Tank: Ruthless Bastards (RBMC Book 2)

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Tank: Ruthless Bastards (RBMC Book 2) Page 3

by Chelsea Handcock

  Reagan went back to the grocery store. It had been too long, and she knew it. She just hoped that SlimJim and Flo hadn’t left, but if wishes were horses and all that shit, she wasn’t that lucky. When she couldn’t find them, she decided to head back to the Clubhouse, the entire time praying the guys were still out. Biting her lip, she winced at the pain, shit, she was going to have to come up with something to explain that. Maybe the guys at the MC would believe she ran into a door or fell. It was worth a try, anyway.

  When the cab dropped her off at the Clubhouse, she noticed that all the bikes were there, that didn’t bode well for her. For a split second, she considered going in the back door and sneaking upstairs. It was worth a shot. She could get to work without having to tell another lie, but her hopes of that happening quickly faded when Creed, the prospect guarding the gate, yelled at her to get her ass inside. At first, his tone and stance took her off guard. Creed was one of the nice ones, he had never raised his voice to her before. When she started walking forward without saying anything to him, Reagan begun to notice other things.

  There were more Brothers on the premises than usual, some of them openly carrying guns, and others seemed to be hyper-alert, watching her every move, it was eerie.

  Going up to the door, she walked right in and was beyond surprised at what she found. The place was a mess, but not in the usual way, from a hard night of partying. It was trashed, furniture was busted, and if she wasn’t mistaken, there was blood on the floor. She only made it a couple of steps inside when Tuck saw her.

  “You in my office, right fucking now,” Tuck bellowed. Reagan couldn’t help but look around her. Surely, he wasn’t talking to her? What the hell had happened while she was gone?

  Catching Tank's eye, he stood up from his barstool he and started to stalk toward her. Damn it. She was at a loss, everyone looked so pissed. She was more scared standing where she was that she had ever been in her life, and that was saying something. Before Tank made it to her, Tuck grabbed her arm and started leading her down the hall.

  “Reagan,” Tank yelled out, “get your ass back here.”

  Like she had a choice. Tuck was the President, he was also pulling her, not stopping, but Tank looked like he thought it was her choice.

  “Not now, Tank,” Tuck yelled.

  Once they got to the door to his office, Tuck pushed her inside and said, “Sit.” She did as he commanded, there was no way in hell she would ever defy this man. He didn’t scare her per se, but he did bring out her needed to submit. No one messed with Tuck.

  “Where were you, Rae?”

  Reagan almost lied, but she had never lied to Tuck before, and she wasn’t going to start now.

  “I needed to get the last of the information, Tuck. I’m sorry I broke the rules, but time is running out.”

  “Honey, we put those rules in place to protect everyone. I don’t like what you did. Did you get what you needed? Because this cloak and dagger shit you’ve been pulling for the last six months is coming to an end. I kept my word, and now it’s your turn.”

  “I have it all now, I just need to go through it, but Tuck what happened? Why is everyone so mad and the clubhouse is trashed? I was only gone a couple of hours.”

  “Shit hit the fan. Vultures broke in, held a couple of the brothers at gun point.”

  “Oh, my God, Tuck, is everyone okay. Do you need me to do anything?”

  “Nothing for you to do, and everyone is okay, some bumps and bruises, nothing we haven’t had before. What I need to find out is how they got in. You know anything about that?”

  “You think I had something to do with it? Tuck, I would never betray you or the club.”

  “Didn’t believe that you would hon, but you, SlimJim, and Flo are the only ones who weren’t here. Hell, SlimJim and Flo still haven’t shown up. I need to know what the three of you did when you left. Anyway, you have too much on the line to fuck with the MC or me, and I know it.”

  “Thanks, Tuck and I’m sorry for leaving, I just didn’t feel like a had a choice.”

  “Hon, there are always choices, but that isn't either here nor there. What happened?”

  “Nothing really unusual. Blade said that SlimJim could take me to the store, but he was busy with Flo, so I asked her if she wanted to come and she did. They were a bit distracted with each other, but again that’s not unusual. We went to the store, and I told them I could do the shopping if they wanted to do other things; they agreed and left. Nothing more. I went back to the store, and they were gone.”

  “Who was manning the gate when you left?”

  “No one. The gate was open, but I didn’t see any of the guys or Prospects around. Shit, Tuck, I’m sorry, I didn’t think anything of it at the time.”

  “Okay, thanks, hon, that’s all I needed. I want to you to go up to your room and stay there. Everyone is on edge, and I don’t like the idea of you getting caught in the crossfire. Get your information together and come and see me.”

  “It’s time for you to move on. I don’t like the way you’ve changed since you started staying here, this isn’t the place for you honey. I wish I could tell you that Tank is going to change, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. You need to move on from him and Defiance.”

  Reagan wanted to cry, but she also knew that in some ways Tuck was right, she had changed, only not in the ways he thought. She had given him the basics of what she was doing when she asked for his help six months ago, but she never told him all of it, too afraid he would have taken over or made her go to the cops. She couldn’t risk that because then Brayden would never know that he wasn’t the cause of that accident, his father was behind all of it. She just needed to line up the payments; once she did that she would give him the information and Tuck the rest.

  The RBMC needed to know that three of Defiance’s most influential people were after them or at least trying to shut them down. These men and women had become a real family to her in the months that she had stayed there, and she would do anything in her power to protect them; if that meant handing everything over and running that was exactly what she was going to do.

  “Thanks for everything, Tuck, please just give me a couple of hours, and I will give you everything. I know this hasn’t been easy for you, not knowing exactly what I’ve been up to, but please know it was for the best, and I promise you nothing will come back on the RBMC.”

  “You know I can set it up for you to go to Lexie after you’re done.”

  “That’s not a good idea, Tuck. Bobby’s watching me right now, and once this all blows up, there is no doubt in my mind that the people I’ve been looking into will be able to figure out I’m the cause of their downfall. From what you have told me, Lexie is healthy and happy, that’s going to have to be good enough for me right now. Maybe later, once everything cools down.” Reagan forced herself to smile trying to reassure Tuck, but from the looks of it he wasn’t buying it any more than she was.

  “Listen, you know I take back what I said before; if you want to stay here you can, we’ll just have to make some adjustments.”

  “Thanks for the offer, Tuck, but you and I both knew this was a short-term deal. I won’t risk anyone here, and after Tank gets the information I have for him, I have a feeling he’s going to go off the deep end for a while; you’ll need to be there for him, no one else will be able to get through to him.”

  “You could.”

  “No, I couldn’t. What you see isn’t always what’s going on, Tuck, you know that as well as I do. I’m Tanks favorite target. He thinks I’m someone I’m not, and I let him. That’s on me, but that all stops soon. I believe that it’s best if we keep to the plan.”

  “Okay, I don’t like any of this, but I’ll let you get your work done. Come and see me; don’t take off before you do, cuz I’m telling you right now, Reagan, if I find some shit on my desk and no sign of you, I will hunt your ass down. Do you understand?”

  Damn it, how had he known that was exactly what she planned
on doing?

  It had taken her two hours to sort through the information she got today, but she had hit pay dirt. Reagan was finally able to track all the funds. Mr. Taylor had used so many different accounts to cover up his treachery, but Reagan had him now. The pay offs to the mechanic, the police officer on the scene of the accident, Grace Morrison and her family, the ER doctor, all of it. She even had proof Mr. Taylor had been paying Georgie’s family as well, even before the accident. The picture it presented was nothing less than horrific. Reagan would never understand the length Mr. Taylor went to control his only son.

  Chapter 3

  Damn it! Tank thought he had never been more ticked off in his entire life. The Vultures got into the RBMC, held them at gun point while he and his brothers waited on their knees for whatever was to come. Their mother fucking knees. That was bad enough, but hell, it got worse. Brayden “Tank” Taylor sat at the bar and stewed, drinking shot after shot, fueling his fire. Reagan had walked away from him when he needed her and that pissed him off even more. So, he sat, and he drank, waiting for her to make another appearance, he knew that she would.

  Tank saw her in the mirror behind the bar when she came down the stairs. Fuck, he was so pissed, but Reagan did it for him. Even dressed in simple jeans and a t-shirt she outshined the others in the room dressed in next to nothing. He hated seeing the bruise on her face, wanted to kill who ever placed it there. Turning around on the barstool Tank stood and faced her.

  “Get the fuck over here, Reagan.”

  When she put her head down and came to him, it pissed Tank off more. He was being an ass, nothing new, but hell, didn’t she have any back bone left? Reagan was the only girl who had ever stood up to him, made him work for it, and now she was becoming just like all the rest and that ticked Tank off. It also didn’t help that she had just spent hours with Tuck behind closed doors. She was his goddamn it. Tank might not have claimed her ass, never would, but she was off limits to every single fucker there except him. But every time Tuck curled his finger, Reagan came, she should know better.

  Tank didn’t want Tuck touching her he hated the thought of another man’s hand one her body, but there wasn’t shit he could say about it because Tuck was the President of this Club. The bylaws stated he could have anything he wanted, you just had to accept it, or you were out. The RBMC was his life now, and he didn’t want out, but that shit still didn’t sit right with him. Tuck was the only brother not honoring his claim, and he couldn’t figure out why.

  When she got close enough, Tank grabbed her arm hard, making her jolt. For a few seconds, he felt bad and wanted to take it all back, everything he had ever done or said to her, but then Tank thought of the stark, fucking fear he felt when she wasn’t in the room with them when the Vultures put all of them on their knees. He didn’t know where she was, what they had done to her or were going to do to her. Those assholes were known for gang raping women and leaving them for dead. The thoughts that had gone through his mind destroyed what little compassion and humanity he had left at the moment. Tank hated feeling helpless and out of control.

  “Where the fuck were you?” Tank growled.

  “You need to talk to Tuck, Tank.”

  “No, I’m talking to you, my fucking property, and I want to hear it from your fucking mouth, not his.”


  Damn if she takes that submissive stance with me one more time I am going to explode.

  “Heard you just had to run out to the store and grab me some fucking jam or some shit. Isn’t that what you told Addy? That I was the one that authorized you to go out with a Prospect? Lied your fucking ass off, didn’t you, Babe? Well, where is it this jam that was so fucking important? I want it RIGHT FUCKING NOW!”

  “Tank…” Well hell, what could she really say? It wasn’t like that? She had lied her ass off to get out of the club. She should just tell him everything she had been doing all this time. She finally had the final pieces to keep him safe and away from those people. But he was so drunk and mean right now, she didn’t really even want to be around him.

  “No response? Go figure. Hey, Brass man, you keep on talking about quality pussy,” Tank slurred grabbing Reagan between her legs. “I’m thinking of letting you have a taste mine.” Tank laughed, waving his free hand around the room, “Hell, I’m thinking of giving you assholes a taste.”

  “What do you think, Reagan? Want to become the whore say you are willing to be, spread those legs to prove your loyalty and all that shit?” Tank whisper yelled in Reagan's ear.

  “Brother,” Brass said putting his hand on Tank shoulder, “I think you’ve had enough, leave Rea alone.”

  “No can do, Brother. See, this is what Rea wants. Right, baby? You wanted to be a puppet, let’s see how good you are at it. Suck off Brass, right here, right now, in front of everyone. Show the whole Club what a good little whore you are.”

  “That’s enough Tank,” Addy said.

  “Really, you think so, do you, Addy? Sorry, I disagree. Let me tell you something, Addison,” Tank sneered, “Reagan, here, agreed to be a Puppet, and up until today, I have kept her to myself, but now she is going to service my brother.”

  “Quit being an ass and sleep it off, Tank.”

  “Oh, shut the hell up, Addy. You’ve been an Old Lady for all of a second. You don’t get a say in this shit, so you can back the fuck off,” Tank said as he swayed on his feet.

  “She might not have a say, Brother, but I fucking do, and you better check yourself because that shit doesn’t fly here.”

  “Fuck you, asshole. Reagan, I said get on your fucking knees, NOW!”


  “What was that? The little mouse is standing up for herself.”

  “I said no, Brayden, I’m not getting on my knees for Brass or anyone, you included.”

  “Oh, now she gets a backbone.”

  “Fuck you, Tank.”

  “No. Fuck you, Reagan. If you don't suck my brothers’ dicks, then get the fuck out, you aren’t needed or wanted here anymore.”

  “Shit, man, just stop,” Brass said.

  Tank watched Reagan's eyes fill with tears. Hell, it was better this way, she would be out of the Club and away from the danger that seemed to follow them every fucking where. He knew she wouldn’t go back to her family, maybe she would leave the damn state this time and stay gone. Then he could live his life the way it was, never wanting or needed more.

  “No, man either she sucks your dick right fucking now, or she gets the fuck out. How’s that for bylaws, Whiskey? Isn’t that what it says about Puppets, either they fuck, lick, and suck a brother anywhere anytime and anyway we want, or they leave.”

  Tank saw Whiskey’s fist before he felt the pain. Damn. He also saw Reagan leaving the room with Addy. He wanted to take it all back, but this was for the best. She needed to leave, and he was going to put one final nail in the coffin.

  “Bambi, get your ass over here and show Reagan how a real Puppet acts.” Reagan looked back at him, and it almost killed him, but he was on a train that couldn’t be stopped now. Undoing his belt, he let his pants fall to the floor. Bambi did what she does best and fell to her knees, stroking Tank until he was nice and hard. Little did she know that the only reason he could get it up right now was standing across the room. Once she took his cock into her mouth and started to suck for all she was worth, Reagan left and so did his hard cock.

  Tank pushed Bambi away and went to the bar. He didn’t even try to explain or offer her his hand to help get up off the floor. Fuck, what had he done. Before he got to the bar, Whiskey got in his face.

  “You know, you’re a real asshole. That woman loves you, would do anything for you and that’s how you treat her, like a whore? I hope she leaves your ass for good this time. You sprouted all that shit off to me about Addison, but look at yourself,” Whiskey said pushing him away, “you could have everything, and instead, you humiliate and push Rea away every chance you get.”

  Tank was still pi
ssed, and he wasn’t about to have a heart to heart with Whiskey, no fucking way, so he did what he did best and did his best to piss the other man off.

  “You might be okay with taking on one piece of ass for the rest of your life, doesn’t mean that shit is for the rest of us.” Lame, but fuck, he just wanted a drink.

  “You think it’s a hardship to have a woman that loves you?” Whiskey laughed. “Fuck man, I feel sorry for your ass. Keep on doing what you are doing. Fuck all the puppets in sight. When you wake the fuck up and realize you have lost the one woman who can make it all worth it, remember, that shit is on you because you’re the one who pushed her away. And another thing, you ever talk to my old lady like that again, I’ll do more than punch you in the fucking face, clear?”

  Fuck, Tank was still pissed, but he knew that he would apologize to Addy later. As for the shit Whiskey was saying, he couldn’t think about that shit now. Thankful that the brother just walked away, Tank slammed his hand down on the bar. He was going to get rip roaring drunk; then maybe he could forget about this fucking day.

  Chapter 4

  Tank woke up to someone pounding on his door. He was so hung over, the pounding echoed in his head. Hell, what had happened last night? He thought and then it all came back to him. The Vultures, his fear that something had happened to Reagan, and then how he humiliated her for the last time. Damn, he really needed to talk to her and take it all back. Groaning, he forced his body to move into a sitting position. Whoever was at his door was adamant and wanted in.


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