn't know you were so submissive” I laugh.

  “There’s not a submissive bone in my body,” I tell him; he just smiles at me.

  “If you say so!... What's next?” he asks, as I un-belt his jeans, pulling them down leaving his boxers in place, his dick straining. I smile, but step back walking around him again, my pussy his aching to be filled; I can feel my juices dripping down my leg. I want him so much, I loop my index and middle finger into his boxers walking around him just barely touching his skin. As I get to the front my fingers skim over his happy trail, and I lean forward, licking his nipple, but keep moving to his back kissing his spine. Goosebumps appear on his skin as I make it back in front of him my mouth watering to suck his dick, he doesn’t move the whole time his eyes watching every move I make. I lick my lips that feel so dry, but my mouth is watering to taste him, I pull his boxers down, and his dick stands straight out, and I gulp his big, like huge.

  “You like” he whispers into my ear, and I nod, reaching for him, he hisses through his teeth as I grasp him tightly. I run my hand up and down his shaft, his dick pulsing and the tip covered in pre-come, I lean forward sucking on his nipple as I rub his dick. His head goes back his hand, entwining into my hair, and I bite the tip of his nipple, and he pulls my hair. “Wench!” he says, nipping me on the ear.

  “I told you if you bite I bite” he growls at me “you want me to suck on your dick,” I ask him.

  “You know I do” I lean down licking the tip of his cock, his grip on my hair tightens “don't play baby suck it” I smirk.

  “Horny,” I ask, but he frowns at me.

  “Bitch,” he says, and I smile more leaning forward, taking his dick into my mouth and sucking hard.

  “ARGH!... Yes, baby!... That's it!... Suck my dick!” I take him in further using my hands to where my mouth can reach and squeeze and suck, I move on his dick his fingers pulling on my hair, guiding me where he wants me but this is my show, and I push his hand off of my head.

  “Hands to the side,” I tell him, and he lets me go, I suck him into my mouth more going further down until he hits the back of my throat and I suck in my cheeks harder.

  “Widow,” he whispers, and I watch his hands struggle to stay at his side, I reach up massaging his balls “Fuck yes! That's so good!” I lick the underside of his dick moving down to his balls and sucking them into my mouth one at a time.

  “You like that,” I ask him as he smiles running his fingers over my cheek.

  “Baby you've got a talented mouth” I smile at him reaching back up and suck his dick back into my mouth, I can feel his dick harden and I know he's close. I reach up placing my finger on the vain at the underside of his dick and slowly rub his dick “Bitch!” he says, and I smile licking his tip.

  “What?” I say sweetly

  “I was gonna come,” he says, and I smile.

  “I know” I go back to sucking his dick when I know he's slowed down, I suck harder and feel him getting close again, and I repeat what I did to stop him from coming again.

  “WIDOW!!” he yells pulling my hair, so I'm looking up at him, but I smile reaching down and rub my clit, so he can see “Open,” he says as I open my mouth, he grabs my hair harder and starts to fuck my mouth. I feel him getting close again, reaching up, but don't stop him this time. He roars loud, as his first spurts of cum hit my tongue and I swallow the hot saltiness of his release.



  Fuckin’ little minx, my dick pulses as I watch her take all my, cum into her greedy mouth, her pussy juices coatin’ her legs and my mouth waters again. I pull her up kissin' her hard walkin’ her back towards the bed and we both fall “How was that?” she asks me, and I smile at her (best fuckin’ blowjob I've ever had)

  “It was a'ite,” I tell her and she laughs pushin’ at my shoulder.

  “A'ite, what are you some gangster,” I laugh.

  “No baby, I'm a big bad biker.”

  “If you’re a big bad biker, then what does that make me?” she asks me.

  “This big bad biker’s woman,” I tell her, and she looks at me frownin’.

  “I am not your women, and if anyone is the big bad biker, it's me” I look at her.

  “You!” I say

  “Yes me!” she says annoyed (shut your fuckin’ mouth, she’s naked in your bed don’t fuck it up)

  “Darlin’ you’re anythin’ but a big bad biker” she pushes me off of her, but I hold her down.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” her tone tells me I fucked up, but my stupid fuckin’ mouth just doesn't listen.

  “It's because you’re a woman” this time she moves to the side twists her body and is on top of me before I can stop her.

  “Did you just say…. because I'm a woman” I gulp cause the look she's givin’ me is deadly (don’t say anythin’)

  “You are” (idiot) before I know it, she punches me so hard, I see stars in my eyes and my nose is on fire. I grab my face as I see her getting dressed and I try to grab her, my nose bleedin’ everywhere (fuckin’ dumbass) “Widow!” I say tryin’ to grab her again.

  “Fuck you Scythe!” she says dressin’ fast and stormin’ out the door.

  “FUCK!!” I yell grabbin’ my jeans and pullin’ them on fast usin’ my shirt to stem the bleedin’ (fuckin’ idiot) I berate myself (just couldn’t keep my mouth shut)

  “WIDOW GET YOUR FUCKIN’ ASS BACK HERE!!” I yell as I make it to the main room where everyone turns to us, and she stops and turns to me slowly.

  “What do you want Scythe?” she says all sweet, my face poundin’ with pain as blood drips down my arm.

  “I didn't mean it,” I tell her.

  “You didn't mean what?” fuckin’ bitch wants to humiliate me in front of all the Brothers.

  “Can we talk in my room,” she shakes her head.

  “No, I think here's as good as any” I take a deep breath lookin' around the room, the boy's waitin’ and I look over and see Magic and Knuckle smilin’ (fuckers)

  “I didn't mean to say what I said ok.”

  “Is that an apology?” she asks.

  “Yes,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Well, it's not good enough.”

  “Don't be a bitch Widow?” I say getting’ fucked off with this bitch

  “Excuse me,” she says

  “I said I was sorry,” she

  “I didn't hear the words, I'm sorry, did you Magic,” she yells out to the fucker.

  “No,” he says, and I look at the smug fucker.

  “Well,” she says, and I narrow my eyes at her

  “Now you’re just bein’ a cunt” the pain I feel is out of this world, it radiates through my body as my balls are propelled into my insides at a rate of the speed of light. I fall to the floor tryin’ to breathe my groin on fire my lungs burnin’ and my face bleedin’ everywhere, my head spinnin’ with the agony of my balls she pulls my head up by my hair

  “Don't ever call me a cunt” is whispered into my ear as I struggle to breathe and then a kick to my gut just to top it off; I hear people strugglin’ as Cookie comes over to me.

  “You ok man” but my throat is blocked still with pain. I moan just holdin’ my balls rollin’ on the ground (how in the fuck did that go so wrong so fast, oh yeah cause you’re a dick). The pain slows as I try to stand up Cookie helpin' me to the bar as Saffron gives me a shot smilin’ at me (fuckin’ bitches)

  “What the fuck did you say to fuck her off?” Cookie asks me

  “I called her a woman,” I tell him and he laughs.

  “That's it!” I nod

  “Ok, I don't get it, she is a woman” I look at him rollin' my eye.

  “Then go over and tell her that fuckhead” he looks behind me, but I can't see her “Where is she?”

  “Sniper dragged her outside.”

  “Fuckin’ bitch,” I say, tappin’ the bar for another drink

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Widow Maker

  “WHAT THE EVER-LOVIN' FUCK AVA!” I turn and look at my dad

  “IT'S FUCKIN’ WIDOW MAKER! SO FUCKIN’ USE IT!” I yell at him, and he takes a deep breath.

  “Then Widow Maker what the fuck was that?” he asks me.

  “That was me defending myself.”

  “How in the fuck was that defending yourself?” I start to pace, to work off some of my anger when I see Magic Knuckle and Hawk standing behind my dad

  “He called me a cunt.”

  “And what happened before that?”

  “Do you really want to know.”


  “Fine, we were in bed, and he called me a woman” dad frowns at me

  “Darlin’ you are a woman.”

  “I fucking know that, it was the content of our conversation and how he said it that pissed me off, so I punched him in the face.”


  “Don't ok, it's done.”

  “You need to apologize” I stop and look at Sniper.

  “No fucking way!”


  “WIDOW MAKER!!” I yell.

  “Widow this is their clubhouse, and we are guests.”

  “So, you’re telling me that if one of them insulted you, you'd mosey on over to them and apologize” I see him gritting his teeth trying to come up with something.

  “Yes,” he says, and I laugh.

  “Like fuck and I ain't saying shit to that asshole, especially not a fucking apology.”

  “AV..... Widow”

  “Nope,” I tell him (no fucking way)

  “ARGH! Fuck your impossible,” he yells, and I smile.

  “I take after my dad, you should meet him sometime he's a real ball-breaker” he tries to frown but smiles.

  “Little shit,” he says, pulling me to him hugging me tight “You ok?” he whispers so only I can hear.



  The rest of the day I sit with Magic Boogie and Knuckle, Scythe sits at the bar drinking with Cookie, and I know he's watching me through the mirror behind the bar. He's dressed, and all cleaned up his nose all red and the beginning of a black eye forming under his eye, I feel a little bit stupid now that I've calmed down and every fiber of my being is telling me to go over and apologize. But my stupid head is stubborn, so I just stay seated, listening to the guys talk about pussy bikes pussy and more bikes.

  “You want a drink Widow.”

  “Yeah,” I tell Boogie, and I watch him walk towards the bar talking to Scythe and Cookie.

  “Did you fuck him?” Knuckle asks, and I frown at him


  “That explains it.”


  “The mood,” he says, and I frown at him.

  “What mood?”

  “That one!”

  “I don't have a fucking mood.”

  “Ok, if you say so,” he says as Boogie comes back to the table with a round of shots and beer.

  “So! If you didn't fuck him.... What did you do?” I look at Knuckle again

  “It's none of your business.”

  “You were in there long enough, what were you doin’?”

  “Knuckle do you want a kick in the balls to,” I ask him


  “Then shut ya fucking mouth,” I tell him.

  “Man, you need to get laid,” he says looking at me.


  “I’m afraid to say women” we all burst into laughter Magic pulling me to him rubbing my head and I elbow him laughing.

  "Who needs another drink?" I ask them

  “Me,” they all say, and I make my way over to the bar and step up next to Scythe who has fucking Bliss rubbing her tits all over him again.

  “Eight shots Saffron,” I say as Scythe turns and looks at me.

  “You calmed down,” he asks, and I look at him, his arm draped over Bliss's shoulders, and I want to rip it off of the whore.

  “I'm calm,” I tell him.

  “Good we gonna go back to my room and finish what we started” I look at Bliss shaking my head.

  “You've already got your hands full,” I tell him.

  “You could join us,” he says, smiling, smug bastard.

  “Do you want another kick to the balls?” I ask him, and he laughs

  “Just makin’ a joke,” he says (real funny asshole)

  “Yuck it up asshole; I'm not going anywhere near your dick again,” I tell him.

  “Your loss,” he says, standing up and dragging Bliss with him down towards his room, I feel like crying so hard, but I grab the one of the shots and down it. Then the other than another than the rest downing all eight.

  “Damn girl, take it easy” I look at Cookie wishing him to burst into flames and he holds up his hands in surrender stepping back, and I look at Saffron.

  “Give me the bottle,” I tell her.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I watch Bliss suck my dick, but all my mind keeps seein’ is Widow on her knees. Her beautiful green eyes starin’ up at me, her tongue covered in my cum her pussy glistenin’ with her sweet juice and her little nipples so tasty I could suck on them all day. Fuck she has me hard just thinkin’ about it, I grab Bliss's head and fuck her mouth thrustin’ into her harder and faster. My orgasm just there as I come hard, Bliss moanin’ breakin’ the spell of Widow “That was so good Scythe” she says smilin’.

  “Thanks, ” she goes to my side table pullin' out a rubber “What the fuck you doin’?” I ask her

  “Getting ready,” she says

  “For what?”

  “For sex” I laugh

  “Not tonight, I got what I wanted,” I tell her and watch as she leaves my room slammin’ the door behind her.

  “Two for two,” I say to myself.

  The night is spent dreamin’ about Widow, her eyes watchin’ me as I lick her gorgeous pussy, her taste out of this world her nipples that I could suck forever and that tight little cunt that sucked my fingers into her holding me there squeezin’ me hard. That thing she did to stop me from comin’, her mouth suckin’ my balls everythin’ about that women was fuckin’ perfect.


  I wake with the hardest fuckin’ dick I've had in years, and it's all for her if she'll talk to me. I reach up my nose still hurtin’; lucky Doc said nothin’s broken. But fuck it still fuckin’ hurt
s, the little minx is gonna pay for that one that's for sure. I'm gonna paddle that sexy as fuck ass of hers; then I'm gonna fuck her so hard she's gonna be beggin’ me to stop; I'm gonna fuck every hole she owns over and over until she's full of my cum. As I make my way into the main hall I see the Oregon guys all there, the Prospects walkin’ in and out and I stop when I see them strappin’ up.


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