Invitation to Love

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Invitation to Love Page 13

by Lee, Groovy

  While he helped them load everything onto the trolley, Taryn turned back to the stove in pretense of checking on the boiling pasta.

  “You saw David today?” That rather stern question drifted across the room.

  She inhaled from the impact, stirred at the pasta once more then turned to face him. “He was in the lobby when I got off the elevator. He walked me to the car, that’s it.”

  “I’m surprised he didn’t offer to go with you.”

  She remembered he did, but why poke the beast with that bit of information?

  “Despite what I say, you’re going to do the contrary, aren’t you?”

  “Michael, I didn’t seek him out, I ran into him. What would you have me do? Ignore him completely? He’d know something was wrong if I did.”

  “You may not have sought him out, but he sure came looking for you. You encourage him to do it.”

  She dropped the spoon on the counter and put her hands to her hips. “I can’t believe you just accused me of toying with David. You only see what you want.”

  “I know infatuation when I see it.”

  “Infatuation,” she threw the word back at him and circled around with every intention of that being the last word from her. But, the need to defend herself was too strong. She put the spoon back down and faced him again. “You’re just jealous because David likes my company and goes out of his way to be nice to me. You on the other hand, can’t seem to wait to get to the office every morning where you spend all day, and practically the entire night.”

  “I’m only doing what you want, Taryn. Keeping my distance so you won’t feel pressured into something you’re not ready for. Yes, I work extra hours. When I come home, you make sure the girls are between us. Then I go to bed where it starts all over again the next day. Everything neat and safe, the way you like it.”

  Wounded tears stung her lids at the frigid description of her. The black-widow who dangles him on a web for her own personal benefit. “You know, you’re something else. You have this false idea that David has the hots for me. You don’t want me, but, you don’t want anyone else to have me, either.”

  He was taken aback for a moment. The tightness in his features almost disappeared as he walked over to her. “Do you really believe that?” His eyes scaled down to her mouth and locked with unwavering passion, his jawline clenched.

  Oh, she knew all it would take was a nod, the slightest inkling that she was willing, and he’d take her in his arms and show her how wrong she is. “I’m fully aware that physically you want me upstairs in bed with you every night. You’d have no trouble interacting with me in that area—like all men. But apart from that, I’m just someone whose help you needed to keep your prized clients.”

  “Please, save me from your sordid views of the male gender.”

  “Fine. Because, I’m done with this conversation.” With that, she turned away and switched off the unit under the pot, then waited for him to leave so she could prepare the rest of the dish.

  “Then you’ll listen to what I have to say,” he stepped closer to her ear, his tone low and threatening. “If you want David to remain in good health, then I suggest you stay away from him. Yes, our marriage is the result of a deal. But, that doesn’t cancel out the vows you and I made to one another. You’re still my wife. And, I expect you to be faithful to the end. All of this may be just a deal to you, but, I’m dead serious about it working.”

  The power of those words pulled her around to face the anger and determination standing before her. Did he really mean those last words? Should she express the same resolve?

  “End of matter,” he added when the doorbell rang.

  She watched him march away, now annoyed by his territorial attitude. It’s not like he has any real feelings for her. Is he afraid the press will find out the truth, and scandalize it in bold headlines? Only this time, they’d target him about his unfaithful wife. Can that be the reason he’s dead serious about it working? She closed her eyes and exhaled all the negative emotions. If only he knew there was no need to worry about any disloyalty on her part. That her heart is as faithful as her love for him is strong. She also realizes that her friendship with David isn’t worth the strain that threatens to ruin it all, so, she will honor his wish and stay away from him.


  Sunlight glittered off the crystal blue water of the pool in the back yard. Remi and Rachel paddled around on their floating toys; Taryn sat at the edge and swirled the water back and forth with her legs. She tilted her head back to glance up at the midday sun. It’s almost lunchtime, and the girls will be ready to eat soon.

  “Come on, you two. It’s time to go inside.”

  “Can’t we stay a little while longer?” Remi asked from her perch on her inflated dragon.

  “Yeah,” Rachel agreed from her floating duck.

  “It’s almost time to eat lunch. Aren’t you hungry? You’ve been in the pool all day. You look like a couple of wrinkled prunes. Come on.”

  “Okay,” Remi grumbled and paddled her way to the side.

  “Mummie, look,” Rachel pointed toward the side of the house. “It’s Michael. And, there’s some people with him.”

  Taryn watched as a huge delivery truck backed its way into the yard with Michael, having discarded his suit coat, walking beside it. The girls slid off their floats and waded out of the pool to go meet him. Three men jumped out and began unloading a huge crate from the back. Taryn raised herself to the pool’s edge. Michael glanced up from talking to the girls to look her way. It was then she was glad she picked her bright-red bathing suit with the low back-line and geometrical circles in all the right places. She picked up her towel and deposited herself on one of the lounge chairs. Normally, she would have excused herself inside out of the workers’ way, but she needs them.

  For two days now, Michael’s practically blackballed her, and he deserves to have his patience tried. Besides, she isn’t finished with her mission of cracking that stone barrier, yet.

  “Momma,” Remi and Rachel ran to her. “It’s our new swing-set. Can we play on it when they’re through?”

  “Yes, but first go inside and change. I’ll be in shortly to fix your lunch.”

  The two bolted away. Taryn glanced back at Michael as he stood talking to the crew. Two of them, much younger than the third who was obviously in charge, kept casting admiring looks at her while attempting to grasp the instructions being given. (Perfect) She reached down and picked up her bottle of sunscreen and began applying it—First, to one extended leg, then to the other. (She didn’t need any, but it was generating the desired effects) She put the bottle away, and picked up her sunglasses. Before perching them on her nose, she glanced at the workmen again. Not only did she have their full attention, but Michael’s as well—and he was definitely not amused. She nestled into the lounge and closed her eyes. A few seconds later, a shadow fell over her, causing them to open to him standing over her.

  “Michael,” she hailed, refusing to be intimidated by the tension cut across his face. “What a pleasant surprise to see you home—and so early.”

  “If you remember, I told you the men would be here to erect the swing-set today.”

  “Yes, I remember. But, I didn’t know you were going to grace us with your presence, also. Would you care for lunch? Or won’t you be here that long?”

  “What I would like is for you to go inside the house.”

  Her rebelliousness was strengthened by the shield of those sunglasses. Not only can she mask her delight at trying his patience, but the strength of his words was less menacing.

  “Whatever for?”

  “So, the men can get to work.”

  “They won’t bother me. Let them go ahead,” she indicated with a royal sweep of her hand.

  “But, you’re bothering them. With all you flaunting and stretching they can’t concentrate on their job.”

  “I wasn’t flaunting,” there was an extra spark to her laughter
. “Really, Michael, you do exaggerate.”

  “I’m not kidding, Taryn. I’m asking you to go inside.”

  She snatched off her glasses and challenged his forbidding stare with a defiant one of her own. “Asking or telling? Either way, the answer is no, Michael, I won’t.”

  He blew sharply and flung his jacket to the other lounge. “Either you go inside, or I carry you.”

  By the dark expression on his face, she knew he meant it, too. The idea of being hauled over his shoulders and carried away like venison restored her common sense. (But, just because she’s complying, doesn’t mean he’s won)

  “Fine,” she threw her legs over the side of the lounge and stood desirably straight, her one last naughty act. “I have to go and fix lunch for the girls, anyway.”

  “I’ll get it,” he insisted when she attempted to bend over and retrieve her towel from the stoned patio.

  She brandished a triumphant smile as she headed for the patio doors, ensuring that the workmen wouldn’t forget her departure. Michael swooped up the towel and followed. When he caught up to her, he blanketed it around her and bundled her off in hurried steps.

  “What the hell are you trying to prove?” he demanded after pulling the door shut behind them.

  She yanked the towel from around her and crossed her arms. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Were you, or were you not, putting on a show for those men?”

  “No, I wasn’t,” she shifted seductively from one foot to the other. It snared his attention just as she wanted.

  It took him a full minute to tear his eyes from her hips, her legs. “Are you saying all that was for my sake, then?”

  “You wish,” she shot back.

  He snapped and reached out for her. She tried to sidestep his grasp, but he seized her arms and pulled her roughly against him.

  “Don’t play games with me, Taryn,” he stressed. “Not unless you’re willing to play all the way. And from the way you’ve been acting lately, you’re trying to prove some point I’m obviously missing.”

  He kept her fastened to him, waiting for her to make the next move. Yes, she wants him. Like she’s never wanted anything or anyone in her life. But, he’s surrounded himself with a stone wall where no one can touch the heart Karen left in pieces; The part of him he’ll never trust to another woman.

  “Let go of me, Michael,” she struggled to pull away.

  “What’s the matter?” he pinned her back against him. “Don’t you find your little game amusing anymore?”

  “What do you think?”

  He swore before capturing her mouth in an aggressive yet pleasurable kiss, forcing her lips to part under his will. After a few paralyzing seconds, Taryn was finally able to wrench away. Their eyes locked, their chests rising and falling; His edginess now replaced by intense emotion, exciting her.

  “Taryn,” he whispered before embracing her lips more tenderly. His arms slid around her and pressed her to hm. Her hands felt the rapid beats of his heart as his tongue coaxed and stimulated. When he swelled against her, strong desire trembled through her, filling her with an intoxicating need for him to make love to her. She wound her arms around his neck and arched to him where they continued to drown in one another. He drew back just enough to speak. “Taryn,” he urged breathlessly. “Say that you want me. I’m not asking you to love me; Just that you want me.”

  Of course she wants him; Her body is aching to make love to him, now. But, in every way. And yet, he’s only willing to connect physically. She’s just not ready to settle for that—not yet.

  “Taryn,” he begged, his hands caressing over the soft skin of her bare back as he leaned in again.

  “Momma,” Remi shrieked from somewhere upstairs. “Momma, make Rachel stop.”

  There was a splintering crash followed by a thud.

  Michael’s entire face clenched before he released her and walked away to the patio doors. He stood quiet, his hands shoved deep in his pants pocket.

  “I’d better go see what they’ve done,” she managed to say before hurrying away.

  The opportunity to escape couldn’t have come at a more perfect moment. Another second longer, and she would have showered him with a thousand pleases and yes’. What a mistake that would have been. She’s not ready to exist as a trade-off for another woman—deal or no deal. He’s going to have to stretch his patience a little longer.

  After settling the girls down, she went into her room and sat on her bed to completely recover. She should feel so victorious right now. After all, she achieved what she set out to: That of breaking through his cool restraint, and having him at her mercy. But, all she feels is guilt, and the only thing she proved was how much she wants to be his wife in every way. Better to end what she now realizes is a dangerous game with serious consequences.


  “Now, remember what I told you,” Taryn said to Remi and Rachel early on a Monday morning as their flight had just been called at the LAX airport.

  “I remember, Momma,” Remi exclaimed proudly.

  “So, do I,” Rachel fiddled with the huge name tag hanging around her neck.

  “Your Aunt Nora will be waiting for you when you get off the plane. Stay put until she finds you.”

  “I know, Mummie. Don’t go off with a stranger no matter what; Do what the flight attendant tells us. And, I’ll take care of Remi and make sure she behaves.”

  “No, you won’t ,” Remi turned on her. “I’ll take care of myself. I’m no baby.”

  “Just behave, girls. And, hug your mother good-bye,” said Michael.

  They were at the gate entrance and after handing over their tickets, she hugged and kissed them, promising to call as soon as they got to Nora’s. She held back the tears to appear brave for them as the flight attendant led them down the passageway with their smiling faces and excitable waves.

  “Are you all right?” Michael touched her shoulder.

  “Yeah. It just feels strange. They’ve never been away from me for such a long period of time.”

  “It’ll be okay. Come on, we’ll watch the plane take off.”

  “Thanks for coming with me,” she said as they drove away from the airport. “I know you’re losing valuable time not being at the office.”

  “Did you really expect me to do otherwise?” he glimpsed her way. “I took the whole day off.”


  “Yeah. I thought you might need the company; Help you get over the mother-child separation thing.”

  “You’re teasing me, aren’t you?”

  “Just trying to lighten the mood.”

  She hadn’t heard his deep laughter in so long. (What a sweet sound)

  “I do have to check on a couple of sites, though.” They were stopped at a red light when he looked at her and said, “Listen, if you’d rather be alone, I’ll drop you off at the house.”

  “Oh,no, I’d love the company. Besides, I’m eager to see your work.”

  He sent her an appreciative smile then concentrated on steering the vehicle toward their destination. Taryn couldn’t help feeling excited that he had taken the day off just for her. She didn’t know what to expect after that last incident a week ago. Although, he’s been cordial enough since, she expected him to say his good-byes at the house and head off to work.

  The drive took them an hour out of the city pass a small town. He turned onto a secluded road that curved through forests of trees, until it opened up to an exquisite green lawn with a Victorian styled mansion standing right in the middle of it. After he switched off the SUV, she got out and followed him across the yard.

  “Is this your design?” she was impressed by the high, angled roof, and scalloped borders emboldened in colors of chocolate-brown and pale-yellow.

  “Yeah. The contractors finished it yesterday. The owners will be moving in next week. Come on, I’ll show you the inside.” He led the way up the white-wash stone path and unlocked the door to the gree
nhouse built on the side of the house.

  “Wow,” she looked around the cozy room that was waiting to nourish the new plants soon to arrive; The smell of fresh pine filled the air. “What are those?” she was studying the ceiling.

  “Those are glass panels that draw in the sun, and the slate-covered slabs,” he pointed to the floor. “Stores the heat. The French doors over here open into the living area, and allow warm air to move inside by natural convection. It’s what we call a passive solar system. By now, you may have guessed this is an eco-friendly structure. Our message is, if you’re going to build a big home, build it and live in it responsibly.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “This entire house is built largely with recycled materials complete with a 23,000 gallon rainwater collection tank buried in the back yard.”

  “Where it’s stored for use in the laundry, toilet, and irrigating the lawn.”

  “Well, you do know something about it, huh?”

  “Not a lot. But, I watch home shows quite a bit.”

  “Then I better not slip up in any of my information, or you’ll correct me sternly,” he laughed. “Let’s go inside,” he held the door open for her to enter the enormous family room and kitchen layout.

  “It’s beautiful,” she circled around, inspecting every detail of the recycled oak floors, energy efficient windows, and the glossy marble decorating the kitchen with its silver appliances.

  He explained how the lighting-control system reduces energy use; And that the house is tightly built to eliminate air leaks.

  “Must be expensive.”

  “It is somewhat,” he replied. “But, with the eco-friendly features, it costs less to heat and cool than a conventional home of similar size. Come on, I’ll show you upstairs.”

  Walking through his creation, and learning about his world of architecture made the passing of the day rather pleasant; The void of Remi and Rachel was well compensated by his company. At times, when he was looking off and explaining some part of the house to her, she would steal a glance at him and smile at the odd fact that they were talking like adults, with jokes and laughter included. (How about that?) He told her of the cabin he built in the Monterey Mountains, and promised to take her there one day where the girls could explore the forests to their hearts’ content.


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