Breaking the Seventh

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Breaking the Seventh Page 54

by Allie Gail

  “That was your assistant?”

  “Yes. She was just filling in at the front desk until the receptionist gets back. Joss took a late lunch today.” He gestures toward the door, and I turn my head to see a chubby brunette burst in with a McDonald’s cup in one hand and an armload of textbooks in the other. “Melanie, this is our receptionist, Jocelyn.”

  “Hi,” the girl says, trying to wave without dropping her books. “Got a class tonight,” she explains with a laugh before scurrying off behind the desk.

  “Nice to meet you.” Underneath my breath I mumble, “That’s it. This time I really am gonna kill Leah.”

  Shane gives me a puzzled look. “What was that?”

  “Nothing. Never mind.” I might have known! Damn that girl – she’s as unbalanced as a washing machine full of rocks. She’ll be lucky if I don’t throw one at her lying ass head. “Your clinic is really nice,” I say, trying to divert his attention.

  “Thank you. Ethan’s not here right now or I’d bring you back and let you meet him.”

  “That’s okay. I mean, I did show up unannounced. I…um, I was sort of in the area so I thought…you know, I figured I’d stop by…”

  Realizing how idiotic that sounds, I quit talking. Even though he hasn’t asked, I feel I should offer some excuse. But ‘I was in the area’ comes off as contrived even to me.

  Annoyed with myself, I cross my arms and lift my chin. Let’s try this again.

  “I understand there’s a very suspicious tropical disturbance in the Gulf of Mexico. Have you heard? Conditions are favorable for it to develop into a hurricane. It’s very concerning.”

  “You don’t say.” His lips quirk into a smile as he plays along. “Well, we can’t have you right in the middle of such a potentially dangerous situation. I think you better stay here where it’s safe.”

  “You think?”

  “I insist.” Glancing around, he seems to suddenly become aware of the people sitting in the waiting area. “Tell you what. I can’t leave right now, but why don’t you wait for me at home. I’ll have Clay drive you over.” He digs into his pocket and proceeds to remove a house key from the key ring, then hands it to me.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I protest. “Just give me directions and I’ll find it myself.”

  “I don’t want to have to worry about you getting lost. Clay?” He waves the redhead over, and I smile at the boy uncertainly. “This is Melanie. Would you mind giving her a ride to my house, please? She doesn’t know where I live.”

  “Not at all. Happy to do it.” Clay beams good-naturedly, and it occurs to me that the employees here are all so friendly and cheerful. Shane must be easy to work for. They all seem so happy.

  “My car is here,” I point out. “How about if I just follow you. Okay?”

  “Sure, that works.”

  “Make sure she gets inside okay before you leave.” Shane tosses his car keys up in the air, and the kid deftly catches them with one hand. To me, he says, “Just make yourself at home. I should be there around five or a little after.”

  “All right.” It’s only a quarter after two now. Five o’clock can’t get here fast enough.

  Leaning in close to me again, he breathes softly against my cheek, “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Wait for me. The way you did that first night. Will you do that for me?”

  A tingle of electricity zaps through me as I realize what he’s talking about. Biting my lip to keep from nervously laughing, I simply nod.

  “Like I said before, make yourself at home. Help yourself to whatever you need. I’ll see you soon, babe.”

  “Not soon enough.” I throw a devilish grin over my shoulder as I follow Clay out into the parking lot. I’m walking on air right now. There is no evil assistant to worry about! And what’s more, Shane is glad that I’m here! I’m surprised I’m not floating off into the clouds on wings of euphoria.

  “Which one’s your car?” Clay wants to know.

  “Over there,” I point. “The silver Corolla.”

  “Okay. Just follow behind me…we’re gonna get back on Main Street before turning off in about two miles. He lives on Trinity Hills Road, not too far from here.”

  “All right. Thanks, I appreciate this.”

  “Hey, it’s my pleasure.”

  I hop into my car and keep an eye on the license plate of Shane’s Tahoe so I don’t lose it in traffic. It’s surprising how difficult it is to pay attention when I keep getting distracted by the scenery around me. This town actually has an antique district. How cool is that? I’m enamored. I’ll have to come back and check it out before I leave.

  Clay was right, Shane doesn’t live far from the clinic at all. It’s barely ten minutes before he’s pulling alongside the curb in front of a gorgeous little log house. The cabin is sheltered on all sides by an array of birch and maple trees, some of whose leaves are already beginning to turn yellow and red in anticipation of autumn. I’d love to see them in a few weeks in all their vibrant glory.

  I park in the driveway and reach in the back seat for my overnight bag. Following Shane’s instructions to the letter, Clay waits until I unlock the front door and wave to him before he pulls away.

  And then I’m alone. Alone inside Shane the Pain’s home.

  Fascinated, I drop my things by the door and look around the place in awe. Everything is wood – the walls, the floors, even the vaulted ceilings. It’s like a compact version of a ski lodge, complete with stone fireplace. Who would’ve thought he had such impeccable taste? Ten years ago, his idea of interior design was defacing the principal’s portrait with a crudely drawn penis. Complete with hairy balls.

  Digging my phone out of the bottom of my purse, I turn it back on and give Leah a call. That girl has some explaining to do and it can’t wait.

  Even though she’s at work, she answers her cell phone almost immediately.

  “Hello?” Her voice is practically dripping with sugary sweetness.

  “You rotten stinker! Do you have any idea what you put me through?”

  There is a brief pause before I hear a playful, “Who-oo is this?”

  “It’s the person who’s going to choke the life out of you once I get back to Florida!”

  “Is that right? So if you’re not in Florida, crazy lady who I don’t know, then where are you now?”

  “Guess. I just met Audrey.”

  “Did you?” She is all innocence. “Well, isn’t that special. And how did that go, pray tell?”

  “Well, either she’s aged by about forty years since you last saw her or you straight up lied to me. Hm. Wonder which it is?”

  “Really? Whoops. My bad. You know, now that I think about it, I may have had her confused with someone I saw on TV. You know me. Blonde from the inside out. Well, now that you’re there, what are you guys up to? Are you having fun?”

  “Leah! Why would you say something like that to me?”

  “What? All I did was ask if you’re having fun.”

  “Not that! Why did you cook up that story about Audrey?”

  “Oh, that. I dunno. It got you there, didn’t it?”

  My mouth falls open. That’s why she did it? To get me to chase after her brother? “Please tell me Shane didn’t have anything to do with this.”

  “Of course he didn’t. Trust me – if he knew what I said, you’d have to stand in line because he’d be the first one strangling me. Anyway, don’t be mad. I just thought you needed a little push. Shane’s crazy about you and I wanted you two to end up together.”

  “Leah…” I don’t even know what to say at this point. How can I be mad? Her dopey heart was in the right place, even if what she did was kind of twisted.

  “You didn’t tell him, did you?”


  “Are you going to?”

  “No,” I sigh. “I won’t say anything.”

  “Where is he? He’s not with you?”

  “No, he’s at the clinic.”

  “Well then, wher
e are you?”

  “At his house.” I make my way upstairs to investigate further.

  “Ohh-h.” There is an amused lilt to her voice. “So what do you think? It’s pretty nice, isn’t it?”

  “It’s amazing, actually.”

  “Well, it could use a woman’s touch but it has potential. I think you could do a lot with it.”

  Wandering inside one of the rooms, I deduce by the unmade bed and clothes scattered across the floor that this must be his bedroom. “You aren’t exactly subtle with your hints, you know.”

  “Did I ever claim to be? No. So stop acting surprised.”

  “Nothing you do surprises me anymore.” I run my fingers along one of the hand-carved white cedar bedposts. So this is where he sleeps. On cream-colored sheets under a brown and green plaid comforter.

  “You’ll probably end up retracting that claim. Just sayin’.”

  “Yeah, and probably before the week’s out. You’re a public menace, you know that? I should have you committed.”

  “Don’t bother. I’d just escape again.”

  “You know what I find funny?” I sit on the edge of the bed and bounce lightly. Ooh, comfy. “You’re in such a hellfire hurry to get me and Shane together but when it comes to Brad, you’re too much of a wimp to even ask him out.”

  “Qué? Me so sorry. No hablo inglés.”

  “I’m serious! I just find it really ironic.”

  “You know what’s really ironic?”


  “How little you know. For your information, Brad asked me just this morning if I would accompany him to his cousin’s wedding next weekend. So roll that up and smoke it, Tootsie Pop.”

  “After your last story, I don’t think I’m going to be smoking anything you offer me.”

  “Smart move,” she giggles. “Hey, can I call you back later? I gotta finish editing this article or Brad is gonna have my ass. Not that that would be a bad thing…”

  “Spare me the details. I’ll talk to you later. Bye, trouble.”

  “Hasta la vista, baby!”

  To be perfectly honest, it’s a huge relief to know that she lied to me. Well, maybe not that she lied exactly, but at least I don’t have to wonder whether Shane is going to wind up banging his assistant. Talk about a load off my mind.

  Stretching luxuriously, I bounce off the bed with the intention of resuming my tour of the house. But as I’m walking past the dresser, something there catches my eye. Something very small and distinctly familiar.

  Drawing closer, I discover that it’s a cowrie shell. I pick it up and finger its smoothness, smiling to myself as my heart sings. It’s the very one I handed him when we were walking on the beach that night. He actually saved it. He saved it and brought it home with him. He kept it simply because I gave it to him.

  And I realize then that it was pointless of me to worry so much. In spite of what I said, he cares. Maybe as much as I do. Enough, anyway, to get all sentimental over a silly little shell.

  Something bumps against my leg suddenly, and I jump back with a startled yelp. Then I burst out laughing as the culprit looks up at me with a guileless meow.

  “Dori! You scared the poop out of me!” Setting the shell back on the dresser, I reach down to scoop her up. “So you’re the infamous Dorito licker, huh? Yeah, you look like you’d eat a potato chip or two. Doesn’t feel like you’ve missed a meal, that’s for sure.”

  Purring loudly, she gazes up at me with round green eyes.

  “Well, kitty, looks like it’s just you and me for the rest of the afternoon. What do you want to do? You know your way around better than I do.” I scratch underneath her chin and watch as her eyes close in languid contentment. “Tell you what. Why don’t we get ourselves all cleaned up and pretty for Daddy. And then we’ll take a little nap while we wait for him to get home. How’s that sound to you?”

  Opening her eyes, she reaches out a lazy paw to bat at my necklace.

  “That’s what I thought. Okay then. Off you go.” Putting the cat down, I peer into the bathroom before skipping happily back downstairs to retrieve my overnight bag. After that long drive, I want a nice hot bath and that great big clawfoot tub is calling my name.

  And hopefully, somewhere around five o’clock or a little after, I’ll have a certain cute veterinarian calling my name as well.

  ~ Chapter Twenty-Eight ~

  Hot damn. Now that is definitely a beautiful sight to come home to.

  Smiling to myself, I look down at the woman stretched out sound asleep on my sofa. Melanie Kristine Lane. The love of my life. Whether she knows it or not, that’s exactly what she is. It’s what she always has been, even if I wasn’t fully aware of it myself until just recently.

  Her hair is splayed out across the cushion she’s using as a pillow, and I have no doubt she is stark naked as requested underneath the fleece blanket that’s covering her. Well, covering most of her. One delectable breast has popped out to say hello, and my greedy dick is twitching in response.

  Curled up on her new friend’s warm tummy, Dori pops her head up and mewls at me loudly. The fuzzy ball of lard knows it’s time to eat and she has no intention of waiting. Springing off the blanket, she trots off into the kitchen, expecting me to follow behind like the dutiful human servant.

  Stirring, Melanie opens her eyes and blinks sleepily up at me.

  “Hi,” she whispers in a raspy voice, her lips curving into a sweet smile.

  “Hello, Sleeping Beauty.” Crouching beside her, I waste no time claiming those sweet lips with mine. I’ve been aching to kiss my girl good and proper ever since I got a taste of her earlier this afternoon.

  “Mmm…” Humming against my mouth, she slowly caresses my tongue with hers. God, the things this woman can do with that talented tongue – just thinking about it has me straining against the unforgiving denim of my jeans.

  I can’t wait any longer. As it is, I’ve been walking around at half-mast all afternoon. I can only hope no one noticed. That might have been hard to explain, no pun intended.

  Peeling off my t-shirt, I ball it up and send it sliding across the hardwood floor.

  Melanie reaches up to rub a lock of my hair between her fingers. Noticing that it’s still damp from the shower, she gives me a disoriented look. “How long have you been here? I didn’t even hear you come in.”

  “I just got here. I showered at the clinic so I didn’t come home smelling like animals.”

  “Oh. You have a–”


  Startled, we both look over to see Dori standing in the kitchen doorway, glaring at us impatiently. The spoiled brat is doing everything short of stomping her paw on the floor.

  I roll my eyes with a sigh. “Dammit. Just give me two seconds to feed the pig in the cat suit.”

  “Sure,” she laughs.

  Following the cat into the kitchen, I open a can and dump the contents into her bowl while she weaves a figure eight around my legs. Seeing that her water dish is half empty, I take a moment to quickly refill that as well. Hopefully eating will keep her occupied. Of course, with my luck she’ll start chasing that damn jingly ball across the floor while I’m trying to be romantic.

  By the time I return, Melanie has tossed the blanket over the back of the sofa and I am treated to the sight of the century.

  “I seem to be at a disadvantage here,” she remarks with a coy smile, dropping her gaze to my jeans.

  “Sweetheart, we can take care of that right now.” I strip the rest of my clothes off in record time before lowering my body onto hers. Seven days without her could prove to be eight days too many. I had every intention of taking this slow and easy, but my body is doing everything it can to betray me. Especially when she wraps her legs around me and grinds that soft little pussy against my erection.

  Oh, God. Root canals. Tax audits. Poison oak on my balls. Steve Buscemi in a thong.

  There. That helped a little.

  “Shane…” she breathes, and I guide my s
tiff cock into her slickness, pushing it in oh-so-slowly. I swear, every time with her feels even more incredible than the time before.

  “Is that better, love?” I murmur. “That what you came all this way for? Is it?”

  “No…” Her hands slide down my back to squeeze my ass cheeks and I gaze down at her, one corner of my mouth twitching as my expression clearly tells her just how much I believe that shit.

  “It isn’t, hm?” Gradually pulling out of her, I wait for an agonizingly long moment before gliding back into her welcoming warmth. “Then suppose you tell me what you did come here for.”

  “You,” she whispers, lowering her eyelashes demurely.

  “Oh, no. Don’t look away from me, Melanie. Up here. Eyes front and center.”

  Surprised, she blinks up at me.

  “Tell me again, baby.” Once more I retreat, wait, then leisurely penetrate her hot center again. “Tell me why you’re here.”

  “You know why I’m here,” she moans, squirming beneath me. It’s all I can do to keep my composure when even the slightest movement has me on the threshold of exploding inside her.

  “Yeah, I think maybe I do. But I’d like to hear you say it.” Wisps of my loose hair drag across her nipples, and they stiffen instantly into hard little peaks. I don’t think she has any idea that I’m well aware of how much that turns her on.

  She wets her lips with the tip of her pink tongue, and I have to wonder if she has any idea how much that turns me on.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because I missed you.” Her eyes dart away for a fraction of a second, but just as quickly I recapture her gaze with mine.

  “Because you missed me.” If she only knew how my heart nearly stopped when I saw her standing there in my clinic. Or could understand the inherent possessiveness that had me wanting to lock her inside my office until I was done with my appointments, just so I could be certain she wouldn’t disappear. “Well, it just so happens I missed you too. So what are we going to do about that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Transferring all my weight to one arm, I work the other hand between us to flick a fingertip over the silken moisture of her clit. I love how fucking wet she gets for me.


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