Mrs Mariano: Part 1

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Mrs Mariano: Part 1 Page 22

by L Neil

  Suddenly afraid for her safety, I press the “down” button that is hidden behind my lower back, presuming that the lift would still be nearby. Surely, at this time of night, they aren’t being used much and at least one of them has stayed at this level.

  The soft ding! that arrives almost instantly proves that I assumed correctly. It also snaps Frank out of his violent reverie.

  He lifts his arm to trap me again, but I duck under it and glide through the opened elevator doors. Time to move this show to a safer location.

  As I hold the CLOSE DOORS button, I realise that I find the chase exhilarating this time.

  The doors are almost closed, and I start to think that he was too slow. I begin to panic about leaving him alone with our despised intruder but then his hands appear between them.

  He parts the doors, face blank. But I have become quite the expert at reading this man’s emotions and his expression certainly contradicts the way he feels right now.

  He is enraged about being interrupted but he is also afraid and hurt that I have run again.

  He doesn’t yet realise that I fully expect to be captured.

  Feeling as though my chest might burst, I play it cool and cock an eyebrow at him. I need both of his feet in here, so I crook my index finger, beckoning him to the back of the lift.

  It works like a charm.

  He stalks over and pins me against the wooden panels of the elevator wall. Immediately, he covers my neck and chest with rough, hurried kisses that make my entire body buzz, electrified. As the doors close, his hands desperately squeeze all the curves he can get a hold of.

  I bury my hands in his hair and guide him to some of the places that have missed his kisses the most. He obliges, greedy for every inch.

  In his frenzy, he begins to pull my long gown up. But as my legs are exposed to the cool, air-conditioned space, he moves away.

  He smacks the STOP button to prevent us from moving anywhere and then eagerly sets upon me again, pulling up my dress to get to where he really wants to be.

  When his hand reaches my underwear, he hooks his fingers over the top and drags them down. Impatient, he doesn’t fully remove them – leaving them halfway down my thighs, he returns his fingers to the place he seeks so feverishly.

  When he penetrates me, I cry out.

  A soft grunt escapes his lips before he claims mine with a hard kiss. He swallows my moans, refusing to set my mouth free and then he brings me to the most earth-shattering release.

  Feeling like I’m at the top of the highest rollercoaster, I cling on to him for dear life.

  He helps bring me down with coaxing, gentle hands and I begin to relax into him as the last wave of pleasure leaves my body.

  Then, he supports me as he slides my panties to the floor, unzips his pants, lifts my leg and then enters me.

  The pleasure is so intense that I cannot stand it. With wet eyes, I push him away. But he holds onto me so that we remain locked together.

  Between heavy breaths, he rasps, “Baby...what’s wrong?” He is worried that I have changed my mind.

  Nothing's wrong. This is perfect. And I might just cry at how glad I am that I haven’t lost this – lost him.

  “Nothing...” I breathe, “please don’t stop.”

  He grins and it is the happiest that I have ever seen him. “Whatever you want, baby. Whatever you want...”

  After our turbulent re-acquaintance, Frank drives us home with odd propositions such as, “Let’s eat some pizza and watch TV” and “Tomorrow night, we’ll cook dinner together and I will clean up the dishes myself.”

  Not wanting to spoil this new (and apparently exciting) fantasy of his, I smile and nod. “Okay.”

  It would have been quicker to go to the apartment as it was closer, but he wanted me on our couch tonight. In our bed. In our home.


  The Devil

  Leo laughs at a joke that he and Frank share by the side of the pool. They lounge on the modern outdoor setting in their relaxed clothing, smoking cigars and drinking whiskey.

  I only discovered that we had a pool this morning, when I strolled through the gardens and reached the far side of the property. The next time I saw Frank, I teased, “If I knew you had one of these, I wouldn’t have left.”

  He wasn’t impressed with my joke. But then, much to my pleasure, he told me, “It’s heated.”

  And so here I am, wading through the glittering water in my white, one-piece bathing suit – in the middle if a winter day!

  Frank is my personal spectator, unable to keep his eyes away for too long at a time.

  Leo tries to hide his grin each time he notices that he has lost my husband’s attention. It seems that he is pleased we are back together.

  He tells Frank, “Seamus has some news on our Patagia situation.”

  When they began talking business earlier, Leo asked him with some subtle form of body language if it was okay for me to be listening in. Frank said, “It’s fine – I keep nothing from her,” and Leo accepted this easily.

  Still, I occupy myself in the water to give them some privacy.

  I can’t remember the last time I swam in a pool. Actually, I’m fairly certain I was in high school. Perhaps if I search Frank’s collection above the fireplace, I might find a photo of me in one. Hardy-har.

  I start to wonder what else I don’t know about my own home when I hear Frank seethe, “I will ruin them.”

  It seems their conversation has become serious.

  “There are other airports,” Leo calmly reassures him.

  “No. We lose our biggest clients if we move interstate.”

  Leo says, “I don’t get it. They’ll lose so much by doing this. You don’t cover much area and you pay three times more than your portion is worth.”

  “Seamus say when we need to move the jets?” Frank asks, calm once more.

  “By the end of the week. He’s making calls but he’s having trouble finding an airport willing to accommodate all of them. This close to Christmas...they’ve all got their yards full.” Leo sighs. “Aren’t you worried about why this is happening all of a sudden?”

  Frank shrugs in response and takes a puff of his cigar. “I’m not worried. I just need to get...creative.”

  I swim to them and hold onto the edge of the pool. Having absolutely no idea how any of this works, I chime in anyway. “What about the old airpark? Where you used to work?”

  Immediately, I feel embarrassed and wish I hadn’t spoken. Both men look to each other and the time before someone speaks is excruciatingly long. They share more unspoken communication, which is something only people in very close, long-lasting relationships can master.

  Then, Frank looks back at me and says, “Baby, that’s brilliant.”

  Phew! For a moment there, I was fully prepared for a patronising “Thank you baby, but...”

  They talk it out quickly between themselves. They agree that it’s in a prime location and that Seamus can organise the purchase of the property. They don’t just want to park there, either. Apparently, they might consider opening it up again as a fully operational airport.

  Frank approaches the pool, kneels down and says, “Kiss me.”

  I pull myself up enough to reach his lips and then slide back into the water.

  Before he returns to Leo, he dips his hand below the surface, squeezes one of my breasts and winks at me. “Not just a pretty face.”

  After work the following day, I stop by the apartment to check that everything is in order and to gather my things. When I left it last, I was expecting to return but then I ran into Frank at the charity event and well...I don’t expect to be coming here much anymore.

  As I exit the elevator and lift the keys to open the door, a shadow in the corner moves.

  “Fuck! Eddie, you scared the shit out of me.”

  He opens his mouth to speak, thinks twice about his words and then smiles, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be creepy. I came to fix the thermostat, but Tony r
efused to give me a key, so I thought I’d wait for you to get home.”

  Looking at the ground, he folds his arms across his stomach and says softly, “He told me that I have to keep away from you…”

  My gut sinks.

  “I’m sorry Eddie, Frank found out about you and he’s not too happy-

  “Are you okay?” He drops his arms and is instantly worried for me. My guilt skyrockets.

  “Yes,” I say, walking over to him. “But I don’t think we can be friends anymore. I’m so sorry,” I say and mean it.

  I believe Frank when he says he won’t hurt anyone I care about but am I willing to risk Eddie’s safety on that promise? No. This must be done, no matter how horrible it feels.

  “Frank and I have worked things out.”

  Over those black eyes, his brows knit together as if in pain. He licks his lips as he looks around, trying to come to terms with this, it seems.

  “Where is your guard dog? I assume you’ve got men all around you again, “protecting you"? Doesn’t it bother you, the way your husband controls you?”

  Defensively, but also politely, I tell him, “Frank doesn’t control me.”

  He shakes his head at that, but I continue, “And no, I have one guy who follows me when I leave the house but that’s it. See?” I motion to the space around us in the hall, “He didn’t even come upstairs.”

  After our breakup, Frank let me change the rules...a lot. I drive myself to work and to Manny’s and wherever else I want to go, and I now only have one man tail me.

  Today is Antonio’s shift and right now, he is waiting in his Dodge Challenger on the street, parked behind Frank’s Aston Martin that I have unlimited access to.

  Antonio’s speed dial number is 3.

  Eddie looks a little less petulant now, eyeing me closely. “So why are you here, then?”

  “To make sure I turned the iron off Friday night,” I say, trying but failing to lighten the mood.

  Not knowing what else to say, I tell him, “I’m sorry Eddie, it’s just not okay to be friends anymore. I wish things were different. I like you.”

  With one resolute step, he closes the gap between us. “I like you too, Hel. And I don’t want to be friends anymore either.”

  His hands are suddenly on the sides of my face and he leans in for as kiss. Immediately, I try to move away but his steely fingers hold me in place.

  “No!” I yell, screwing up my face. I make it as obvious as I can that I don’t want this. Really, it would be like kissing my brother.

  He stops, not an inch from my face. Seconds pass before he says, “You will change your mind about him. And when you do…let me know. I’ll be waiting.”

  Without giving me a chance to reply, he disappears down the stairs.

  I suppose it would be awkward if he waited for the lift.

  I want to call after him, to ask him not to be seen by Antonio but I don’t want to get his attention again.

  When I “change my mind” about Frank? Does he believe that Frank is the only reason I’m not his girlfriend?


  I really am oblivious when it comes to men.

  That night, when Frank and I are alone, preparing tacos of all things, I decide I should tell him about that I’ve cut ties with Eddie. I leave out the almost-kiss, however, and Eddie’s confession about wanting to be more than friends.

  “He will be okay,” he softly tells me as he towers behind me.

  We agreed that he could cook the meat and I would chop the salad. I wouldn’t dare suggest that I actually do any “cooking". Besides, Frank is great at it. He loves’s why he owns three restaurants.

  “I’m telling you baby, it’s for the best,” he continues. “I know you don’t believe me, but he’s got it bad for you.”

  I swallow and continue chopping. I guess he was right, after all. But he really doesn’t need to know that. Telling him wouldn’t do anyone any favours.

  “Baby,” he places a gentle hand on my arm, “That’s enough lettuce. There are only two of us.”

  Shit. In my daze, I almost chopped the whole thing up.

  I place the knife on the counter and he turns me around and searches my face, worried for me.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  I nod and run my hands up his chest to lay them upon his shoulders. The folded tea towel on one of his shoulders makes me grin.

  I’m more than okay. Frank Mariano is cooking me tacos.

  He can’t possibly know what I’m suddenly so happy about, but he beams at me. “I love it when those lips of yours are smiling.” He leans in and whispers, “Give them to me.”

  When we kiss, all my troubles melt away.

  Eddie who?

  After dinner, I shower, dry my hair and dress for bed. Tonight, I chose comfort over style, wearing navy blue track pants and a white, long-sleeved cotton top.

  Frank isn’t in our room – he must be on the phone, making arrangements with Seamus to buy the airpark. Apparently, it’s going to be simple to acquire it and they don’t expect to run into any issues with converting it into an actual mini airport. It used to be one, so the schematics are all there.

  I sit upon the bed, flicking through travel catalogues as Frank instructed me to. He wants me to choose the place we visit next. And he wants to go soon. He doesn’t want to spend another Christmas in New Orleans.

  My phone vibrates and I grab it from the bedside table. It’s a text from Eddie: Are you sure?

  I reply, instantly: Yes. Please don’t text me.

  Knowing that there’s nothing incriminating about it, I delete the messages anyway. When I don’t get another text – although I was sort of expecting one – I place my phone back on the bedside.

  I felt bad about ending our friendship but a little less bad after he reacted the way he did. Now, I’m kind of annoyed at him. It’s cruel and selfish of me, I know. But I really thought he was a friend. I feel...cheated somehow.


  Paris looks nice but it’s an obvious place to visit, I think. Perhaps we should go to Scotland, instead. I had always meant to travel there.

  As I look through the brochure and begin to choose the castles that I want to see, I hear a commotion outside.

  “Frankie, you need to calm down.” It’s Leo’s muffled voice. “Seriously. Frank-

  The doors burst open and it’s my husband, with his best friend right behind him, calling out, “Frankie-

  Frank slams the door shut in his face and it’s just the two of us in our bedroom. He’s mad about something and it seems to be directed at me.

  And what do you even do when approached by a raging bull? I want to ask what’s going on but I’m too afraid to speak. Did he somehow find out that Eddie almost kissed me? Wait – is there surveillance around the apartment? I didn’t even think to check. Fuck.

  Frank is livid, furious. So much so that he hasn’t moved. He just stands there, with the most crazed eyes, breathing heavily at me.

  That must be it. God damn it, Eddie.

  I begin to say that nothing happened but as I open my mouth, he finally moves. I’m not sure I want him to, however. As he stalks towards me, I shake so badly that I can’t get my body to cooperate and move away.

  But then he stops at the end of the bed and throws his phone to the space before me. It hits the brochures with a smack and it’s facing up so that I can see what’s on his screen – a photo of me, Eddie and Sam at Medusa.

  I sag in relief. Okay, well, I had meant to tell him about Sam at some stage. It’s no big deal, surely. But who took the photo? And why send it now?

  It’s time to get defensive.

  “Why are you so mad?” I ask, looking up at him. “You didn’t explicitly tell me that I can’t talk to Sam – your son-

  He is on me, on the bed so fast that I don’t have time to move. “Frank!” I scream.

  Grunting, he pins me down and my body is strewn across the brochures.

  I struggle but it’s
useless. He is sitting atop me and has a tight grip on my wrists above my head. His breath on my face is ragged and it feels like I am trapped by some great beast.

  “What are you doing?” I plead, voice high and frightened.

  What the fuck is happening?

  Is he worried that Sam told me some deep, dark, horrible secret that I shouldn’t know about?


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