Invitation to Love

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Invitation to Love Page 16

by Lee, Groovy

  “Don’t know,” she shrugged. “Of course, if The Great Raven says it.”

  “Taryn,” his touch on her arm coaxed her to look up at him. “What would you say if I told you how I feel about you, and want you to come away with me?”

  The question hit her so hard, she reeled back. His hands came up and steadied her.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. David, you can’t mean that.”

  “I do, Taryn. I’ve never been so serious about anything or anyone in my life. You’re special. I saw that from the moment I walked into Michael’s office that day. Now, it looks as if there may be a chance for us.”

  “A chance? Why would you think something like that? There can be no chance, or anything between us. Surely, you must know…”

  “Why? Because, you’re waiting for him to decide? Hoping he’ll come back to you?”

  “David,” she turned away.

  He took her by the arm and turned her back around. “Karen came into the office a few days ago. Ever since then, he’s been leaving every day around noon. You know as well as I do where he’s going—and who he’s with.”

  She blinked at the tears forming.

  “Taryn,” he stroked her cheek. “Come away with me, you and the girls. Let me save you from the grief he’s been putting you through.”

  She could see his offer was given in all sincerity, and his knight-in-shining-armor is a well appreciated gesture. “I couldn’t possibly…”

  He jerked her hand against him, causing her to gasp. “Taryn, please,” he implored before seizing her mouth in a desperate kiss.

  She struggled loose and pushed him back. “David, what are you doing?”

  “Don’t you understand what I’m asking?” he reached out for her. “I’m willing to give up everything—for you.”

  She slapped his hand away. “Well, don’t. And I think you’d better go.”

  “Leave my Momma alone,” Remi came running into the room and began pounding on his leg with her tiny fists.

  David stood back with a bewildered look to his face. Remi ran to her mother and locked her arms around her waist.

  Taryn put her arms around her and comforted her. “You’ve obviously got the wrong idea about us. Just go. Please.”

  He stood dazed with his hand to his head. “I’m—I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” He swung around and walked out.

  “Are you all right, Remi?” she knelt down to her.

  “Did he hurt you, Momma?” her eyes were welling with tears.

  “No, he didn’t, thanks to you,” she pulled her in her arms and hugged her. “Now, let’s get to bed.”

  Rachel was standing at the bottom of the stairs, her eyes wide with fear. Taryn hugged her and took them back up to their rooms. After reminding Rachel of the excitement of tomorrow, she finally got her settled down enough to sleep. She then took Remi to her room and helped her get under the covers.

  “Remi,” she pulled the sheets over her and sat on the side of the mattress. “You can’t tell Michael what happened tonight. O.k.?”

  “But, why? David should be punished for what he did.”

  “He didn’t really do anything, honey,” she smoothed at her curls. “He’s sorry, and it won’t happen again. Michael’s got a lot on his mind, right now. We don’t want to upset him, do we?”

  Remi reflected a little bit before moving her head from side to side against her pillow.

  “Promise me you won’t tell him.”

  “I promise,” she exhaled after a thoughtful pause. Taryn bent over and kissed her on the cheek. “That’s my girl. Now, try and get some sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow.”

  She went back downstairs to start the dishwasher, and put the rest of dinner in the refrigerator. As she was turning off the back lights, she pondered over what Michael had once stated. He was right about of couple of things: David’s attraction for her, and how she had been feeding it unintentionally by being too friendly with him. She admits his attraction, but would have never guessed he felt so strongly as to jeopardize his career for her.

  She was strolling down the hallway and was almost to the stairs when the front door opened and Michael walked in. She could have kicked herself for having been so slow; She’s usually in the safety of her room by now. He stopped short at seeing her standing there. She wanted to race upstairs, out of his way, but his eyes held her rooted.

  “Taryn,” he shut the door.

  “Michael,” she peered down at the briefcase in his hand and wondered why he even bothered to carry it around. Does he really believe he’s fooling her? “Just coming from the office, I see.”

  His expression hardened as he walked close to her. “Are the girls in bed?”


  “Isn’t tomorrow the first day of school?”


  “I rearranged my schedule so we could all go together and meet their teachers.”

  She was almost moved by that, but then remembered him and Karen—together. “Really, you don’t have to. I’m sure there are other places you’d rather be.”

  “Where I would like to be is with them on their first day…” he stopped, closed his eyes, and stood silent for a moment. “Do you want to take everything away from me?”

  She could see she’s ridden and bucked his patience to the limits from that worn anger in his eyes. So, she gave up and mumbled. “We leave around eight.”

  He grazed passed her and mounted the stairs, leaving her standing there in wounded silence long after he turned the corner. A lone thought urged her to just turn out the lights, and go to bed. She wandered into the living room, only to find herself slumping to the sofa. How can he accuse her of taking everything away, when he’s the one about to destroy the life they began by going back to Karen. She blew hard—trying to think is becoming difficult. Every part of her is tired, and her head is thumping. She rose to get something for her growing headache when she heard footsteps beating down the stairs. She braced herself as he marched toward her.

  “What was David doing here?”

  She swallowed hard. “What did Remi say?”

  “Never mind,” he stepped closer. “Just tell me what he was doing here.”

  “Nothing, Michael. He heard about Karen and was concerned.”

  “Was he now.” His eyes darted up and down the length of her. “Did he ask you to go away with him so he can protect you from my betrayal? I see,” he hissed when she didn’t bother to answer. “Did he touch you?”

  The question chilled her stiff. Reasoning warned her against answering that. “What’s the point in…”

  “Tell me,” his voice thundered through the house, causing her to flinch. “Did he touch you?”

  She held her hand up to calm him. “He didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “The hell he didn’t,” his bruised gaze studied every inch of her face. Finally, he swung around and stormed for the door.

  “Michael,” she called just as he grabbed the doorknob.

  He stood for a spine-chilling second before turning to glare at her.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Where do you think?”

  “Why, Michael?” she walked half-way to him. “Since Karen’s been back, you’ve had nothing to do with me. Everyone knows you’ve been seeing her. And, now you’re ready to go after David for a harmless kiss that meant nothing to me? That’s rather hypocritical, don’t you think?”

  He tilted his head to one side and regarded her with a look so close to breaking him, she shuttered. “Damn you,” he whispered and slammed out.

  “Michael, wait,” she rushed to the door.


  She halted in her tracks and looked over to Remi and Rachel standing a few stairs up holding onto one another. She charged toward them, and lifted Remi to the floor. “You told him, didn’t you?”

  “No, Momma, I didn’t,” she shook her head wildly. “I didn’t tell him, honest.”

n’t lie to me, Remi. You promised you wouldn’t.”

  “But, you didn’t make me promise, Mummie.”

  Taryn looked up to view the frightened figure, tears ready to fall, her small hands clutching the hem of her gown.

  “David did a bad thing,” her voice trembled. “And, you always say bad people should be punished for what they do.”

  Her displeasure instantly yielded to overwhelming warmth. Just as they tried with Colin, Remi and Rachel were protecting her the only way they knew how.

  Taryn held her arm out. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  Rachel ran down, and she huddled them to her. It took some persuasion, but she finally got them settled back in their beds, and talked them into getting some sleep. But, sleep was the last thing on her mind. Visions of Michal going after David kept her pacing the living room floor. Michael was livid, to say the least. If she had David’s number, she’d call him right now and warn him. The pacing was getting to her, so she curled up on the couch and just stared at the huge, black screen of the TV. Why did he get so angry because David was misguided and kissed her? He has Karen. Is it pride in what others might think if word of it ever got out? After all, they’re still married; And ,there’s still that image he has to portray in front of his clients. If the papers ever found out about their troubled marriage…

  Just then, the front door opened. Taryn stood quickly to her feet and waited. When Michael entered, she exhaled a sigh of relief that he was in one piece. Except for his shirt being stretched out of place, there were no signs of bruises anywhere. He didn’t even look her way as he closed the door and headed for the stairs.

  “Michael,” she hurried to him.

  He stopped half-way and turned around.

  “I—I was worried.”

  “For whom? Me or David?”

  His sarcasm stung, but she let it pass. “What did you do to him?”

  “What do you think I did, Taryn?” was his bitter response. “He approached my wife with foolish thoughts of her going away with him. And he touched her. He’ll be out of it for a couple of days. Maybe, his landlord will find him and ship him back to his family in Australia.”

  Despite that ring of anger surrounding him, she wanted to go and put her arms around him, and confess her love. (And yet, it’s not her he wants to hear it from, is it?) She wrapped her arms around herself and tuned away from that gleam of triumph in his eyes.

  “Like it, or not, Taryn, you’re still my wife. When that’s no longer the case, you can nurse him to your heart’s content.”

  When she heard him walking away, she perched herself down on a stair and dropped her head to her knees. How in the world is she going to get through this? How is she going to be able to face each day from now on, knowing that he can barely look at, or talk to her? How is she going to make it up to the moment he comes to her and tells her that he’s back with Karen? The night they made love still encircles her soul like an old friend whispering every sweet detail in her ear—A night she will never know again. It’s Karen he’s probably kissing and making arrangements to…She rushed up to her room and threw herself across the bed to cry.


  For the third time that morning, Taryn picked up the phone to dial Michael’s number only to feel her courage buckling, and then replacing it back in the base. He left for work three days ago, and hasn’t been home since. Where is he? Why can’t he at least call and tell her something? The girls have been asking about him, but all she can say is he’s busy and has to work a lot. Has he gone off with Karen? She willfully pushed that sickening thought from her mind. If he has, there’s only one way to find out: Go to his office and confront him. If he’s chosen to make a life with her, she certainly has a right to know. She’s been putting off her own plans of moving back to Nashville, waiting, hoping they would work things out despite Karen. But, how foolish is that? He has no more use for her. And even if he refuses to discuss his future with her, she’s definitely going to make him aware of hers—face to face.

  After dropping the girls off at school, she headed for his building. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator she felt self–conscious that the entire floor had zeroed in on her; And as she walked toward his office, she felt the perceived shaking of the heads, the “tsk, tsk”, and “poor thing”. The door to his office stood ajar. She mustered up an extra pound of courage before inching it all the way open and marching inside. But, thank heavens the almost identical figure turning toward her wasn’t him.

  “Hi, Chris.”

  A bit surprised, he tossed the papers in his hand onto the desk behind him. “Taryn, hi. What are you doing here?”

  “I need to speak to Michael.”

  “I see.”

  “Uh, do you know where he is?”

  He crossed his arms against his chest as he studied her for a long moment. “Do you really care, Taryn?”

  “What?” the question stunned her. “Of course I care, Chris. How can you ask that?”

  “I’m sorry,” he shrugged. “But, I had to ask that in light of what’s been going on between the two of you.”

  “Oh—of course you would know.”

  “About Karen, David? Yeah.”

  Her eyes began to shimmer with tears as she forced the next question from her mouth. “Has—has he gone off with her?”

  His brows shot up, followed by a short, incredulous laugh. “Is that what you think?”

  “Well, hasn’t he?”

  “No, Taryn. He’s at his cabin up in the mountains. He’s been there for the last three days. Karen’s back in England.”

  She leaned forward and inclined her head to make sure she heard him right. “Did you say Karen’s in England? Are you sure about that?”

  “Very sure.”

  “So—they aren’t together?” she nudged her smile back. (Can’t celebrate too prematurely) “What’s he doing at his cabin?”

  “He’s going to kill me for this. He’s pining—over you.”

  “Pining? Over me?” she indicated with a hand to her chest. “I don’t understand.”

  “Like a wounded dog,” he dropped his head and laughed then he was serious. “He loves you, Taryn. I ought to know, he’s been at my place for the last week and a half pouring his heart out to me over beer and pizzas.” He tilted his head to one side, amazed as he regarded her. “You mean, you really thought he was with Karen?”

  She shrugged and nodded an affirmative.

  “I told him to go to you and tell you everything. But, he said you didn’t care; That you wanted him to be with her.”

  “That’s not true. I love him. I was going out of my mind just thinking he might be with her.”

  “That’s good to hear.” He stepped forward and put an arm around her shoulders to comfort her. “Want some friendly advice? Go to him and let him know how you feel. Go now, before he wastes away from heartbreak alone in that cabin.” He kissed her cheek. “He needs you. Most of all, he needs to know how you feel.”

  “Thanks, Chris,” she put her arms around him and gave him a grateful hug. “Thank you so much. Oh, I can’t leave just now. I have to find someone to take care of Remi and Rachel.”

  “Don’t worry about them, they’ll be fine. I’ll pick them up from school and stay with them until you and Michael return. I promise,” he held his hand up in an oath and crooked a smile. “No beer and pizzas.”

  She now allowed that surge of joy to bust. Now that the girls are taken care of, she’s free to go to Michael and straighten things out. “I owe you.”

  “What are uncles for? Take as long as you want.”

  She didn’t bother returning home to change, she was floating too high. Michael loves her. He—loves—her. When Chris said those words, she almost fainted. All those nights he was late coming home, he wasn’t with Karen; He was pouring his heart out to Chris. Her high spirits kept her company the entire journey inland into the mountains. The lonely highway was paved through vast forests of tr
ees and massive hills made of sheared rock, with glimpses of sharp peaks of the mountains pointing upward in the distance. She remembered him saying that when she drove through the small town of Madina, to drive another three miles, then turn off onto the dirt road that would lead to his cabin. She smiled to herself because he had said “our cabin”, and tugged her shirt.

  The private sign he told her about, stood at the end of the dirt road. A trail of dust streamed up from behind the car as she sped toward the cabin with her heart now picking up its pace. Finally, it came into view. She parked the car behind his SUV and exited, all the while studying the wooden structure for any signs of life inside. She wondered if he heard her coming, and was watching her from behind the green curtains in the front window. She guardedly approached the steps with her purse clutched to her chest. An entire minute passed before she found the courage to knock on the pine door. After a few high-strung moments, it finally opened. Her breath caught in her throat when she came face to face with him. His shocked expression lasted a brief second before the pain returned. Her heart sunk as she glanced over the worn look on his face, as if he hadn’t slept in the three days he’s been here; There was a shadow of a beard.

  “May I come in?” she asked when he just stood there.

  He widened the door for her to enter. She walked to the middle of the hard-wood floor, eyeing the gray overstuffed couch under the window; Pass the cobblestone fireplace in front of her. A narrow hallway led back to the kitchen. She caught a glimpse of the refrigerator before turning to face him.

  “Why are you here, Taryn?”

  “I came to see you. I was worried about you.”

  His anguished laughter implied disbelief. “Now, why were you worried about me?”

  “You haven’t been home in days. I thought—”

  “You thought what?” he thrust his hands into the pockets of his pants. “That I was with Karen? Is that it?”

  She turned from his unrelenting defiance to the empty fireplace that reminded her of his attitude toward her—so cold and dark. He exhaled an acrid breath, scuffled passed her to the fireplace, and brace an arm against the hard stone of the mantle with his head held low.


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